Cambodia Director is back on the ground!

Greetings loved ones! As you may know, the past two months I've been in America, taking my children with me for the first time, and I am now back in Cambodia! I appreciate all of your prayers for my safe travels. I thank God for not only taking care of me and my children when i was in America but for taking care of my wife when she was all by herself.

It was quite an interesting journey for me the past few months. I needed that break to help me rejuvenate myself for the work that is set before me in Cambodia. It's been 9 years that I’ve been living here and out of the 9 years Ive been back to the US a total of 3 months time; so going back was quite a unique experience for me..

As I travelled back to Cambodia, I thought a lot about the work and how it can grow even more. I've come to the conclusion that it's time to take the next step in growing the local leadership here. They have shown me that they can take on more responsibilities with their maturity. I have decided to trust them with the finances of the work. It's time for me to give this responsibility to them and watch them grow.

As a missionary, the final stage of trust is giving up the financial responsibility to the local leaders, especially in a third world country where corruption is rampant. I will let my two "Timothys" (Darat and Piseth) take charge of the school's fund. They will be given all the funds and be responsible for the accounting and bookkeeping of all transactions starting this July and onwards.  I am excited to see how they handle it and i trust that they will develop into even more faithful men! Please keep them in your prayers as we implement our plan.

In His Service,

Phanat Ouch

#extensions #cambodia

Posted on July 12, 2016 .