You need to read this from Sierra Leone!


Full Time and the Extended Programs


Greetings to you our dear brethren and co-workers in the Lord’s vineyard. It is with great joy that we write to share with you our fruitful and exciting report for the month of April 2022.  Moreover, we are very hopeful that you are doing well in the Lord and that this report will also interest you as you read through. Thank you for your support and for praying for us; may the Lord bless you all. As the month of April ended, the Lord enabled us to resume our third quarter academic activities (for the full-time program, though the extended program continued without break), carry on a successful campaign where souls were converted and some brethren were restored, hold our first formal alumni meeting, embark on fasting and prayer for our sponsors and all brethren, complete the planting of our crops on the farm. However, we had sad news about the death of the father of the director, Brother Peter Sahr Makundu. But in all, God was favorable to us in the past month of April, hence, may you read further for the details of the report. 


In the March report, we informed you that our second quarter for the full-time came to a close on the 5th of March 2022 and that the students were to resume on the 1st of April 2022 for their third-quarter year one, which would end on June 30, 2022. To the glory of God, all our 20 students in the full-time program resumed and the academic activities continued. 


The administration of Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute acknowledges the dire need for the Gospel to be preached to the dying souls, hence her effort is always directed to evangelistic campaigns. The month of April was not an exception. Our evangelism was directed at the southern part of Sierra Leone, specifically, Taiama Town. Taiama is 110 miles away from Kenema and it is one of the historical towns in Sierra Leone where “Christianity” began. From 1810-to 1898, some denominational missionaries, especially the Anglican and the Roman Catholic penetrated the town and subsequently established their denominations there. As time went on, in the 1960s-80s, some early missionaries for the church of Christ who were based in Freetown capital also found their way in Taiama, and with great effort, some locals were converted and the church of Christ was also established. The church was flourishing very well until sometime later, it died completely as a result of the withdrawal of the missionary activities and the lack of a dedicated and a committed preacher who could encourage and motivate other members to continue steadfastly with the work of the Lord. However, in 2016, when some of the early members (3 of them) who are still living in Taiama who never joined any denomination though were not worshipping as church of Christ brethren, heard about the coming of Bear Valley Bible Institute which they learned is associated with churches of Christ, decided to send one of their children, Pessima Sheku to enroll in the school. Pessima was accepted and enrolled and in fact, it was at Bear Valley here that he was converted and became a serious-minded preacher, who upon graduation in 2019, returned to his hometown at Taiama and restored the congregation back. It was upon the request of Brother Pessima that the campaign be held at Taiama in the past month of April. The campaign was so fruitful that twenty-three (23) souls were converted, and twelve (12) people that Brother Pessima had preached to but were no longer attending were also restored. As we write this report, since the day after our campaign, we have been sending our students to Taiama every week to worship and fellowship with the brethren. God is indeed glorified for His wondrous works! Please brethren, may we pray for this restored congregation, and may we pray for Brother Pessima to continue with the good work he is doing. Apart from the conversions from our campaign, five (5) souls were as well converted during our regular weekend evangelism. 


In some of our reports, we have informed you that we plan to work with our graduates closely so that all of us can combine our efforts for the growth of the work of God in Sierra Leone and the KBVBI. It was on this note that we called for an Alumni meeting, which was held on the 29th April 2022 at the school campus. Thirteen (13) graduates who are actively preaching attended the meeting, together with five teaching staff. Many important things were discussed: the activeness of the graduates in the preaching field, maintaining communication with the administration, challenges that are being faced, what can be done for more evangelistic work to be carried out, etc. The leadership of the Alumni was also formed on that day. 


Our students and staff embarked on our regular fasting and prayer on April 15, for our sponsors, the Ukraine-Russia war, our coordinator, our International Director, our directors of Bear Valley schools in the world, and the brethren worldwide. 


In order to complement the great effort that has been made by Bear Valley, we embarked on agricultural activities. We planted cassava so that our students can eat it when it is ready. 


It is with deep sorrow that we write to inform you that on April 20, 2022, Peter Sahr Makundu lost his father, Steven Makundu. He died from high blood pressure and was buried. Our very compassionate coordinator, beloved Brother Steve responded to us when we needed some financial assistance. He did so through the provision of Bear Valley Bible Institute, thus we are very grateful to you all for your assistance. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you also, especially to beloved Brother Keith who sent some comforting words when he heard about the demise. Moreover, we appreciate brothers Francis Musa and Robert Dahn who showed great concern at the time of our bereavement. The family members of Makundu are so grateful to you. 


Brother Sheku Pessima is one of our first graduates who graduated from the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute in 2019. He was born in 1987 in Taiama town to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pessima. Brother Pessima, prior to his conversion was a Muslim. In 2016-2017, after enrolling for a Diploma course at the KBVBI, was converted through the efforts of his coursemates. Since his graduation, he has been actively involved in ministry work. He presently serves as the preacher of the Taiama Church of Christ and was among the alumni that attended our April 29 meeting. 


Brethren, we remain grateful to you. Thank you for loving the Lord. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance, and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly. 

Thank you so much for reading through.

Peter Sahr Makundu,


Posted on June 2, 2022 .

Liberian school conducts successful gospel meeting


Tokay Hill Community, Ganta City, Nimba County

Operations Report For The Month Of April, 2022


We will continue to thank God first and also you for all your support toward the Lord's work here in this part of the world. I count myself so much blessed for this great privileged and blessings to be part of His workforce in teaching the truth in His kingdom. We are delighted for this opportunity to work with you. Many thanks to all those making it possible through their sacrifices for the sake of Jesus Christ. So far, all has been moving very well in Liberia.


In our last report, we requested your prayers for our upcoming gospel meeting for the month of April. We are glad to inform you that your prayers worked. On the 14th of April we embarked a campaign away from Ganta with the students and some other church leaders to two different towns and the result was wonderful. 56 souls surrendered themselves to Christ saving authority (His word) through water baptism. The church was restore in Blamine and all other confusion was settled. Thanks so much for your prayers.


Another Staff meeting was held in April to encourage and show appreciation our teachers and support staff for all their sacrifices for the school and this again was very successful for the future of the school. This meeting brought together all of our staff members to evaluate our progress and plan on how we can do more for the betterment of school. In this meeting, all our staff members who are preachers were also encouraged to speak with their congregations to please help the school with whatever they can to encourage our American brethren who are supporting the school. We encouraged each of us to see this extension school as ours to help train our own for the work of the local churches. High on our agenda also was the need to make follow-up on our past students and encourage them to take the work seriously. 


Our goal is to give our students more practical work experience in both the churches in the cities and congregations in the villages and other personal work like house-to-house visitation, public preaching, seminars, lectureships, teaching and preaching in congregations etc. With this in mind, a program has been instituted to send our students out every weekend to get involved in any of the work listed above. This effort is really helping our students have first-hand knowledge on the work expected of them in the future after their graduation from the school. 

Meanwhile, we request for your prayers for them as they go out to serve during the weekends. Especially now that our roads are very bad because of the rain.


Our class room activities continued with the following:

  1. Daily Teachings

  2. Daily Memory work 

  3. Daily Quizzes

  4. Assignments

  5. Research work 

  6. Presentations

  7. Daily Chapel

  8. Group work 


One of our last year end resolution for the school was to cultivate a huge farm land this year for the school. By His grace, someone loaned us seven plots of land and agreed for us to farm on it till they get ready for it. As we speak, the whole land has been covered with cassava and other crops completely. And guess what, the sight is wonderful seeing the cassava and all other crops planted growing so fast. We are happy for the farm and thank God for the thoughts to help in such direction.


Boimah Falleh is one of the young man we have in the school that is very passionate about studying the word of God and his willingness to help with smaller congregations outside the cities. Boimah was born on Saturday December 25, 1999 in Bhah town, Bomi county. He graduated from High School in 2018 and was working with the local congregation in His home town. He became a christian four years ago since 2017. His love for God and for the truth brought him to attend the Bear Valley Bible Institute. When asked of his future plans and dreams, he said firstly, He wants to be an Evangelist of the Lord's church and he also want to become a medical doctor.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on June 2, 2022 .

Uganda students encourage local church

Brethren, the beloved in God our lord, grace to you and peace from God our father and our lord Jesus Christ  who has blessed us with every spiritual blessings. It has been a blessed day with us here today at Wamala  and the church that meets here at in Entebbe. 

The worship was conducted by our students who took the lead did a wonderful job. The men of the congregation were very much moved by the students who have committed their lives to the Lord’s work.

These men are a great encouragement not only while in school during regular hours, but also for the work they are doing evangelizing the area around the school.

Last week one soul was added to the Lord’s church here at Wamala church of Christ that meets in the school premises.   We thank God for the increase. The only challenge with the people being converted here is that they are often workers working in  the city who come from different places. Oftentimes when their contract is finished they move to other places. We only pray they take the gospel with them as they go.

We are only a few days away from the close of the fifth quarter of study. The determination in these students is more than extraordinary.  They have no time to waste . Please remember them in prayers as they will be heading home soon for a break and then will come back in the near future.

We have not had much challenges like sicknesses which have been troubling us time and again.  Only  few of them have been hospitalized. Please remember our cook, Sam who is sick. With prayers, he will be fine.

Another challenge is water, this has pushed us very much on the wall whereby we are forced to buy water from the trucks. We pray that God grant us the opportunity to have our own place where we can have a provision of having a well to supply the school  with enough water.

May the almighty God bless you and keep you. Pray for us as we are soon sending applications form all over the country to begin the enrollment of the second intake come 2023.

Until all have heard 


Posted on June 2, 2022 .

Wotutu school heavily involved in evangelism outreach

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We do hope this report meets you well. God is still on the throne and He has given us life. We are doing our best to serve Him in our own corner.

The training of preachers in Wotutu is on and very effective as we make sure that those entrusted in our care become servants of God who are fully prepared and ready for every good work. Students continue to dig deep into the Bible as they study diligently. In 6 months, the Zeta batch will be going to the wilderness as the 8th of December 2022 is the day that is slated for their graduation. Please, if you are interested in being our guest, we will be grateful to welcome you here.

Last week in Bear Valley Bible Institute - Wotutu and other ministries here moved forward with normal challenges. However, in all of our challenges we trust God to see us through.

The motto of the school stands tall, which is “EVANGELISM IS OUR MISSION AND OUR MISSION IS EVANGELISM.” After a busy day in class, students jumped into the school van, made available for us to move for weekend evangelism. We think souls and we do all that is in our power to make sure souls are reached with the undiluted word of God.

Now that the rainy season is approaching, we use different vehicles for different locations of work. It is true the work is growing daily and the demand to reach out to souls is ever increasing.

In the mission fields our traditions are, “OPEN THE WORD TO ANYONE WHO IS A CONTACT, BECAUSE IT IS ONLY THROUGH OPENING OF THE BIBLE, THAT THE CONTACT WILL BECOME A PROSPECT, AND BY HIS GRACE BECOME A CONVERT.” Our students love to open the scriptures, and we are happy to share pictures of those who will allow them to take pictures.

There is always power in the gospel. You can’t imagine that someone busy with online stuff can suspend his online affairs just to listen to our students as they open up pages of the Bible to show hope in Christ for those who live in this hopeless world. God is so good! Keep these students in your prayers .

Our chapel times are special moments in Brightland Christian schools. There are days though, that the sun is too intense because we don’t have a hall or a shade. Students will hide themselves beside the walls while the student preacher of that day stays under the sun to speak out the word. The students receive great lessons as they also benefit from seeing the speaker’s zeal. Intense sun is a big challenge and at times rainfall is also a big challenge to us. We are trying all we can to promote Christian education here but it is not easy with us.

The promotion of Christian education in the Wotutu community exposes the truth to many young minds. These young people you see in the picture are all from Brightland schools. They are doing serious follow-up about the truth. The 30-minute chapel time many times is not enough for them as immediately after chapel is lunch break, so they decided to come for worship with the Wotutu congregation so that they could see how the New Testament church worships. This also gives them time to dig deep into the word with questions and answers, along with the reading of more Bible passages and to have their questions that have arisen from reading Mission printing tracts answered.

This lady in the attached photo is a good prospect. She is an internally displaced person, IDP, because of the crisis in Cameroon. She was pregnant and we donated baby clothes to her for the baby. We bring the gospel of hope to hopeless and dying situations. Our heart falls out for many, but our hands are always too short to reach out to many we meet on our path. Please pray for us.

God blessed sister Irine with a baby in the Wotutu congregation. Keep the newborn in your prayers as the father, mother, and child are all doing great. God added sister Litricia into His church in the Wotutu congregation. Keep her in your prayers. We have studied with her for the past 2 years and today was a day of joy in their home when she accepted to put Christ on in baptism. Her husband has been our brother for many years.

We had another baptism during this weekend’s evangelism. God is good and will always bless our efforts with many opportunities to share the bread of life to many who are hungry. It is just as I told my students in class, “A PREACHER IS A BEGGAR OF BREAD, SHOWING OTHER BEGGARS WHERE THEY CAN FIND BREAD.”


We are on with our agenda for the week. We reach out and nurture. That is top on our agenda.


God bless you daily for all you do for His work. We want to thank you for availing yourself to God as he is using you to accomplish many works on earth. Please, as we cry for more help and openings to doors, do your best to share our reports with others who may want to help.

Elangwe and family

By His grace, director BVBIC-Wotutu.

Posted on May 25, 2022 .

Evangelism campaign results in 39 baptisms in Takoradi



The first term of the second year has ended successfully. The term began on 17th January 2022 and ended on 29th April, 2022 for the full-time students. Studies are still ongoing for the part-time students. The full-time students will be on vacation for a month. They will return to school on 30th May, 2022.  On the day of vacation, the whole school met together, had a prayer session and reflected on the term which was led by the Principal.


Preaching the gospel to the lost and winning souls for the Lord is very important to us. We are always joyed to share the gospel with others and teach them about the Lord and His church. In the month of April, the work of the Lord continued for both present and past students of the school. And the Lord blessed our work so much that thirty-nine (39) souls were baptized into Christ.


In the month of April, the Principal organized a 1-day youth motivational lectureship. He began this program in the year 2019, which was attended by about 250 brethren from congregations in and around the city of Takoradi. But due to the Covid-19, it was not continued until April this year. It was very successful this year too. Many brethren attended, others watched it live on Facebook, while some others also listened to the presentation on live radio broadcast. 

The Principal’s main objective for such a program was twofold: (1) to help empower brethren in the Lord’s church to be innovative and creative in order to develop entrepreneurial skills, and (2) to use that platform to draw brethren’s attention to the West Coast School of Preaching, especially for its enrollment purposes.

And this program was funded by the Principal himself, and two other brethren (one from Fijai COC—Bro. Emmanuel Justice Ofori and another from Mpintsin COC—Bro. Alexander Otabil) who joined him in organizing the program.

Thank you.


Posted on May 25, 2022 .

Students help to revive a congregation in Kenya

We have this day of May 20th, 2022 closed the school for a two week holiday till July 6th this year when we will resume classes for the third quarter of second year of fifth intake students at Kenya School of Preaching, Kisumu Kenya. We have fifteen students in this intake. Instructors have been four- three local Africans (Charles David Elias) and one American, Dr Michael Reese.

Apart from class work, the students have participated in evangelistic efforts conducted by two local congregations namely Tieng're and Ragengni. While at Tieng're, the local church near the school, the preacher assigned the students to be team leaders to direct members and guest preachers to villages around the school. This resulted in baptizing (8) souls in Christ. At Ragengni, the students also helped knock doors and two souls were restored.

Four students together with a local preacher Michael Boy, have also directed their evangelistic efforts toward an almost dead congregation by the name Ogwedhi Kambare in order to revive her. This they have done within the last four consecutive Sundays during which period they have managed to assemble with 6 and baptized two into Christ. Now that we have closed the school for a break, Ronald, who has been among the four, will continue to edify them till we open again. The number of baptisms are ten. Four backsliders have been restored.

I have attached some pictures of students in their school uniform, the local teachers with them and of some baptisms performed at Tieng're and Ogwedhi congregations.

Thanks for your continued prayers on behalf of K.S.O.P and more so for the students as they near their graduation day. Thanks again for your continued support towards the Lord's work here. Whatever you do only eternity will reveal. May the Lord bless all abundantly in spiritual and physical matters.

In his service, Elias Omollo

Posted on May 25, 2022 .

Terry Harmon visits Ukraine

Hello, dear brothers and sisters, and congregations,  

We are in middle of May, and here in Ukraine we still hear air raid alert sirens while Russian missiles continue flying over the heads of our peaceful citizens. Unfortunately, the all-out war carries on, the fatalities among civilians and military personnel increase daily. These days the theater of war shifted towards the East and the South of the country. The enemy wants to cut Ukraine from the sea access and control as much territory as possible. The Ukrainian Army resists, and every day we get more and more heavy weapons thanks to the USA and European countries. It looks like we still have a lot of military conflict ahead of us and only God knows when and how this war ends. We ask you to pray for us, for the Lord's Church and for the people who are now homeless and jobless.  

The Bible Institute is working in the city of Chernivtsy now. It's the most distant from Russia part of Ukraine and as of right now the safest one. It borders Romania and I think they don't have a lot of military infrastructure which can be the reason for not getting as many air strikes as other parts of the territory.  

During the last month brother Viktor Semikoz taught Wisdom Literature, brother Terry Harmon came to teach the book of Luke, I taught Ezekiel and these days Vitaly Rodichev is teaching Isaiah. We are grateful to Terry Harmon for this courage to come to Ukraine and encourage many brethren. There was also a joyful event, our students Sasha and Victoria got married. Brother Terry Harmon led the wedding ceremony. 

We continue our humanitarian efforts with the refugees who arrived to Bila Tserkva. We support them in their needs of food, medicines and personal hygiene products that we have ready for them. We are trying to make them feel that God loves them and takes care of them.  

Two refugee families from Konstantinivka started attending the services regularly. The church building is at the final stages of renovation to adjust to the needs of refugees. Currently we are finishing up the bathroom. Beds, washer and dryer are purchased. Now we have to get everything in order and start the refugee assistance program next week. People will be able to stay here for some time while we will be helping them to find some rentals.  

Since the military conflict shifted to the Eastern and Southern regions some citizens are returning to their home in safer places if their house are not destroyed. The infrastructure of the liberated cities is being restored. The store shelves look better and a lot of familiar brands are replaced with the goods from our European neighbors. The biggest problem is the gas and diesel supply, they are constantly in catastrophic shortages. The lines to the pumps stretch for a few miles. Since so many tank farms were destroyed by missiles all fuel is stored in gasoline tankers and trucks and it takes much longer to service the chains of gas stations. Consequently, the gas prices are very high. These are our daily struggles but God was, is and will be merciful to us.  

We rejoice in seeing His work of salvation. Yesterday two young men in Chernivtsy obeyed the Lord. They are from the Eastern Ukraine where the military activities are in full force. The Lord's church grows in spite of all persecution.  

I'm very grateful to all brothers and sisters who financially help us in our ministry in Ukraine. It's truly an enormous blessing to use the tools for spreading the Word. We constantly pray for the people to be able to see the hand of God in their lives.  

In Christian love, 

Your brother Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on May 16, 2022 .

Exciting times in Malawi!

Bear Valley Bible Institute




Hope this find everyone in good health. It is always a happy thing when you come to the finishing line of your race in every completion. Covid 19 has been a great challenge in our work of teaching men be faithful preachers. As we all are aware that it takes 2 years to graduate, but this time it has taken 3years because of Covid 19 challenge. But now we are happy that we are almost there. All courses have been taught and these remaining 3 weeks of May, we are finishing the remaining 2 courses of general epistles. We are thankful to God that we have managed to reach this far. This semester we were blessed to have our students hostels completed, healing hands international representative came to train our students in new technologies of agriculture and many more ways how we can harvest using composite manure. We are feeling to have been favoured and blessed by God! God has been faithful to us.

We are also thankful to mission printing team for sending us books and now our library will look great! The students have also received their carton full of books each. They are thrilled with joy as they will go home fully equipped with all kinds of weapons to defeat Satan. Again, we have good news from our former students that souls are being added to Christ, this time 11 souls have been reported saved! We praise God for the good job these men are doing. More detailed information in the paragraphs below.

Preaching and Teaching

We are excited at the moment as all the teaching work is almost done. We have had brother Blessings who came to teach short course on Minor Phrophet2 and also Brother Navie Theu who taught on poetry books. The students have grown in their understanding greatly and hope the congregations where they are going will benefit a lot as they fill up the pulpits and fulfil our brand – 2 Timothy 2:2.

As the school, we are always proud of our former students when we hear of them making a difference where they work as preachers. In the month in the month of April, we have received reports about the evangelism outcomes from our three former students who had preaching of door to door. We have received the news that 11 souls have been added to Christ and also 4 souls restored summing up to 15 souls! We praise God for this.

Construction work

The student’s hostel construction work is at the advanced stage of the finishing stage. We have everything completed only painting is to be done in few days to come. Having said this, without toilets, kitchen and shower rooms, we cannot be able to shift to this place. Therefore it is our prayer that God will keep our door to having funds open that we do the shower rooms, toilets and kitchen constructed. Renting has been expensive for a long time. The money we spend on rentals would have been used in other works of bringing souls to Christ.

Agricultural training

As school, our purpose is not only training preachers in Bible only, knowing that a person grows both physically and spiritually, we thought to invite the Healing Hands International to train our preachers how to keep their lives independent as the preach the gospel without support. Nowadays preachers support from without is no longer there, therefore, preachers need to work hard with their own hands as Paul, Peter left us with good examples. The Healing Hands have helped us with water and agricultural trainings. We thank Brother Mbwenu Chirwa who came to teach the students and the community also benefited from the studies to the point that one villager offered his one acre of land that next time the healing hands international come can go and help the whole village with the training. This training has preached a lot in the area where the school is allocated.

Mission Printing – Brings Joy to school and students!

Time passed and we were not even dreaming about this. We have been asking for library books since the school started in 2015, without know that BV International is working on that. We have been surprised with the coming of the books, not only for the library, but also for the students as a gift to each a carton. This is the joy the students and us all are in at the moment. God bless you all who took part in putting the books in cartons and shipping them to us. You have done us good. We are also thankful to Brother Donnie who offered the transport of books from Zimbabwe where they were shipped through. We really thank him for his kindness and love and so is our sister school in Gweru – Zimbabwe helped a lot putting the books in a bus to Malawi from Harare.

We are also thankful for the partnership between BV international and the Hillcrest church of Christ for the great support given to us to make the construction work accomplished. Without your stretched hand in this work we would have not made it on our own. Let this heart continues as the work still needs your involvement. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

In Christ!

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

A new school in Ghana




The end of the first quarter is a blessing from God. For this time, praise be to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

The establishment of the School

The above – mentioned school is a newly established extension school, established on 19th February, 2022 at Kasoa in Ghana. Brother Steven Ashcraft and Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi were there to give orientation to students. Fourteen students were present. The administration of the school was handed over to Brother Larbi Emmanuel to work as the Director of the school. The school runs on a weekend basis, Fridays and Saturdays.

Classroom Activities

Two courses were taught this quarter. The courses were How We Got the Bible and Old Testament Part 1(Pentateuch). Fourteen students were present for these courses. Brother Larbi, the director was the instructor for both courses.

Admission of new students

 Letters have been sent to the churches within Kasoa community with the aim of admitting new students in the coming quarter.

We have had full students’ classes since the school was established and we pray that that will continue. Right now all assignments are done and we are seeing progress.

Start Up Materials

The School was blessed with startup materials soon after the official opening and we are grateful. Printer, among the materials,, will be a great help to the School as the making of copies of materials is one of the great cost to us. Even though we are yet to get the two in one table and chairs, we are managing with what we have.


We thank God for His care throughout this quarter in all our activities.

Reported by Emmanuel

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

Good works in Kasoa

KASOA 1, Papaase



Thank God we are alive in the midst of all the mess of the Covid. Now the wearing of the nose mask is not mandatory, observing healthy living is being done by many as you can see some still wearing the mask in certain places. We pray God continues to keep us safe.


Emmanuel Amo Gyimah is now the director for this campus, hence the regular instructor. He just finished teaching The Church of Christ II, being the Worship of the Church. Currently, the class is on The Life of Christ III and is being taught by Nana Yaw Aidoo.

These students are working on their jobs from Monday to Friday and attended classes on Friday evening and the whole of Saturday for four years. Many of the students are preachers in their congregations, while others lead various committees in the church.

Some of the students are anxious to finish this program and continue with their bachelor's.  They have finished their assignments up to date as well as working hard to do their secular work to support themselves.

Students Activities

There was no combined campaign during the quarter, however, various activities were done by the students to win others for God and to grow the Kingdom of Christ. House to house evangelism, dawn preaching in house mounted loudspeakers, and sharing of tracts were made and the Lord blessed their works with many hearing the Gospel of Christ, restoring one brother and twenty baptisms.

Students Profile

 Brother Charles Ayensu is our student of the quarter. He was baptized some 28 years ago in a village nearer to Agona Swedru called Gomoa Afransi. He is 43 years and works with a loan company as a Credit Officer.

He has been a leader in the Papaase, Kasoa congregation for several years having served in various committees over the years because of his selflessness and commitment to duty. Currently, he leads the Church Administration and Planning Committee of Papaase congregation.

He is married with five children, two girls, and three boys.

Charles is full of praise for the sponsors and Bear Valley Bible School for this great work which he sees as a blessing to him and others.


Praying that the Good Lord will continue to bless us as we continue to serve Him in the School to train more workers for the Lord so as to work to expand the Kingdom of Christ.

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

More students in Nsawam

Nsawam Extension Schools 1 and 2

First Quarter Report, 2022

Report on activities held for the first quarter at the Nsawam Extension School.

Current Number of Students

Currently, there are two extension schools in Nsawam, thus Nsawam 1(old) and Nsawam 2(new). Nsawam 1 has 18 students. Four (4) of them are not attending class. These are the reasons: Emmanuel Ampoh has joined Kasoa 1 due to proximity; Mark Sintim, due to his work as a policeman, is unable to come to class. He has requested the administration to reschedule his course online. Emmanuel Otoo-Wood is unable to come to class due to his traveling work. Arnold Dabo had an accident and has been admitted. He is currently receiving treatment.

On our records on enrolment, Nsawam 1 is originally left with 14 students offering the Diploma program.

Nsawam - 2 has 7 students. Additional 2 students have submitted their forms and are yet to be reported.


Concerning the class activities, both schools are pursuing the same courses for this quarter. These are Old Testament 1, Life of Christ 1, and Personal Evangelism 1. For this matter, both schools have been joined together and pursuing the courses.

In our next quarter course schedule (April, May, and June), the schools would be having a joint class to offer Life of Christ 2 through to Life of Christ 4. These would be taught by brother Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah.

Start-up Items Received for Nsawam 2

We were grateful to God for the items sent to Nsawam Extension School 2. These include mattresses, an instructor’s desk and chair, a water dispenser, and some start-up funds. We thank God and appreciate you all for the kind support. The chairs are not yet in due to a shortage on the market.

Next Campaign Schedule

Both schools would be joining the regular school to partake in the campaign which would be held from 6th to 12th June 2022 at one of the villages in Nsawam, thus Akwamu. Due to this, there would be no class this weekend.

All the students have been instructed to take part in this activity as part of the academic exercise.

Baptism Records

In this quarter, we have recorded three (3) baptisms during our personal evangelism. We are hoping that the prospect would understand and come to Christ.

These are the activities carried out for the quarter.

Keep remembering us in your prayers.

Reported by Sammy

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

Many projects in Zimbabwe



Each month brings new and renewed expectations. It brings hope that God will give us more zeal and energy in training men and women towards his cause. God renewed us as we started a new month which marked the beginning of a new term. So much was done in the month but we are pleased to report the following;


A new term began on the 1st of April. The following subjects are being taught; Minor Prophets, Geography of the Bible, Revelation, Elementary Hebrew, Christian Evaluation of Contemporary Ethics, The Preacher’s Life and Work, Foundation of Missions, Introduction to Great Bible Doctrines, Church Administration and Governance and Chaplaincy Studies (seminar).


BVBIZ has a well equipped leadership training unit and stands ready to train elders, deacons and committees at various levels. On the 12th and 13th of March, members of the church’s National Youth Committee were at BVBIZ for leadership training. The team was accommodated on campus and was trained in different leadership concepts, roles, dynamics and issues. The team was then given BVBIZ certificates of attendance to this leadership workshop. The certificates were given to the committee when it met for a planning session at Mutare School of Preaching on the 23rd of April with Dr. Campion Mugweni being the guest speaker and one of the BVBIZ ambassadors, Lovemore Manyanhaire assisting.


BVBIZ is pleased to welcome a new member who shall be servicing as an administration assistant and working as a projects person as well. She is Praise Chiruka who is an agriculturalist by profession. Whilst projects were being carried out before, expertise was lacking. With her coming on board, we hope BVBIZ students will also be trained partially in Agriculture and that BVBIZ projects will increase in viability. She will be paid from what she produces.


Those doing the parallel program (part time class) were on campus in Gweru from the 14th -23rd of April for their holiday block apart from other methods being used. They are now in their second semester. These blocks are proving to be useful and a lot of ground is covered in the process.  The following subjects were taught intensively; Hermeneutics I, Pentateuch, Elementary Greek, Godhead and Homiletics. These subjects are still ongoing.



The Finance and Sustainability committee within the Board of Trustees has come up with a plan of mobilizing funds towards this project. Their target is to have a minimum of 300 birds with each bird costing an average of $10 at point of lay. To facilitate the achievement of this goal, BVBIZ is praying and looking for 40 individuals who will donate $30 (for 3 birds) each, 60 who will donate $20 (for 2 birds) each and 60 individuals who will donate $10 (for 1 bird) each. The target date is 30 May 2022. Those who wish to partner the school in this regard can contact the school director on +263774413647 or at or the chairperson of the Finance and Sustainability Committee, brother Brighton Raradza on +263772222302 or at and indicate the category they want. Those who wish to go beyond the listed categories will be highly welcome. Those in the USA can contact our regional director Donnie Estep on +1-3047845416 or at  All donations will be acknowledged. Together, we can make this project a reality. Can you help?


Our projects specialist started her work on a high note with the planting of lettuce and cabbage seedlings. Onions will be planted at the beginning of May. The month of April closed with her and the students preparing beds for the planting of onion. The target is to plant 10000 onion seedlings in May and another batch in June.



BVBIZ introduced a tuck-shop on campus as per the 2022-2024 strategic plan.  This project was spearheaded by the Finance and Sustainability Committee within the board. This will help students with the provision of what they need during their stay on campus. The surrounding community which often walks long distances to buy grocery items will also come and buy from BVBIZ. Great appreciations go to the Raradza family for providing $140 to kick start the project. May God bless this family. The profit realized from the sale of groceries in  April was $52.14.


As part and parcel of BVBIZ’s life skills development, “drink “making was taught to the students on the27th of April. Great appreciation goes to Brother Damson Siwedi who facilitated and imparted the knowledge to students. Several types of drinks were made.




BVBIZ congratulates Partmore Simbi  (2018 graduate) who wedded Loveness Jonasi at Murewa on the 23rd of April. The school also congratulates Ovius Kufa (2021 graduate) who wedded Fadzaishe Dziva on the 30th of April. Ovius wedded on campus and the wedding left the site looking better as more work had to be done to make it look better. We hope in future, more people will hire the venue for such occasions. The school appreciates Ovius who spent many days on campus sprucing up the environment. Aside from this, more efforts continue to be put to make the BVBIZ campus have a serene environment.

Ovius and Fadzaishe’s wedding


Students on the parallel program started their practicum on the 1st of April. These are unique in that they have to work around their ordinary schedules to do the practicum.

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

58 students in Port Harcourt, Nigeria



As the year 2021 was coming to an end, arrangement was concluded for our two schools in Rivers State Nigeria, to upgrade from one course per month to two courses per month.

Sequel to the above, on January, 2022 we started the study of two courses per month at the two centers. Although the new development has been more tasking to the local director, the teachers and the students, but with great pleasure and thanksgiving to God, we are glad to report that the new development is going on very well and we are making appreciable progress.


On Thursday April 21, 2022, we hosted the Port Harcourt center students, church members and preachers in Port Harcourt for the 4 field discipleship training. The resource persons were: Brother Osita Onura and Bro. Charles Odoi from Ghana who came with his wife.

The training program was very successful. On the second day of the training, one of the participants invited her lady friend who heard the gospel and was baptized the same day. The training ended on the third day. Expectedly, our students and other participants received their certificates of participation.

In view of our success so far, the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Rivers State is very grateful to our sponsors who are providing the funds and other needed support to the school. We appreciate all the supports and encouragements.

As at the time of this report, we have a total of 58 active students in our two centers. In Rumuokwuta Port Harcourt center, we have 35 active students and in Ahoada center we have 23 active students. Most of our students are doing the two courses per month and all our teachers and students are working hard to achieve more success.  We give all the glory to God.


Report from Anthony E. Oluria Director BVBI Rivers state Nigeria

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

Pray for peace in Haiti

International School of Theology – Haiti Report


The work continues to move forward in Haiti, despite the unrest. In the past week, there have been at least twenty people shot. The kidnappings continue to climb. In 2021 there were more than 1,200 people kidnapped and held for ransom. There were 81 non-Haitians kidnapped in 2021. I hear from friends in Haiti almost daily, and the situation is getting worse. Many of the churches cannot meet, businesses are closed, and the streets are empty. Haiti needs your prayers.

Our students at the International School of Theology have not been able to meet on campus for more than a year and a half. They have been meeting under a pavilion at the Sonlight Children’s home. We have twenty-three students, but many days only about half of them can meet due to roadblocks and violence in the street. This week it was necessary to move our sixteen children living at Sonlight to a safer location. The gang activity is growing. With the gang activity in the area, our students will not be able to meet until a new site can be found. Since we are in the capital, Port-au-Prince, it may be hard to find a place. 

But souls continue to be saved, the gospel message is proclaimed, and God is glorified. I am so proud of our students, teachers, and directors. They have continued to move forward; they have continued to reach out to others, even when their lives are in danger. They know that God knows their situation and that peace will come one day. Their attitude is, “We are here, and let God use us.”  

The greatest need for Haiti is prayers for peace and safety. We continue to send funds for our teachers, workers, and students so they can buy food; when it is available. Many students and teachers spend days when they cannot travel out of their homes for fear of being shot. Mac, my leading interpreter for IST, said it plain, “The streets of Haiti are not safe; you hear gunshots every day. You say a prayer when you must go out because you don’t know if the next bullet will hit you. You lay in bed at night and hear the shooting, and your wonder if your friends or family are still alive.   You wonder if today will be your last day on earth.”  Mac is twenty years old and is a fine Christian young man and a dear friend. Please pray for Mac, IST, the children, and all the people of Haiti. 


Larry Waymire

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

Back on track in Guinea


This report will cover the following highlighted points: Evangelism; Classroom or teaching activities; Suggestions / Recommendations; Our Appreciations and lastly Photos attached.

1- Evangelism

We thank God for His Spirit who works in giving us the health, strength and knowledge required for effective evangelism. As soon as the normal activities of the school were resumed, we started the exhortation and encouragement of brothers and sisters who had fallen to come back to the house of God to continue the worship together in the interest of our eternal salvation.

Then, with the help of God through the Holy Spirit souls were convicted as a result of our evangelistic efforts. We succeeded in implanting a new assembly in the village of Dakadou. This was possible especially with the great contribution of Brother Eloi Tolno, one of the current students of Bear Valley School in Gueckedou. We are therefore glad to inform you that during this preaching sessions (6) six people accepted the gospel of salvation and were baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus - pictures below.

2-Teaching / Classroom Activity

After the remarkable and successful mission visit to Guinea of our Coordinator Steven Ashcraft last March, we resumed the activities of the school on April 04, 2022. This was according to the planned schedule by the Coordinator which was also unanimously accepted by students and instructors.

Preceded by reorientation of students, four (4) subjects were successfuly taught during the past month of April. These were :

1- The Epistle to the Romans - taught by brother Antoine Fassa Tolno, the Dean of Students.

2- The Pastoral Epistles - taught by brother Saa Robert Kamano.

3- The Intertestamental Period - taught by brother Emmanuel Kamano.

4- Computer courses - taught by brother Antoine Iffono.

It should be noted that of the 14 students on roll before the 7 months cessation of activities, 12 (twelve) students answered the call to return to finish the training. The other two (2) have not yet returned. One of them is sick and the other went on an adventure in the mines. Let's pray for the sick for healing and the other so that they realize the importance of this important biblical training.

3- Suggestions and Recommendations

We are asking all the brothers and sisters in Christ in the United States, Australia, the Bear Valley administration and elsewhere to support us in prayers for the complete restoration of peace and understanding in the Lord's church in Guinea.

We still need your continues financially and material support - logistics, not forgetting our worship hall needs.

4- Thanks

We could not end this report without thanking all people of good will and faith for the Lord's work in Guinea. We especially thank the Bear Valley school administration for their financial and material support in the training of evangelists in Guinea. We personally thank our Coordinator Steven Ashcraft for his technical and managerial support in the management of the school in Gueckedou. We also thank Barry Baggott for his didactic support and Ken Stanley for his good role to ensure that Guinea move forward especially in spiritual things.

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

More conversions in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Colorado, USA


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


It is another opportunity we have to share with you, our regarded supporters and beloved brethren, the joy of the impact of the Gospel here in Sierra Leone through the effort of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute. We are very optimistic that this report will find you flourishing in the Lord. We are steadfastly praying for our brethren in Ukraine and the Bear Valley there for peace to be restored. Thank you also for praying for Ukraine and also for us; may the Lord bless you all. The month of March was a memorable one for us, because souls were converted to the Church, our second quarter came to a close successfully, and some brethren were restored to their usefulness before the Lord. As much as March was favourable to us, challenges were not also absent. For the details of this report, may you read below:  


We are glad to inform you that our second quarter for the full time program, which began on the 1st December 2021 came to a close on the 5th March, 2022. The students were to resume on the 1st April, 2022.  Our second quarter jumped into March because we had lost two weeks in December due to “Christmas” and the New Year festivities. Therefore, we used the first week of March to at least compensate for the loss.  All our 20 students attended all the courses and wrote their exams successfully. Moreover, all of us as instructors did our best to offer to the students what the Bear Valley Curriculum requires. In the just-concluded quarter, the following courses were covered: Hermeneutics 1, Old Testament 2: History, Godhead, New Testament Church: One True Church, Christian Evidences, Basic English Grammar 2, and Computer Studies 2. However, our 16 extended students continued to take their lectures.


As already stated, all our full time students went on break at the end of the quarter. However, the staff and some of our extended students continued in the evangelistic work. Before March could end, the Lord added 5 souls to the Church and 2 brothers were restored. Though many were not converted in March, yet we give God all the glory for the ones He called. On this note brethren, we solicit for your prayers as you have always done for those brethren.


I was privileged to be invited by the Ganta Bear Valley Bible Institute director, beloved brother Robert P. Dahn Jr., to teach World Religions. The assignment took me twelve days and, afterwards, I returned to Kenema. During my twelve days tarry at Ganta, I was amazed by the seriousness, burning desire, and the preparedness of our students. I was well treated by the staff and especially the director, Brother Robert. I remain grateful to God, the Ganta Bear Valley Bible Institute, and the Bear Valley International for creating such opportunity for me.


It is with deep sorrow that we write to inform you that in late March (23rd and 25th), we were faced with the reality of death again when we lost Brother Eric Kaiamba, the preacher of the Church of Christ at Shengema Gao, some 68 miles away from Kenema. Brother Eric was one of our committed students who just graduated in October, 2021. He has been one of the strong pillars for the Shengema Church. It was at his request that we went on a campaign at Shengema, the campaign that yielded much fruit. The staff and some other brethren traveled to Shengema and to the glory of God, he was buried. The staff spent three days in Shengema. Also, on the 23rd March, one of the preachers, Kaaloko Dodoo at Magburaka, Northern Sierra Leone departed to be with the Lord. Kaalokoh was the father of one of our just-graduated students, Dodoo Larkoh, who was working closely with his father at the Rokel Church of Christ in Magburaka. Two staff also traveled for the burial and it was successful. We want to specially commend our hard working and compassionate coordinator, Brother Steve Ashcraft. In the midst of our predicaments, he encouraged us, approved some financial assistance and prayed for us. Again, the Bear Valley Ganta director, Brother Robert Dahn and Brother Francis Musa, another committed God’s servant in Guinea encouraged and guided us in everything especially as we are young and not full of much experience. We are thankful to God in all.


Tamba Cyprien is our committed international student from the Republic Guinea. Brother Cyprien was born to Muslim parents in Kindia, Guinea. He was born on 2nd July, 2000 and he is the second son of the three sons that were born to his parents. Cyprien is a Kissi by tribe, a tribe that is found in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. He speaks French and Kissi and is a high school graduate in French. He was invited by one of his uncles who is a business man, residing in Koindu, Sierra Leone in 2014. Upon his arrival in 2014, he came in contact with Emmanuel Focko, one of our first graduates who is working tirelessly in the Lord’s vineyard in Koindu and Weima axis. Eventually, Cyprien was preached to and became a member of Kpuya Church of Christ in Koindu. Since his conversion, he has been working closely with the brethren and has been making a lot of effort to learn English. Currently, he works together with Emmanuel Focko who converted him at the Weima Church of Christ. At the time the school sent in applications for the 2021/2022 admision, Brother Cyprien indicated that he wants to study deeply God’s word so that he could better be equipped. He was given admission and is committed to his studies. He is determined to preach the Gospel and convert many to Christ. His photograph shall appear in the pecking order at the end of this report.


Brethren, we remain appreciate to you. Thank you for loving the Lord. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.

Thank you so much for reading through.

Peter Sahr Makundu,


Posted on May 10, 2022 .

A church plant in Nigeria


Beloved in Christ Jesus.

Grace, peace and mercy be multiplied unto you all from God our Father and from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Here are some of our activities in the Lord for the month of April 2022.


1. Students' one month Vocational Training/ Practicum concluded.

2. Birth of the Lord's Church in Elepete Villa Ibeju-Lekki Local Government Area of Lagos State.

3. Report from World Bible School Follow Up Workers.


Our year-1- Students that are on a month Vocational Training and year-2- Students that are on Practicum conclude their exercise on April 30 and they are expected back in Butubutu campus on May 1 for the commencement of 4th Semester Classes on May 2, Lord's willing.


In continuation of our mission as a School of Evangelism and in obedient to the Master's order in Mark 16:15, four of us , BVBIN & SWSE Instructors and twelve Students and the brethren of Mile-12 congregation, Lagos State teamed up on April 7 through 9 to evangelized Elepete Villa, Ibeju-Lekki Baba Adisa Bus stop Epe Lagos State which to the planting of the Lord's Church in Elepete Villa and conversion of a woman on April 9 and another three of our prospects on April 17,2022.

The first worship at the church auditorium donated by Sister Killa and family witnessed 132 worshippers with over N100,000= as total collection.

One of our students assisted the young congregation for two weeks before the appointment of Bro.Akinsanya Siyanbola (my wife Junior brother) as the minister on April 28,2022.


1. Bro.Balogun Benson, one of our year-2- Students and the minister of God working with Asejire congregation in Ondo State visited eight High Schools in and around Asejire and Ofusu towns, Benin-Ore Express Way with 1,000 WBS Introduction Courses for recruitment of Students and distribution of graded courses/plan#1 courses for WBS Students in those Schools visited between April 2 through 20, 2022.

** Bro. Benson Balogun needs a motorcycle for his WBSFUW in this virgin area of Ondo State.

2. Bro. Kayode Eniafe and Bro. Dele Shotola visited five High Schools in Oyo and Osun States for the collection of WBS Correspondence courses which was distributed in the month of March 2022 and 420 Introduction Courses were collected back. Also, a WBS Student, Adeyemi Ogunsakin was baptized on April 22,2022 by Bro. Kayode Eniafe and Bro. Dele Shotola at The Lord's church in Challenges Area of Ibadan City, Oyo State.

3. Bro. Adedoyin Olusola Rotimi, the minister of the Lord's Church in Badeku also visited two Junior High Schools in Badeku town, Ona-Ara Local Government Area of Oyo State to share the WBS Introduction Courses and 63 are now returned by the students of this Schools.

4. Bro. Emmanuel Godwin visited two High Schools in Ogotun-Ekiti and Igbara-Odo to distribute the completed WBS Correspondence Courses/next Courses from West Olive congregation,Az and Sister Faye Bach to over 150 Students and about 120 of the Correspondence Courses are now returned.

5. Bro. M.B. Archibong, a fellow WBSFUW in Uyo , Akwa-Ibom State reported the conversion of six souls during a day WBS Seminar of April 13,2022 in his area.


Bro. Harry Chukwu Ifeanyi is one of our year-1 - Students. Born on 23rd of September 1994 in Asaba, Delta State to the family of Mr. & Mrs . Nwachukwu. He got baptized on 8th of June 2020 at The Lord's church in Ondo town, Ondo State before getting an admission into our ministerial department on August 2020.

He is presently working with Igbo-Oloyin congregation in Akinyele L

G.A .Oyo State as one of the ministers,along with one of our graduates, Bro.Oladpokun Samuel.

His mission after his training is to serve as one of the bonafide ministers of God within and outside the country, Nigeria.


1. With the Lord's help, we were able to participate actively in the three days mass evangelism and gospel campaigns that led to the birth of the Lord's Church in Elepete Villa Ibeju-Lekki Local Government Area of Lagos State from April 7 through 10,2022.

2. With the gift of $1,000 from Austin Chapel COC and Bro. Chad Wagner we were able to purchase 311 Bibles for our WBSFUW in Western States of Nigeria in this month of April 2022. To God be the glory and honor.


We are deeply appreciative of you all for your concern,care, and brotherlylove which you all expressed through your partnership in this ministries of souls winning for Christ and in training of more soldiers for the Lord's Army. May the Lord keep on blessing all our joint efforts in Christ Jesus, amen.

I remain yours in His Grace as a servant,

Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi

(The Chief servant of BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN And WBSFUW)

Posted on May 10, 2022 .

Great work in northern Ghana


We greet you all from Bear Valley Tamale in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, who died to give us the opportunity to reunite with our Maker. We, in Bear Valley Tamale also thank God for granting us the opportunity to serve in His Kingdom. As is required by us monthly, we wish to report on events and activities that took place here in the month of March 2022 both within and outside of campus


Lectures were very successful in the month of March with all our resident staff teaching. We are also working collectively together with our able coordinator to bring on board additional visiting instructors who are sound in doctrine to handle some of our short courses. As it stands now, there are three resident instructors (Brother Albert Tamanja, Adjei Mensah the director and Brother James Legend). We also have Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi, our Coordinator as a permanent visiting instructor, and Brother Steven Ashcraft as one of the visiting instructors also. Some of the sound trained preachers in Northern Ghana are also sometimes appointed to come and teach some of the short courses. We are working to bring some more sound and qualified visiting instructors for some of our short courses as some of our instructors are aging and are not that strong enough, especially those in Northern Ghana to help with the teaching.


A lot of progress is going on with the Kpalsi South Church of Christ, both on our church building and that of our evangelistic work. Your support and our efforts as a church collectively are producing fruits gradually.

Evangelism: The month of March was a joyful month for us as our evangelistic work saw the Lord through the Gospel added three souls to the church. Two sisters and one brother got baptized and were added to the church. Praise God, Amen.

Church Building: As projected in the month of February report, the inside flooring of the church has been done successfully as well as the fixing of the burglar proofs. We have also received funding from Brother Steven to fix the doors also. The Lord bless you all who are helping to make things a bit easy for us here in Tamale in our efforts to worship our maker.


As it’s generally said by many, “cleanses is next to godliness,” and for that matter, it’s necessary to keep our compound need and hygienic for our own health sake. In the month of March, some detergents were bought as well as toiletries and durable buckets to aid our students. We appreciate our sponsors and all the Christians who are playing different roles in the running of things in Bear Valley Tamale and all the other campuses across the world. The Lord blesses you all.


In our efforts to create a very good relation and friendship across the length and breadth of Northern Ghana and also link up with churches for smooth recruitment for our next batch of students, we attended a graduation ceremony for Project Timothy in Yendi in the month of March, 2022. Project Timothy is a leadership program that is run around the Yendi and Saboba area in Northern Ghana. Having one of our current students (Laar Fredrick) who were part of the grandaunts, we saw the need for us to attend the event and to also network with congregations who participated in the event. It was worth it as some relationships were built.


We are succeeding with the small piloted garden we did. As reported last month, we harvested Okro, Cucumbers and some other local vegetables successfully. It has been very encouraging to be honest. We also harvested watermelons successfully. We are currently waiting to harvest our first fresh dry season maize and groundnut. All glory to God.

We are now hoping to get some funds to set up a proper irrigation system for the growing of permanent vegetables and other crops.

We thank the Lord for all His mercies and kindness towards us.

Bear Valley, Tamale

Posted on May 9, 2022 .

Continuing in Enugu


2022 First Quarter Report

We started 2022 with 15 students and the total number of local instructors is 3.

The school was involved in direct evangelism campaigns in an area called Akwuke and there are many converts out of the efforts put and a church a starting there by 1st May 2022, and we hoped to chose one of the students to nurse the infant church temporally. (Please we solicit for your prayers for the infant church starting MAY 1st 2022.


We are grateful to the wonderful coordinators of BVBI outside and within. The financial/material supplies, prayers and the visits of our dear Brothers, Keith Kasarjian, and Chad Wagner are of a great tool and strength in doing this work; words are not enough to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you, may God bless and keep you all, may His mercies and steadfastness never depart from us all in Jesus name - Amen.

Thanks and remain blessed.


Bro. Patrick Makwe P.

For BVBI Enugu Study Centre

Posted on May 9, 2022 .

Chad Wagner visits Accra

Accra Report, March 2022

Glory be to God for the end of the month of February 2022. We thank him for His marvellous care throughout this month. Glory be to Him.


All instructors carried out their teaching responsibilities well during the month. All eleven (11) students were present for the programme. The end of this month was the end of first the quarter. Eight (8) courses have been completed.

Bachelor’s Programme

Hopefully, we have admitted five (5) men for the bachelor’s programme. This is the second batch for the 2022/2023 academic year. An interview and orientation have been carried out. They have also taken their first class on Research and Writing which was taught by George Osafo.


The school vacated for two (2) weeks holidays and to report on 3rd April 2022.


The students organized three-day public preaching at one of the villages called Gyankama. All the students participated.

Some of the students, who spent their holidays on campus due to the proximity to their homes, organized an evangelism programme at one of the villages. This was house-to-house activities for one week.

Registration Status


Currently, the landowners are putting much effort to have the boundary plan design to be submitted to the land commission for the plotting and final registration.


As I reported in my previous report, the Accra Tax filing with the Registrar General’s Department is through for the year ending 2021. We are still working on Tamale’s reregistration.

Chadwick Adrian Wagner and Sunday Abiodun Owolabi visit to Accra School

We were grateful to have our brothers Wagner and Sunday from America (USA) and Nigeria, who came to visit our School. These two brothers, E.O. Larbi (Accra Director), and I (Sammy) showed them the new school project, a wonderful work being done by our brethren. They were impressed for such a project.


The Accra school graduation is gradually approaching. This is to mark the 4th graduation and matriculation programme, four (4) full-time from Accra and ten (10) weekend students from Nsawam. We are hoping that all the activities would be successful.

Posted on May 9, 2022 .