Continued unrest in Haiti

Haiti Report – March 2021 

The International School of Theology in Haiti continues to make progress, despite the problems facing the country. There has been an increase in violent demonstrations and kidnappings over the past few months. Concern for our students and teachers has forced us to move classes to a different location temporally. During this last session, which was completed the first of April, classes met at the Santo Guesthouse, a house owned by the Estes Church of Christ in Henderson, Tennessee. In the past (and hopefully in the future), the house has been used to house groups who travel for medical, evangelistic, and relief efforts. While this is not the ideal situation, it has allowed classes to continue.

Mission Trip Delayed

I was to make a mid-April trip, but our local directors suggested delaying the trip due to the problems. Plans are now underway to travel in August for graduation and the starting of year eight of IST. It is hard to believe the school has been in existence for seven years. Through the efforts of everyone who has helped by offering prayers, giving financially, constructing the building and teaching classes, more than 1,500 souls have obeyed the gospel and several new congregations have been planted. God continues to open new doors to reach the lost and build his kingdom. Please continue to pray for our efforts to equip the preachers and teachers with tools for spreading the gospel. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.  

Larry Waymire

Broad St. Church of Christ

131 North Broad Street

Lexington, TN. 38351  







Posted on May 3, 2021 .