Student involvement in India

Reporting letter for the month of February-2021. 

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian the director and Mr. Mark Reynolds the coordinator and all the prayer partners of BVBI-India  greetings to you in the matchless name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. We thank you so much for your continual prayers and assistance for the smooth function of spiritual educational program. We would like to share with you a brief report for the month of February-2021.

Class room work:  We are happy to report you that classes were successfully conducted in the month of February, all the students could able to attend for the classes .  All the teachers have followed the BVBI system, they checked all the students note books, giving  assignments (home work) , memory work  and on each course they conduct examination.

Bible Seminar:  One of our Bible Instructor Mr. S. Vijay Prakash has conducted Bible Seminar at Rajamandry town on February 16 and 17-2021.  This town  is about 500 miles far away from our city, all the students and staff members were able to travel by train and participated in the seminar. I was given an opportunity to present two topics (Wisdom in speech and Our Wise God). All the students have enjoyed this educational tour by travelling and attending for the seminar at Seminar. We appreciate their local church for their great love and  hospitality which they have provided to all the staff members and students.

Youth classes: In the month of February we have conducted 4 youth classes.

Bible classes: in the month of February we have conducted 20 bible classes

Children classes: in February 9 children classes were conducted.

Restored :  I and  one of the student  have travelled to the state of Telangana  and restored one of the local preacher and encouraged his family members to continue the lord’s ministry, we spent enough time from Feb 6-8 for this visiting this place.

Other events:  In the month of February 26th one of the BVBI teacher’s daughter’s wedding was successfully organized , beside that we have attended for the thanks giving meetings, birth day events etc…

Students –sermon -presentations: we are happy to inform you that in the month of February we have sent students to different local churches to preach in the Sunday worship  services and they have presented good sermons and brought an excellent feedback reports  from the local preachers and members.

Bible Dictionaries presentation:  We humbly share with you that the World Evangelism Team Members Mr.Philemon Rajah , Mr.Kingsly Rajah etc..have visited our city and presented Bible Dictionaries to the BVBI students. We are thankful to them.

Agriculture Garden:  God has blessed our A.G garden which was established by the support of HHI- we are grateful to HHI for their continual guidance and encouragement for the modern innovative cultivation training that they have provided me in Africa. The drip irrigation system and raised bedding methods have given us an excellent result for the best organic production. We are happy about this healthy garden which planted for the third time.   After the evening class  each student work daily for their physical exercise and mental refreshment.

Prayer Request:  We request you to pray for the students as they are in last semester.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

B.Vijaya Kumar behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on March 1, 2021 .