Great improvement in Sierra Leone!



As you begin to read this report, we want to, from the beginning send our greetings to you and your family members, and we pray that the Lord’s blessings continue to find you in all spheres of life in Christ’s name, Amen! We are very thankful for establishing and sustaining this Bible school for the training of more men in Sierra Leone. Just like the previous months, the month of March was a very successful month for us here in Sierra Leone Bear Valley Institute, and by extension the Churches of Christ. This is so because many rewarding activities took place within and outside the school territory. Here are the details according to the major subheadings:

STAFF UPDATE: Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute continues to operate with two permanent staff/instructors (the Dean of Students, Peter Barnett and the Director, Peter Sahr Makundu who also lectures) together with the temporal staff who come to lecture on invitation. However, we anticipate that more permanent staff will be added as has been approved by our dedicated and hardworking coordinator, Steve Ashcraft. Two instructors (Philip Makavore- English Instructor and Samuel Bangura- Taught the book of Ruth) wOne of the students giving the words of exhortation to our new convertere invited to take two courses.

STUDENTS UPDATE: The KBVBI (Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute) has fourteen students currently, all of them are intact and in good condition of health and are faithful in pursuance of their course in the school. ACADEMICS/CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES: The Book of Ruth was covered as well as Basic English Grammar I in the month of March.

WEEKEND EVANGELISM: Our weekend evangelism program has been rewarding. In fact as the result, five (5) souls were baptized within the month and they are faithfully attending worship at our campus congregation. We plead that you help us to pray for their spiritual growth. Thank you!

SHORT BREAK: Our students were allowed to go for a two weeks break. The break started on the 1st March and ended on the 14th March 2021. This was done because many of our students are farmers and are married men, so since we are in the raining season here in Sierra Leone, they were allowed to go and farm for their families. However, this break was also good for us because some of the students went and evangelized their communities, and as the result eight (8) souls were baptized and we give God the glory!


Our campaign for the month of March was directed to Shengema village in Kailahun District, about 62 miles away from Kenema. Eleven students and four staff took part in the campaign which was held from the 26nd to the 31st March, 2021. Prior to our arrival at Shengema village, there has been a congregation of the Lord’s Church there but the membership was very poor and many brethren had drifted away. So upon the request of one of our students, Eric Kaimba who is an inhabitant of the village, we embarked on the campaign. However, for the six days we spent there, our evangelistic activities were as well directed to the surrounding villages such as Gondama, Bobu Gau, Jegbellu, Blama Gau and Sembehun. Our effort was rewarded and the Lord opened the hearts of 14 people who were baptize and 12 other brethren were restored to faithful worship. Please may we continue to pray for their spiritual growth and faithfulness!


In one of the villages mentioned above, Gondama, few miles away from Shengema, a congregation was established as the result of our campaign as stated above. Some of our many converts are from Gondama village and we deemed it fit to start another congregation there. Our students travel there on every Saturday to teach the new converts and worship with them on Sunday and return to Kenema campus. We designed this schedule so as to strengthen the new congregation till we could get a permanent preacher.


We want to expressly state our deep gratitude to God and our sponsors through the instrumentality of Brother Steve Ashcraft for granting our requests in respect to repairing our computers, motorbikes, P.A System, purchase of small Generator and renting of the new guesthouse. May God bless you all brethren for your generosity.


Alex Yambasu is one of our students of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Sierra Leone. He was born in 1991 at Kululah, Kailahun Town, eastern Sierra Leone. Brother Alex was added to the Lord’s Church in 2018 and since then, he has been a faithful brother. He worships with Kululah Church of Christ and serves as a song leader. 


We are deeply convinced that the existence of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute is to bring more people to Christ thus we are grateful to God for the 27 souls altogether that were converted last month and the 12 brethren that were restored at Shengema Church of Christ. Our academic activities shall continue to be held in high regard and every activity of the school shall continually be considered with all seriousness and grace of God. Once again, we thank everyone; we thank our coordinators who spend hours, thinking, reading and putting things in order to see that the school succeeds.  As we conclude, we pray that may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with us all in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen! 

Posted on May 3, 2021 .