Evangelism in Abuja



May the peace of God be with you in Christ holy name, amen.

I hereby submit the report on our evangelism campaign held at Gwagalape and Aso C communities which took place on 27th March, 2021. This school evangelism campaign was merged with Abuja Preacher’s quarterly evangelism.  Preachers’ quarterly evangelism is usually a three (3) days evangelism exercise. In this quarter, the exercise took off on Thursday the 25th March, 2021 to be elapsed on the Saturday, the 27th.  However, the Saturday 27th was made compulsory for all students of Bear Valley Bible Institute – Abuja which is part of her academic exercise.

Overview of the campaign

The Church at Gwagalape hosted this year evangelism campaign. The chairman of the forum gave a brief welcome talk and express happiness in partnering with the student of Bear Valley Bible Institute. We also had a brief orientation on Human and field management by the host minister (Bro, Jinfang), after which Bros. Dominic Dakup, Akpabio Akpabio and Imoh Enag Atakpa also gave a clue on both class representatives on what is expected of us before, during and after the evangelism.

After all formalities, the evangelism commenced by 9:45 am. During the field exercise, all students were pared tow-by –two for effective delivery. Many households were visited and the gospel preached. Topics discussed vary from “Sure way to heaven, the plan of salvation, grace of God and the Church”. Many questions were raised and answers given. Particulars of some prospect that developed keen interest in further discussions were written down on the “prospective forms” which was distributed to all groups and were handed over to the contact person as was designated by the forum in the person of Bro, Efiong Joseph Efiong for further follow-up. No baptism was recoded at the moment but hopeful that in the future, the exercise will bear many fruits. By 1: pm, all participant returned to the worship hall where we were entertained and had our formal closing at about 2:11 pm.


All Students were in attendance and fully participated in the exercise except for Bro. Chidiebere Dapper Omenihu who didn’t show up at all and never related any information about his absent to me although; he may have related such information to the Director or any other faculty members which I cannot account for. Praise be to God as there was no casualty recorded all through the exercise.

Thank you.


It has been our earnest heart desire and prayers that God in His infinite mercies will continue to guide and protect you in all you do in Jesus most precious name, amen.

At first, we most sincerely appreciate you for the financial support which you keep rendering to us and of cause, your words of encouragement. We are indeed very grateful.

Morning worship

As it please God the Almighty to shower His blessing and strength upon us, all glory to Him for being with us always. As agreed, a total number of 11 students (George A. Ogar, Comfort Yohanna, John Ukana, Leonard Mayone, Ayegba Andrew, Madalla Harunna, James Etim, Ekelemchi S. Gabriel, Emmanuel Abiodun, Charles Nwaokocha  and our newly joined student who started last week Saturday “Joseph Efiong Joseph”) converged at Gidan Zakara Senior Secondary School, the venue where the Church usually meets.

Morning worship condensed by 8:45 am and all activities were conducted by the students and the worship ended at 11:35 am. The breakdown is as follows:

Moderator                  -             George Attah Ogar

Song Leader               -             Ekelemchi S. Gabriel

Teacher                        -             Ayegba Andrew

Admonition                -             James Etim

Given                             -             Emmanuel Abioduun

Lord Supper               -           Madalla Haruna

Later in the afternoon during evangelism, four more students (Bakari Zakari, Audu Dennis, Omeje David and Udoh Daniel) joined us.  In all, a total number of 17 students participated in this commission. Only two students (Milling Chukwumaeze and Chidiebere O. Dapper) did not attend at all.

Before today, the church had only 8 mature members and 7 adolescents. The lackadaisical attitude of some members of that congregation is nothing to write home about. There was a man by name Mr. Titus Mayour, who was dis-fellowshiped six (6) years ago on the grounds that he married a second wife returned for worship this Sunday 18/04/2021. The Church prayed for him and his family for God to see them through, but his restoration now depends on their mutual agreement.  Some visitors were noticed (Bro. Ayegba’s wife and four children) though not mentioned.  In all, a total number of 48 worshipers stood till the closing time.

House- to – house evangelism

Immediately after worship, we had a lunch prepared by the host after which we moved into the field for door knocking. We had a lot of discussions as a result of message being preached. Many topics were discussed and prospects indicated interest for further studies and such persons with their contacts were handed over to the preacher of the congregation for a possible follow –up. Such a large community but never heard about the Church of Christ.

Sincerely I must appreciate Nyanya congregation for donating huge amount of tracts with different topics for this exercise.

Open air preaching

By 3:30 pm, all students moved down to the venue (Gidan Zakara Primary School), the allocated venue for the event with many passers bye. As a team, we commenced arrangements and by 4: pm, the event proper. We received many visitors from denominational worshipers who posed many questions on us regarding “baptizing and re-baptism, infant baptism, one church as good as others and women pastors”.  By the grace of God, Biblical answers were given although; many of them were not satisfied and requested we should stay further. Such persons were also channeled to the preacher for more works to be done.

Three agents of African Bible School led by Bro. Edidiong stormed the venue of our open air with their reflective jackets and decided to join us. Some of their jackets were shared among us though very limited number. However, while the preaching was on-going, they were sharing / enrolling interested persons into African Bible corresponding courses.  

Most exceptional and worthy of commendation is the ability of Bro, Madalla Haruna to interpret all conversations in Hausa language. Before now, we were perturbed with the challenge of evangelizing predominantly hausa speaking areas not knowing that in our midst are such blessing already. He did a wonderful work by interpreting all our activities in hausa This made our open air preaching impressive.  I recommend him to be used any time any day in whatever occasion as long as interpretation is concerned. The whole exercise came to an end at about 6:54 pm.

We must return glory to God as one of our listeners (Mr. David Shour) now a brother, indicated interest for baptism at the closure of the event. It was already night so we couldn’t perform the baptism ourselves so, we handed him over to the preacher and he was baptized same night around 9:pm.

After all said and done, the whole exercise received a successful ending. Members of the Church were happy at what God had done in that community and wished that we should find time and come again.

May the peace of God be with you.

Thank you.


Posted on May 3, 2021 .