A great seminar in India!

We hope that this letter finds you doing well , we pray that this letter may serve us to convey  our thanks and gratitude to all the partners of BVBI-India , we are really ever grateful to you for your love, kindness, prayers and continual assistance in every possible way for the smooth function of this Institution . We continually offer our thanks and praises to our good father in heaven for all your efforts and ever grateful to you, without your partnership It would not be possible to establish such Training Centre to educate young men towards the destination of eternal life.


We humbly report you that by the end of the month of January we have completed 7th Semester, in the fist week of January we have completed First Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus . we are happy to inform you that in the second week we have conducted Two Days Bible Seminar(Leadership  training program . We have invited leaders from the states of Tamil Nadu, Telangana,  Orrissa,  Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. This year we concentrated the book of Proverbs, we are grateful to Dr. D. Damon Vincent who has prepared the seminar syllabus in the text formation as well of PowerPoint, he also printed the book let for the seminar, we did involve  few village congregations with our BVBI and local churches to donate funds for the needs of the Bible Seminar for 2021. We have invited Experienced Bible Teachers to present the topics, we had  12 topics and 12 speakers were able to visit and presented the lectures . This year seminar was much helpful to students of the BVBI  to learn practically several things regarding the organizing the seminars.


In the month of January 14 gospel meetings were being conducted and 5 Souls were baptized and added to the body of Christ.

As the students are at the end of the second year we try to help them in every possible way to train them up properly so that they may fit for preaching and teaching the words of God. In the   month of January we helped them how to make lesson plan and methods to present the sermon. We conducted block teaching program for the students. We conducted in three levels. First one is the micro level teaching system, in this system  myself and teachers were able to work as observatory while students are teaching the lesson, them we  gave them mark for their way of presentation. In the second level we have conducted  macro level teaching system, In this system students and teachers and myself were able to observe the students teaching and contributed our criticism ( their physical dress code, hair style, vocabulary, facial expressions , emotions, temperature of the voice , usage of examples, motivation , the subject soundness , time management etc…). All the students agreed that this program was much useful for them. We humbly share with you that the BVBI is a great blessing of the Indian young people. We appreciate all your arrangements  and ever grateful to you for your hard work to establish this training institute .

The Agriculture Vegitable Garden :  We are thankful to HHI for the support which you have contributed for the establishment of the AG-garden at BVBI, it is 3rd time plantation and crop  that we enjoy the tasty organic healthy vegetables . All the students are enjoying to work for few hours after the class room work, they feel that their eyes are so refresh in seeing the greenery natural vegetable plants and give some exercise to their body for balancing their mental work and physical work. We treat this gardening work as a great opportunity and privilege. We are thankful to Mr.Carl Burkybile who the director of Agriculture of HHI, he is such a great encouragement for this AG-garden project at BVBI-India.

Brothers, we request your continual prayers and encouragement.

Thanking you.

Yours brother and sister in Christ.

Vijay&Swarupa, behalf of BVBI-Tirupati-India.

Posted on February 9, 2021 .