Intensive study in Takoradi



Classroom activities got so intensive on the month of December more than we have ever done, for the simple reason that it was the last of the year which was supposed to complete the two-year program of the regular class, and also, to complete the part-timers four-year studies in the school. And since we were forced to take a break due to the pandemic, it was not so easy for us to catch up with time. However, it was necessary that we finish our curriculum to give way for the new students who had come for the interview

Due to this, the faculty decided to spend extra hours each day in order to cover more lessons. This, we first discussed with both the regular and part-time students, which of course was a welcoming idea to them. The part which was a shock to the faculty was that the weekend students decided to put a hold to everything that was engaging them in their respective villages /towns and work places in order to come and stay in the school (as if they were also regular students) for two whole weeks. This gave the instructors the opportunity to teach all day, even sometimes, in the night. We thank God that we were able to complete our curriculum without leaving any course or topic untaught. However, this increased our feeding expenses in the month of December, because at some point, we were feeding about 23 students each day than the number of the normal regular class.

Also, in the first week of the month of December, 2020, we were visited by one of the men who used to teach in the school (Brother Nath Kissi) who currently stays in the States. Actually, he came back to Ghana with his wife (a black American) to perform his late wife’s funeral rites. He requested that he would like to teach the regular students for a week. So I granted him the chance to take them through a study of the New Testament Greek. And I must say, the students were so elated for such an opportunity.

Therefore, on the 31st December, 2020, we brought our studies to an end, and scheduled our graduation on August 2021. The specific date will later be decided and communicated with the leadership of Howe church of Christ. As the students are waiting to be graduated, we have assigned them a thesis on Evangelism which must be presented at the end of June 2021. As it stands now, we are looking forward to graduating eighteen men (eleven part-timers and eight regulars).


A congregation in the Central Region of Ghana had a 5-day campaign for Christ and the Principal of the school was invited to speak. Five (5) souls were won for Christ. Also, there was some personal evangelism among some of our past students which also resulted in two baptisms.

Again, the Principal continued with his Sunday night radio broadcast.

3.      WEDDING:

In the month of December, one of our weekend students got married and therefore invited the faculty and the students. Since we were busy with classes, the Principal who was the officiator of this program, attended to grace the occasion.

Yours for the Master’s service.

Joshua Aidoo

Posted on March 2, 2021 .