Seminars in India

Reporting  letter for the month of March-2021 

Respected International Director of Bible Studies Mr. Keith Kasarjian and our Coordinator Mr. Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners of BVBI-Tirupati-India we convey our greetings to you in the most holy and matchless  name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We are ever grateful to you for your continual prayers  and encouragement . We would like to share our reporting letter for the month of March-2021.

Classes: As we are at very close to the day of graduation ceremony  we are concentrating more and more to complete the syllabus which has been prescribed by BVBI, in the month of March we have completed the gospel according Luke, Philemon , Ephesians, second Corinthians , the book of Revelation and Hermeneutics , all the students and instructors are able work hard.

Campaign:- In the month of March we had campaign in the Nellore-District, Gunapadu-village, we travelled about 200 miles to and fro for conducting this campaign on March 11th, 2021. The local church member Mr.Anand was able to provide meal and bear other expenses of the total campaign.

Legal awareness class:- We requested one of the local legal expert who works in the department , he visited and taught several good things to the students regarding the rules and regulations they suppose to follow as per the Indian constitution.

Agriculture workshops:- In the month of March we have conducted two Agricultural work shops . The first one we have conducted at K.G.B.V. Gilrs school at Yerravaripallem-Village, Chittoor-DT, A.P and other one has been done at Poolathota-village, Nellore-DT, A.P, India. By conducting these work shops we have taught how to make raised beds , making compost, drip irrigation methods to several  people and make them awareness of the importance of Kitchen gardens which helps the people to gain good health. We are thankful to the director of Agriculture Mr.Carl Burkybile , Healing Hands International for his great encouragement and support for the establishment of these demonstration Agriculture Vegetable Garden.

Christian Growth Bible Seminar for the couples:- last week Friday we have conducted Christian Growth Bible Seminar for the couples . We are happy to share with you that  couples from Tirupati church of Christ, Vidyanagar church of Christ, Gunapdu-church of Christ, Bathlapuram Church of Christ, Molakalapudi church of Christ and Jangalapalli Church of Christ could able to attend for the seminar, all of them were able to study The God’s purpose about the relationship of Husband and Wife.

Conversions:- in the month of March 3 souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ.

New testaments distribution:- we have collected 1000 New Testaments,  each Sunday after the service we encourage the members and students to distribute the NTs.

Prayer- Request:- we are thankful to all the Prayer partners for the BVBI-Tirupati-India, Lord willing on April 30th, 2021 Our Bible College is going to organize the Graduation ceremony program for the first batch students , we request you to pray for the event.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa, behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on April 6, 2021 .