A Break For Current Students And Perspective Students Take Exams...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. We continue to thank God for the peace and love we enjoy in Cameroon now. We do hope you are doing great in all that you do also in the Lord.

Last week was a busy one for the staff and students of BVBIC-Wotutu as we were off from classes after exams. We attended a scholarship lectureship in Kumbo, about 400 miles from Wotutu. It was a success as many students were exposed to good topics that they can also add more to in order to teach in other places.

We returned this weekend. On Saturday we scheduled entrance exams to BVBIC-Wotutu for the Delta batch. We were blessed to have more prospective students who came with the mind to enter into our very rich and intensive program. Some came late and were given exams even after the regular exams were finished. We are left with the option now to check academics, recommendations, and scores during the oral interview. From there we will be able to select 20 who will be our Delta batch of students in 2017. The number is to meet up with our space and means. Keep us in your prayers so that as we have always done we shall select those the Lord Himself has selected to come and be equipped to serve.

Our prospective students took the exams on the Bible, English language, and also an oral interview for us to know from their hearts why they want to preach. It took us hours to go through this exercise.

They were served with breakfast and lunch because some students came a day before the day of exams due to their distance from Wotutu. With a heavy down pour of rain they were determined to make it to Wotutu. Our humility and hospitality were an added advantage for the Delta batch of students to anticipate what awaits them if they pass the exams.

Nor matter the conditions of roads from where they came from, they demonstrated an evangelistic spirit by taking cartons of Mission Printing tracts to their home congregations. By so doing, they used one stone to kill two birds.

Pa Jeremiah listened to our programs and read a track, What Must I Do to be Saved? The question was good enough for him to declare to us that he is old and to him old age was a sign of living an evil free life. So he is doing what is good. That is why he is of age, but we were able to expose the truth about this life and the life to come to him. He asked many questions for the past one and a half months now, started worshipping with us two weeks ago, and obeyed the gospel. Our van was there to take him and other witnesses closer to the river.

As he came up out of the water he said, “God is too good,” and he just found God at this ripe age. He is 70 years of age now. Keep him in your prayers to grow with the knowledge of the truth and one day serve as a good teacher and an elder.

God blessed our congregation in Wotutu this week with 3 precious souls. They smiled as they were equipped with brand new Bibles, the tool that will help them as they wage war against the world of errors and denominationalism.

Brother David and brother Jonathan are already in Cameroon preaching and teaching, and were at the central prison today.

Students are off for vacation before the short course as we wait for the short course instructors to arrive this week.

We are thinking of a new work in the Kumba area during our mission work.

God bless you and keep you strong, for what you are doing is great, and the work is making progress. What if you were not here? Thank you for all you do.

Share with others the news emanating from this end.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on June 5, 2016 .