Pray for peace in Haiti

International School of Theology – Haiti Report


The work continues to move forward in Haiti, despite the unrest. In the past week, there have been at least twenty people shot. The kidnappings continue to climb. In 2021 there were more than 1,200 people kidnapped and held for ransom. There were 81 non-Haitians kidnapped in 2021. I hear from friends in Haiti almost daily, and the situation is getting worse. Many of the churches cannot meet, businesses are closed, and the streets are empty. Haiti needs your prayers.

Our students at the International School of Theology have not been able to meet on campus for more than a year and a half. They have been meeting under a pavilion at the Sonlight Children’s home. We have twenty-three students, but many days only about half of them can meet due to roadblocks and violence in the street. This week it was necessary to move our sixteen children living at Sonlight to a safer location. The gang activity is growing. With the gang activity in the area, our students will not be able to meet until a new site can be found. Since we are in the capital, Port-au-Prince, it may be hard to find a place. 

But souls continue to be saved, the gospel message is proclaimed, and God is glorified. I am so proud of our students, teachers, and directors. They have continued to move forward; they have continued to reach out to others, even when their lives are in danger. They know that God knows their situation and that peace will come one day. Their attitude is, “We are here, and let God use us.”  

The greatest need for Haiti is prayers for peace and safety. We continue to send funds for our teachers, workers, and students so they can buy food; when it is available. Many students and teachers spend days when they cannot travel out of their homes for fear of being shot. Mac, my leading interpreter for IST, said it plain, “The streets of Haiti are not safe; you hear gunshots every day. You say a prayer when you must go out because you don’t know if the next bullet will hit you. You lay in bed at night and hear the shooting, and your wonder if your friends or family are still alive.   You wonder if today will be your last day on earth.”  Mac is twenty years old and is a fine Christian young man and a dear friend. Please pray for Mac, IST, the children, and all the people of Haiti. 


Larry Waymire

Posted on May 10, 2022 .