Graduation in Accra




Thanks be to God Almighty for His care to you all and brethren in Ghana.


The school resumed on 13th January, 2021 and we started our normal classes on 14th. The courses for this first quarter and the assigned instructors were Life of Christ 3 – Roger Asante; Church History by Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah; Pastoral Epistle by Kwabena Gyan-Mante; Old Testament 4 by E.O. Larbi, English and Computer Studies by George Osafo and Samuel Ntim. Short courses were New Testament Church 2 by Kojo and Marriage and Family Life by E.O. Larbi.

Amoo-Gyimah started his course on Monday followed by other instructors. We had a week and three (3) days break for an evangelism, Seminar and Graduation in Tamale.  Right after the campaign activities we continue with our class for a week and break once again for the Bachelors Program.

Current Number of Students

Currently, we have 10 students attending classes regularly. As I reported, we still have three (3) students who went for vacation and had not reported yet.


We journeyed to Tamale and joined with our colleagues, some past students, Gyan-Mante and Steven to evangelize in Tatali, in the Northern part of Ghana. The purpose of this campaign was to plant a church. In all we baptized 15 souls for the start up.

We appreciated what the Lord has done in this ministry and also driving us safely back home in Accra.

Seminar and Graduation in Tamale

We were grateful to have with us Keith, Steven and James to speak to us during the seminar. The lessons were very educational and worth holding fast. We were taught on Effective Evangelism by James, More Working Preachers by Keith and Sacrificial Giving by Steven. May the Lord bless their fruitful services. This followed with the Graduation the next morning where 13 students graduated successfully.

Graduation in Accra

In two days later, having returned from Tamale, we had our graduation on 30th January, 2021. We had 31 graduates both full-time and weekend students and about 50 admitted students both full-time and weekend matriculated. This day will be the first time these schools came together for this programme – Nsawam, Kasoa and Koforidua

Students Profile

This section is to introduce Samuel Joas Arhin. A Muslim convert and strong in the faith and faithfully working effectively in the ministry. He is 40 years and a teacher by profession. He has married Christiana Aziaka (our current cook) and has been blessed with two (2) children. He is an evangelist at Batanyaa congregation in the Central Region, with an average number of baptized members of forty-five (45). Samuel Joas is a nice man and he is one of those who participates in effective evangelism. When we count the number of baptisms for our records keeping, he does win more souls.

We shall conclude by saying glory be to God for all these activities and God bless you all for praying with us always.

Report by Sammy.

Posted on March 2, 2021 .