More souls saved in Guinea

Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for March 2021

Once again we have reached at the time of privilege whereby the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute while reporting to her sponsors can share with you the activities that transpired here during the month of March 2021. As in previous reports there are 2 main areas of paramount concern, namely the indoor or classroom and outdoor activities. While the former is a priority, the later carries with it events of equal importance including especially the act of evangelism. All of this went well as outlined in sub headings below.

Classroom: Until the close of March this year 16 students are still committed to the task of studies at the Gueckedou BVBI and this month was the close of classroom activities for the first year. Academic performance for the most part was good. Notwithstanding unwarranted behavior on the part of 2 students necessitated a special disciplinary measure against them. Following this, students are sent on break to resume classes in April.

Evangelism: Those of our students who are assigned to various congregations have always made an effort to increase the number of save souls. This time around it was in 3 such congregations including the campus assembly that we converted 3 persons.

Campaign: In order to help build up the small congregation in the sou-prefecture headquarters of Ounde kenema the Gueckedou Bear Valley courageously decided to drive the 55 kilometers rough road. It was quite a challenging campaign because despite the double methods of open air or public proclamation and the house to house preaching the efforts resulted in only 6 baptisms.

Special Training: Just before we finally closed for the end of first year activities, a special training of 7 candidates of the 14 previously proposed attended a 1 week workshop. The purpose of the training was not only to enable these new leaders of their new congregations to conduct worship services , but to equip them to teach and to defend «the faith».

A Special Social Event: One of our able staff members, the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute Head of Evangelistic Team, our Secretary and Right Hand Man, Mr Niouma 2 Kamano entered into a lawful matrimonial relationship with Marie Tonguino on the 5th and 6th of the month under review for customary and civil rites respectively. We encouraged, embraced and supported the occasion because of the simple fact that the act is geared towards a good moral needed for perhaps every young christian man and woman especially for those who serve in a Biblical Institution and Administration.

Conclusion: Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute has completed the course study for the first year with 16 of 20 students who initially started the class. There were 3 of the 4 students who had retreated immediately after the Covid 19 shutdown period of some 4 months.

We are especially proud and thankful that our combined evangelistic efforts here at the Gueckedou BVBI have always yielded fruit to the saving of souls. As in the previous month, we did make Heaven rejoice by the conversion of 9 souls in March.

May God bless you as you seek to help promote His work.


Posted on May 3, 2021 .