Wotutu school heavily involved in evangelism outreach

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We do hope this report meets you well. God is still on the throne and He has given us life. We are doing our best to serve Him in our own corner.

The training of preachers in Wotutu is on and very effective as we make sure that those entrusted in our care become servants of God who are fully prepared and ready for every good work. Students continue to dig deep into the Bible as they study diligently. In 6 months, the Zeta batch will be going to the wilderness as the 8th of December 2022 is the day that is slated for their graduation. Please, if you are interested in being our guest, we will be grateful to welcome you here.

Last week in Bear Valley Bible Institute - Wotutu and other ministries here moved forward with normal challenges. However, in all of our challenges we trust God to see us through.

The motto of the school stands tall, which is “EVANGELISM IS OUR MISSION AND OUR MISSION IS EVANGELISM.” After a busy day in class, students jumped into the school van, made available for us to move for weekend evangelism. We think souls and we do all that is in our power to make sure souls are reached with the undiluted word of God.

Now that the rainy season is approaching, we use different vehicles for different locations of work. It is true the work is growing daily and the demand to reach out to souls is ever increasing.

In the mission fields our traditions are, “OPEN THE WORD TO ANYONE WHO IS A CONTACT, BECAUSE IT IS ONLY THROUGH OPENING OF THE BIBLE, THAT THE CONTACT WILL BECOME A PROSPECT, AND BY HIS GRACE BECOME A CONVERT.” Our students love to open the scriptures, and we are happy to share pictures of those who will allow them to take pictures.

There is always power in the gospel. You can’t imagine that someone busy with online stuff can suspend his online affairs just to listen to our students as they open up pages of the Bible to show hope in Christ for those who live in this hopeless world. God is so good! Keep these students in your prayers .

Our chapel times are special moments in Brightland Christian schools. There are days though, that the sun is too intense because we don’t have a hall or a shade. Students will hide themselves beside the walls while the student preacher of that day stays under the sun to speak out the word. The students receive great lessons as they also benefit from seeing the speaker’s zeal. Intense sun is a big challenge and at times rainfall is also a big challenge to us. We are trying all we can to promote Christian education here but it is not easy with us.

The promotion of Christian education in the Wotutu community exposes the truth to many young minds. These young people you see in the picture are all from Brightland schools. They are doing serious follow-up about the truth. The 30-minute chapel time many times is not enough for them as immediately after chapel is lunch break, so they decided to come for worship with the Wotutu congregation so that they could see how the New Testament church worships. This also gives them time to dig deep into the word with questions and answers, along with the reading of more Bible passages and to have their questions that have arisen from reading Mission printing tracts answered.

This lady in the attached photo is a good prospect. She is an internally displaced person, IDP, because of the crisis in Cameroon. She was pregnant and we donated baby clothes to her for the baby. We bring the gospel of hope to hopeless and dying situations. Our heart falls out for many, but our hands are always too short to reach out to many we meet on our path. Please pray for us.

God blessed sister Irine with a baby in the Wotutu congregation. Keep the newborn in your prayers as the father, mother, and child are all doing great. God added sister Litricia into His church in the Wotutu congregation. Keep her in your prayers. We have studied with her for the past 2 years and today was a day of joy in their home when she accepted to put Christ on in baptism. Her husband has been our brother for many years.

We had another baptism during this weekend’s evangelism. God is good and will always bless our efforts with many opportunities to share the bread of life to many who are hungry. It is just as I told my students in class, “A PREACHER IS A BEGGAR OF BREAD, SHOWING OTHER BEGGARS WHERE THEY CAN FIND BREAD.”


We are on with our agenda for the week. We reach out and nurture. That is top on our agenda.


God bless you daily for all you do for His work. We want to thank you for availing yourself to God as he is using you to accomplish many works on earth. Please, as we cry for more help and openings to doors, do your best to share our reports with others who may want to help.

Elangwe and family

By His grace, director BVBIC-Wotutu.

Posted on May 25, 2022 .