Tanzania Missions: The Hochdorf Report...

Greetings brethren,

It is our sincere hope that this short report finds each of you in good health and busy in the kingdom of Christ. We praise our Father for your continued support of the work in Tanzania.  

As you are aware, we have been continually offering petitions on behalf of our beloved Cy & Stephanie Stafford. Cy returns to UAB for his final chemo treatment beginning June 15th. He and Stephanie have been through an emotional roller coaster while fighting Cy’s leukemia. We plead with each of you to continue to pray for this worthy couple. 

We were recently able to visit with Cy and Stephanie Stafford in Birmingham, AL while Cy was recuperating from his chemotherapy. Cy goes in for his last treatment June15th. Please keep them in your daily prayers.

Many of you have asked how Anita’s is progressing after her stem cell procedure. At this time, she is still quite uncomfortable but it is to be expected. Her doctor says she should start having consistent pain free days in about three more months. We are praying that he is correct. Thank you for your genuine concern and encouragement, it means a great deal to both of us. 

The work in Tanzania continues to improve. The farm project has grown to a point where we are almost able to provide 100% of the food necessary to feed the Andrew Connally School of Preaching student body, staff and faculty! Justin Maynard, alongside many of the ACSOP staff, has done an exceptional job bringing this project to its present state. In addition to this great blessing the project provides a platform for training the student body in the areas of gardening, livestock and poultry. Our hope is that this training will aid our brethren when they graduate and begin their work as local evangelists.

Campaigns are well underway with visitors coming from several states. Currently, groups from Hoover and Tuscaloosa, Alabama are campaigning in Njiro Chini. For those of you who have been to TZ the Njiro Chini congregation meets at Elly and Neema Martin’s house. For those who have not been to Arusha, Elly and Neema are pillars of the Lord’s church in the Arusha area. Elly has been the go to man for taking care of everything official with the work which has kept him on the road and away from home a great deal. Neema is his rock solid wife and one of the funniest ladies you've ever met. They have 4 children but always show up at church with more than their own. They have taken in countless relatives and children over the years and are just super brethren. Please keep the campaigns and campaigners in your prayers. If you'd like to see some pictures, check out the Maynard's FB page.

As we conclude we need to mention that we have reached a point in our work that we need to renew our residence/work permit and we need to purchase some plane tickets. If you are able to help us with these expenses we would be grateful. 

We pray that you are growing closer to the Lord each day and that you will continue to be blessed in service for the kingdom.

Until next time,

Take care and God bless,
Sean & Anita Hochdorf

Posted on June 5, 2016 .