Children's Seminar And Local Evangelism Make An Impact In Tanzania...

Mt. Meru Children’s Seminar
This month we had the opportunity to hold our children’s seminar up the mountain at the Mt. Meru Church of Christ. It was a fruitful day. 

We started the morning out assisting the women of the Church with lunch. By 10 a.m. over 100 children were present in the small church building! Anna presented a lesson on the Bible and the wonderful things it tells us. Haley then presented a lesson on creation. We were thrilled and appreciative to have Anna Byrd from Kensington Woods COC with us. She was a great help. 

As the children’s classes were going on the men split up into personal Bible studies. Many people came out to study God’s word and two men made the decision to have their sins washed away and put the Lord on in baptism. Mungu ni mwema. 

Njiro Chini Evangelism: 
We are thankful for all of the visitors already on the ground here and those on their way. We have had the privilege of working with Brian Anderson, Brittany Anderson Higgins, and Anna Byrd from the Kensington Woods congregation. The group started out working in the Namonga area, where one of their team mates, Tom Watkins, is still out evangelizing, but have spent the last 5 days working in Njiro Chini. Monday the Northport group arrived and hit the ground running! We are excited for all the visitors and for the work they are doing for the Kingdom of God. Many Bible studies have already been conducted in the last week at Njiro Chini. Many more are to come, Lord willing. 

Anna and I have split up and been studying with individuals together. Please be praying for these efforts. Today, Lord willing, Anna will have the opportunity to share the Gospel with some Muslim women she has befriended. 

Several baptisms have already occurred from the studies in the last week. Mungu ni mwema, the Church is growing! Tuesday a young woman and her friend were studying with the Northport group. After lunch, the group came back to study with the young woman, Debora, and her friend again. When Debora’s friend did not show up, she and the translator went to check on her. What they found was tragic. The woman’s husband was beating her for studying God’s word and would not let her return. That afternoon Debora chose to give her life to Jesus and have her sins washed away in the waters of baptism. Please pray for Debora and say an extra prayer for her friend and her husband. Everyone is broken-hearted. 

The Lord continues to bless this work. Please keep us, and all of the campaigners coming, in your prayers. 

Justin Maynard

To see the Maynard report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on June 5, 2016 .