Taking great strides in Zimbabwe



The lifting of the COVID19 induced lockdown saw several activities picking up at BVBIZ. The calendar has been adjusted, projects continued, infrastructure development picked up, evangelism began and face to face instruction commenced. These and more are contained in this report.


Face to face instruction for the third intake resumed successfully on the 29th of March.. All the 12 students in this class returned to school. This class is a few months behind in terms of its classes. In order to catch up on lost time, there shall be less of breaks this whole year.  Lessons had started in December 2020 but stopped due to the lockdown that had been enacted. The following courses are being taught this term,

Homiletics 1

Hermeneutics 1

Acts of the Apostles

OT History

Life of Christ



1 & 2 Thessalonians

Personal Work II


COVID19 and the subsequent lockdowns have changed the school calendar many times. Many programs have been affected. The school has had to make several adjustments. The following is the tentative calendar for the third intake but based on the hope  that no other lockdowns will come into effect.


3.1 Beans

Due to incessant rains, it was difficult to plough the land due to waterlogging in the fields. The planting of beans delayed as a result. When the rains stopped, the land was then tilled and beans planted in the field where we had planted a maize crop that did not do well due to waterlogging. The field has wet soils which could see the bean project through.

3.2 Broilers

The broiler project has been going on well. After selling 288 birds from the 3rd  and 4th batches, we realized total of $1600. $1200 from the sale was taken and added to the total of $200 from donations and 10,000 face bricks for the teachers house were bought from Bulawayo. These were, however, dropped 3km away from the school site as the truck could not make it because of a very saturated road. 7 trips were made using a tractor to get the bricks to the site. Farm bricks that had earlier been made available for this project will now be used to construct a bit bigger fowl run once we are able to get funds for cement, roofing materials and labour costs. A total of $2400 is needed to get this fowl run up. The next batch of broilers has 300 broilers. Another batch of 150 is currently on sale. After this batch there is another one which shall be ready around mid-April and has a total of 300 broilers. This is the biggest the school has ever had.


The lifting of the lockdown measures that have been in place have allowed progress have allowed progress in terms of infrastructure development to pick up again. The builders were able to travel from Harare  to the school site


Painting of walls and tiling of floors in the hostel was left hanging when the lockdown commenced in early January. Several touch ups were successfully done in terms of painting and tiles in the month of March. Final touch ups on the walls of the classrooms were also done. A solar geyser was also fixed on top of the hostel. Skirting around the hostel is outstanding and shall be done in March.


The coming of builders to the site saw the fixing of the roof, painting of the cottage and fixing of window frames. Plumbing was done successfully also. A septic tank  and soak away tank were also dug. Only construction of the septic tank and fixing of doors are outstanding.. The fixing of doors and septic tank construction will be done when funds permit.


The teacher’s house whose construction had stopped at the foundation level, picked up again on the 15th of  March. Some of the materials had had remained and were still available. As of the 31st of March, the house had gone beyond the ring beam. All brick work is expected to be finished during the first ten days of April. Great appreciation goes to several individuals and families who sacrificed their resources so that this building reaches this point. $750 labour costs are outstanding including $380 for concrete stones and river sand. Once it is completed, the teacher in charge of student affairs will move to the site.

Developments at this house took place out of faith. There was no promise of funds for its construction. God has been wonderful this far. However, work shall stop once all brick work is completed due to lack of resources.


28 souls were baptised in the month of March. The lockdown had not allowed this to take place. Several were awaiting baptism at the two new congregations, namely Greenvale and Plasworth. The Plasworth congregation is the congregation that meets the school site. BVBIZ students baptized the new souls.


BVBIZ appreciates donations that continue to be made both in cash and kind. These have enabled the school to be where it is now. In the month of March, we received the following, $50 from the Chirenda Family, an equivalent of $50 from Bro. T. Dururu, $20 from the Mazambani Family, $5 from Sister Sande and a door frame from Bro. P Kufa for the cottage. All received funds were used to buy bricks for the teachers house.  The school appreciates many, far and wide, who, one way or another, continue to partners in this great effort of training preachers.  Those who would want to join this great effort are welcome.


The month of March has seen activities at BVBIZ picking up again. Classes have started, projects have been  maintained, construction of the teacher’s has picked up again, construction work at the cottage is almost complete, final touch ups  in terms of painting to the hostel were made, evangelism is picking up and souls were added to the church. The coming in of many, far and wide to partner the school,  one way or another continues to help the school in its main thrust of training workers for the Lord. Great appreciation also goes to the Woodland Oaks for her unwavering support. We continue to solicit for your prayers towards the work at Bear Valley Bible Institute-Zimbabwe. To God be the glory!

Posted on April 6, 2021 .

Student evangelism in Nigeria


We bless the Lord for another year 2021. We will remain grateful to you for the effort, prayers, and support of the brethren for the progress of the Agege School. May God continue to be with you in Jesus name, amen!


Class activities are always in progress during the weekends. In December 2020 / January, Timothy Iwe, taught Personal Evangelism, January / February, Emmanuel Odo taught Christian Home while in March, currently, Ezekiel Okorougo is taking The preacher's Life & his Work.


On January 23 and 30, we went on campaign at COC, Shasha and COC, Magodo respectively. This resulted in a large list of prospects for follow up for the two congregations.


The presence of the covid-19 has affected so many things but by the grace of God we are doing our best to march the effort of the BVBI in helping us to become equipped with the Scriptures.


We present our dear brother, Edidiong Friday,  from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. He has been a member of the Lord’s Church since 2005. He is a student of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, currently doing Advance Diploma, having graduated with a Diploma last year. He is currently worshipping the Lord’s Church at Ojodu, Lagos, Nigeria. He has been instrumental to the school in teaching songs.


The above report was the activities that went on during this 1st quarter of the year, 2021.

Ample appreciation goes to Steven Ashcraft, Keith Kasarjian, the Management of Bear Valley Bible Schools, the supporting churches, for all the support.

May the grace of our Lord, our Savior Jesus Christ be with you!

We are also putting much effort to maintain the school's progress and the true doctrine of Christ until He comes back. We shall never forget to thank our Lord for you in all the good plans you have for the Lord's work. Also, pray with us all the time.

Report by Olusoji Joseph Abiola of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Agege, Lagos..

Posted on April 6, 2021 .

Great successes in Zambia

March 2021 Report

Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! As we remember the words of our master Jesus Christ who said “I must work the work of Him who sent me while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work” (John 9:4) We give honor and glory to God who has given us this rare occasion to work in His Kingdom.

The students have started the third quarter of their first year here at BVBI-Zambia. But, Getting to know our two students with their families, Winstone Changala the oldest of all the students that are currently enrolled  and has four children three boys and one girl, the oldest of his children is twenty one years and the youngest is nine years old. Winstone is from Luapula province of Zambia and is a very dedicated student and wanting to complete the course and get back to work with his home congregation. We also have Reuben Museka is also a Married man with two children; Reuben is also very dedicated man to the work of God with good business experience of his family his two quarters at the Institute has already shown that he means business. He is young 26 years of age we continue to ask for your prayers for these two students for them to remain focused. all our students did extremely well in the first and second quarters. And both quarters they had an opportunity to learn and study short courses with Kennedy Mukuka. In the first and second quarters they studied the Scheme of Redemption and the New Testament Church respectively.

Before resuming the third quarter, they had a ten day recess which they used to do evangelism and clear their assignments. From the evangelism they did there are some vital numbers to be noted.  Eight people were baptized and five restorations were recorded. We also had a successful Leadership meeting which was held at the Institute, this meeting is held quarterly to strengthen the working relationship with the Church in our district and the province at large. We are also working to restore erring members at the nearby district known as Masaiti district; in this district we have the Church of Christ but due to lack of constant communication and preacher to strengthen the congregation members stopped meeting and those who remained went into Pentecostalism.

So far members have started realizing TRUE worship and are ready to let go of the false worship although women are still wearing uniforms as you can see on the pictures of women who were invited to worship with us at Church of Christ in Mikomfwa Luanshya. This area is also known as blind centre because most of the people are blind, the picture again shows of the blind woman confessing her faith and the reason they need to be true worshipers. The place is 53 kilometers south of Luanshya district, for this reason we continue to pray that the Institute may have the van which is the tool most needed has at now to help speed up the work of evangelism not only in this area but, in other places too. We continue to give God the glory for such works!

Our Alumni have continued to make good records in their preaching; Simon Khazi has baptized six (6) souls at Church of Christ in Mtendere, the congregation he is presently working with. Clive Kabika is actively teaching the youths and leading a team that goes for evangelism every Saturday morning and very soon he will be presenting a radio program running for the Church in Kabwe central province. Joseph Musonda has returned in Baluba District where he is preaching and he has managed to restore 17 souls back to the sheepfold.

Zambia’s Covid-19 national response strategy has led to great progress in reducing the number of Corona virus transmission, case admissions in hospitals and mortality rates.  This reduction in positivity must however be received with a lot of caution. We anticipate that most of the public services will soon run normally if this trend is cautiously maintained.  In order to maintain the gains made, the public has been advised to continually adhere to public health guidelines.

If this trend of downward spiral of the pandemic continues, the school has planned some very important event to take place in the course of the year. One of the events that we would love to hold once this situation is favorable is the graduation ceremony which was supposed to take place last year. But due to the upward spiral of Covid-19, the ceremony was postponed indefinitely. 

We wanted Donnie Estep and some brethren from Woodland Oaks church of Christ come and grace this occasion. Since all our borders have been opened now then we don’t expect that the ceremony will be delayed any further.   

We are eternally grateful for the partnership that we have with you in the Lord and the financial support that we have continued to receive from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. Our hearts are always thankful to you brethren for all the encouragements and all your prayers offered for this noble mission. We pray that God will bless the work that you all are involved in as well.


Cephas and Fred

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Student campaign in Nigeria

Greetings from the staff and students of Bear Valley Bible institute Ikorodu Lagos. Below is the report from January to March:

1.Evangelism in the months from January 1st to March 28th produced two baptisms and seven restorations. Indoor lectures for our students and non-students were held on February 24th. The theme was "Freedom from Sin". The teacher was brother Mfon Etim Adeh, with attendance of 120 people.

2. Subjects Taught

January teacher- Brother Chinyere Okoro, topic "World Religions"

February teacher- Brother Lucky Uzoyare, topic "Marriage and Family Life"

March teacher- Bro Chinyere Okoro, topic "Preachers' Life and Works"

3. Brother Akinyemi Jacob is one of our students. He is a preacher of Ijede church of Christ, married with four children (all Christians) Between January and March he had a total number of ten baptisms. He is very active and also a native of Ogun state Nigeria. On January 17, 2021. He taught the preachers' and leaders' on the topic "Christian and Politics"


I sincerely thank you for your support to enable the gospel of Christ increasing to the demote area as ours. I pray the Lord will continue to bless your effort to promote the gospel and equip the soldiers of Christ.

Yours in service

Mfon Etim Adeh (Director, Ikorodu Campus Lagos State Nigeria)

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Foreign campaign by Wotutu school

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you and your family. We are hoping that this report finds you in good health in this period of time where the world is plagued with the Covid pandemic. We keep praying for the world because we know that healing can come only from above.

The past two weeks have been busy for me as I took on the second phase of my hinterland mission to the Akwaya area, crossing from Nigeria in Cross River State. The students were scattered in many locations for their very first mission work at the end of their first quarter. Today they will be returning to school for the second quarter. Keep them in your prayers.

I was just arriving after trekking through the forest to get to a village called Bandum. Mission work does not only take energy, but also determination, stamina, and health. Many thanks to God, for granting that to me all these years, as I continue to serve Him.

Because of Covid, mission work has not only become more expensive, but it has added more stress as we bear more risk as we cross fast running rivers with canoe and paddle to get to other villages. It is a great experience to focus on the Bible, the living word, so that we should not paddle through life and keep looking behind.

It is always a big joy when you go through all the hurdles and difficulties, but finally arrive at your destination all sweaty and tired to meet brethren ready with open hands and open hearts to welcome you. I did my best to not only preach, but also to help them in their physical needs so that at the end of the day, I can peacefully transfer the spiritual benefits. They will not hesitate to hear because they can see that I bore their pains and tried to be like them, no matter the conditions.

I was given a double opportunity to preach on the pulpit in Bandum and also to do house to house evangelism for 8 days in one location. I was sharing the gospel and sharing with physical needs. I gave all my clothes to that community, to both brethren and prospects because I saw how they were exposed to the cool and to other hazards. Please keep us in your prayers always. This work gets tougher as the day is approaching.

In all of the congregations in Cameroon, you can hardly find a good building for worship or good seats, but the brethren come in their hundreds and fifties to worship their God, not minding the very deplorable conditions. The only hope we have is in the word. People trust God and depend on Him for better days ahead. Please pray over this and think about this.


As the students return for the second quarter, it will only be a few days until weekend evangelism will start.


Thank you. Thank you very much for all that you are doing for the work here. God is watching, and will reward in due season if we faint not. Please share our report with others.

 God bless you.

 Elangwe and family

  By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Death strikes the school in Peru

Greetings from the School in Lima, Peru,

We hope that this message find you well in companion with your family. We pray for the ministry you all are doing.

We want to inform that thanks God brother Andres is fully recovered from Covid19 but as we have a happy news we have a sad news also one of our students brother Pluvio passed away from Covid he was not able to defeat the virus but for us we trust that he is in a better place waiting for us.

This month the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians were concluded and we also had a webinar announcing our next course OT3 with brother Juan Abanto. Our instructors are taking Master classes increasing in that way their knowledge, we ask you for your prayers for the students and instructors.

In him,

Abraham Alata

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Great progress in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute

Ekwendeni - Malawi

March Report


Hello everyone! Hope this finds you all well. As we are in week number 5 since the reopening of the school after, lots have been already achieved. in this report we would be sharing with you about the courses taught in the 5 weeks period of time, preaching work, short-course teacher's visit and also about school site development.

Teaching and Preaching

We want to thank God for protecting us from Covid -19, and enabled us to reopen. This is week number 5, but 4 courses have already been done. In the first 2 weeks Brother Clergynton was teaching "Pentateuch II", week number 3 Brother Ephron taught "How We Got The Bible" and in the week number 4 we had Brother Blessings Nkhamanga who taught "Synoptic Gospels" We are thankful to God because of this Brother Blessings. Despite being challenged financially, We managed to call him to teach a short-course on Synoptic Gospels. We are praying to God that He keep on Blessing him as he helped us a lot and the students have loved him too. Blessings is a BV graduate and holds a Bachelors Degree in Biblical studies from Chimala - Tanzania. We hope to call him again in the near future the Lord willing. And in this week number 5 and the next 2 weeks Clergynton is teaching "Pentateuch III

We are also thankful to God for a big improvement on our students, they are doing well in class as well as in the preaching work. The local congregations around Ekwendeni have expressed their gratitude for the good work the students are doing. Due to the effort they are showing, within this period of 5 weeks, Six souls have been saved and 1 congregation restored at the village called Chamono in the North of Ekwendeni about 20km away from the school.


The clearing work is ongoing at the school site in order to start building soon. We ask for your prayers that God should widely open the door to let the funds available and committed to this project. Renting has been expensive and this has disadvantaged a great work of winning souls to Christ - as the money which could be used in more campaigns and lectureships is used to pay rentals.

We are always left with no words, than to say "thank you Bear Valley Bible Institute International" for the funds you monthly send to help this work keep going! Without your help we could not be where we are now as BV-Ekwendeni - Malawi. May God keep on blessing you as we still need you to be with us in this course of making good men be faithful and sound preachers of the Gospel. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Your Fellow Servants,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

More conversions in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute Activity Operations Report for February 2021

Precious greetings come to you all our supporters and friends from the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. Following is the report of activities which took place here during the month of February 2021. We have had some difficulties and irregularities with some of the students, but it ended well to the good will of God for whose cause we face challenges. We still have 16 students on roll and they have done their best again both in the classroom and on the field of evangelism which was fruitful and to the glory of God.

Classroom: Courses covered during the month include the second part of Christian Evidences, New Testament Church part 2 –the worship, Leadership principles, etc. Each of the 16 students did his best. Those with references due to lateness and or the like were required to cover up by specific assignments which required them some extra time and effort.  We are left with a few courses for a few weeks in the next month to finish the first year course materials and will be on break for 3 weeks.

Evangelism: The work of gospel preaching is perhaps the one and only activity besides the classroom work which will always appear in every month’s report from the Gueckedou BVBI. Our hope and strength is in the Master of the vineyard, King Jesus.  We started this month’s evangelism with one former student, brother Robert Kamano whose invitation we accepted to help teach and exhort some of the prospects in the village of Dento where he preaches. The outcome was a great success with 6 conversions on the 7th of February. Also in 3 other villages where our students are assigned for every weekend congregational visit we baptized 3 souls making a total of 9 conversions for the month.

Agriculture: Since the completion of the virtual workshop in December last year the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute is eagerly awaiting the return of brother Ebenezer for a full or adequate  training of our personnel so that the land allocated for this purpose can be put to use. The virtual workshop was essential, but inadequate for us alone to effectively continue and utilize the field in this capacity. We also need other support – financial and material from Healing Hands International for a successful outcome of the project. It is for this reason that we are writing to remind and encourage you, the appropriate persons to consider our call.

Main while, the water well which was drilled last May (2020) is in good condition and of great benefit to the nearby community members who are regularly fetching water from it. Please let HHI accept a share of these words of appreciation, “thanks to you, Gueckedou Bear Valley”.

Vehicle for Mission Work: Lastly we are appealing to you all to help us secure another vehicle for this all important work. Gueckedou is an interior area and needs a solid means of transport for a successful gospel work. The cost of the present vehicle purchased in 2007 was a joint-hand project by the 9th Ave and Niceville churches of Christ congregations. It was already in circulation - a used car, but it has served it's purpose during the 14 years with us. Right now, breakdowns are too often and costly. Please contact Niceville and 9th Ave. and help.

Conclusion: There were only a few activities conducted at the Gueckedou BVBI during the month of February. Notwithstanding, all was well and especially we were again able to make Heaven rejoice by bringing at least a few, that is 9 souls to the Lord. Our course study is kept going and by now our students are on break for the end of first year activities. Since it is by your prayers and support that we are able to make progress, we want to say thank you and God bless you!

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Annual lectureship in Nigeria

Dear fellow servants of God,

Grace, peace and mercy be with you all from God our Father and from Christ Jesus -our Redeemer and Sustainer. Here is the summary of some of our activities in the month of March 2021.


1. Weekend Evangelism/ Campaigns

2. Third Semester Classes and Instructors

3. WBSFUW team

4. This year 19th Annual Leadership Seminar 2021


As usual, the students and staff of the BVBIN & SWSE, Butubutu village Ibadan were divided into six groups for the evangelization of Butubutu village,Jago, Badeku, Egbeda, Ajia and Igbooloyin,all in Oyo State every weekend, starting from Friday evening through Sunday evening.

To God be the glory, our joint effort were crowned with six conversions (3 in Ajia, 2 in Butubutu village and 1 in Badeku) and many prospects.


This semester Classes begin on February 22 and will come to an end Lord's willing on April 23 before the students will embarked on a month Vocational Training/ preaching trip.

Bro. Isaac Olaniyan is handling Life of Christ-3(Luke) and 1, 2 & 3 John ;Bro. Andrew Adeolu is handling Biblical Eschatology and Wisdom Literature-2(Psalms and SOS); Bro.Emmanuel Godwin is handling Preachers' Life & Works and New Testament Church-2(Worship);. Bro.John Makinde is handling 1&2 Thessalonians and 1&2 Peter & Jude ; Bro.Guda Silas is handling Romans 1&2; Bro. Lawrence Dada is handling Hebrews 1&2 and OTP(Minor Prophets) while I, Bro. Makinde Ebens is handling Marriage and the Home, Teach with Success and Bible Geography. Our lectures time has been extended by an hour in the evening (7:00-10:00pm) from Monday through Thursday.


Our WBSFUW continue reaching more souls with the gospel of Christ through the WBS correspondence courses and VOTI booklets and Mission Printing International booklets in this month of March. A group led by Bro. Andrew Adeolu reached out to eight High Schools in Ona-Ara and Egbeda Local Government and shared about 300 WBS introduction lessons out of which 214 were returned.

Another group led by Bro. Akinrinade Sunday reached out to four High Schools in Akinyele Local Government of Oyo State and recruited over 100 students for the free Bible correspondence courses.

Bro. Matthew Rowland, the preacher of Abusoro congregation in Akure,Ondo State recruited over 1,500 students from seven High Schools in and around Akure city in the months of February and March 2021.

The WBS office in Ibadan posted three big packages of return lessons to WBSTC in California this month of March while more will be posted on or before April 15,2021 Lord's willing to Bro. Joel Coppinger-International director of WBSTC, California.


The 19th Annual Leadership Seminar held on March 24-26 in Doug Wheeler Hall was graced by over 150 church leaders from 13 States of the Federation (Oyo,Osun,Ogun,Ondo, Lagos, Kwara,Kogi,Edo,Delta,Kebbi, Taraba,Enugu and Rivers)

Over 2000 copies of VOTI volumes 106,106&108 and Mission Printing International booklets and our local tracts were freely distributed to all congregations present.

Some of the dignitaries that participate actively in the just concluded Leadership Seminar are : Bro. Ayobami Akanji (SWSE-Board Chairman),Bro. Mfon Etim (Director, BVBIN-IKORODU), Bro. Timothy Iwe (Director, BVBIN-LAGOS ISLAND), Bro.Samuel Nwuoka (Instructor, BVBIN-ENUGU STATE), Bro. Paul Akinwale (WBSFUW-OGUN STATE), Bro. Amos Olusegun (WBSFUW-OSUN STATE).

In addition, the three (3) days Seminar was moderated by Bro. Emmanuel Godwin,Bro.Okoro Chinyere and Bro. Samuel Oladokun while Bro. Ohaebuka Philemon,Bro. Akilapa Samuel and Bro.Akinyoola Micheal served as our songs leaders.


Bro.Falodun Olutola samuel is a native of Ado Ekiti in Ekiti state. Born in the year 1976.

Attended St,Micheal Primary School in Ado Ekiti where he obtained school leaving certificate and in Orin Ekiti Secondary School for Senior Secondary School certificate. Also he obtained Higher National Diploma at Federal Polytechnics Ado in Ekiti state in 2005. He had a post graduate diploma in education at National Open University Nigeria in Lagos(NTI) in the year 2015.

He had Diploma in Bible at Southwest School of Evangelism , Ibadan in the year 2020. He love reading and singing. His mission is to be one of the competent ministers of God in Nigeria and beyond.


With God on our sides coupled with financial assistance from Bro. Doug Wheeler, Bro. Steven Ashcraft and associate, Bro. Chad Wagner and associate and Nigerian brethren, we were able to successfully host this year Annual Leadership Seminar from March 24-26,2021.


CHURCH PLANTING ON MAY 2-11,2021 @ ARAMOKO TOWN,EKITI STATE. Lord's willing, the school will be working with some of her graduates(Bro. Emmanuel Godwin and Bro. Augustine Olorunda) and a graduate of WNCC(Bro. Lawanson Akinola) preaching in Ekiti State and a pioneer founder of SWSE, Ibadan ( Bro. Olayisade Adebowale) on May 2-11 in evangelization and planting of the Lord's church in Aramoko town, Ekiti State, one of the biggest and ancient town in Ekiti State of over one million populace without the Lord's church.


We appreciate you all for your tenderness and compassion toward us in Nigeria most especially in BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan. May God in His mercy bless you richly with a happy life (that is) filled with joy , peace and love. May your cup always overflow in all good things of life is our fervent prayers in Jesus Christ name, amen

I remain Yours in His Grace as a servant........ Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (The chief servant of BVBIN & SWSE Ibadan And WBSFUW)

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Doing well in Uganda


We thank God who is our Father and Lord for all he has done to make us his children and servant to serve in his kingdom. We bring you greetings from my family especially my boy Collins who is seating for his standard seven exams this coming Monday. He is asking for your prayers for his success.

The school in Kampala is going on very well and God is on our side. Two course units have so far been taught and I am here to teach he third course. I see some great improvement in their performance. Students who came from home and from different congregations, during their time home, were able to report 24 baptisms and three restorations. This shows how much these men were labouring doing Gods work.

They started right a way with evangelism around the school when they came back from home. They have a number of 78 people they have approached with the gospel but they have ten who are real prospects whom they study with time to time. We pray for them and the work.

We had had two students who got sick in the course of this month. But they are now fine. We have had another challenge of water scarcity. It has become a problem to us yet getting water from a stream, that is very much impossible. The people connected with serving the city with water doesn't give us a clear answer to why we are not getting water as we should.

We pray that God makes things well on the side of this pandemic such that we may see you brothers come and see the school.

May the love of God be with you.

Until all have heard,


Posted on April 5, 2021 .

An update from Arusha

Hello everyone,

It’s my hope that things are going well with each one of us, and that we are all working hard in the kingdom of our dear Lord Jesus Christ. Also, I hope that the gospel is being preached and taught by the faithful servants in all parts of the world despite the fact the COVID19 pandemic is a big challenge in the whole world nowadays. This is only possible because of the ability that our God supplies through His faithful sons, that is you and I.

Here in ACSOP we can see things going well. We started our first quarter on February 8, 2021. We have enrolled 14 more students for the first year; these are the men from Tanzania and Kenya. We started teaching them the book of Genesis, taught by Desdery Massawe, “How We Got the Bible” taught by Josephat Massawe. “Biblical Interpretation (Introduction to Hermeneutics)” taught by Ahimidiwe Kimaro. “Writing Skills I” taught by Losotwa Michael, and “Spiritual Disciplines” taught by Charles Hebert. At the end of that first quarter, two short courses followed beginning with 1Corinthians taught by David Hall from the US and Denominational doctrine taught by John Hall from the US also.

God willing next week, we will start our second quarter for this year. We, teachers, are working hard to mold and strengthen these fellows by imparting to them the skills of the word of God. The 16 second-year students are in the first quarter of their last year of being in ACSOP for studies. They are expecting to graduate on November 25 of this year. We really appreciate this great effort because of your prayers, and your great financial support that you gave to make these things happen. May our God of our Lord Jesus Christ supply all your needs as you do to us. Amen.

Your servant in Christ Jesus,

Losotwa Michael
Dean of Academics,

Andrew Connally School of Preaching

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Class activities in Accra, Ghana



Thanks be to God for the end of this month. Glory be to God and Savior Jesus Christ for this period.

Class Activities

We had two classes for this month, February. These classes were Diploma and the Degree programme. During the Diploma class, the students studied Church History, Prison Epistles, Pastoral Epistles, Major Prophets as their regular activities. All instructors responsible for the class carried out their teaching duties respectively and regularly. The number of students for this class were ten (10), and all were present for each course.

This followed by the Degree programme. Two courses were done in this programme, Greek, and Research and Writing by these instructors Steven Ashcraft and Jonathan Obeng Agyeapong. We had 2 students for the Greek class, and Research and Writing, 18 students and 4 instructors. We tried to get connected with the Nigerian Instructors through Skype but due to network failure and other challenges, they only joined for about one hour and stopped for another means later on. However, they could not participate till the end.

Visit to the Registrar-General’s Department

This institution carries out all registrations of institutions and filing of returns. Sammy and Steven have been trying enough to get all documents ready for filing of returns for the Accra School and Re-registering Tamale School. The processing of documents was very tedious, yet, were able to do at some point until Steven left for the US. 

School Building Project

Sammy and Steven visited the school’s plot and had discussion on how to go about with the starting. Currently, we are working on the plan for the construction of the block.

Student Profile

This profile is about Evans Awuku, a 44-year-old man and married to Vivian Nyakoa Awuku with three (3) children. He was one of the regular students who took his classes very seriously. We confirm that he is one of the students who did not absent himself for class since he was admitted, effective in all evangelism works, preaching and teaching when called upon. He is an effective evangelist for Obosomase church of Christ in Aburi. The members are thirty-two (32) and fifteen (15) Children.

He has expressed his appreciation to the wonderful works the brethren in America and Ghana are doing. He added that he was grateful to the sound teaching he had from the instructors, their time and love for the work done throughout the two years. He said “may God richly bless you all.”

In conclusion, we thank God for His care throughout this month in all the activities.

Reported by Sammy

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Student outreach in Fiji

Bible Institute at Raiwaqa, Fiji

Our summer break is over and all three of our programs are back in full swing. Classes started back on our full time program on the 22 of February with three returning students and two new students. We have since picked up two additional students bringing the total to seven. To date, we have taught two classes: Language Skills and Research by Jason, and Biblical Interpretation by Rocco Pierce. Tuesday, we started two new classes with Emosi Sailo teaching the Gospel of Mark, and Jason Pierce teaching Homiletics One.

Our Monday evening program continued through the summer break, with them completing a course on Personal Evangelism where they went out into the community surrounding the school and passed out tracts for three of their sessions as part of their training. There are five students in this class and they began a new class on the 15 of March. The evening program is directed by Emosi Sailo and he does most of the teaching in that program.

This past Saturday, Jason and Rocco started back the Saturday classes in the West (Nadi / Lautoka). Our numbers have remained consistent for the program. We had ten students show up to study the book of Revelation by myself, and Planned Preaching by Jason.

Due to covid19, almost all of our students now are from Fiji except two of our returning students from Samoa who arrived before the pandemic hit. We are fortunate to have students from all over Fiji. We have students in the West from the cities of Ba, Lautoka, and Nadi. Here in Suva, we have students from the villages of Vatudamu and Nabouwalu on the northern island of Vanua Levu, one student from Kadavu island, between here and Vanua Levu. We also have two students from Naila village and four students from the greater Suva area.

Two of our graduates have been appointed elders at the Raiwaqa Church of Christ in Suva, Fiji. Emosi Sailo, who also serves as an instructor of the school, and Lesio Saurara. Both of these men have been active in preaching, teaching, and evangelism and have now taken on the challenging task of shepherding the flock at Raiwaqa. This is a historic event. The church at Raiwaqa was established over fifty years ago, and these are the first men to be appointed to this office. Please keep them in your prayers!

Posted on April 5, 2021 .

Pressing on in Leostho despite challenges

The school started 2021 well although we lost one of our students. BVBIL
temporarily suspended physical classes for two weeks because of the
national lockdown. Two baptisms were recorded and one restoration.

It is with sad heart that I inform you about the passing on of one of our
students brother Ramphielo on the 14th of January. Brother Ramphielo
travelled to South Africa together with brother Moliko (BVBIL student) for
a day, when they returned they were both sick. Within some few days brother
Ramphielo passed on and brother Moliko was hospitalized and he recovered.
Brother Ramphielo was one of the students who contacted Wednesday radio
programmes, he was also instrumental in organising the December evangelism
campai/gns in Quoling where the school plans to establish a congregation.
The school dearly misses him.

On the 14th of January Lesotho went on another two weeks national lockdown.
It was strictly no movement, churches, schools and other public gatherings
were banned. During those two weeks of lockdown the school delivered the
lessons online, using WhatsApp.

Lesotho has recorded 10523 cases and 308 death (8 March statistics). From
the 23rd of February to 8 March 2021, the nation has recorded an average of
5 cases per day, which is good news to us. Even though the country is
currently recording few cases, Lesotho is anticipating a third wave around
June, which would possibly mean another national lockdown.

In January brother Tawanda taught the book of James, we started the course
with 13 students and finished with 11. In February brother Tawanda taught
the New Testament church and 12 students attended the class.

The current students attendance in 2021 is 11 from 13 last year, another
student brother Lintsa has temporarily suspended classes because his mother
is critically ill. He promised that he will be back in class when the
mother recovers. The school has been visiting the mother and brother Lintsa
for prayers and encouragement.

In Spite of all these challenges, the school is still in the right direction to train competent students who are sound doctrine and capable of teaching others.

During the period of January and February, the school recorded two baptisms
and one restoration.

BVBIL is still looking for assistance with a laptop for class and
administrative purposes. The one the school owned was stolen on the 30th of
October 2020 during the burglary which happened at Maseru church Office,
the premises which the school is using. A laptop will be used for
PowerPoint presentations and administrative work which includes recording
students' transcripts and reports.

Finally, the school wants to pass its gratitude for all the support you
render to it. On behalf of the school, I appreciate you and your endeavours
to make BVBIL a success.

In His arms,

Tawanda Mwadiya

Posted on March 16, 2021 .

Classes continuing in Ukraine

Dear brethren,  

Greetings from Ukraine!  

The winter months are finally over and the spring is here. Unfortunately, the spring has brought the third wave of coronavirus to Ukraine. The numbers of infected people are climbing up every day while the vaccination procedures are only very recently and very slow. Many parts of the country have to implement the strict quarantine measures again. The educational, stores and public places of entertainment as well as municipal buildings will be closed. 

However, the classes at the Institute are taught the usual way, mostly in the classrooms. Majority of the Instructors were able to make the trip to Bila Tserkva, even though we have online studies as well. In February and the beginning of March the first year students had the following courses: Prison Epistles of Paul (Instructor Dennis Sopelnik), World Religions (Albert Bagdasaryan) and Hebrews (Stanislav Kuropyatnikov). 

As of right now we have a few men willing to join the program of our Bible Institute. Two of them are married. This is a good opportunity to educate and train men with established Christian beliefs but at the same time it will require some additional funds to support these men and their families. It's a challenge always but God opens new doors and there's no hindrance for Him. 

In May our students and I plan to attend a four days Christian seminar dedicated to the Church's growth. The idea was suggested by our Instructor Dmitry Galyuk and he is in charge of all organizational activities. It will be very beneficial for the leaders of the Ukrainian congregations, especially because the financial support of the event will be provided by our Ukrainian brethren. I consider it a stepping stone towards the maturity of the Lord's Church in Ukraine.  

The books we were able to publish in partnership with Jim Mettenbrink are very popular among the congregations. From time to time the preachers request them not only for the personal studies but also for some members of their congregations. These books are easy to read and they are beneficial addition to the Bible studies. 

Thank you all for your prayers and your support of our students and their families for the time of the study in our Institute.  

God keep you always, 

Your brother and coworker in His vineyard, Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on March 16, 2021 .

School evangelism in Lagos


We bless the Lord for the end of the 4th quarter of October to December and the end of the year 2020. We are much grateful to the Lord and thankful for the effort, prayers, and support of the brethren for the progress of the Agege School. May the Lord restore in abundance all that you have spent on the school in Jesus name, amen!


Class activities are always in improvement during the weekends until any exceptional break. During October, Okoro Chinyere took on World Religion. In November, Ezekiel Okorougo taught Life of Christ 3 and in December, Timothy  Iwe to Personal Evangelism. We are also making sure that we enroll new members to sustain the program in Agege.


To mark the end of the year, we went on campaign within the Agege environment. This resulted in converting a soul that was handed over to the Church at Agege.


We are really grateful to God for the safety granted us all within this time frame; we were all safe and no unfavorable report. COVID prevention protocols were observed by all as sanitization of the all was always carried out every Saturday before class.


This time we present our dear brother, Edet Dickson from Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. A journalist by profession, married to sister Uduak, blessed with three children. He works with the University of Uyo, but on posting to its Lagos Liaison office.

He has been a member of the Lord’s Church since 1995. He is a student of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, currently doing Advance Diploma, having graduated with a Diploma last year. He is currently worshipping the Lord’s Church at Ojodu, Lagos, Nigeria. He has been instrumental in bringing in young men (new students) to the school to study.


The above report was the activities that went on during this 4th quarter of the year, 2020.

We are so much pleased and thankful to everyone, the effort you have put into the progress of the Agege weekend school: the funds, study materials, prayers, and all forms of support rendered to us.

Much appreciation goes to Steven Ashcraft, Keith Kasarjian, the Management of Bear Valley Bible Schools, the supporting churches, the teaching staff, and everyone who helped in this regard this year.

May the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all.

We are also putting much effort to maintain the school's progress and the true doctrine of Christ until He comes back.

We shall never forget to thank our Lord for you in all the good plans you have for the Lord's work. Also, pray with us all the time.


Report by Olusoji Joseph Abiola of Bear Valley Bible Institute, Agege, Lagos

Posted on March 16, 2021 .

More souls won in Takoradi



School resumed from Christmas break on the 11th of January, 2021. Due to the good turnout of our interview on October 14, 2020, for prospective students, we were expecting about twelve (12) regular students and seven (7) part-time students, but things did not go as we anticipated. Therefore, we started the new academic year with seven (7) regular students and eleven (11) part-time students. Some are still pending which we are looking forward to. However, others are also declining the opportunity due to some financial constraints in their families. That is, they may be the bread winners of their families and so, things might be hard when they are away from home. In all these, we are not discouraged at all and we are seriously working hard to figure out a more effective way of getting more students for the school. Whatever method we want to adopt, will be communicated with you for your approval.


There was personal evangelism among some of the school’s products who are busily on the field working for Christ. There were about ten (10) baptisms won for Christ. Again, instructor Douglas Armah was given the opportunity to take up brother Joshua Aidoo’s weekly radio broadcast in the month of January.


About a couple of months prior to the year 2021, the school received a good news from the Bear-Valley Bible Institute of Denver via Brother Steven Ashcraft about their intention to send a one-time donation to the school. They requested that we present to them some things needing urgent financial attention in order to offer a helping hand. As a result, the following were presented for consideration:

a. Deep freezer.

b. Projector.

c. Signpost.

d. Building repair (ceiling for auditorium).

e. Camera.

We will like to account for this funds in our February report instead of January. In the financial statement report, there is a non-budgeted expenses of seven thousand, six hundred Ghana cedis (GHC 7,600.00). That is for the repair of the auditorium, the purchase of the projector and also the making of the school’s signpost. But since there was still other things to do regarding the funds that was sent by Bear-Valley, we have decided to render a complete account God willing, in the February report.


In our December report, we reported concerning one of our regular students who was supposed to complete his studies in the end of 2020, but fell sick and admitted at the Cape Coast Government Hospital, who was then diagnosed of Hepatitis B, Kidney failure and a cancer. On January 15, the school sent the Principal to visit him at the Hospital. And about 15 minutes after the Principal had arrived and prayed for him, he breathed his last. Which means the late brother Simon Anobil died in the presence of the Principal.


As part of the school’s monthly reports, we will be featuring one of the preachers who received their training through West Coast School of Preaching, and are busily working effectively in the Lord’s vineyard. A lot of preachers are in many local congregations working for the Lord. We first give the Lord the glory due Him and say God bless you to the leadership and the entire congregation at Howe.

In the month of January, we want to feature Brother Ernest Tachie-Menson.

He was added to the Lord's Church at Effia-Kuma, Takoradi in 1992, and was encouraged by the minister in charge (Bro. Saint William Kofi Dampah and Bro. Mike Kizer from USA, to go to the Bible College. So he got enrolled at West Coast School of Preaching in the year 2000.

While he was in school, the leadership of Effia-Kuma Church engaged him to work with a weak congregation as a "care taker" at Botogyina (Abbot), this is a local establishment in collaboration with the World Bible School (WBS). When he completed School in 2002, he continued to preach in that village congregation.

When the preacher for Effia-Kuma left, he was then called back to work as an acting minister from 2008-2009. He later accepted fulltime ministerial appointment at Elmina Church of Christ in 2010. After working with this congregation for about eighteen months (June 2010-December 2011), he resigned on doctrinal basis.

He then spent some few months with Upper Weija Church of Christ, with putting the leadership in order and preparing one of the young men to go to Bible School. He now works with a congregation which he spearheaded its establishment in February 2012. Today, they have 60 average adults and about 30 children. Thank God they now have two plots of land with Mission House project started on it. They have also completed a temporal place of worship on the land.

At Apewosika, a community around University of Cape Coast, he led this young congregation (Ntranoa Church of Christ) to establish a Church in the locality in 2019 with seasoned invited preachers (West Coast School of Preaching products). He was also part of the team that hosted the Effia-Kuma Church of Christ ANNUAL LEADERS SEMINAR for over decade, now hosted by West Coast School of Preaching.

He is a member of an EVANGELISM team (The Ghana Mission Effort) led by Bro Owen Yandell and the Libbys in the USA, and Bro Ransford Essien (West Coast product) in Ghana. He also preaches the gospel on the radio each Saturday night. Currently, he is pursuing a Degree program with Southern Institute of Biblical Studies (SIBS) in Accra, in affiliation with BEAR VALLEY BIBLE INSTITUTE of DENVER USA.

Yours for the Master’s service.

Joshua Aidoo

Posted on March 15, 2021 .

Students are back in class in Tamale



The Lord has gracefully taken us through the month of February, 2021 in a very successful manner. We owe God all appreciations. We agree with Paul the apostle indeed that “for in Him we live and move and have our very being ….” As custom demands, we write to update all concerned persons of the happenings in the school for the month of February.


After our much busy activities of the month of January, the students went on a three weeks break from the 8th of February to the 28th of the same, 2021. The break was necessary for them to go and visit their families, congregations and to also put their personal things in order. All of them have reported back, as we have returned to school to continue with studies. Bibles and commentaries on the Life of Christ 1&2 have been given to them. In addition, we have had two new students who came for an interview and have qualified and have joined their colleagues as lectures are ongoing.


On the 9th of February, 2021, our Director (Daniel Adjei Mensah), held a brief meeting with the regular staff, especially those of us working as instructors and doing administrative work. He appreciated our efforts during the activities of January. He also called for us to work as a team in helping to lift the school to higher esteem. We all saw the need for us to make good use of the facilities at our disposal to help the church in Northern Ghana. In attendance was Albert, James and Director Adjei.


We continue to strengthen our visitations and campaign for students. We believe through this channel, we will connect and create a strong bond between the school and preachers and the churches in Northern Ghana, especially congregations that our past graduates are working with. We intend to make a great impact with the tool of visitation and to send the school to the doorstep of all congregations as much as their doors will be opened to us across the breath and length of Northern Ghana.

Yes, now is the time for us to do that, with the opportunity we have through the sacrificial help of you our brethren from the United States and Bear Valley. Brother James has been to the Upper East Region twice this month alone, making visits to Bawku and Pusiga areas on the 1st to 7th and that of Sumbrongu and its environs on the 24th to the 27th February, 2021. These trips by brother James have contributed to four souls being baptized into the church at Pusiga and Zebila respectively. Brother Albert also made a journey to Naakpa for a marriage event on the 6th and 7th of February, 2021.


The church project is almost completed to roofing level. As it is a great blessing to us and we rejoice over it, we believe the building as it is shaping up is also preaching to us by calling for souls to come and worship in it. We are discussing how we can do effective evangelism to convert souls into the building, so that the resources that have been directed to it will not be a wasted one. 

In all things, we continue to light and great growth is ahead of us in the coming days.

All praises to God,

Sent for the Director

Daniel Adjei Mensah

Posted on March 15, 2021 .

Pressing on in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. It is awesome for us to be alive and busy doing what we are doing for the service of Christ. We hope you are doing okay. We keep you in our prayers. Please continue to pray for us as well.

Life is full of challenges here from many ends but we are still pushing with towards our goal. The new students are trying their best. Some of them have started seeing that Bible training is not as easy as the Bible studies on Wednesday evening. It is not easy with some of them. The passed the entrance exams but it is hard for them to maintain and keep themselves in school. But thanks be to God, we are here to teach, encourage, and motivate them to remain focused. At the end of the tunnel, they will see the light.

The Zeta batch students were out for their first mass weekend evangelism. It was great for us to meet with our graduates as well on that mission field area to help evangelize and also to train our new students in evangelism as well.

Our graduates are always happy to meet with the freshmen. We are doing a marvelous work here in Cameroon as our graduates are scattered in many locations. This gives us available access to a mission field at any time.


The Bassays are here to teach both the students and their wives. The Bassays graduated from Harding university and they are working as missionaries in their native country of Cameroon. Keep them in your prayers as they have spent this week with my family contributing their own talents towards training men and women to serve the Lord and further the gospel.


Thank you. Thank you very much for your prayers and support in this difficult time in the world. Your prayers and support are sustaining this work. We have nothing to give but to keep thanking God daily on your behalf.

Elangwe and family

By the Grace of God Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on March 15, 2021 .

53 souls saved in Malawi!

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ekwendeni


School reopens! We are thankful to God that the numbers of the covid-19 cases are decreasing daily, and this has made the government to allow all schools reopened. We are in the second week since the reopening was announced.

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ekwendeni has the students from all the 4 regions of Malawi. We have one student who is coming from a district bordering Mozambique. The process of picking students from all-over Malawi has helped the school to be recognized the whole Malawi and the neighboring countries.

Holiday Reports from students!

We have always been telling our students to be active in preaching the sound (Health) Doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ. Despite the pandemic threat, the students have been very busy evangelizing during the holiday. Here are the result of their work from the areas they are coming from (congregations). After we read their reports, it has been noted that 53 souls were saved in areas the students comes from, and also 13 souls restored. This is amazing! We thank God that our students are using their holiday time wisely. We always advise our students to protect our "Brand" Preaching and Training preachers - 2 Timothy 2:2

Teaching and preaching

We are thankful to God for giving us the opportunity to teach the word! The classes are in session and we thank God that the students have come with great zeal - willing to study. BV - Ekwendeni is sorrounded with many local congregations but we thank the Chinungu Church of Christ for using our students in the preaching and teaching work and serving in acts of worship. Because of the good performance of our students, the leaders of the church decided to pick one student to be their preacher the time students are at school. Brother Mateyo Ching'oma is the one chosen. This has encouraged us as teachers that the work we are doing is not in vain. Brethren are recognizing the good teaching of BV - Ekwendeni.


We are now planning to start developing the land we have bought for the school. Bids and plans of the buildings are ready and approved by architectures, (Government building planners). We hope God will open the doors of opportunities to allow funds allocated to us to start the construction work. God is always good!

We always are thankful to Bear Valley Bible Institute - International for the help of support that helps us keep going. You are always in our thoughts and prayers, that God should keep on blessing your families as this work still needs your involvement. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

Ephron and Clergynton!

Posted on March 15, 2021 .