Matriculation in Accra



We thank God for the whole three months and its activities. The Lord protected and guided us throughout all the necessary programmes to its success. We praise and adore Him for His love.

Class activities

As our usual Friday and Saturday classes, the students participate in the lessons taught for this quarter. Brother Amoo-Gyimah taught Church History in the first month of January. Brother E. O. Larbi taught Marriage and Family Life in February and Christian Leadership in March.

External Activities

Matriculation of New Students

New students from Nsawam were matriculated into the school on 30th January, 2021 during the graduation of the full-time students and Masters.

E. O. Larbi’s Visit to Adaogyiri Congregation

We were glad to have brother E. O. Larbi at Adoagyiri Church on Sundays. He has been with the church for a couple of months, teaching Leadership of the New Testament. He also taught the teenage class on Preparation Towards Marriage, and the Marriage class on How to Love Your Wife. The church had loved his teachings for this while and always insisting he be with them for sometimes. His effort on the teaching, exhortation, and problems solving has revived the faith of the members and acquiring knowledge in this area. They were grateful to the wonderful services he has rendered to the church and are thankful to Bear Valley School for their support in prayers.

Students’ Appreciation

The Nsawam students have expressed their gratitude on the items delivered to them: the study books and the preacher’s box. You only hear from them, “thank you and God bless you.” This means that they have really appreciated what has been given to them.

They have also appreciated the mini cabinet and the water dispenser installed for their use. The staff and the students together, express big thank you for all that you keep doing for their effective studies.

Personal Evangelism & Baptism

We thank God for adding one soul to His church last Sunday during the evangelism, organized with Sammy and some of the students in Nsawam, every Sunday. It is our prayer that prospects will understand, and confess Christ, and be baptised into Christ.


The above were the activities which took place in this quarter of the year. We shall not cease to pray with you always. We always pray remembering you all in our daily communication with God. We also request that you remember us in your prayers also.

God bless you all

Posted on April 30, 2021 .