Tremendous progress in Togo

I give thanks to God for his blessings. We have finally arrived at the end of December which is at the same time the end of the school programs of the 2 years of training that are coming to an end. All help for the good of all those who love God. There are 6 promotions that have passed through our Institute and today there are many evangelists throughout Togo and the world who preach the gospel of Christ for the salvation of souls. More than 22 churches of Christ in the Kpalime Plateau region thanks to the Bear Valley Institute, with more than 990 members. All this is thanks to the support of Gabriel Oaks Church of Christ and with the help of Steven our coordinator.

We lost one student in the two years; others were disciplined because of their infidelity to the word of God. One student suffered heartbreak during the last year, and finally, 12 students completed the Institute's program.


Courses are completed. The students have done homework and exams of everything they have learned over the two years. Now they are seasoned to go into the harvest the world with the gospel of Christ. We have just done two evangelistic campaigns in November and December which is not enough, but they have had enough experience with the local churches when the pandemic had slowed down the classes. They have each of the twelve students go once on the radio to preach, distribute the correspondence courses and Bible treatises to the college students in different localities and in the offices, the markets also in the streets. We often come back to the methods of teaching and evangelism because the preacher's work is more based on both methods.

We are going to put a lot of emphasis on practical activity so that our students will be familiarized with the best way to get in touch with people. As we move forward, the number of churches will increase and the membership will grow from day-to-day. Two new churches are being planted (Wokpahoue and Amoussoukope) due to lack of time because of COVID-19. An assembly in the village of Yokélé was restored thanks to the efforts of the students, especially the student OGONIDO, who continues to serve there. Fourteen members who had deserted the assembly went back to church. 


Finally will be our last annual evangelistic campaign with the students in this month of December 2020. Everything started well but weakened by covid19. The same strategies were also used at Amoussoukope:

1. Every morning from 5:00 am to 6:00 am two groups go to different places to preach by megaphone.

2. When it is daylight from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: door-to-door evangelization (from heart to heart).

3. Group study from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.: students divide into small groups to do the study for couples in their homes (daddy, mommy, and children).

4. In the public place: only in this place the local authorities did not allow the projection of film to prevent the mass gathering at de covid19.

So we chose motorcycles and loudspeakers to evangelize the village and in remote areas. We visited more villages and we brought the gospel to them using the motorcycles with the loudspeakers attached with a 12 volt battery.


Two villages in the locality invite us to come and plant the church of Christ. So, we already have two places in the program of planting new congregations of Christ this year. As it is an area without electricity that abounds in a large population that practices agriculture.


There are 3 baptized during the evangelistic campaign. The evangelist ASSOGBAVI GABRIEL leads this new assembly implanted in December 2020. Water is scarce in the area. It was necessary to transport the candidates to the baptisms on more than 14 km to make the baptism in a dam created by a gentleman who raises oxen. It is not easy from November to April to find a water point that can serve as a baptismal site. The villagers use their bicycles and motorcycles to go very far in search of water.

Saturday courses:

New students for the second promotion 2021 to 2023 are recruited in Lomé (10), Kpalime (10), and Temedja (10). We have expanded the program of Saturday courses on Blita and Tsevié which will start very soon and we will let you know what is being done there.

May the peace and grace of our Jesus Christ fill all his blessings for the support you bring to the Institute.


Your brother


Posted on March 15, 2021 .

Dealing with Covid in Peru

Lima 1.jpg

I want to communicate that Andres Nuñez one of our instructors diagnosed covid is feeling better now, thanks God. We are continuing our activities by holding online classes and it seems that it will be like that the whole year and maybe part of 2022 because many more covid cases are broken out.

Words of Juan after teaching II Corinthians:

The II Corinthians class has been another great opportunity to share and go deep in the word of God with our students, there were 5 students during this class that have satisfactorily completed the course. One of our students had health problems related to the lungs and for that reason she was not able to have the course, I am speaking of Margot Rodriguez, one of our best students, we trust God her health improve for our next course.

The class has been developed in a homiletic and expository way, intended for our students to assimilate in the best way possible the study material. One quiz every week and a series of expositions related to their investigation themes at the end of the course.

We thank your prayers and your continuous support to the ministry and the institute here in our country

Juan Abanto

Codirector - Maestro

We are praying for the work you are doing and the work all the instructors around the globe during this difficult scene.

Posted on March 15, 2021 .

Successful semester break in Liberia

Bear Valley Bible Institute- Ganta Liberia Operations Reports- January 2021


We continued to thank God so much for this great privileged and blessings to be part of His workforce in teaching the truth in His kingdom here in this part of the world. I am so very grateful for this opportunity to serve. Many thanks to all those making it possible through their selfless sacrifices for the sake of the kingdom. So far, all has been moving very well.. GREETINGS


I am so very happy to inform you that our students returned in full after a very successful Christmas and New year vacation. I am saying successful because of the many good work they were able to do back home and the reports gotten from the churches they worked with. Most of the preachers from the congregations they worked with called back to thank the school for the level of training and maturity seen in their students send to the school and the great future they foresee in the students preachers..


Meanwhile, Since our returned from the year end vacation, everyone is in high spirit to play their own role very well. Students playing students roles very well , whiles the instructor are also playing their instructing roles very well . This is our final or last quarter for this batch of students and this quarter will be ending on the 26 of March 2021.

As part of our tradition, after vacation student are required to write on their vacations activities: where they spend it, what were they involved in doing, the results of their work and contacts of the preachers or church leaders they work with. Their reports are so interesting that we think you need to know. To summarized their vacation works and experiences, all of them were involved into preaching and teaching at their different congregations, and deeply involved into houses to house evangelism and personal work. This resulted in 18 baptisms from all of them and 43 person restored with two new congregation planted. After confirming these information by placing a phone called to their congregations, I am so proud of the practical work out of the classroom done by our students. Please pray that these men continue to grow in the work of our Lord.


Student Washington V. Johnson is one of our student whose story will move you emotionally. He was born into a very devoted Muslim family that had ever since disowned him as part of the family since he chose to become a Christian against his parents advise. The family have threaten to take his life if he ever go back home . He is a very young boy born on February 18,1999 in Bomi county republic of Liberia. His father being an Iman can never agreed for his son to take another path in religion, but Brother Washington chose to be a Christian against his father wish and this has and continued to cause him hate and threats from his family and the Muslim community he comes from.

Meanwhile, when I asked him where will he go after his graduation from the Bear Valley program, he said, he does not know, that he hope God will lead him as he has resolved to serve Him no matter what. He further said, His ambition is to understand the scripture well so that he can be the instrument God can used to convert or bring changes to the lives of his Muslim brothers and sisters as well his family and the Muslim communities.

He concluded by saying, I want to be the road model of Christianity to the Muslim communities in Bomi county as Paul was to the Gentles and his fellow Jewish people. He pleads for prayer for his parents to have a change of mind and help after school to start.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on March 15, 2021 .

Making an impact in Zambia

The month of February has been once again a great month in terms of our learning as the Institute, seldom have we seen more committed students and workers in dangerous times like we are going through in terms of chances of contracting covid -19. These students have been a greatest source of encouragement to us as Institute in sharing Christ to the lost; we can just imagine what a blessing they will be to the recipients as they preach Christ. Their efforts to contact absentees or those needing some special attention in congregations where they have been attending church services have been so tremendous. We received them as learners and truly they are quickly developing into great teachers and, this is just their second quarter.

We had brother Kennedy Mukuka who taught the New Testament Church ( this was our short course). We continue to pray that corona virus continues to drop that we may have brother Donnie Estep here in the third quarter or forth quarter. This will also give us the opportunity to graduate our former students in his presence as our country Coordinator. Currently our country has recorded more deaths in the second wave of covid-19. 

In our efforts to strengthen christian homes and off course in observation of corona virus guidelines, visiting and preaching and most of the Christians visited have been very complimentary of the visits. We have baptized four (4) and restored twenty three (23) souls. Daniel Kapata and Mike Kanyangala have been leading in these evangelistic efforts. We pray that in good time the Institute have our own transportation to do more in this noble work. Daniel is a very gifted public speaker and a qualified Mathematics teacher, he also speaks five languages. Mike has been converted from singing world music to preaching Christ; he has a big plan for the future. He plans to be a preacher one day and just teach the gospel.  

The students are putting a great effort as far as their studies are concerned. We will soon change the quarter in the month of March and, we are going to have a long vacation in the middle month of May. On the other development, we continue to receive a good report on our Alumni. Clive Kabika is doing very fine in Kabwe central province and one of the Leader visited the Institute and recommended him highly on the work he is doing there.

Austin Musonda now enrolled at Mwekelwa Institute and he is studying forestry and has just been highly recommended by one of his Teachers there for the good conduct and preaching of the gospel, this Teacher came to inquire at BVBI-Zambia on how he can have his child enrolled. Vincent Simwanza he is now accepted at Technical Vocational Training College to major in English language as a Teacher. Vincent has been a good instrument in the Kingdom even hospital patients have had numerous visits and visitors on Sunday services at the Institute here have been welcomed by Him. Vincent is teaching the gospel and also working with World Bible School literature to spread the gospel. Vincent’s interest in promoting education is commendable and can be used to further the Lords Church.

The school has received invitations from three provinces namely: Muchinga, Northern and Luapula province we pray that the dreams of our brothers and sisters in these provinces come to pass that we help in establishing churches in these provinces. Zambia has ten (10) provinces.

We continue asking for your prayers that all the operations of the school turn out to be successful. Jesus said that when we show loving concern for others we do it to Him. We believe that we can be the greatest servants in the history of the Church, if we would but follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus.

We cherish the partnership and thank you once again to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for their financial support. We also thank you for your prayer and indeed moral support. We will be remembering you as well in our daily prayers.


Cephas and Fred   

Posted on March 15, 2021 .

Graduation in Accra




Thanks be to God Almighty for His care to you all and brethren in Ghana.


The school resumed on 13th January, 2021 and we started our normal classes on 14th. The courses for this first quarter and the assigned instructors were Life of Christ 3 – Roger Asante; Church History by Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah; Pastoral Epistle by Kwabena Gyan-Mante; Old Testament 4 by E.O. Larbi, English and Computer Studies by George Osafo and Samuel Ntim. Short courses were New Testament Church 2 by Kojo and Marriage and Family Life by E.O. Larbi.

Amoo-Gyimah started his course on Monday followed by other instructors. We had a week and three (3) days break for an evangelism, Seminar and Graduation in Tamale.  Right after the campaign activities we continue with our class for a week and break once again for the Bachelors Program.

Current Number of Students

Currently, we have 10 students attending classes regularly. As I reported, we still have three (3) students who went for vacation and had not reported yet.


We journeyed to Tamale and joined with our colleagues, some past students, Gyan-Mante and Steven to evangelize in Tatali, in the Northern part of Ghana. The purpose of this campaign was to plant a church. In all we baptized 15 souls for the start up.

We appreciated what the Lord has done in this ministry and also driving us safely back home in Accra.

Seminar and Graduation in Tamale

We were grateful to have with us Keith, Steven and James to speak to us during the seminar. The lessons were very educational and worth holding fast. We were taught on Effective Evangelism by James, More Working Preachers by Keith and Sacrificial Giving by Steven. May the Lord bless their fruitful services. This followed with the Graduation the next morning where 13 students graduated successfully.

Graduation in Accra

In two days later, having returned from Tamale, we had our graduation on 30th January, 2021. We had 31 graduates both full-time and weekend students and about 50 admitted students both full-time and weekend matriculated. This day will be the first time these schools came together for this programme – Nsawam, Kasoa and Koforidua

Students Profile

This section is to introduce Samuel Joas Arhin. A Muslim convert and strong in the faith and faithfully working effectively in the ministry. He is 40 years and a teacher by profession. He has married Christiana Aziaka (our current cook) and has been blessed with two (2) children. He is an evangelist at Batanyaa congregation in the Central Region, with an average number of baptized members of forty-five (45). Samuel Joas is a nice man and he is one of those who participates in effective evangelism. When we count the number of baptisms for our records keeping, he does win more souls.

We shall conclude by saying glory be to God for all these activities and God bless you all for praying with us always.

Report by Sammy.

Posted on March 2, 2021 .

Exams in Wotutu

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings in the Name that is above all names. I hope you are doing well in the midst of all of the difficulties from, and doubts about what is happening in the world because of the present of COVID. We are still praying for the world and we know God is watching and will help the situation.

We are busy doing what we were called to do for the Lord and His church here in Cameroon, which includes the training of men to preach, the nurturing of saints, helping the needy, preaching to the lost, feeding orphans under our care, and much more.

Last week went on well in our area. In BVBIC-Wotutu, the new students have started writing exams to end the quarter. Keep them in your prayers. Thanks for your prayers for me during the whole number of days that I was in Tchad for mission work seeing and helping the church there.

Students of the Zeta class were busy this week taking their exams. This was their first exams, given after assignments, to evaluate them and see their growth in the Bible Institute after two months of intensive studies. Keep your prayers going up to God on their behalf.


We are planning to be in a village for mass evangelism with the students this weekend. Please keep that campaign in your prayers. Next week will be the first short courses and the first wife’s class for this new batch of student’s wives. Keep their travels and studies in your prayers.


Thank you very much for all your prayers and support that are helping to keep this work going. God bless you all. Please share our report with others.

 Elangwe and family

 By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on March 2, 2021 .

Evangelism in Cameroon

There is joy in my heart as I send out this report to all who are able to hear from Mbanga Cameroon. Accept warm greetings from this part of the globe. I hope you are doing pretty good. I want to personally salute you for all your support during this, another two years of training with our students. They all send their salutations to their powerful support team worldwide. We are one big family.

The assembly of Mbanga is really grateful for the work the students are doing, most especially during the weekend evangelism and the teaching of lessons they have offered the church on a weekly basis. Through this, the Christians of the Mbanga church of Christ send words of appreciations as they acknowledge the fact that the preacher training school is making a great impact on the church. God bless you all. 

Even thou this last semester is also tied up with work in the class room, preparations for graduation are on-going. We have also not left behind weekend evangelism. We have gone to new areas of evangelism as need be on the voice of the Macedonian call. 

We have gone to Loum, to Kake, to Bonaberi, to Banjock, to Kombe Gare, and to Manjo where we are intending to start a new work. So far, God has been with all our trips. The new assembly in Manjo has been established for and is stable as the church has worshipped now for 6 conservative weeks, with 4 restorations and 1 baptism. Some friends have been attending worship including some kids. We are looking forward to getting them a place to worship including benches and some other items. A graduate shall be making his way to do full time ministry over there. 

Kombe Gare is located close to Kombe village. We have been preaching there for 5 weeks now. We are planning to carry out some mass evangelism there after graduation. The church in French Cameroon is at work. Implantation and follow up is what is needed now, as we still look forward to having more workers in the field to carry out this function.

It was good to have these men from various backgrounds to come and spend two years with us. They are now about to leave Mbanga as evangelistic men. Go and preach the gospel! Go preach the word! Preach the word!

The mission trip to Chad was successful. It was a good vision for us to go and see how our graduates from there are doing in the field. We met all five of them doing great work in their various communities such as in Moundou were we have 2 graduates preaching in 2 different assemblies in that same town. In Njamena, were Benjamen is also managing the assembly, there is still also the presence of 4 other ministers who graduated from other schools of preaching. We appreciate him for his full-time work. Even thou he is doing it with no financial aid, but he is still preaching the gospel. Bangar and Koingar are also doing marvelous work in their village assemblies in which they manage close to 3 assemblies each, at the same time, due to a lack of preachers. 

We met a part of the congregation in a village called Bejomdoli 2 in front of their worship place. This could be just one of the difficulties we met in these localities. Our worship on Sunday was even under a mango tree. Dear God, Please, help this work in the French world and especially in French Africa in Jesus Name. Amen 

God bless you all. From the slave in Mbanga. Happy view of the report fellow workers.

Ititi Benedict

Director BVBIC-Mbanga 

Posted on March 2, 2021 .

New students in Tanzania

Grace and Peace to you friends.

I hope this note finds you well, and your faith thriving. Today I want to share with you the following update from Ahimidiwe Kimaro, the local director of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching:

"We thank our Lord for great things is doing in his Kingdom. Although the world is living in most discouraging time, everyone is worried. But we forget that God is the master planner for our later days, whether is this life or the life to come. We should realize that God is the controller of this life and life to come. ITimothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. This is the first quarter for the new students just enrolled this year. This year we were able to enroll fourteen students. Most of these students are natives, except one from Kagiado Kenya. As most of you may know, we are suffering in East Africa from corona viruses just as most countries in the world. Corona has become a hindrance of recruitment of students. Most foreign students from Kenya, Uganda and Malawi that we were expecting couldn’t cross their borders due to high cost and restrictions that are in borders. But also you should consider Tanzania in your prayers due the high rate of new corona spreading rapidly.

"In the first year class we have the following instructors:

  • Losotwa Michael teaching Writing Skills.

  • Desidery Masawe teaching Old Testament 1 (Genesis)

  • Josephat Masawe teaching How we got the Bible

  • Ahimidiwe Kimaro teaching How to Interpret the Bible

  • and later brothers David Hall and Peter Kamatula will teach short courses.

"In the same way the second year is in class. All sixteen are back to school, regardless of corona restrictions. But I believe what the Philipians 4:13 says. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

"In other sad news, we lost one of our graduate brother Asher Mbasha. Mbasha was a man of faith that all christians can follow. Asher was preaching at Boma Ng’ombe, Kilimanjaro. Asher was baptized in 1998, but this man received a bible tract in 1988 from missionaries who were passing by. He kept it in his Bible for ten years. One day he read it and started looking for the church. May God comfort his family and the church at Boma Ng’ombe at this sad time. Also the Andrew Connally School Of Preaching has lost a former worker and sister, Grace Jang’andu we are expecting to burry her on Monday God willing.

"Please in your daily prayers remember us and this work. Thank you very much for reading and supporting this work."

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Mission Coordinator
Tanzania Missions

Posted on March 2, 2021 .

Online courses in Cambodia

International Bible Institute of Siem Reap, Cambodia

Rejoicing for Souls Saved

It has already been a very emotional and productive year and we are just getting started.

We rejoice in the baptisms of 4 new souls added to the Lord’s church! On January 9, two new students in our Bible school put on Christ. Heus and Sanith, both from Tropeang Svay village outside of Siem Reap, had been studying with us and had many questions.

A few days later we rejoiced with the angels again in the addition of two young ladies, Sreymom and SreyTuk who have been learning about God and the Bible since small children. Now they have taken the step to be saved in Christ!

In Loving Memory

We are sad to have lost our dear brother Vannak Yeng on December 16th. Vannak was one of our oldest leaders in the church and school and leaves his wide, sister Puen and three teenage children. Even though his death was sudden and unexpected we know he abides in Paradise and the hope we all desire is now his. We are a very close family here at the church in Siem Reap, and we ask for your continued prayers because of the effect his passing has had. Even though Vannak was older he did not let perceptions become obstacles and he graduated from IBISR in 2015 and continued doing the work of the Lord teaching in the school and preaching. Vannak had done a lot of great work and his legacy will be remembered by everyone that knew him or of him.

Acts / Zoom Class

Wayne Burger is an exceptional personal worker and teacher. He holds an A.A. degree in Bible and a Third Year Bible Certificate from Freed-Hardeman College; B.A. in Bible from Abilene Christian University; M.B.S. from the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver. He has been a regular writer for the Rocky Mountain Christian. Furthermore, he has been preaching since 1962.

From the 04th to the 29th of January, the IBISR hosted a virtual online course through Zoom Clouds Meeting and lived stream on the IBISR's official page for watching later. That virtual class was about the Book of Acts.

The IBISR and E412 centers are so grateful you were our teacher, and we thank you for your patience throughout this whole course. It meant a lot to us. We had learned a lot even it was an online class. You are hands down and ready to answer all kinds of questions, you are the best teacher we've ever had. I'll always remember attending your class. You are the best teacher!. We wish you and your family all the best in 2021.

Courses Studied

Besides the recent Acts class on Zoom, Piseth has just finished his class on 1 & 2 Peter and Darat has just finished the book of Romans.

Upcoming Zoom Short Course

In a few weeks we are looking forward to being taught by brother Denny Petrillo on the subject of “How We Got the Bible”. We are excited to learn more about this topic.


Since the COVID-19 pandemic hadn't spread much in Cambodia, the Ministry of Health has allowed us to meet in the church building as usual. We have gathered together in the church building since September 2020 in a small adult group, but now we spend two hours in a large group.

Thanks to everyone around the world.

Appreciation for all your support through physical and spiritual things. We couldn’t do all these things without the Lord and your contributions. Please keep us in your prayers!

Servants of Christ,

Darat Run - Co-Director

Piseth Rin - Co-Director

Pros Rok - Staff

Posted on March 2, 2021 .

Memorial service for Samuel Raju

Dear brethren in Christ,

Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. By the grace of God we are doing good, we are experiencing a great loss due to the loss of my father, who directed all of us during last 12 years in Visakhapatnam. It was great loss, very hard to find someone to fill up that gap. We sure need your prayers to keep up the work going.

We pray that all of you are doing good, hope all of you have gotten the Vaccine, hope it keeps you all protected. We haven’t gotten that opportunity yet because we are large number in our country, based on the availability it is being offered to the serious patients first, then medical staff. We may have to wait for another 3 months to get the vaccine available in the market.

Classes & Trade Education:

At present Classes are going on as usual, it has been very expensive to travel between long distance places, because of hike of fuel prices as well as Covid Charges. We request you to be mindful of this hike of prices. To give an example, Diesel is now crossed $5 per gallon, the propane gas which we used to buy for $6 is now $12 , including delivery. Obviously the relative effect is on prices of Cooking oil, Daal, Rice and other items.

Trade education classes are going on good, our students are very excited about this program, 6 of them are very talented and learning like anything, we are proud of them. May be next month we shall be starting computer education classes every week, kind pray for the success. At the same time Free tailoring institute which we are operating at our school premises also giving some wonderful results in reaching out several families through this program. Several ladies, mainly from Hindu back ground are getting free classes from our institute.

Memorial Meeting: Memorial meeting was held in Memory of my father at Visakha Valley Bible College campus on 26th of Jan, it was done in great honor of our Director M Samuel Raju for all his wonderful work throughout the last 40 years of Lord’s ministry.  He really set a great model to follow, we miss so badly, your prayers are appreciated.

We send our love from all the students and faculty members , we are praying for you all daily. Our students memorize an English verse every day, before that in a daily devotional they offer a prayer for you. It is such a joy to uplift each other in prayer, especially during this difficult time. However we believe in the mighty power of God which would enable to keep on keeping on.

On the 3rd March faculty will be meeting to discuss several things, especially to finalize the year end date and other important things. Please pray that our Lord will bless us with knowledge, wisdom and courage to continue the mission.

Thank you very much for your prayers of encouragement, please greet all the Church family for us. We especially thank the brethren at Lake Houston, Strickland Church of Christ. Our special thanks to brother Jerry Bates for his part of encouragement in running the Bear Valley International Preaching School in Visakhapatnam. God bless you all

In Christ

John Dean M

For Visakha Valley Bible College


Posted on March 2, 2021 .

Improvement in Ukraine

Dear brethren,  

I trust the Lord was merciful to you and you were strengthened by His power. In January and the beginning of February we had a lot of interesting and exciting events in the Institute and the local church. 

As I had written in the previous report we had some very strongly implemented quarantine restrictions during 3 weeks of January. Educational institutions, some businesses, restaurants and cafes were closed. It hurt the country's economy but  hindered the spread of the virus in a positive way. As of now the peak of the epidemic is in the past.  

My family had a successful trip to the winter retreat for the Western Ukrainian congregations. It's an annual event hosted by the brethren of Lviv Church of Christ in partnership with some American churches. They try very hard to unite the Christians from the Western Ukraine and encourage them. The congregations in the Western part of the country are few in numbers, so the events of this nature are very successful. Personally I enjoyed great lessons, fellowship with many dear brothers and sisters in person, meeting new friends and telling them all about the ministry of our Bible Institute.  

We had most of our January classes in the building. It's a great blessing to maintain peace and keep studying the Word. We are very grateful to all congregations and families who support our students letting our them focus on the deep studies of the Holy Scriptures, keeping them from the need of working outside jobs in the effort of providing for their families. Thus, our second year students had the following classes: Homiletics, part 2 (Instructor - Stanislav Kuropyatnikov), Personal Evangelism (Valentin Tsopa), Romans (Andrew Zhuravlev) and Prison Epistles (Dennis Sopelnik).  

We are also very grateful to the Lord for healing the brethren after having been seriously sick with corona virus. Our preacher Konstantin Kisilenko as well as Sergey Gritsenko were hospitalized in the serious conditions. Thanks to God and right therapy, they are home now completing their recovery.  

Just a few days ago we had the most joyful event when one more person was added to the Lord's family - brother Victor from Konstantinivka. He moved to Bila Tserkva searching for a job because his home city is struggling with employment problems. He has some friends here and they kept inviting him to Sunday worship services and studying the Bible. After these efforts I had a personal study with him as well. As the result Victor decided to obey the Gospel. The rest of his family is still in Konstantinivka and we hope that they will join him in the right decision of obedience to the Savior.  

The other news we have is that the next portion of "A Commentary on Job" by Homer Hailey was printed. Thanks to the financial help of brother Jim Mettenbrink we are able to accomplish such interesting projects. After the books are printed we ship them to the Ukrainian congregations. During the last four years we were able to provide the local congregations' libraries with 4 books of different commentaries. All of the congregations were very thankful for the opportunity to read and study the Word, 

Our family, our church and the Bible Institute send you greetings and our love. 

Thank you for the constant prayers and support for us.  

Your brother and coworker in the Lord's vineyard,  

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on March 2, 2021 .

Intensive study in Takoradi



Classroom activities got so intensive on the month of December more than we have ever done, for the simple reason that it was the last of the year which was supposed to complete the two-year program of the regular class, and also, to complete the part-timers four-year studies in the school. And since we were forced to take a break due to the pandemic, it was not so easy for us to catch up with time. However, it was necessary that we finish our curriculum to give way for the new students who had come for the interview

Due to this, the faculty decided to spend extra hours each day in order to cover more lessons. This, we first discussed with both the regular and part-time students, which of course was a welcoming idea to them. The part which was a shock to the faculty was that the weekend students decided to put a hold to everything that was engaging them in their respective villages /towns and work places in order to come and stay in the school (as if they were also regular students) for two whole weeks. This gave the instructors the opportunity to teach all day, even sometimes, in the night. We thank God that we were able to complete our curriculum without leaving any course or topic untaught. However, this increased our feeding expenses in the month of December, because at some point, we were feeding about 23 students each day than the number of the normal regular class.

Also, in the first week of the month of December, 2020, we were visited by one of the men who used to teach in the school (Brother Nath Kissi) who currently stays in the States. Actually, he came back to Ghana with his wife (a black American) to perform his late wife’s funeral rites. He requested that he would like to teach the regular students for a week. So I granted him the chance to take them through a study of the New Testament Greek. And I must say, the students were so elated for such an opportunity.

Therefore, on the 31st December, 2020, we brought our studies to an end, and scheduled our graduation on August 2021. The specific date will later be decided and communicated with the leadership of Howe church of Christ. As the students are waiting to be graduated, we have assigned them a thesis on Evangelism which must be presented at the end of June 2021. As it stands now, we are looking forward to graduating eighteen men (eleven part-timers and eight regulars).


A congregation in the Central Region of Ghana had a 5-day campaign for Christ and the Principal of the school was invited to speak. Five (5) souls were won for Christ. Also, there was some personal evangelism among some of our past students which also resulted in two baptisms.

Again, the Principal continued with his Sunday night radio broadcast.

3.      WEDDING:

In the month of December, one of our weekend students got married and therefore invited the faculty and the students. Since we were busy with classes, the Principal who was the officiator of this program, attended to grace the occasion.

Yours for the Master’s service.

Joshua Aidoo

Posted on March 2, 2021 .

Graduation in Tamale



The month of January 2021, was a great month for us. It was a month that came with a lot of activities, both within the school and outside campus. Because of the many activities, it also drew a lot of prominent people to the school.  All in all, God was with us through the whole month in all the activities we engaged in.


As the 2019/2020 students pass out, new students had to also take over from them to constitute a new batch. Due to Covid19, it was indeed difficult campaigning for a new batch of students. That however couldn’t limit us from campaigning for students.

With the help of God, we had to devise effective strategies to recruit students. We set a target to recruit seventeen (17) students. We have a total of about thirty two (32) forms sent out to prospective students. Nine (9) out of these prospects were able to come for an interview by the close of December 2020. All of the nine (9) were qualified to be enrolled into the school. By the 11th of January, 2021, which was set for the new batch to begin, eight (8) students had reported.  So far we have eight students enrolled, and five (5) who are expected to come for an interview.

We also have seven (7) others who are in communication with us consistently, but yet to make a definite decision. We continue to campaign to recruit more students, hoping to meet our target.


Brother Steven Ashcraft (The West Africa Coordinator of Bear Valley Schools), was in Tamale from the 14th to the 27th of January, 2021. We salute him for all the sacrifices he continues to make for the Lord’s Church. He stayed in Tamale with many inconveniences. Like failures of power (lighting system), carrying water by himself from the well to his room to be able to have water to use, etc. But it was all worth it. We had a series of meetings with him, which he gave us valuable counsels, from administrative issues, to the general growth of the school and the Church in Northern Ghana. He also participated in an evangelistic campaign at Yachado and Sanguli, a seminar and the graduation ceremony of the 2019/2020 batch of students. The Lord blesses him greatly.


With the support of Brother Steven, we have started a project (Chapel) on the Church land for the Kpalsi congregation that serves as a great source for our students to do part of their practical preaching and service for the Lord. Currently, the congregation has a total of fifteen consistent members, of which eight of them are adults. We also receive visitors every week. It is very optimistic that the congregation is on the path of growth as we continue to study with our neighbors


We had a joint campaign from the 18th to the 24th of January, 2021, with students and some lecturers of the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies, Accra, at Yachado and Sanguli respectively. Bear Valley Tamale, left Tamale on the 24th of January, 2021, to Yachado, whiles our Brothers from Accra and Brother Steven came to join us on the 19th of same.

Yachado and Sanguli are Roman Catholics, Islamic, and Pagan dominated communities. We planted a new congregation at Yachado, and went further to strengthen an existing congregation at Sanguli.

We spent four (4) days at Yachado, and two days at Sanguli. At Yachado, which many of its developmental projects were done by, the Roman Catholic Church could fully understand the truth in the Gospel of Christ that we preached to them, but found it difficult accepting this truth. Many confessed that the Catholic Church has done a lot for them and they can’t for that reason baptize into the Church. Notwithstanding, we had five (5) baptisms at the close of our work at Yachado to plant the church.

At Sanguli, where we spent fewer days, we baptized twelve souls. We had a very successful campaign as the message of Christ Crucified was well proclaimed to these two communities, especially Yachado.

So in all, seventeen souls were baptized and added to the Church.

We had a gathering of forty two (42) preachers in all to proclaim the powerful Gospel of Christ to these communities. The Seed (Word) was well sown. And it is growing and bearing fruits. We received a message of two additional baptisms at Yachado after our departure.


“What the Church Need in Northern Ghana” was the theme for a one day powerful seminar organized at the campus of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tamale, to empower preachers across Northern Ghana to wake up and labor for the Lord on the 26th of January, 2021.

Three topics were treated under this theme. “More Evangelism” was one of the topics, which was handled by Brother James Bisong Legend, (Instructor of Bear Valley Tamale), “Sacrificial Giving” which was also treated by Brother Steven Ashcraft (Coordinator of  Bear Valley Schools in West Africa), and “Working Preachers” which was respectively taught by Brother Keith Kasarjian (Director of Bear Valley, USA). The program drew preaches of the Lord’s Church across the five Northern Regions. We also have some instructors from the Accra campus, as well as students who participated. The Coordinator for Bear Valley Schools in Ghana (Kojo Acquah Beenyi) was also present.  Some of the Governing Board members of the school also participated. The Director, Daniel Adjei Mensah was the Master of Ceremony.


On the 27th of January, we rounded up our busy schedules with a beautiful graduation ceremony. The Graduation which stated around 8:00am ended around 11:00am. Preachers and members of the church across the breath of the North and Southern parts of Ghana were in participation. It was very brief, beautiful and memorable in summary. Brothers Steven, Daniel Adjei Mensah and Keith Kasarjian were the speakers at the event. Brother Kojo was the Master of Ceremony.

A total of thirteen students graduated. Out of which ten of them qualified for the Diploma Certificate from Bear Valley, whiles three of them received a leadership certificate from Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies. Awards were also given to deserving students.

At the tail end of the program, the incoming students were also matriculated into the school. This was done by Brother Kojo Acquah.

The month of January 2021, remains a memorable month for us. It was a month that brought great edification, empowerment and challenges to us. God was with us just us He has always been with us.

May His Name Be Praised Forever Amen,

Sent for the Director,

Daniel Adjei Mensah

Posted on March 1, 2021 .

A new semester begins in Ibadan, Nigeria

Ibadan 1.jpg


Dear fellow ministers of God,

Grace and peace be with you all from God our Father and from Christ Jesus -our Lord and Savior.

Here is the summary of some of our activities in the month of February 2021.


1. A month Break/Vocational Training

2. Third Semester Classes begins

3. WBSFUW team

4. VOTI MATERIALS aid in conversions


During the one month break/vocational training, all our students and instructors were actively involved in the church weekly activities and weekend evangelism in their different locations. Most of our year-1 students went on vocational training while our year-2 students engaged in preaching and teaching programs with their respective congregations.

Report reaching the school from both the students and instructors shows that twenty-three souls were converted and eighteen erring brethren restored back to the fellowship of the saints during the month of February 2021.


As the Lord will have it, our 3rd semester program commenced as scheduled on February 22,2021 and the instructors for this semester are: Bro. Isaac Olaniyan, Bro.Andrew Adeolu,Bro.Emmanuel Godwin,Bro. John Makinde,Bro.Silas Guda,Bro.Lawrence Dada and myself,Bro.Makinde Ebens.

All classes and tests are expected to end on April 23,2021.


Our WBSFUW team A led by Bro.Andrew Adeolu visited 19 High Schools in Ona-Ara and Egbeda Local Government Area. Bro. Sunday Akinrinade who is a leader of team B reported that they visited 12 High Schools in Akinyele Local Government of Oyo State and 3 High Schools in Ipetumodu of Osun State while Bro. Matthew Roland and his team visited 5 High Schools in Akure municipal of Ondo State in this month of February. Over 2,000 WBS introduction lessons were Shared and about 1,500 returned so far and will be posted next week to WBSTC,Tulare County, California after we might have cross-checked the names and addresses on the returned lessons.


Report reaching out office in Ibadan from some of the recipients of VOTI materials shows that the materials is one of the useful materials used to converts souls for Christ Jesus during the month of January and February Gospel campaigns and WBS seminars across the country, Nigeria.

Bro. M.B. Archibong of WBS office in Uyo, Akwa -Ibom State reported that the the VOTI volumes 107&108 aided in him during the January and February Gospel meeting and WBS seminar that led to the conversions of 11 souls. Bro. Akilapa Samuel,a WBSFUW in Ondo State also reported that the just printed VOTI volume 108 is one of the materials that helped in the conversions of 2 souls in his area . Likewise,Bro. Olorode Samuel informed us that the VOTI volumes 106,107&108 with two packs of Mission Printing booklets and our local tracts aid them in the conversions of five souls in Ode-Ajagba and Ode-Aye in Ondo waterside during this month Gospel campaigns and house- to -house evangelism.


Israel Tajomavwo is my name. I was born into a Christian family in Lagos State in Nigeria, on the 14th of July 1971, as a first child of five children. My father’s name is George Akpovhekaire Tajomavwo and my Mother’s name is Alice Omoyioma Tajomavwo. Both of my parents are members of the Church of Christ. I was baptized into the church of Christ in 1990 and continued to participate actively in the works of the church till date.

I attend 512 Road Primary School in Festac Town Lagos State, from 1977 to 1983 and obtained a First school leaving Certificate. After my primary school education, I attended Festac Grammar School in Festac Town for my secondary school Education from 1983 to 1989 and obtained a West African Certificate of Education. Following this was my University Education at the Edo State University, where I studied Mechanical Engineering from 1990 to 1997 and obtained a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Degree. This institution is currently known as Ambrose alli University. In 2011 I received a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree of the Federal University of Technology Akure in Ondo state. In view of my quest for more knowledge on the word of God, I attended the Southwest School of Evangelism & Vocational Studies from 2019 to 2021, and I received a Diploma in Bible and a Leadership award. This institution is affiliated with the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, Co. USA.

From 1997 to 2001 I worked with Aluminium Gold engineering as a Steel fabrication and erection supervisor. From 2001 to 2002 I worked with corporate Success Nigeria limited as Procurement Engineer. From 2002 to 2001 I worked with Ajamy Oil & gas limited as a Procurement Manager. From 2011 to 2015 I worked with Lekki Concession Company as a Procurement Manager. From 2016 to 2020 I worked with GT Vision Consult as a Procurement Manager.

Since 1997, I have worked in various capacities in the church of Christ, attending to the need and goals of the church. On the 1st of November 2020 I was appointed as the Minister of the Church of Christ, Ebute in Ikorodu Lagos State after my two years training at Southwest School of Evangelism Ibadan. It is my desire to continue to develop myself in the knowledge of God’s word and to work with full commitment in vine yard of the Lord, as long as God’s strength dwells in me.


Thanks be unto the Lord for seeing us through this month (February): two major preaching trips to Ode-Ajagba in Ondo State (February 5-7) and Ilogbo-Ekiti (February 19-21)in Ekiti State. Though no conversion was recorded during these two outreach, but thanks be unto God for the numbers of prospects recorded in this two cities.


From our hearts to yours, we thank you all for being a part of our success at BVBIN & SWSE, IBADAN. May the Lord keep on blessings our work together is our fervent prayers.

Sincerely yours in His Grace as a servant........ Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (The chief servant of BVBIN & SWSE Ibadan And WBSFUW)

Posted on March 1, 2021 .

Student involvement in India

Reporting letter for the month of February-2021. 

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian the director and Mr. Mark Reynolds the coordinator and all the prayer partners of BVBI-India  greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We thank you so much for your continual prayers and assistance for the smooth function of spiritual educational program. We would like to share with you a brief report for the month of February-2021.

Class room work:  We are happy to report you that classes were successfully conducted in the month of February, all the students could able to attend for the classes .  All the teachers have followed the BVBI system, they checked all the students note books, giving  assignments (home work) , memory work  and on each course they conduct examination.

Bible Seminar:  One of our Bible Instructor Mr. S. Vijay Prakash has conducted Bible Seminar at Rajamandry town on February 16 and 17-2021.  This town  is about 500 miles far away from our city, all the students and staff members were able to travel by train and participated in the seminar. I was given an opportunity to present two topics (Wisdom in speech and Our Wise God). All the students have enjoyed this educational tour by travelling and attending for the seminar at Seminar. We appreciate their local church for their great love and  hospitality which they have provided to all the staff members and students.

Youth classes: In the month of February we have conducted 4 youth classes.

Bible classes: in the month of February we have conducted 20 bible classes

Children classes: in February 9 children classes were conducted.

Restored :  I and  one of the student  have travelled to the state of Telangana  and restored one of the local preacher and encouraged his family members to continue the lord’s ministry, we spent enough time from Feb 6-8 for this visiting this place.

Other events:  In the month of February 26th one of the BVBI teacher’s daughter’s wedding was successfully organized , beside that we have attended for the thanks giving meetings, birth day events etc…

Students –sermon -presentations: we are happy to inform you that in the month of February we have sent students to different local churches to preach in the Sunday worship  services and they have presented good sermons and brought an excellent feedback reports  from the local preachers and members.

Bible Dictionaries presentation:  We humbly share with you that the World Evangelism Team Members Mr.Philemon Rajah , Mr.Kingsly Rajah etc..have visited our city and presented Bible Dictionaries to the BVBI students. We are thankful to them.

Agriculture Garden:  God has blessed our A.G garden which was established by the support of HHI- we are grateful to HHI for their continual guidance and encouragement for the modern innovative cultivation training that they have provided me in Africa. The drip irrigation system and raised bedding methods have given us an excellent result for the best organic production. We are happy about this healthy garden which planted for the third time.   After the evening class  each student work daily for their physical exercise and mental refreshment.

Prayer Request:  We request you to pray for the students as they are in last semester.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on March 1, 2021 .

Big improvements in Sierra Leone


The current administration, the teaching and the non-teaching staff, and the entire student body of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute, under the guidance of God Almighty, here by send our profound greetings to every one of you, our worthy supporters and great workers in the Lord’s vineyard. Your selfless support (especially during this stressful COVID period) for the training of more preachers in Sierra Leone for the betterment of the Church is duly acknowledged, and may the good Lord continue to favor you and provide more for your families in Christ’s name. We wish you a blissful and a purposeful new year.

This being the first report of the year, we are very glad to inform you that the Lord has been so mindful of us in this school. Your prayers have been so helpful to us. So many activities took place at Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute, Sierra Leone within the month of January 2021. The breakdown of those activities is given under the following headings:

STAFF UPDATE: Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute continues to operate with two permanent staff/instructors (the Dean of Students, Peter Barnett and the acting Director on ground, Peter Sahr Makundu) together with the temporal staff who come to lecture on invitation. Two instructors (Robert P Dahn and Anthony Joseph Yillia) were invited to take two courses in the month of January.

STUDENTS UPDATE: The KBVBI (Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute) has fourteen students currently, all of them are intact and in good condition of health and are faithful in pursuance of their course in the school. However, on the 9th January, 2021, one of the students (Eric B Kaimba) was involved in a car accident while he was returning to the campus in preparation for the resumption of school on the 12th January 2021. He sustained some major injuries but was taken to the hospital for proper medical attention. But glory be to God, he responded to treatment and continued with his academic activities.

ACADEMICS/CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES: In January, two courses: Marriage and Family Life and the Old Testament Wisdom Literature were covered. These two were covered only because our end of year break lasted from December till January 10th. All the fourteen students attended the classes and the instructors gave in their best. Our courses covered 35 hours per course (7 hours each day).

EVANGELISM: To keep with the purpose of God for mankind (that all may be saved) and in accomplishing one of the objectives of KBVBI (to carry out the great commission to evangelize the lost world), the students and staff were involved in vigorous evangelism in the month in question. The administration of KBVBI held an evangelism seminar on the 20th January 2021 at the school campus. This seminar was intended to ignite, encourage and to teach the students certain rudiments that are required for a successful soul winning. As a result of God’s grace and our evangelistic efforts, 2 souls were baptized and 4 Christians were restored back to the Church. Moreover, the campus Church that began some four years ago but ceased to exist was as well restored and we started it again. And in fact, the number is increasing with our prospects and our converts alike, so that the space at the school campus could not contain us. We made a move to relocate the Church to another place where there is enough space and can be easily accessible by our prospects. We rented a Court Barry at Gbenderu section of Kenema where we started worshipping on 31st January 2021. Furthermore, we received 120 cartons of tracts and preacher’s boxes from our supporters in the USA through the instrumentality of Steven Ashcraft, the coordinator and Robert P Dahn, the Director of Ganta Bear Valley Bible Institute, Liberia. Those tracts are so useful to us and we remain appreciative to the supporters. We have shared some of them with the local congregations around us.

 KBVBI’S RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LOCAL CONGREGATIONS: As it is almost certain that the existence of Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute depends greatly on the collaborative efforts of local Churches of Christ in Sierra Leone, the administration gathered the preachers in local congregations in Sierra Leone to discuss the issues that will make the school to move forward and make impact in the entire country. The meeting was held for two days, the first being on the 15th and the last being on the 22nd January 2021. The first meeting was attended by 11 preachers from different parts of Sierra Leone, and the final was attended by 28 preachers. At this meeting, were also Robert P Dahn and Francis Musa (the two Directors of Bear Valley full-time programs in Liberia and Guinea) who served as representatives of Mr. Steven Ashcraft. The meeting was successful and the relationship between the school and the local Churches was strengthened firmly.


Eric B Kaimba is one of our students of the Kenema Bear Valley Bible Institute here in Sierra Leone. He was born on 24 December, 1957 in Bo, Southern Sierra Leone. He is married with two children all being baptized and are faithful members of the Church of Christ. Brother Eric, though born in Bo, Southern Sierra Leone, relocated to Sengema, a village in Kailahun District, eastern Sierra Leone. While he was there, he and his family were members of Christ Apostolic Church for many years till 2018 when some Church of Christ members from Kailahun town penetrated Sengema village and preached the undiluted Gospel there and some were won to Christ including Brother Eric and his family. Since then, he has been faithful in the things of God and, through his effort and the help of other brethren, a congregation was established in Sengema where he serves as the preacher. He is a very zealous brother and he has indicated interest for a Gospel campaign to be taken to his locality, and by God’s grace, we shall be there in March.

CONCLUSION: On the whole, the month of January has been a busy month for us and has been a successful month as well, especially with the activities that were carried out. We are grateful to God for the 2 souls being converted, the 4 Christians being restored, and the campus church being revived back. Once again, we thank everyone; we thank our coordinators who spend hours, thinking, reading and putting things in order to see that the school succeeds. As we continue to work together for the expansion of the kingdom of God here on earth (the Church), may our efforts be rewarded by the Creator of the Universe and may there be more successes in the subsequent months in Jesus’s name. From all of us at KBVBI we are saying, “Do have a blessed month ahead!

Thank you so much for reading through.

Peter Sahr Makundu

Posted on March 1, 2021 .

Training preachers in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the world. We do hope you are doing great. We are also well and we are doing our best to help many in our congregation and community that are sick. I was sick last week with serious stomach issues but I am better now thanks to your prayers and medications.

We are doing our best to train preachers and nurture congregations in our country. Please, it is a great task! Do your best to keep us in your prayers. The class, “Life of Christ” is on. Last week in class we were on John 5:1-4 talking about the pool of Bethesda’s supposed miraculous powers. We were able to established the fact that what was happening there was more of a psychosomatic influence. It was a great lesson, and our students are gaining more knowledge. They are satisfied.

Brother Odine Abraham has been following our daily program in the morning, “BACK TO THE BIBLE,” and he has been reading our tracts since 2015. This past week he said he has made his final decision to follow Jesus. Please pray for him and his family as he walks to influence many in his life. After his baptism, as he came out of the baptistery, he said, “I have a request that the students do all that is in their power to continue to share the good news with my wife and children so that by the grace of God they will obey to the glory of God.


We are still involved in our weekend evangelism and nurturing.


Thank you! Thank you very much for all you do for the work here. May God bless you and keep you strong.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu.

Posted on February 9, 2021 .

The Director's visit to Ibadan


Compliments of the season to you all! Here are some of our activities for the month of January 2021.


i- End of the year program.

ii- Second Semester Classes and Examinations concluded.

iii- Bro. Keith Kasarjian's Visit to Nigeria.

iv- Materials for Great Workshop 2021 Shared.


The students and staff of BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan were actively involved in the just concluded end of the year program that commenced on December 19,2020 through January 3,2021 across the South West State of Nigeria including Abia and Ebonyi States.

The just concluded end of the year program featured Open-Air Bible Lectureship, House to House evangelism and morning campaigns. The program was blessed with the birth of two Lord's church in Lagos State and conversions of over 50 souls and restoration of two erring family in Igbesa-Ogun State and Butubutu campus church in Oyo State. Our present year-1 students' leader,Bro. Ifeanyi Iyesele and three of our year-2 students,Bro.Odeyemi Durojaiye,Bro. Israel Tajomavwo and Bro. Silas Wayne were blessed with five converts each while Bro. Adeyemi Godwin and Bro. Amos Enyi recorded two conversion in their different locations.

One of the just planted congregations in Lagos was as a result of joint effort of one of our year-2 students, Sister Oyeleke Felicia and one of our August 2020 graduates, Sister Akerele Olajumoke with the church of Christ in Mile-12, Lagos State . To God be the glory and honor!


All Classes and Examinations for 2nd Semester came to an end as scheduled on January 22,2021. All our year-1 students are now in a month vocational training while year -2 students on preaching tour to the churches of Christ in the South West States of Nigeria that requested for our students services.

School will resume for 3rd semester program Lord's willing on February 22,2021.


Our august visitor in January 2021,Bro. Keith Kasarjian(International Director- BVBID Extension program) visited the BVBIN schools in Nigeria between January 16 through 24. During his visitation, he met with staff and students of the school in Butubutu village ,Ibadan on January 21 and encourage us to be more effective in the work of the Lord since our labours in the Lord is not a labour loss.


About 2,600 copies of VOTI volumes 104,105 & 106 and 400 copies of BVBIN & SWSE 2021 calendar reserved for the annual WBSFUW workshop popularly known as The Great Workshop slated for February 2021 was shared to WBSFUW,BVBIN SCHOOLS in Nigeria and some recipients of VOTI materials in the month of January 2021 due to the global pandemic that prevents the public gathering in Lagos State.


AUTO BIOGRAPHY OF BRO DUROJAIYE ODEYEMI, one of our year-2 students:

My name is Durojaiye Oluwatomiloye Odeyemi. I was born on February 10, 1973 into the family of Pa. Ojo Lasisi Odeyemi and Madam Olaperi Akanke Odeyemi of Arogbatesun compound, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. I attended SS Peter & Paul (RCM) Primary School, Ajigbayin, Ile-Ife, Nigeria between 1979 and 1985. In the same year, I was admitted to St. David Grammar School, Lagere, Ile-Ife, in 1985 but I dropped out of school due to my parents' financial stress.

In February 1987, I was taken to Lagos by my brother who sponsor me to learn the art of Printing at a reknown Christian brother Printing firm: Okusanya Printer Nigeria Limited, Itire, Lagos for a period of 5 years (1987-1993). During this period, on September 18, 1988, I was baptized into Christ at the Church of Christ, Itire, Surulere, Lagos.

After the expiration of my apprenticeship in February 1993, I worked with Bro Okusanya's firm for a period of 2 year and in 1995 began to work privately until 2003 when I gained admission into Lagos State University after attending evening coaching classes which was self sponsored to sit for an exam that finally helped me obtain a West African Senior School Certificate(WASSC).

During my first year in University and due to problem of financing my academic, I joined UAC Foods, as a factory worker.

I am married to Olufunke Deborah Odeyemi (Nee Oyesola) in 2007 and blessed with three children: Moyinoluwa, Moyosoluwa and Mofetoluwa.

I graduated from Lagos State University in 2009 with Second Class Honour (Upper Division) in History and International Studies.

In August 2010, I was relieved of my work in UAC when the company was downsizing it's staff strength.

In 2013, I joined Goldlink Insurance Plc as a Life Business Marketer until February, 2019 and continues with my printing profession.

In March, 2018, I enrolled for Diploma in Bible at South West School of Evangelism, Ibadan, Nigeria and graduated in August, 2020.

I am presently enrolling for Advance Diploma in Bible at the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria.

I am presently worshipping and serving as the preacher of the Church of Christ, meeting at #16, Lateef Ayinde Ekun Street, Oloye Estate, Erunwen, Ikorodu, Lagos.

My mission is to serve the Lord's church as a servant of God till death.


Bro. Kayode Solomon Eniafe is one of the instructors working with the school in Butubutu village, Ibadan since year 2013 when we finally moved to our permanent building in Butubutu village Ibadan. He is 45 years old. Married and blessed with four kids. He is presently engaged with a young congregation in Ondo State. His mission is evangelism.


i- Construction of Church auditorium : With the help of the Lord coupled with the support of $1,200 which we received on January 25 from Dorman & Donna Lough, we were able to set blocks for the auditorium of the Lord's church in Ajia ,Ona-Ara L.G.A,Oyo State from foundation to level stage.

ii- Two Working tools purchased: With the generosity of the BVBID and Bro.Steven Ashcraft concern, the school were able to purchase two new Motor bike for two of the instructors as working tools for evangelism.


i- My father was buried on January 29,2021 in our home town, Onikokoro -Ibadan.

ii- BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan 19th Annual Leadership Seminar is coming up on March 24-26,2021.

Theme of the Seminar: Satan & his mission.

Note: Free accommodation and feedings plus Free Gospel materials to all participants.

** We are expecting between 150 to 200 church leaders from South Western States, Kwara, Kogi, Kebi, Edo, Abia and Ebonyi States of Nigeria .


Brethren,we are very grateful for your great contribution towards the growth of the Lord's Church in Africa most especially in Nigeria. May the Lord continue to shower His abundant blessings on you and your associate is our fervent prayers. Have a great season!

Sincerely in His Grace as a servant .....Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi (The Chief Servant of BVBIN & SWSE,Ibadan and WBSFUW)

Posted on February 9, 2021 .

A great seminar in India!

We hope that this letter finds you doing well , we pray that this letter may serve us to convey  our thanks and gratitude to all the partners of BVBI-India , we are really ever grateful to you for your love, kindness, prayers and continual assistance in every possible way for the smooth function of this Institution . We continually offer our thanks and praises to our good father in heaven for all your efforts and ever grateful to you, without your partnership It would not be possible to establish such Training Centre to educate young men towards the destination of eternal life.


We humbly report you that by the end of the month of January we have completed 7th Semester, in the fist week of January we have completed First Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus . we are happy to inform you that in the second week we have conducted Two Days Bible Seminar(Leadership  training program . We have invited leaders from the states of Tamil Nadu, Telangana,  Orrissa,  Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. This year we concentrated the book of Proverbs, we are grateful to Dr. D. Damon Vincent who has prepared the seminar syllabus in the text formation as well of PowerPoint, he also printed the book let for the seminar, we did involve  few village congregations with our BVBI and local churches to donate funds for the needs of the Bible Seminar for 2021. We have invited Experienced Bible Teachers to present the topics, we had  12 topics and 12 speakers were able to visit and presented the lectures . This year seminar was much helpful to students of the BVBI  to learn practically several things regarding the organizing the seminars.


In the month of January 14 gospel meetings were being conducted and 5 Souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ.

As the students are at the end of the second year we try to help them in every possible way to train them up properly so that they may fit for preaching and teaching the words of God. In the   month of January we helped them how to make lesson plan and methods to present the sermon. We conducted block teaching program for the students. We conducted in three levels. First one is the micro level teaching system, in this system  myself and teachers were able to work as observatory while students are teaching the lesson, them we  gave them mark for their way of presentation. In the second level we have conducted  macro level teaching system, In this system students and teachers and myself were able to observe the students teaching and contributed our criticism ( their physical dress code, hair style, vocabulary, facial expressions , emotions, temperature of the voice , usage of examples, motivation , the subject soundness , time management etc…). All the students agreed that this program was much useful for them. We humbly share with you that the BVBI is a great blessing of the Indian young people. We appreciate all your arrangements  and ever grateful to you for your hard work to establish this training institute .

The Agriculture Vegitable Garden :  We are thankful to HHI for the support which you have contributed for the establishment of the AG-garden at BVBI, it is 3rd time plantation and crop  that we enjoy the tasty organic healthy vegetables . All the students are enjoying to work for few hours after the class room work, they feel that their eyes are so refresh in seeing the greenery natural vegetable plants and give some exercise to their body for balancing their mental work and physical work. We treat this gardening work as a great opportunity and privilege. We are thankful to Mr.Carl Burkybile who the director of Agriculture of HHI, he is such a great encouragement for this AG-garden project at BVBI-India.

Brothers, we request your continual prayers and encouragement.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa, behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on February 9, 2021 .

Challenges and opportunities in Zimbabwe



We always give glory and honor to God who gives us the ability and zeal to advance the cause of His kingdom. We are always grateful when we look back in the previous year and see the hand of God. Though there were many achievements for the school, it was a difficult year for many, BVBIZ included. The year 2021 has also started in a difficult way due to the COVID pandemic which is causing more havoc in Zimbabwe currently than before. However, despite its scourge and its effect to the school and all of us, we can report on the following;


The government announced a 30 day lockdown period as part of the measures to curb the spread of COVID19 virus. This lockdown was subsequently extended again to the 15th of February. This means that, as a school, we had to postpone our programs. We were due to resume classes on the 7th of January and hold a graduation ceremony on the 13th of February. On this same day, there was going to be an official opening ceremony of the new site. These had to be postponed also. Online classes shall be a temporary measure till things open up. A new graduation date shall be announced as the year progresses. May we take this time to apologies to all our internal and external stakeholders for all the inconveniences caused.


Due to the prevailing lockdown, there was no much activity in terms of infrastructure development. We were only able to acquire window frames, cement  and roofing sheets for the cottage using the profit from the sale of broilers. We were also able to acquire all the cement needed for the teachers house. Great appreciation to the Fombe family for donating 12 bags of cement and Mutichu family for also donating 5 bags of cement towards the teachers house. We also appreciate the following families for donating money towards the same cause;  Nyakadzumbu ($50) and Chirenda ($50). These funds will be used to buy outstanding bricks.


BVBIZ continues to appreciate donations that are made by many, far and wide. These are critical to the progress of the school. Beside the majority of people who donated towards the construction of the teacher’s house, we also have some who donate almost monthly towards the school’s operations. This month we had a donation of $5 from the Sande family and $89 from  Kate and Nkosi Mpofu. BVBIZ remains grateful to these and many of you who sacrifice something towards the cause of Christ. Those who may want to join these can contact the school using the above details. In the USA, optionally, you can contact us through our regional director, Donnie Estep on +1-3047845416  or



Two projects took center stage in the month of January.  These are highlighted hereunder;

4.1 Maize

A total of almost 2 hectares was put under maize. The first crop was planted  in November whilst the second was planted around mid-December. Incessant rains in one of the fields have had a negative effect on the crop though certain sections are doing well.  We had hoped wished to put 5 hectares under maize but funds did not permit. In the month of February, we will be targeting to plant at least half a hectare of beans.

4.2 Poultry

The school’s broiler project continued well in the month of January. Three batches totaling 205 were sold in the month. $1025 was realized from the sale.  Profits from the sale have been helping the school’s infrastructure development agenda whilst at the same time sponsor the next batches. Form the profit of $491, we succeeded in buying all window frames, 10 bags of cement and 6 outstanding roofing sheets for the 3 roomed cottage. The project now has some faithful customers who expect their chickens monthly. We got a new batch of 150 on the 22nd of January with another one of 150 expected during the first week of February. Our two fowl runs can only house 2 batches (of 150 each). A bigger fowl run is needed so that we start keeping bigger batches.


As the pandemic rages on, our prayers for God’s intervention in these trying times. At the same time, BVBIZ continues to study the situation in view of creating new methods in training and development of Gospel  ministers. Our request is for prayers for one another. We also remain grateful to you for standing with us and for the sacrifices being made. May God continue to bless you all!


Posted on February 9, 2021 .