We greet you all from Bear Valley Tamale in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, who died to give us the opportunity to reunite with our Maker. We, in Bear Valley Tamale also thank God for granting us the opportunity to serve in His Kingdom. As is required by us monthly, we wish to report on events and activities that took place here in the month of March 2022 both within and outside of campus
Lectures were very successful in the month of March with all our resident staff teaching. We are also working collectively together with our able coordinator to bring on board additional visiting instructors who are sound in doctrine to handle some of our short courses. As it stands now, there are three resident instructors (Brother Albert Tamanja, Adjei Mensah the director and Brother James Legend). We also have Brother Kojo Acquah Beenyi, our Coordinator as a permanent visiting instructor, and Brother Steven Ashcraft as one of the visiting instructors also. Some of the sound trained preachers in Northern Ghana are also sometimes appointed to come and teach some of the short courses. We are working to bring some more sound and qualified visiting instructors for some of our short courses as some of our instructors are aging and are not that strong enough, especially those in Northern Ghana to help with the teaching.
A lot of progress is going on with the Kpalsi South Church of Christ, both on our church building and that of our evangelistic work. Your support and our efforts as a church collectively are producing fruits gradually.
Evangelism: The month of March was a joyful month for us as our evangelistic work saw the Lord through the Gospel added three souls to the church. Two sisters and one brother got baptized and were added to the church. Praise God, Amen.
Church Building: As projected in the month of February report, the inside flooring of the church has been done successfully as well as the fixing of the burglar proofs. We have also received funding from Brother Steven to fix the doors also. The Lord bless you all who are helping to make things a bit easy for us here in Tamale in our efforts to worship our maker.
As it’s generally said by many, “cleanses is next to godliness,” and for that matter, it’s necessary to keep our compound need and hygienic for our own health sake. In the month of March, some detergents were bought as well as toiletries and durable buckets to aid our students. We appreciate our sponsors and all the Christians who are playing different roles in the running of things in Bear Valley Tamale and all the other campuses across the world. The Lord blesses you all.
In our efforts to create a very good relation and friendship across the length and breadth of Northern Ghana and also link up with churches for smooth recruitment for our next batch of students, we attended a graduation ceremony for Project Timothy in Yendi in the month of March, 2022. Project Timothy is a leadership program that is run around the Yendi and Saboba area in Northern Ghana. Having one of our current students (Laar Fredrick) who were part of the grandaunts, we saw the need for us to attend the event and to also network with congregations who participated in the event. It was worth it as some relationships were built.
We are succeeding with the small piloted garden we did. As reported last month, we harvested Okro, Cucumbers and some other local vegetables successfully. It has been very encouraging to be honest. We also harvested watermelons successfully. We are currently waiting to harvest our first fresh dry season maize and groundnut. All glory to God.
We are now hoping to get some funds to set up a proper irrigation system for the growing of permanent vegetables and other crops.
We thank the Lord for all His mercies and kindness towards us.
Bear Valley, Tamale