Calvary greetings from this part of the globe,we are greatefull to report to you again this week about the work in Cameroon and in Mbanga.
The week was characterized with a lot ofevangelism from some part of the country and in french speaking in particular.The six students went on campaign to five fields and spend Ten days doing evangelism and visitation of backsliders and more to that they assisted in burial ceremony to the congregation at Abang were Philip preach during the wake keeping and was interpreted by Giress in English because of the English speaking people in that locality.H did same to the speaker who preach in English.We are proud to have such a bilingual person in our institution.
Today marked the end of our field work and as they report their coming,we have recorded about three baptism already.God added a soul in Sancho,one in mujuka and in Mbanga.
It is harvest time in Cameroon in Cameroon and the church in Mbanga also harvested some maize from bro ITITI's garden and we decided to share some with the prisoners.Our visit to the present was good with bro Nicolas and Giress as they went to preach on Wednesday with these maize that could help them to in feeding for some few days.We appreciate the hands of God for this year.
We shall immediately begin with a new quarter tomorrow 4th of July .thanks for your corporation.