First Graduation For The International School Of Theology In Haiti...

Students in Denver now enjoy a break for the summer. After a successful graduation last week, remaining students left to visit supporters, see family, and rest before beginning another quarter of study in August. A new class of students also prepares this summer to begin their journey in August. Please remember to pray for these men as they strive to get funds raised, prepare to leave their homes and jobs, and enter an intense two years of study.

This weekend also marked the first graduation for the International School of Theology in Haiti. We are thankful to partner with Freed-Hardeman University in the training of men to preach in this part of the world. Twenty-two men completed their training and enter the work of preaching the gospel. Another class of students prepares for their training and will soon begin classes. Please pray for these men as they serve in the kingdom. 

Other reports this week indicate the great progress occurring around the world as students continue their studies and reach out in evangelistic efforts. We pray you are encouraged by the news of the increase God provided in each location. This week highlights several locations where souls were added to the church. Please take time to read through each report and give thanks to God for His blessing in this work.

Please remember to update your files to include Keith Kasarjian. He needs to receive your reports, and if there is information to discuss regarding the extension program, please write Keith. He serves as the new director of the extension program. His email address is

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports

The Boys Are Growing And Everybody Is At Work: The school in French-speaking Cameroon demonstrates the growth and work of the students in Mbanga.

Another Student Obeys The Gospel In Kpalime, Togo: The power of the Gospel, as it is taught in the school in Togo, has touched the heart of another student.

Five Day Seminar On Leadership Development In Nigeria: One of the great needs in every location is leadership development and the focus in Nigeria was on this need.

Ladies Empowerment Seminar Encourages The Ladies In Ghana: The wives of the program in Tamale, Ghana came together for an encouraging seminar.

Safari For Souls Campaign Prepares To Begin In Arusha, Tanzania: With students out for the summer break in Tanzania, the focus turns to the campaign season.

Graduates Of The ACSOP Continue To See Growth From Evangelism: This week’s report from Arusha highlights news from a graduate about souls added to the kingdom.

Final Thoughts
As we close out another week, we want to thank each of you for your continued involvement in the Bear Valley extension program. The work enjoys such great success because God has blessed these dedicated men who share the gospel. We are thankful to our Lord for using you to help this work advance the cause of Christ.

God bless

Posted on May 29, 2016 .