Planting A Church In Njiro And A Graduate Reports Growth...

Planting a church in Njiro…
Luke records these words for us “Therefore, those who had scattered went about preaching the word” Acts 8:4 [NASB]. It is a great thing to see the church growing and many souls added to the Kingdom day by day. Within the past few years, Christians from congregations around Arusha have been involved in planting new congregations in the area. To this moment, over 50 congregations have been planted by the members of the Arusha church of Christ. Faithful men and women who visit Arusha from time to time have assisted in strengthening this congregation to a level of maturity and leadership. This year we are blessed to have two groups from Alabama, who will be working with the local team of evangelists in winning more souls to Christ in the Njiro Chini congregation. We held a pre-campaign last week and set up over 80 Bible classes. Among those, four souls were added to the church last week. We are praying that the Lord has still many souls to add to his church as these men go out next week.

Therefore we continue to ask for your prayers for more open doors as the preachers go out to win more souls to Christ in the Njiro chini area “… And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved” Acts 2:47 [NASB]. 

Graduate News
Along with this, I would like to share with you what I have just read from one of our graduates here at ACSOP last week: “I thank our Lord God for using me in his Kingdom. Since I graduated from the school I was full time working with my local congregation here in Kyela. Last month I asked the church to allow me to move to another area near by to live and preach there. I finally arrived at Tukuyu, the place where I was born and started to preach there for two weeks. The Lord has been so good and there were eight people who were baptized and now with my family the church is meeting in this area with the total of 14 adults without counting children. I am asking for your prayers as we continue to win more souls to the Lord.” Emmanuel Burton.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and love for this wonderful work. The Lord is using His servant in His kingdom. 

In Christian love,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students-ACSOP
An Extension ofBear Valley Bible Institute
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on June 5, 2016 .