Good works in Ibadan

Dear fellow ministers of God.

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Below are the summary of some of our activities in this month of April 2021.


1. Weekend Evangelism/ Campaigns.

2. Third Semester Classes Concluded.

3. World Bible Follow Up Workers Report

4. Birth of the Lord's church in Elewura Village, Ibadan


In spite of our tight scheduled in the month of April, the staff and students of the BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan carried out the weekend evangelism /campaigns using public address system and house -to -house preaching of the gospel in the six centers (Butubutu village, Jago, Badeku, Ajia , Egbeda and Igbo-Oloyin town)in Ona-Ara , Egbeda and Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State and the Lord crowned our joint effort with four conversions (One in Butubutu village, one in Badeku and two in Jago) with many prospects in the six centers.

THIRD SEMESTER CLASSES CONCLUDED :All subjects,tests , quizzes and examinations for 3rd Semester came to an end as scheduled on Friday noon, April 23rd with songs of praises and short admonishion by one of the instructors, Bro.Lawrence Dada.

Fourth Semester Classes will begin Lord's willing on May 24 ,2021, but students are expected back in the school on May 21 and 22 in preparation for 4th Semester Classes.

Our year-1 students are now on Vocational Training in different locations in Oyo,Osun,Ogun, Lagos and Kwara State while the year-2 students return to their different congregations to assist the church for the period of one month. Nevertheless, the selected students will travel with us next week to Aramoko Ekiti evangelization/church planting.


1. Bro.M.B. Archibong,one of the WBSFUW in Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State reported the conversion of 3 souls during a 3 days WBS seminar of April 9-11 at Atan Okoyong church of Christ and another 4 conversion in the just concluded WBS seminar of April 14 at Mkpara Otop Village with about 376 in attendance.

2. Bro. Johnson Godwin and Bro. Olorode Samuel,two of the WBSFUW in Ondo State,also reported the conversion of 2 souls each during this month gospel campaigns in their respective places (Ode-Aye and Ode-Ajagba)

3. Bro. Peter Ortserga, one of the WBSFUW in Oyo State reported the conversion of 2 young brother from Benue State as the result of his follow up program in this month of April 2021.

4. Bro. Obey Rimamskwe,one of the WBSFUW in Ussa Local Government Area of Taraba State reported the conversion of a young sister in Kpakya town as a result of his gospel campaigns and WBS correspondence Courses in the area. This young sister was converted on April 18 and she have been worshipping with the Lord's church in Kakpya town since then.


With the help of the Almighty God couple with the tireless efforts of Bro.Dele Shotola and some of the BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan graduates, the Lord's church was planted in Elewura village, Oluyole Local Government Area of Oyo State on April 4th ,2021. The young congregation of 9 membership are now meeting at Bro. Gbenga Lawal compound.


1. Morning and evening devotion : Every morning (5::00 -6:00am) and evening (9:00-10:00pm)

2. Chapel : Every Wednesday (5:00-6:30pm)

3. Fasting and prayers: Every last Wednesday of the month

4. Praise night : Every 2nd Tuesday of the month (8:00-10:00pm)

5. Prayer night: Every 1st Friday of the month(8:00-10:00pm)


Bro. Adeyemi Godwin Sonayon is one of our year-2 students. Born on the 9th of October 1995in Ado-odo town , Ogun State. He is the first son of our late evangelist, Bro. Matthew Adeyemi. He( Godwin) got baptized by his late father at the age of 13 on September 9,2009.

He attended Government Technical College for 3 years where he studied Mechanical Engineering and Craft Technician after his Secondary School education.

A graduate of WNCC and School of Biblical Studies, Abeokuta,Ogun State where he obtained Diploma in Theology.

He is presently assisting the Lord's church in Lusada town,Ogun State. The Lord's Church where is father served as a minister before the Lord called him home on July 2020.


We deeply appreciate all our supporters both home and abroad and we are praying for the blessings of God on all your undertaking in Jesus Christ name, amen.

Sincerely yours in His Grace as a servant........ Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (The chief servant of BVBIN & SWSE Ibadan And WBSFUW)

Posted on May 3, 2021 .

More souls saved in Guinea

Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for March 2021

Once again we have reached at the time of privilege whereby the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute while reporting to her sponsors can share with you the activities that transpired here during the month of March 2021. As in previous reports there are 2 main areas of paramount concern, namely the indoor or classroom and outdoor activities. While the former is a priority, the later carries with it events of equal importance including especially the act of evangelism. All of this went well as outlined in sub headings below.

Classroom: Until the close of March this year 16 students are still committed to the task of studies at the Gueckedou BVBI and this month was the close of classroom activities for the first year. Academic performance for the most part was good. Notwithstanding unwarranted behavior on the part of 2 students necessitated a special disciplinary measure against them. Following this, students are sent on break to resume classes in April.

Evangelism: Those of our students who are assigned to various congregations have always made an effort to increase the number of save souls. This time around it was in 3 such congregations including the campus assembly that we converted 3 persons.

Campaign: In order to help build up the small congregation in the sou-prefecture headquarters of Ounde kenema the Gueckedou Bear Valley courageously decided to drive the 55 kilometers rough road. It was quite a challenging campaign because despite the double methods of open air or public proclamation and the house to house preaching the efforts resulted in only 6 baptisms.

Special Training: Just before we finally closed for the end of first year activities, a special training of 7 candidates of the 14 previously proposed attended a 1 week workshop. The purpose of the training was not only to enable these new leaders of their new congregations to conduct worship services , but to equip them to teach and to defend «the faith».

A Special Social Event: One of our able staff members, the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Head of Evangelistic Team, our Secretary and Right Hand Man, Mr Niouma 2 Kamano entered into a lawful matrimonial relationship with Marie Tonguino on the 5th and 6th of the month under review for customary and civil rites respectively. We encouraged, embraced and supported the occasion because of the simple fact that the act is geared towards a good moral needed for perhaps every young christian man and woman especially for those who serve in a Biblical Institution and Administration.

Conclusion: Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute has completed the course study for the first year with 16 of 20 students who initially started the class. There were 3 of the 4 students who had retreated immediately after the Covid 19 shutdown period of some 4 months.

We are especially proud and thankful that our combined evangelistic efforts here at the Gueckedou BVBI have always yielded fruit to the saving of souls. As in the previous month, we did make Heaven rejoice by the conversion of 9 souls in March.

May God bless you as you seek to help promote His work.


Posted on May 3, 2021 .

Evangelism in Takoradi



There were successful classroom activities for both the full-time and the part-time students. In our last report, we had seven (7) full-time students and eleven (11) part-time students. God has blessed us with one (1) additional student to our full-time program, making it eight (8).


West Coast School of Preaching is noted for her evangelistic fervor, and as such, the greater number of our products are so much involved with evangelism activities wherever they are. In almost all the regions of Ghana, we have our students there who are involved with preaching the Gospel on radio, and with other methods of evangelism. For instance, in Takoradi here alone, we have eight (8) of West Coast products who preach on radio every week.

In the month of March, various activities of evangelism were carried out by some of our students both current and past, and there were some good results. In some of the photos, a congregation where one of our past students is preaching, the whole congregation is going on house to house, sharing tracts and teaching people the gospel.

3.      BAPTISM

As a result of the campaigns, house to house, and radio preaching, congregations were strengthened and perishing souls were saved (about 8).

Thank you.

Yours for the Master.


Posted on May 3, 2021 .

Local outreach in Tamale

We are grateful for the month of March 2021. As we worked collectively to progress the course of the Kingdom of God in Northern Ghana as a school, many activities took place. We had activities take place within the school, Church and outside Tamale town.


We had five courses taught in the month of March, 2021 with the fifth one running into the first week of April. Among these courses, three were taught by regular or resident instructors while two were taught by visiting instructors. These courses are: Scheme of Redemption (Adjei Mensah), Personal Evangelism one (James Mabery Forkuor), Hermeneutics one and Life of Christ one (James Legend) and Homiletics one (George Dassah). The photo below is Brother James Mabery Forkuor, one of the visiting Instructor.


The local church in Kpalsi continues to grow gradually by the grace of God. Members are maturing greatly as we continue to teach the whole counsel of God. We continue to also study with the community as we persuade many to come to the light of Christ. As reported last month, the new Chapel that is under construction has become a great motivation for us as a church.


Brother James Legend embarked on a two days visitation journey to Agatusi, Bazua and Kpinkpanyoug congregations where some of our graduates are working as preachers. He took the opportunity to meet leaders of these congregations to discuss matters concerning the church in Northern Ghana and the school respectively. 


Two preachers; Brother Baaba Elijah and Francis Mbugri who graduated from the school received a Motorcycle each as a motivation and an aid to help them effectively work in God’s vineyard as minister of Christ on the 11th of March, 2021. But for the sacrificial working of our Brother Steven and sponsors, this couldn’t have been possible. The good Lord blesses you, amen.


We took a brief look at one of our productive graduate in the field this month, which benefitted from the motorcycle, Baaba Elijah. He was born on the 23rd June, 1995, at Kumasi in the Upper East Region. His parents are Akolgo Akanbaga and Akolgo Akalage. He is a single young man who has devoted himself to work for the Lord. Elijah was Muslim converted into the church. He grew successfully after his conversion and also converted his parents into the church who were also pagans, taking that opportunity with some brethren; they established the church at Sigrigu where his parent and family were the first members. He later saw the need to gain more knowledge in the scriptures, and got enrolled into the school. He graduated as the best student academic as well the overall best student of the school the 2018 to 2019 batch of the school. He is currently working with the Agatusi congregation.

May the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ be praised, Amen.

Sent for the Director (Daniel Adjei Mensah)

Posted on May 3, 2021 .

Growing in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu. It is a small village. All the saints in Cameroon, and we do hope you are doing pretty well. You are in our daily prayers and we are convinced you are praying for us as well. Life is good for us, even though in this life we are faced with a lot of difficulties. We are holding to the plough to keep moving ahead.

Last week, in the Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Wotutu, we were up to the task. We are making progress amidst the difficulty. The challenges are enormous, from sickness from our students and those in our immediate congregation to those outside of Wotutu.

Students are gaining a lot from the course on Hermeneutics and learning from the science of Biblical interpretation as many of them, before coming to school, misinterpreted some scriptures to others. Many thanks for the course, as it will go a long way to help them have the skills to interpret the holy writ. Please pray for them as they go through these great studies.

We are bent on house-to-house evangelism on weekends in Wotutu and other places. Some listen to us during our early morning program that we call “BACK TO THE BIBLE.” Many will call us and we will book and start a Bible study. Some will come during the day on our campus to ask more questions like the lady I have been talking to. She came right to our campus and we sat under a tree as I explained and quoted scriptures about her worries.

It was a busy weekend in Wotutu as the ALUMNI of our Bible college came to Wotutu for a workshop. This workshop comes up annually and is aimed at bringing our graduates back to their educational womb from which they were all born. I was teaching them how they can make use of their environment. If they are in an agrarian area let them not hesitate to dive into agriculture which will help to sustain them and make them self-sustaining. But the worry will always be, how will they get started? It is disturbing to me because we see preachers zealous and committed, but it is not easy for them to survive in daily life with their families.


We have mass evangelism in Bekoko village this weekend. Pray for us as we take the gospel to that community. I will be speaking here on Friday on open-air on the topic of “Obedience and Disobedience in Relationship with God.” Please pray for me as I prepare to help as many as will be under my voice on Friday. Pray that they will choose obedience to God words to be saved.


Thanks very much for your time, your prayers, and your support. God is watching. He will reward you in due season if you faint not. Do your best to share our report with others.

Elangwe and family

By the grace of God director BVBIC-Wotutu


Posted on May 3, 2021 .

Please pray for Uganda

The words you have heard me speak among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Brethren, greetings in the name of our dear lords Jesus Christ and Savior.

Uganda is coming to the month (May) whereby our president is going to be inaugurated and to take up his other five years term in leading this nation. Pray for our nation that peace may prevail. Where peace is, the gospel of our lord will be preached, and lives saved. This month has not been easy.

We have had three students sick and hospitalized, two of them have been having their children sick and on life supporting machines, other two lost family members. But all in all we thank God because two of the men were able to have babies last week. It was great news to them and these school too.

The school was able to secure Identity cards for the students. I remember mentioning this on the last month's report. It has been a challenge to them whenever they could go outside to knock doors but we that God this has been worked on.

Normal classes closed last week, we are now taking short courses. This week and the coming one, we will have covered them. We are breaking off on 7th May and report back to school early June for the third quarter. We thank God for the efforts put in by the instructors which efforts are built on a strong foundation of men and women at bear valley that God has chosen to serve him wholeheartedly.

May the almighty God continue to bless you as you support this noble cause of training preachers worldwide, considering Uganda to be part of this program. We pray that God may open for you ways of letting the situation troubling the world to calm down and you come over to see us here at bear valley bible institute Uganda.

Above all we continue asking God for strength on the side of students and courage and stability in their families as they take this two year journey.

Until all have heard


Posted on May 3, 2021 .

Evangelism in Abuja



May the peace of God be with you in Christ holy name, amen.

I hereby submit the report on our evangelism campaign held at Gwagalape and Aso C communities which took place on 27th March, 2021. This school evangelism campaign was merged with Abuja Preacher’s quarterly evangelism.  Preachers’ quarterly evangelism is usually a three (3) days evangelism exercise. In this quarter, the exercise took off on Thursday the 25th March, 2021 to be elapsed on the Saturday, the 27th.  However, the Saturday 27th was made compulsory for all students of Bear Valley Bible Institute – Abuja which is part of her academic exercise.

Overview of the campaign

The Church at Gwagalape hosted this year evangelism campaign. The chairman of the forum gave a brief welcome talk and express happiness in partnering with the student of Bear Valley Bible Institute. We also had a brief orientation on Human and field management by the host minister (Bro, Jinfang), after which Bros. Dominic Dakup, Akpabio Akpabio and Imoh Enag Atakpa also gave a clue on both class representatives on what is expected of us before, during and after the evangelism.

After all formalities, the evangelism commenced by 9:45 am. During the field exercise, all students were pared tow-by –two for effective delivery. Many households were visited and the gospel preached. Topics discussed vary from “Sure way to heaven, the plan of salvation, grace of God and the Church”. Many questions were raised and answers given. Particulars of some prospect that developed keen interest in further discussions were written down on the “prospective forms” which was distributed to all groups and were handed over to the contact person as was designated by the forum in the person of Bro, Efiong Joseph Efiong for further follow-up. No baptism was recoded at the moment but hopeful that in the future, the exercise will bear many fruits. By 1: pm, all participant returned to the worship hall where we were entertained and had our formal closing at about 2:11 pm.


All Students were in attendance and fully participated in the exercise except for Bro. Chidiebere Dapper Omenihu who didn’t show up at all and never related any information about his absent to me although; he may have related such information to the Director or any other faculty members which I cannot account for. Praise be to God as there was no casualty recorded all through the exercise.

Thank you.


It has been our earnest heart desire and prayers that God in His infinite mercies will continue to guide and protect you in all you do in Jesus most precious name, amen.

At first, we most sincerely appreciate you for the financial support which you keep rendering to us and of cause, your words of encouragement. We are indeed very grateful.

Morning worship

As it please God the Almighty to shower His blessing and strength upon us, all glory to Him for being with us always. As agreed, a total number of 11 students (George A. Ogar, Comfort Yohanna, John Ukana, Leonard Mayone, Ayegba Andrew, Madalla Harunna, James Etim, Ekelemchi S. Gabriel, Emmanuel Abiodun, Charles Nwaokocha  and our newly joined student who started last week Saturday “Joseph Efiong Joseph”) converged at Gidan Zakara Senior Secondary School, the venue where the Church usually meets.

Morning worship condensed by 8:45 am and all activities were conducted by the students and the worship ended at 11:35 am. The breakdown is as follows:

Moderator                  -             George Attah Ogar

Song Leader               -             Ekelemchi S. Gabriel

Teacher                        -             Ayegba Andrew

Admonition                -             James Etim

Given                             -             Emmanuel Abioduun

Lord Supper               -           Madalla Haruna

Later in the afternoon during evangelism, four more students (Bakari Zakari, Audu Dennis, Omeje David and Udoh Daniel) joined us.  In all, a total number of 17 students participated in this commission. Only two students (Milling Chukwumaeze and Chidiebere O. Dapper) did not attend at all.

Before today, the church had only 8 mature members and 7 adolescents. The lackadaisical attitude of some members of that congregation is nothing to write home about. There was a man by name Mr. Titus Mayour, who was dis-fellowshiped six (6) years ago on the grounds that he married a second wife returned for worship this Sunday 18/04/2021. The Church prayed for him and his family for God to see them through, but his restoration now depends on their mutual agreement.  Some visitors were noticed (Bro. Ayegba’s wife and four children) though not mentioned.  In all, a total number of 48 worshipers stood till the closing time.

House- to – house evangelism

Immediately after worship, we had a lunch prepared by the host after which we moved into the field for door knocking. We had a lot of discussions as a result of message being preached. Many topics were discussed and prospects indicated interest for further studies and such persons with their contacts were handed over to the preacher of the congregation for a possible follow –up. Such a large community but never heard about the Church of Christ.

Sincerely I must appreciate Nyanya congregation for donating huge amount of tracts with different topics for this exercise.

Open air preaching

By 3:30 pm, all students moved down to the venue (Gidan Zakara Primary School), the allocated venue for the event with many passers bye. As a team, we commenced arrangements and by 4: pm, the event proper. We received many visitors from denominational worshipers who posed many questions on us regarding “baptizing and re-baptism, infant baptism, one church as good as others and women pastors”.  By the grace of God, Biblical answers were given although; many of them were not satisfied and requested we should stay further. Such persons were also channeled to the preacher for more works to be done.

Three agents of African Bible School led by Bro. Edidiong stormed the venue of our open air with their reflective jackets and decided to join us. Some of their jackets were shared among us though very limited number. However, while the preaching was on-going, they were sharing / enrolling interested persons into African Bible corresponding courses.  

Most exceptional and worthy of commendation is the ability of Bro, Madalla Haruna to interpret all conversations in Hausa language. Before now, we were perturbed with the challenge of evangelizing predominantly hausa speaking areas not knowing that in our midst are such blessing already. He did a wonderful work by interpreting all our activities in hausa This made our open air preaching impressive.  I recommend him to be used any time any day in whatever occasion as long as interpretation is concerned. The whole exercise came to an end at about 6:54 pm.

We must return glory to God as one of our listeners (Mr. David Shour) now a brother, indicated interest for baptism at the closure of the event. It was already night so we couldn’t perform the baptism ourselves so, we handed him over to the preacher and he was baptized same night around 9:pm.

After all said and done, the whole exercise received a successful ending. Members of the Church were happy at what God had done in that community and wished that we should find time and come again.

May the peace of God be with you.

Thank you.


Posted on May 3, 2021 .

Great improvement in Sierra Leone!



As you begin to read this report, we want to, from the beginning send our greetings to you and your family members, and we pray that the Lord’s blessings continue to find you in all spheres of life in Christ’s name, Amen! We are very thankful for establishing and sustaining this Bible school for the training of more men in Sierra Leone. Just like the previous months, the month of March was a very successful month for us here in Sierra Leone Bear Valley Institute, and by extension the Churches of Christ. This is so because many rewarding activities took place within and outside the school territory. Here are the details according to the major subheadings:

STAFF UPDATE: Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute continues to operate with two permanent staff/instructors (the Dean of Students, Peter Barnett and the Director, Peter Sahr Makundu who also lectures) together with the temporal staff who come to lecture on invitation. However, we anticipate that more permanent staff will be added as has been approved by our dedicated and hardworking coordinator, Steve Ashcraft. Two instructors (Philip Makavore- English Instructor and Samuel Bangura- Taught the book of Ruth) wOne of the students giving the words of exhortation to our new convertere invited to take two courses.

STUDENTS UPDATE: The KBVBI (Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute) has fourteen students currently, all of them are intact and in good condition of health and are faithful in pursuance of their course in the school. ACADEMICS/CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES: The Book of Ruth was covered as well as Basic English Grammar I in the month of March.

WEEKEND EVANGELISM: Our weekend evangelism program has been rewarding. In fact as the result, five (5) souls were baptized within the month and they are faithfully attending worship at our campus congregation. We plead that you help us to pray for their spiritual growth. Thank you!

SHORT BREAK: Our students were allowed to go for a two weeks break. The break started on the 1st March and ended on the 14th March 2021. This was done because many of our students are farmers and are married men, so since we are in the raining season here in Sierra Leone, they were allowed to go and farm for their families. However, this break was also good for us because some of the students went and evangelized their communities, and as the result eight (8) souls were baptized and we give God the glory!


Our campaign for the month of March was directed to Shengema village in Kailahun District, about 62 miles away from Kenema. Eleven students and four staff took part in the campaign which was held from the 26nd to the 31st March, 2021. Prior to our arrival at Shengema village, there has been a congregation of the Lord’s Church there but the membership was very poor and many brethren had drifted away. So upon the request of one of our students, Eric Kaimba who is an inhabitant of the village, we embarked on the campaign. However, for the six days we spent there, our evangelistic activities were as well directed to the surrounding villages such as Gondama, Bobu Gau, Jegbellu, Blama Gau and Sembehun. Our effort was rewarded and the Lord opened the hearts of 14 people who were baptize and 12 other brethren were restored to faithful worship. Please may we continue to pray for their spiritual growth and faithfulness!


In one of the villages mentioned above, Gondama, few miles away from Shengema, a congregation was established as the result of our campaign as stated above. Some of our many converts are from Gondama village and we deemed it fit to start another congregation there. Our students travel there on every Saturday to teach the new converts and worship with them on Sunday and return to Kenema campus. We designed this schedule so as to strengthen the new congregation till we could get a permanent preacher.


We want to expressly state our deep gratitude to God and our sponsors through the instrumentality of Brother Steve Ashcraft for granting our requests in respect to repairing our computers, motorbikes, P.A System, purchase of small Generator and renting of the new guesthouse. May God bless you all brethren for your generosity.


Alex Yambasu is one of our students of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Sierra Leone. He was born in 1991 at Kululah, Kailahun Town, eastern Sierra Leone. Brother Alex was added to the Lord’s Church in 2018 and since then, he has been a faithful brother. He worships with Kululah Church of Christ and serves as a song leader. 


We are deeply convinced that the existence of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute is to bring more people to Christ thus we are grateful to God for the 27 souls altogether that were converted last month and the 12 brethren that were restored at Shengema Church of Christ. Our academic activities shall continue to be held in high regard and every activity of the school shall continually be considered with all seriousness and grace of God. Once again, we thank everyone; we thank our coordinators who spend hours, thinking, reading and putting things in order to see that the school succeeds.  As we conclude, we pray that may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with us all in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen! 

Posted on May 3, 2021 .

Continued unrest in Haiti

Haiti Report – March 2021 

The International School of Theology in Haiti continues to make progress, despite the problems facing the country. There has been an increase in violent demonstrations and kidnappings over the past few months. Concern for our students and teachers has forced us to move classes to a different location temporally. During this last session, which was completed the first of April, classes met at the Santo Guesthouse, a house owned by the Estes Church of Christ in Henderson, Tennessee. In the past (and hopefully in the future), the house has been used to house groups who travel for medical, evangelistic, and relief efforts. While this is not the ideal situation, it has allowed classes to continue.

Mission Trip Delayed

I was to make a mid-April trip, but our local directors suggested delaying the trip due to the problems. Plans are now underway to travel in August for graduation and the starting of year eight of IST. It is hard to believe the school has been in existence for seven years. Through the efforts of everyone who has helped by offering prayers, giving financially, constructing the building and teaching classes, more than 1,500 souls have obeyed the gospel and several new congregations have been planted. God continues to open new doors to reach the lost and build his kingdom. Please continue to pray for our efforts to equip the preachers and teachers with tools for spreading the gospel. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.  

Larry Waymire

Broad St. Church of Christ

131 North Broad Street

Lexington, TN. 38351  







Posted on May 3, 2021 .

All-Fiji Workshop

The weekend of the Easter break is always a special time for the churches of Christ in Fiji. Easter weekend means that it is time for the annual All-Fiji Workshop. Traditionally, the workshop alternates years between the two large islands in Fiji - Viti Levu and Vanua Levu. Unfortunately, Covid-19 resulted in the workshop being cancelled in 2020. While many of the restrictions for large gatherings have been lightened this year, it was still not possible for all of the congregations from both islands to meet together in 2021. However, the congregations on Vanua Levu came together and requested that the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa put together a workshop just for the congregations on the north island. They agreed to allow the Buca congregation in Savusavu to serve as the host congregation. It turned out to be an outstanding workshop.

On December 17, 2020, Tropical Cyclone Yasa made landfall on Vanua Levu as a category 5 storm. The damage was incredible, with many residents losing their homes and entire crops. Since the majority of the people on Vanua Levu live largely off of their plantations, this was a major blow to the people. Shortly after the damaging winds of TC Yasa, Vanua Levu was hit by a second cyclone on January 31, 2021. TC Ana was a Category 3 storm which brought heavy, widespread flooding across the island which resulted in flooded homes, mudslides, and road collapses. While Rocco Pierce, the director of BIR, has been actively involved in doing disaster relief work on the island to help with the physical needs of the people (thanks to generous donations from numerous members and congregations of the churches of Christ), he wanted to do something to help with the spiritual needs of the Christians impacted by the storm. The workshop was a perfect opportunity to do this.

The Bible Institute at Raiwaqa partnered with the local congregations of Vanua Levu to put together a program on the theme God is Still Good Even When Things are Bad. The focus of the program was upon encouraging Christians to find hope even during the difficult struggles of life. The speakers came from the BIR students and staff, as well as from the local congregations on Vanua Levu. Five different congregations from Vanua Levu were present for the workshop, and the Buca congregation was an outstanding host for the event. They worked tirelessly to provide meals for close to two hundred people who were in attendance for the workshop.

The workshop was held on April 2-4, 2021. The schedule was:

Friday, April 2

9:00 AM – Bible Class Teacher: Romulus O'Brien (BIR Student) Subject: God is Still Good When I Lose Everything

Text: Job 1:13-22 10:00 AM – Bible Class Teacher: Samuela Tupou (BIR Alumnus) Subject: God is Still Good When My Faith Grows Weak Text: Psalms 73:1-5, 15-18

2:00 PM – Bible Class Men's Class: Petelo Tulaga (BIR Student) Ladies' Class: Nancy Sailo (BIR Alumnus) Youth Class: Cory Pierce, Caleb Pierce, Mosese Narai (BIR Student)

Subject: God is Still Good When I am Criticized

Text: Psalms 41:5-11 6:30 PM – Singing – Atu Tawake 7:00 PM – Key Note Lesson Speaker: Rocco Pierce (BIR Instructor) Subject: God is Still Good When A Family Member is Lost Text: Romans 9:1-5; 10:1-3

8:00 PM – Bible Questions and Answers

Speakers: Rocco Pierce and Jason Pierce (BIR Instructors)

Saturday, April 3

9:00 AM – Bible Class: Teacher: Duru Ketenilagi Subject: God is Still Good When I Suffer Illness

Text: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 10:00 AM – Bible Class: Teacher: Joeli Finau Subject: God is Still Good When the End is Near Text: 2 Timothy 4:6-8; Psalms 116:15

Children's Class: Debbie Pierce, Devan Pierce, Ase Solinadrotini (BIR Student) 2:00 PM – Bible Class: Men: Joji Vuetimaiwai (BIR Student) Ladies: Moana Tulaga (BIR Student) Youth: Cory Pierce, Caleb Pierce, Mosese Narai (BIR Student)

Subject: God is Still Good When I Feel Alone

Text: 1 Kings 19:9-18 6:30 PM – Singing – Atu Tawake 7:00 PM – Key Note Lesson Speaker: Bobby Whippy Subject: God is Still Good When A Loved One Dies Text: John 11:21-22 8:00 PM – Bible Questions and Answers

Speakers: Rocco Pierce and Jason Pierce (BIR Instructors)

Sunday, April 4

10:00 AM– Bible Class: Adult Class: Rokola Naikavuka

Youth Class: Cory Pierce, Caleb Pierce, Mosese Narai (BIR Student) Subject: God is Still Good When the Waves Roll High Text: Mark 4:35-41

Children: Debbie Pierce, Devan Pierce, Ase Solinadrotini (BIR Student) 11:00 AM – Worship Speaker: Emosi Sailo (BIR Alumnus and Instructor) Subject: God is Still Good When We Mess Up

Text: Psalms 103:8-13

3:00 PM – Worship Speaker: Jason Pierce (BIR Instructor)

Subject: God is Still Good When the Storm Rages Text: Psalms 107:23-32

The workshop was such a wonderful and encouraging time. The highlight of the weekend was that ten precious souls responded to the Lord's invitation to put on Christ in baptism and have their sins washed away. Those who were baptized included the wife of a current student at BIR and the youngest son of one of our full-time instructors (Jason Pierce). Beyond that, it was a time in which everyone's spirits were lifted by a period of fellowship and study of God's word. In a time when people are struggling with storms, Covid-19 restrictions, and a loss of crops and jobs, it was great to be reminded that Christians have hope that is found in the knowledge that God is Still God Even When Things are Bad!

~ Jason H. Pierce

Academic Dean & Instructor

Bible Institute @ Raiwaqa

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

Raising the standards in Togo

Report for the month of February 2021

We give thanks to God who has protected us during this month of February. May the love of God and his Son Jesus Christ be with each of us. There are many activities that took place as follows:


On February 8, 13 candidates arrived from Lome, Temedja and Kpalime. Most of them were not present as expected. We should have a total of 23 candidates among whom 20 should be retained after the test planned by the institute. One of the reasons is that the start of the school year was scheduled for January 11, 2021 and that the institute had problems with the state authorities, whose center was to be closed on January 21, 2021. This news having reached the ears of the candidates, some of them chose to leave for adventures in order to provide for their needs and others resumed their activities in the services to be paid.


All the teachers were since 2 days before the day of the interview to organize what was going to be done by the candidates. On the day of the interview 13 candidates were present and all of them went through 3 tests which are the following: (1) the French test, (2) the Bible test and (3) the interview which is to converse with the candidates in order to see their level of expression and their family status. At the end of the interview only 12 are selected.


Currently here are the courses they are taking:

1. Introduction to the Old Testament - AKLI

2. Homiletics I - ATTAH

3. God's plan for salvation - Esperance

4. The Ministry of Multiplication (Evangelism) - Akalo

5. The Holy Spirit of God - Cephas

6. Music in worship - Cephas

7. French - ATTAH

8. Acts of the Apostles – Rodrigue

Considering the level of study of the Bible schools in Togo and in the sub-region, we want to raise the academic level of BVBI in Togo. Not everyone will be accepted at the institute if they have not had two years at the church of Christ or if they have not followed the Saturday courses.


Saturday classes continue even though BVBI classes are off. Currently there are 10 students in Kpalime, 10 students in Lome and 10 students in Temedja. 


Bear Valley Institute in Kpalmie has organized a refresher course for the Saturday school teachers and Bear Valley teachers to help them improve their work.


Every Wednesday from 9:00 to 10:00 we church of Christ through the authorities of the city of Kpalime, make a broadcast on the "radio planète plus 95.3". After the churches of Kpalime were asked to present a theme chosen by the authorities of the city of Kpalime, each one has its turn. After one month only the church of Christ is selected among more than 60 different religious denominations invited. The program is: follow the example of Christ. The theme: "walking in the footsteps of Jesus in the preparation of marriage". A family of 6 people joined the church of Christ in Nyiveme. The father is called Kossi and the mother is called Akoss.

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

Thanks from Arusha

Grace and Peace to you friends.

Today's report comes to you from one of our faculty members and director of the Arusha Bible School, Desdery Massawe:

"Hello brethren, I hope all you are doing well and the work of the Lord is going well all over the world. Although some challenges are still there, nothing will stop the gospel of Christ to be preached. As Paul says, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Could oppression, or anguish, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Even as it is written, "For your sake we are killed all day long. We were accounted as sheep for the slaughter." No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:35-39


"Now we are in second quarter of the year. All sessions are in the right track. Losotwa Michael is teaching “Research Writing” first year and “Greek I I second year, Ahimidiwe Kimaro is teaching Public speaking I first year and Biblical interpretations second year. .Josephat Massawe is teaching Old Testament 2 Exodus-Deuteronomy first year and Old Testament 4 major prophets second year. Charles Heberth is teaching Life of Christ I first year and The book of Hebrew second year, Desdery Massawe is teaching The book of Acts first year and the Epistles of John second year. All teachers are prepared well to make sure all students will acquire good and enough knowledge concerning the word of the Lord and be able to teach others.

"Arusha Bible School everything is going well and we are expecting four students to graduate this year, some of them are denomination pastors so we love the opportunity to teach them more accurately.

Student Highlight

"Shedrack Efrem Mkombwe is among of the best students in second year. He was born in April 1987 at the village known as Iguluba in the Iringa region. He is the first born in their family. He married Maria Kabula in 2017 and now they have one kid. He was baptized in 2011 at Ipogolo church of Christ in Iringa town. He moved from Iringa to Kyela, Mbeya and also there is working with the church and his fellow workers Mwantimwa and Mwampogolo. He is a hard worker. After graduating the school he will be a good evangelist for the church at Kyela.

"We would like to thank God and all who make these to be possible. May God bless you all."

I join with Desdery in wishing that God's blessings are with you. We appreciate you being a part of the work in Tanzania. I also want to solicit your prayers for our family and for others who will be traveling to Tanzania in the coming months. May God provide safe travel, good health, and effective efforts throughout it all.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

Dealing with Covid in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,  

I'd like to share with you some last news from the Bible Institute.  

Last month our students were engaged in evangelizing events of their local congregations. It was an excellent opportunity to get the practical application of their knowledge. So, I'll share with you what they wrote in their reports. Marianna had a great time with a congregation in Kiyv. She got to teach children in Sunday school and paid visits to the elderly sisters who were recovering from the coronavirus. Bogdan spent his time of practical evangelism in the Lviv congregation. He taught lessons and took part in the worship services. He also got to visit and encourage those who stayed away from congregating due to the spread of the virus. Nazar went back to Slovyansk and helped the congregation in Liman where his grandfather is preaching. The church was very happy to see the young servant. Nazar also went to Kharkiv congregation and spent a few days there teaching classes. Dennis Sirotenko also went to Kharkiv, to his home congregation. He taught lessons and participated in online evangelism.  

The classes were resumed on April, 5th but due to the current epidemic situation we study remotely. The Kiyv region is declared the "red zone" of quarantine. Almost everything in the city is put on halt, even the public transportation services are restricted to an emergency mode of operation and is available only to the people with certain clearances (police, essential medical workers and grocery stores personnel). Thus, we study online 1 and 2nd Corinthians (Instructor Dennis Sopelnik). We hope and pray that the strict quarantine measures will be lifted soon and our Bible studies return to normal.  

In March my family went to visit the congregation in Poltava where I was asked to preach and did the presentation of the Bible Institute. It was a good way to get to know the brethren in this congregation. And, again, as of right now all trips outside the city limits are blessings, and quarantine realities help us to get the fresh perspective on everything usual.  

We were also able to stop by our home place of Kramatorsk and participate in the youth conference as the viewers. My children enjoyed it very much, they were delighted to be a part of the youth seminar. I was able to visit with our Instructors who live there. It always gladdens your heart to visit the city of your childhood.  

So, we all stayed very active in March and the beginning of April. God blessed us with trips to different congregations and visits with so many brothers and sisters.  

Our students and Instructors send their greetings and their love. We are very grateful to everyone who supports the ministry of the Bible Institute.  

May God keep you,  

Your brother and coworker in the Lord's church, 

Dennis Sopelnik 

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

Graduation in Mbanga

We found a friend in Jesus and He is everything to us. He is the lily of the valley and the bright and morning star. It is a great thing to have God almighty as our father.

I bring greetings from Mbanga Balong. My wife and household send you greetings. The church of Christ salutes you. The staff and all part time short course teachers also send greetings. And finally, the new set of students from all over the national territory and the foreign students from Chad send special salutations to the missionaries and all the entire crewmembers that make the work in Mbanga to be a success.

I know it has been quite some time since my last report and a lot has happened within this frame time. We are bringing you our report covering time from before graduations and after graduation. God bless all for your long patient. 

The first short course was on, " I Choose My Spouse Again.” This course was taught by brother Jean Claude who is the preacher with the church in Cite De La Paix in Douala. He is well experienced in married life. He is a father of about 5 kids and the profile continues. He used the 10 major bridges in communication. It was a time for all to smile with the numerous practical examples he used during this one week with all the students and their spouses. 

After a week in class, we passed on to the court signing of their legal marriage certificates and to that of the church. It was a great moment. We prepare our graduates to go into the field well-armed, even in their homes, so that they will be able to do marital counseling which was also a part of their course on pastoral counseling. This was a great event that took place in the presence of the government authorities.

We left from this short course to a week of oral presentations of their term papers in what we usually call defenses. It is a time that they come to defend their research work on the theme that has been allocated to them.

This is our end of course exercise that we, the school in Mbanga, always carry out before graduation. All of the instructors were present and appreciated the students for their bravery and work. God blessed this section also.

Soon we will be getting to the day of graduation. But, before getting there, we had the validatory night which was on the 10th of March. We had a message from one of our graduates in the person of minister Ngula Evaristus. All of the coordination of the event was done by the graduates from Mbanga and Wotutu.

The 11th of March was the day for graduation. We witnessed 14 students graduating in the presence of about 700 persons who are all present for the graduation of our 3rd batch of students. We want to thank all who have made this day a success. The coordinator’s speech, presented by Elangwe in his absence, was of great encouragement. Another difficult moment in the life of these young preachers as they enter the field of preaching is for them to settle down in their new areas of work with little or nothing to start with. Some just went with tears in their eyes and even wanted to leave with a school mattress as a gift to go and begin a new life. All the same, let's put them in our prayers. Their work has started already and some are already being spoken of in their community as people talk about their good work and their presence in their new places of work.

The men in black are the new batch of students. 20 of them started this new batch and we pray that all of them shall go through successfully. 

Classes have commenced already and they are all still in the process of becoming familiar with the new-life style of being away from family for a while. The young are trying to cope without active life in their former community and so on. Let us keep them in our prayers for the next two years.

We have been blessed lately with a series of baptism, in the church, and out of the church in Mbanga. From February to last Sunday March 4, the church in Mbanga has baptized about 13 souls and all are worshiping on a regular basis. They are made up of 4 mature persons who are living permanently in Mbanga and 9 youths who came to school this way. The church in Mbanga is growing in number and in spirit. 

The church has been blessed this year with a piece of land. We had the opportunity to buy a piece of land just closed to our campus. It will be another big advantage for us if we have these facilities around us to host a lot of persons in case of great occasions. The house on the land, the director's residence, the church campus and the school campus can all host visitors. God is faithful.

As we were planning to begin school with the fourth batch of students, we have a fire incident that took part of our school building. One dorm room went on fire completely, as well as part of our library, a part of the next dorm room, and the corridor close to these areas. We have finally replaced about 55 sheets of zinc, the 3-meter type, and some ridge caps to stop the rains from destroying the other part of the building. A lot of other things are to be arranged including the electrical wiring repair which was the major course of the incident. We must also replace the beds and mattresses, cloths, food, books, a laptop, ceilings, doors, and ceiling fans just to name a few. We want to also thank God that there was no human lost. One brother had pretty severe injuries but the school nurse did some follow up and he Is now doing great and is in class already. 

Our first mission work will be at this month’s end in Bekoko. Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. God bless you all for being a part of this great work.

From the office of the director of BVBIC-Mbanga. Stay blessed

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

Off to a great start in India

Dear Brethren in Christ,

Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ our savior. By the grace of God and your prayers we are all doing good, hope this email finds you all good. We thank you so much for your prayers, our Lord continues to bless our efforts in training Men to carryout the gospel to the lost millions.

Faculty meeting:

We had our first meeting faculty meeting for this year, also a meeting without our Director of the School Bro. Samuel Raju, we missed him so badly. The 12 yrs of his legendary work in establishing the Bear Valley School and sending over 60 preachers into the real world ministry has been a great encouragement for us. With the same spirit we have discussed about the future of the school, especially about ending the school year by next March and hold the graduation ceremony by the end of March or early April. We have finalized our school calendar to finish the classes which we were behind due to the effect of Corona last year.  

Our graduates in Training & Preaching:  our students Brother Nageswara Rao & M. Prasad has been doing outstanding job in reaching out several families in the area they are ministering. Nageswarao has been very helpful person in carrying our students to various places on our Van. By the way, we owe Rs. 72,000/- for the repair of the Van due to the accident in the month of December. Brother Nageswara Rao is a convert from a Baptist Church, our Director Bro Samuel taught him the truth; so during one of the memorial meeting held by the preachers in Vijayanagarm & Srikakulam District, brother Nageswara Rao spoke very highly of brother Samuel and Viskha Valley Bible College. He encouraged several preachers to send more students to our Bear Valley school.

Brethren, one of the attached pictures showing a night meeting held at the place where brother M. Prasad is preaching, he left the denominational doctrine after he entered into our school, he was baptized and helped the congregation to obey the truth. As a result some of the congregation left him, so the remaining were baptized and they are meeting every Sunday. They invited me to speak, it was my pleasure speaking to the church over there encouraged them to stay in the True Faith. The preachers living in this big city of Visakhaptnam are planning to hold regular meetings to reach many souls.

Need for Bibles & Gospel Tracts: Brethren we are in need of Bibles and Gospel Tracts. We not only distribute them during the Gospel campaigns but also several of our graduates take from us to distribute in their mission fields. We have printed distributed over 100 thousand with the help of Jerry & Paula,  those gospel tracts are about , God’s plan of salvation, Baptism, One Faith, Church, Worship, Bible etc., over 12 different kinds of gospel tracts are in need of print, kindly pray for this need. Attached is a picture showing how the tracts are put for distribution at a night meeting by one of the graduate. Its every time need for Bibles, as several people are being baptized into Christ, its not only being reported but also we have been witnessing them.

Tailoring Institute: By the grace of God our school has become a service point in helping the people around to learn Tailoring education, while our preaching students learning in the morning hours, women from out side are learning classes at our Tailoring institute. This social service is being appreciated by several people around, this have given us a base to explain how Christianity benefits the society or community around us. Recently one Rotary Director visited and distributed course completion certificates to the students that have received free training at our school.

Gratitude: we would always love to extended our love and appreciation towards the brethren at Lake Houston & Strickland for their trust and confidence in the Lord’s work here, at the same time we wont forget the help of Jerry & Paula in running the preaching school, we look forward to working together for many years to come. Brethren please continue your prayers as the Lord’s work of Training Men continues to grow besides sever circumstances, please be mindful of the needs as well, thank you.

Our faculty and Students are sending their greetings to you all and seeking your prayers for their safety during the Corona Second wave, which is spreading so rapidly and death rate continues to increase. Please give our greetings to your family and to the Church family you worship with. God be with you.

In Christ,

John Dean M

For Visakha Valley Bible College

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

19 students outside of Accra

Kasoa, Ghana

Jan Feb Mar  2021

It is about a year when the world was hit with the mess of the covid – 19. The Lord has truly bless us. Many of us has not even seen or heard of someone who was and is positive of the virus. We thank God and pray that we will be safe and continue to serve the Lord.

We also thank God for your lives and your continual support to us. Without your support the School at Kasoa will not have live on till today.


We have 19 students now, one lady who is a Ladies Bible Teacher and 18 men.  They are leaders in their congregations and they all preach as fill in, whereas 10 of them are working as preachers in their congregations.

Class Work

Out of the 48 courses, we have done 28 and all the students are active in the Class Work and the other activities and programs of the School. Whereas Kojo Acquah Beenyi is the director and an Instructor, other two, Roger Asante and Amo Gyimah are teaching.


The School did not organize a campaign but the students took part in two campaigns organized by two congregations in Kasoa.  This campaign and the other works of the students resulted in 21 baptisms and 2 restorations.  

Praying that God will continue to be kind to us, guard us, guide us, bless us, protect us and keep us safe for His Use in this covid mess and the years ahead.

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

Also in Accra...



The glory of God and love be with us as we minister faithfully in the work. This is to report on activities for this month.

This month, we spent the first two weeks in class for two short courses. These courses were taught by brothers E. O. Larbi and Kojo, the Marriage and Family life and the New Testament Worship. We had a full class of ten students and they participated respectively. Having finished with these courses, we vacated for two and a half weeks.

There was also a bachelor's class on Advanced Homiletics 1. Brother Gyan-Mante taught this course. About 14 students were present to read this course.


This campaign was organized by the student for a three-day public preaching at Djankama near the school. This was done only in the evenings. We thank God for the prospect’s reception though none we baptized at the end.

The Land Registration

We were grateful to be informed that the registration of the land is now in progress. Information reaching us is that the department will visit the site to pick the measurement for documentation and other processes.

Instructor’s Visit to Doryumu Congregation

Thank God for Doryumu church which the Lord has blessed with leaders for the church. Philip Abruquah, one of our recent students, who is an evangelist for this congregation. For two weeks Samuel Ntim (Sammy) was asked to teach and prepare the selected men to take over the leadership work. The congregation were happy for the occasion. It is our prayer that these devoted men will faithfully minister well to the Glory of God.

Staff Meeting

The staff met on 31st March, 2021 to discuss the progress of the school. We had these staff members present during the meeting: E. O Larbi, Sammy, Gyan-Mante, Amoo-Gyimah and George Osafo. Kojo was not present because he had other meetings to attend to in Cape Coast. Yet, we engaged him in another discussion on the phone. We had discussion on these agenda: update on land registration, school building project way forward, campaigning for new students, the new curriculum, and a student who misbehaved.


Glory be to God for protecting and guiding us to accomplish these activities throughout the month of March

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

Matriculation in Accra



We thank God for the whole three months and its activities. The Lord protected and guided us throughout all the necessary programmes to its success. We praise and adore Him for His love.

Class activities

As our usual Friday and Saturday classes, the students participate in the lessons taught for this quarter. Brother Amoo-Gyimah taught Church History in the first month of January. Brother E. O. Larbi taught Marriage and Family Life in February and Christian Leadership in March.

External Activities

Matriculation of New Students

New students from Nsawam were matriculated into the school on 30th January, 2021 during the graduation of the full-time students and Masters.

E. O. Larbi’s Visit to Adaogyiri Congregation

We were glad to have brother E. O. Larbi at Adoagyiri Church on Sundays. He has been with the church for a couple of months, teaching Leadership of the New Testament. He also taught the teenage class on Preparation Towards Marriage, and the Marriage class on How to Love Your Wife. The church had loved his teachings for this while and always insisting he be with them for sometimes. His effort on the teaching, exhortation, and problems solving has revived the faith of the members and acquiring knowledge in this area. They were grateful to the wonderful services he has rendered to the church and are thankful to Bear Valley School for their support in prayers.

Students’ Appreciation

The Nsawam students have expressed their gratitude on the items delivered to them: the study books and the preacher’s box. You only hear from them, “thank you and God bless you.” This means that they have really appreciated what has been given to them.

They have also appreciated the mini cabinet and the water dispenser installed for their use. The staff and the students together, express big thank you for all that you keep doing for their effective studies.

Personal Evangelism & Baptism

We thank God for adding one soul to His church last Sunday during the evangelism, organized with Sammy and some of the students in Nsawam, every Sunday. It is our prayer that prospects will understand, and confess Christ, and be baptised into Christ.


The above were the activities which took place in this quarter of the year. We shall not cease to pray with you always. We always pray remembering you all in our daily communication with God. We also request that you remember us in your prayers also.

God bless you all

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

A great first year in Port Harcourt




Bear Valley Bible Institute, Rivers State, Nigeria West Africa is a dream that came true to become a success story. Our two centres started lectures on Saturday November 2nd 2019, but we ended the first year on January 2021 due to Corona virus outbreak in 2020.

The first year ended on a good note. The activities that ended the first year are – the special lectureship on January 16th 2021and the two-week students’ field work which started on January 17th to 31st January 2021.


Our first special one day lectureship was held on January 16th 2021 at the meeting hall of church of Christ, Rumuokwuta, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, West Africa. The theme of the lectureship was CRITICAL BIBLE REFLECTIONS The two critical topics discussed were:

1.     THE FIVE CRITICAL PERIODS OF CHURCH HISTORY: this topic was handled by OBINNA JOE, the Provost of the Nigerian Christian Bible College (NCBC) Ukpom- Abak, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

 2.     UNDERSTANDING BIBLE LANGUAGES: This topic was handled by MIKE UDAM, the Director of WBS Fellow up Workers Workshop in Nigeria.

The International Director of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Keith Kasarjian was present at the lectureship. His presence added colour and glamour to the great lectureship. The lectureship attracted and gathered “who is who” in Churches of Christ in Rivers State, Nigeria, West Africa.

Dignitaries who attended the lectureship include, professors in various fields, lawyers, medical doctors and people from all walks of life. At the last count, 60 congregations of Churches of Christ in Rivers State were represented; the total number of people who attended the lectureship was 370.


Another great event that ended the first year activities of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Rivers State, Nigeria was the students two weeks of practical field work. The two weeks field work started on January 17th and ended on January 31st 2021.

Fifty three students participated in the program and 53 congregations in four states in Nigeria were visited by the students. They conducted open air and house-to-house evangelism. They also worshipped with the congregations for two Sundays and conducted Bible classes, prayer meetings and visitations.

The students came back with good result. They had a total of 15 baptisms 21 restorations and were able to revive many weak congregations and encourage many members.

Posted on April 30, 2021 .

Seminars in India

Reporting  letter for the month of March-2021 

Respected International Director of Bible Studies Mr. Keith Kasarjian and our Coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India we convey our greetings to you in the most holy and matchless  name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We are ever grateful to you for your continual prayers  and encouragement . We would like to share our reporting letter for the month of March-2021.

Classes: As we are at very close to the day of graduation ceremony  we are concentrating more and more to complete the syllabus which has been prescribed by BVBI, in the month of March we have completed the gospel according Luke, Philemon , Ephesians, second Corinthians , the book of Revelation and Hermeneutics , all the students and instructors are able work hard.

Campaign:- In the month of March we had campaign in the Nellore-District, Gunapadu-village, we travelled about 200 miles to and fro for conducting this campaign on March 11th, 2021. The local church member Mr.Anand was able to provide meal and bear other expenses of the total campaign.

Legal awareness class:- We requested one of the local legal expert who works in the department , he visited and taught several good things to the students regarding the rules and regulations they suppose to follow as per the Indian constitution.

Agriculture workshops:- In the month of March we have conducted two Agricultural work shops . The first one we have conducted at K.G.B.V. Gilrs school at Yerravaripallem-Village, Chittoor-DT, A.P and other one has been done at Poolathota-village, Nellore-DT, A.P, India. By conducting these work shops we have taught how to make raised beds , making compost, drip irrigation methods to several  people and make them awareness of the importance of Kitchen gardens which helps the people to gain good health. We are thankful to the director of Agriculture Mr.Carl Burkybile , Healing Hands International for his great encouragement and support for the establishment of these demonstration Agriculture Vegetable Garden.

Christian Growth Bible Seminar for the couples:- last week Friday we have conducted Christian Growth Bible Seminar for the couples . We are happy to share with you that  couples from Tirupati church of Christ, Vidyanagar church of Christ, Gunapdu-church of Christ, Bathlapuram Church of Christ, Molakalapudi church of Christ and Jangalapalli Church of Christ could able to attend for the seminar, all of them were able to study The God’s purpose about the relationship of Husband and Wife.

Conversions:- in the month of March 3 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ.

New testaments distribution:- we have collected 1000 New Testaments,  each Sunday after the service we encourage the members and students to distribute the NTs.

Prayer- Request:- we are thankful to all the Prayer partners for the BVBI-Tirupati-India, Lord willing on April 30th, 2021 Our Bible College is going to organize the Graduation ceremony program for the first batch students , we request you to pray for the event.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa, behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on April 6, 2021 .