Good works in Kasoa

KASOA 1, Papaase



Thank God we are alive in the midst of all the mess of the Covid. Now the wearing of the nose mask is not mandatory, observing healthy living is being done by many as you can see some still wearing the mask in certain places. We pray God continues to keep us safe.


Emmanuel Amo Gyimah is now the director for this campus, hence the regular instructor. He just finished teaching The Church of Christ II, being the Worship of the Church. Currently, the class is on The Life of Christ III and is being taught by Nana Yaw Aidoo.

These students are working on their jobs from Monday to Friday and attended classes on Friday evening and the whole of Saturday for four years. Many of the students are preachers in their congregations, while others lead various committees in the church.

Some of the students are anxious to finish this program and continue with their bachelor's.  They have finished their assignments up to date as well as working hard to do their secular work to support themselves.

Students Activities

There was no combined campaign during the quarter, however, various activities were done by the students to win others for God and to grow the Kingdom of Christ. House to house evangelism, dawn preaching in house mounted loudspeakers, and sharing of tracts were made and the Lord blessed their works with many hearing the Gospel of Christ, restoring one brother and twenty baptisms.

Students Profile

 Brother Charles Ayensu is our student of the quarter. He was baptized some 28 years ago in a village nearer to Agona Swedru called Gomoa Afransi. He is 43 years and works with a loan company as a Credit Officer.

He has been a leader in the Papaase, Kasoa congregation for several years having served in various committees over the years because of his selflessness and commitment to duty. Currently, he leads the Church Administration and Planning Committee of Papaase congregation.

He is married with five children, two girls, and three boys.

Charles is full of praise for the sponsors and Bear Valley Bible School for this great work which he sees as a blessing to him and others.


Praying that the Good Lord will continue to bless us as we continue to serve Him in the School to train more workers for the Lord so as to work to expand the Kingdom of Christ.

Posted on May 10, 2022 .