Graduation in Tamale



The month of January 2021, was a great month for us. It was a month that came with a lot of activities, both within the school and outside campus. Because of the many activities, it also drew a lot of prominent people to the school.  All in all, God was with us through the whole month in all the activities we engaged in.


As the 2019/2020 students pass out, new students had to also take over from them to constitute a new batch. Due to Covid19, it was indeed difficult campaigning for a new batch of students. That however couldn’t limit us from campaigning for students.

With the help of God, we had to devise effective strategies to recruit students. We set a target to recruit seventeen (17) students. We have a total of about thirty two (32) forms sent out to prospective students. Nine (9) out of these prospects were able to come for an interview by the close of December 2020. All of the nine (9) were qualified to be enrolled into the school. By the 11th of January, 2021, which was set for the new batch to begin, eight (8) students had reported.  So far we have eight students enrolled, and five (5) who are expected to come for an interview.

We also have seven (7) others who are in communication with us consistently, but yet to make a definite decision. We continue to campaign to recruit more students, hoping to meet our target.


Brother Steven Ashcraft (The West Africa Coordinator of Bear Valley Schools), was in Tamale from the 14th to the 27th of January, 2021. We salute him for all the sacrifices he continues to make for the Lord’s Church. He stayed in Tamale with many inconveniences. Like failures of power (lighting system), carrying water by himself from the well to his room to be able to have water to use, etc. But it was all worth it. We had a series of meetings with him, which he gave us valuable counsels, from administrative issues, to the general growth of the school and the Church in Northern Ghana. He also participated in an evangelistic campaign at Yachado and Sanguli, a seminar and the graduation ceremony of the 2019/2020 batch of students. The Lord blesses him greatly.


With the support of Brother Steven, we have started a project (Chapel) on the Church land for the Kpalsi congregation that serves as a great source for our students to do part of their practical preaching and service for the Lord. Currently, the congregation has a total of fifteen consistent members, of which eight of them are adults. We also receive visitors every week. It is very optimistic that the congregation is on the path of growth as we continue to study with our neighbors


We had a joint campaign from the 18th to the 24th of January, 2021, with students and some lecturers of the Southern Institute of Biblical Studies, Accra, at Yachado and Sanguli respectively. Bear Valley Tamale, left Tamale on the 24th of January, 2021, to Yachado, whiles our Brothers from Accra and Brother Steven came to join us on the 19th of same.

Yachado and Sanguli are Roman Catholics, Islamic, and Pagan dominated communities. We planted a new congregation at Yachado, and went further to strengthen an existing congregation at Sanguli.

We spent four (4) days at Yachado, and two days at Sanguli. At Yachado, which many of its developmental projects were done by, the Roman Catholic Church could fully understand the truth in the Gospel of Christ that we preached to them, but found it difficult accepting this truth. Many confessed that the Catholic Church has done a lot for them and they can’t for that reason baptize into the Church. Notwithstanding, we had five (5) baptisms at the close of our work at Yachado to plant the church.

At Sanguli, where we spent fewer days, we baptized twelve souls. We had a very successful campaign as the message of Christ Crucified was well proclaimed to these two communities, especially Yachado.

So in all, seventeen souls were baptized and added to the Church.

We had a gathering of forty two (42) preachers in all to proclaim the powerful Gospel of Christ to these communities. The Seed (Word) was well sown. And it is growing and bearing fruits. We received a message of two additional baptisms at Yachado after our departure.


“What the Church Need in Northern Ghana” was the theme for a one day powerful seminar organized at the campus of the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tamale, to empower preachers across Northern Ghana to wake up and labor for the Lord on the 26th of January, 2021.

Three topics were treated under this theme. “More Evangelism” was one of the topics, which was handled by Brother James Bisong Legend, (Instructor of Bear Valley Tamale), “Sacrificial Giving” which was also treated by Brother Steven Ashcraft (Coordinator of  Bear Valley Schools in West Africa), and “Working Preachers” which was respectively taught by Brother Keith Kasarjian (Director of Bear Valley, USA). The program drew preaches of the Lord’s Church across the five Northern Regions. We also have some instructors from the Accra campus, as well as students who participated. The Coordinator for Bear Valley Schools in Ghana (Kojo Acquah Beenyi) was also present.  Some of the Governing Board members of the school also participated. The Director, Daniel Adjei Mensah was the Master of Ceremony.


On the 27th of January, we rounded up our busy schedules with a beautiful graduation ceremony. The Graduation which stated around 8:00am ended around 11:00am. Preachers and members of the church across the breath of the North and Southern parts of Ghana were in participation. It was very brief, beautiful and memorable in summary. Brothers Steven, Daniel Adjei Mensah and Keith Kasarjian were the speakers at the event. Brother Kojo was the Master of Ceremony.

A total of thirteen students graduated. Out of which ten of them qualified for the Diploma Certificate from Bear Valley, whiles three of them received a leadership certificate from Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies. Awards were also given to deserving students.

At the tail end of the program, the incoming students were also matriculated into the school. This was done by Brother Kojo Acquah.

The month of January 2021, remains a memorable month for us. It was a month that brought great edification, empowerment and challenges to us. God was with us just us He has always been with us.

May His Name Be Praised Forever Amen,

Sent for the Director,

Daniel Adjei Mensah

Posted on March 1, 2021 .