Exciting times in Malawi!

Bear Valley Bible Institute




Hope this find everyone in good health. It is always a happy thing when you come to the finishing line of your race in every completion. Covid 19 has been a great challenge in our work of teaching men be faithful preachers. As we all are aware that it takes 2 years to graduate, but this time it has taken 3years because of Covid 19 challenge. But now we are happy that we are almost there. All courses have been taught and these remaining 3 weeks of May, we are finishing the remaining 2 courses of general epistles. We are thankful to God that we have managed to reach this far. This semester we were blessed to have our students hostels completed, healing hands international representative came to train our students in new technologies of agriculture and many more ways how we can harvest using composite manure. We are feeling to have been favoured and blessed by God! God has been faithful to us.

We are also thankful to mission printing team for sending us books and now our library will look great! The students have also received their carton full of books each. They are thrilled with joy as they will go home fully equipped with all kinds of weapons to defeat Satan. Again, we have good news from our former students that souls are being added to Christ, this time 11 souls have been reported saved! We praise God for the good job these men are doing. More detailed information in the paragraphs below.

Preaching and Teaching

We are excited at the moment as all the teaching work is almost done. We have had brother Blessings who came to teach short course on Minor Phrophet2 and also Brother Navie Theu who taught on poetry books. The students have grown in their understanding greatly and hope the congregations where they are going will benefit a lot as they fill up the pulpits and fulfil our brand – 2 Timothy 2:2.

As the school, we are always proud of our former students when we hear of them making a difference where they work as preachers. In the month in the month of April, we have received reports about the evangelism outcomes from our three former students who had preaching of door to door. We have received the news that 11 souls have been added to Christ and also 4 souls restored summing up to 15 souls! We praise God for this.

Construction work

The student’s hostel construction work is at the advanced stage of the finishing stage. We have everything completed only painting is to be done in few days to come. Having said this, without toilets, kitchen and shower rooms, we cannot be able to shift to this place. Therefore it is our prayer that God will keep our door to having funds open that we do the shower rooms, toilets and kitchen constructed. Renting has been expensive for a long time. The money we spend on rentals would have been used in other works of bringing souls to Christ.

Agricultural training

As school, our purpose is not only training preachers in Bible only, knowing that a person grows both physically and spiritually, we thought to invite the Healing Hands International to train our preachers how to keep their lives independent as the preach the gospel without support. Nowadays preachers support from without is no longer there, therefore, preachers need to work hard with their own hands as Paul, Peter left us with good examples. The Healing Hands have helped us with water and agricultural trainings. We thank Brother Mbwenu Chirwa who came to teach the students and the community also benefited from the studies to the point that one villager offered his one acre of land that next time the healing hands international come can go and help the whole village with the training. This training has preached a lot in the area where the school is allocated.

Mission Printing – Brings Joy to school and students!

Time passed and we were not even dreaming about this. We have been asking for library books since the school started in 2015, without know that BV International is working on that. We have been surprised with the coming of the books, not only for the library, but also for the students as a gift to each a carton. This is the joy the students and us all are in at the moment. God bless you all who took part in putting the books in cartons and shipping them to us. You have done us good. We are also thankful to Brother Donnie who offered the transport of books from Zimbabwe where they were shipped through. We really thank him for his kindness and love and so is our sister school in Gweru – Zimbabwe helped a lot putting the books in a bus to Malawi from Harare.

We are also thankful for the partnership between BV international and the Hillcrest church of Christ for the great support given to us to make the construction work accomplished. Without your stretched hand in this work we would have not made it on our own. Let this heart continues as the work still needs your involvement. Eternity Is Forever, Think Souls!

In Christ!

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on May 10, 2022 .