More conversions in Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone

Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Colorado, USA


Full Time and the Extended Programs 


It is another opportunity we have to share with you, our regarded supporters and beloved brethren, the joy of the impact of the Gospel here in Sierra Leone through the effort of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute. We are very optimistic that this report will find you flourishing in the Lord. We are steadfastly praying for our brethren in Ukraine and the Bear Valley there for peace to be restored. Thank you also for praying for Ukraine and also for us; may the Lord bless you all. The month of March was a memorable one for us, because souls were converted to the Church, our second quarter came to a close successfully, and some brethren were restored to their usefulness before the Lord. As much as March was favourable to us, challenges were not also absent. For the details of this report, may you read below:  


We are glad to inform you that our second quarter for the full time program, which began on the 1st December 2021 came to a close on the 5th March, 2022. The students were to resume on the 1st April, 2022.  Our second quarter jumped into March because we had lost two weeks in December due to “Christmas” and the New Year festivities. Therefore, we used the first week of March to at least compensate for the loss.  All our 20 students attended all the courses and wrote their exams successfully. Moreover, all of us as instructors did our best to offer to the students what the Bear Valley Curriculum requires. In the just-concluded quarter, the following courses were covered: Hermeneutics 1, Old Testament 2: History, Godhead, New Testament Church: One True Church, Christian Evidences, Basic English Grammar 2, and Computer Studies 2. However, our 16 extended students continued to take their lectures.


As already stated, all our full time students went on break at the end of the quarter. However, the staff and some of our extended students continued in the evangelistic work. Before March could end, the Lord added 5 souls to the Church and 2 brothers were restored. Though many were not converted in March, yet we give God all the glory for the ones He called. On this note brethren, we solicit for your prayers as you have always done for those brethren.


I was privileged to be invited by the Ganta Bear Valley Bible Institute director, beloved brother Robert P. Dahn Jr., to teach World Religions. The assignment took me twelve days and, afterwards, I returned to Kenema. During my twelve days tarry at Ganta, I was amazed by the seriousness, burning desire, and the preparedness of our students. I was well treated by the staff and especially the director, Brother Robert. I remain grateful to God, the Ganta Bear Valley Bible Institute, and the Bear Valley International for creating such opportunity for me.


It is with deep sorrow that we write to inform you that in late March (23rd and 25th), we were faced with the reality of death again when we lost Brother Eric Kaiamba, the preacher of the Church of Christ at Shengema Gao, some 68 miles away from Kenema. Brother Eric was one of our committed students who just graduated in October, 2021. He has been one of the strong pillars for the Shengema Church. It was at his request that we went on a campaign at Shengema, the campaign that yielded much fruit. The staff and some other brethren traveled to Shengema and to the glory of God, he was buried. The staff spent three days in Shengema. Also, on the 23rd March, one of the preachers, Kaaloko Dodoo at Magburaka, Northern Sierra Leone departed to be with the Lord. Kaalokoh was the father of one of our just-graduated students, Dodoo Larkoh, who was working closely with his father at the Rokel Church of Christ in Magburaka. Two staff also traveled for the burial and it was successful. We want to specially commend our hard working and compassionate coordinator, Brother Steve Ashcraft. In the midst of our predicaments, he encouraged us, approved some financial assistance and prayed for us. Again, the Bear Valley Ganta director, Brother Robert Dahn and Brother Francis Musa, another committed God’s servant in Guinea encouraged and guided us in everything especially as we are young and not full of much experience. We are thankful to God in all.


Tamba Cyprien is our committed international student from the Republic Guinea. Brother Cyprien was born to Muslim parents in Kindia, Guinea. He was born on 2nd July, 2000 and he is the second son of the three sons that were born to his parents. Cyprien is a Kissi by tribe, a tribe that is found in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. He speaks French and Kissi and is a high school graduate in French. He was invited by one of his uncles who is a business man, residing in Koindu, Sierra Leone in 2014. Upon his arrival in 2014, he came in contact with Emmanuel Focko, one of our first graduates who is working tirelessly in the Lord’s vineyard in Koindu and Weima axis. Eventually, Cyprien was preached to and became a member of Kpuya Church of Christ in Koindu. Since his conversion, he has been working closely with the brethren and has been making a lot of effort to learn English. Currently, he works together with Emmanuel Focko who converted him at the Weima Church of Christ. At the time the school sent in applications for the 2021/2022 admision, Brother Cyprien indicated that he wants to study deeply God’s word so that he could better be equipped. He was given admission and is committed to his studies. He is determined to preach the Gospel and convert many to Christ. His photograph shall appear in the pecking order at the end of this report.


Brethren, we remain appreciate to you. Thank you for loving the Lord. Thank you for your kindness. The lives you are changing in Sierra Leone here through your prayers, financial support, guidance and direction, are all duly acknowledged, and may the Lord bless you richly.

Thank you so much for reading through.

Peter Sahr Makundu,


Posted on May 10, 2022 .