Challenges and opportunities in Zimbabwe



We always give glory and honor to God who gives us the ability and zeal to advance the cause of His kingdom. We are always grateful when we look back in the previous year and see the hand of God. Though there were many achievements for the school, it was a difficult year for many, BVBIZ included. The year 2021 has also started in a difficult way due to the COVID pandemic which is causing more havoc in Zimbabwe currently than before. However, despite its scourge and its effect to the school and all of us, we can report on the following;


The government announced a 30 day lockdown period as part of the measures to curb the spread of COVID19 virus. This lockdown was subsequently extended again to the 15th of February. This means that, as a school, we had to postpone our programs. We were due to resume classes on the 7th of January and hold a graduation ceremony on the 13th of February. On this same day, there was going to be an official opening ceremony of the new site. These had to be postponed also. Online classes shall be a temporary measure till things open up. A new graduation date shall be announced as the year progresses. May we take this time to apologies to all our internal and external stakeholders for all the inconveniences caused.


Due to the prevailing lockdown, there was no much activity in terms of infrastructure development. We were only able to acquire window frames, cement  and roofing sheets for the cottage using the profit from the sale of broilers. We were also able to acquire all the cement needed for the teachers house. Great appreciation to the Fombe family for donating 12 bags of cement and Mutichu family for also donating 5 bags of cement towards the teachers house. We also appreciate the following families for donating money towards the same cause;  Nyakadzumbu ($50) and Chirenda ($50). These funds will be used to buy outstanding bricks.


BVBIZ continues to appreciate donations that are made by many, far and wide. These are critical to the progress of the school. Beside the majority of people who donated towards the construction of the teacher’s house, we also have some who donate almost monthly towards the school’s operations. This month we had a donation of $5 from the Sande family and $89 from  Kate and Nkosi Mpofu. BVBIZ remains grateful to these and many of you who sacrifice something towards the cause of Christ. Those who may want to join these can contact the school using the above details. In the USA, optionally, you can contact us through our regional director, Donnie Estep on +1-3047845416  or



Two projects took center stage in the month of January.  These are highlighted hereunder;

4.1 Maize

A total of almost 2 hectares was put under maize. The first crop was planted  in November whilst the second was planted around mid-December. Incessant rains in one of the fields have had a negative effect on the crop though certain sections are doing well.  We had hoped wished to put 5 hectares under maize but funds did not permit. In the month of February, we will be targeting to plant at least half a hectare of beans.

4.2 Poultry

The school’s broiler project continued well in the month of January. Three batches totaling 205 were sold in the month. $1025 was realized from the sale.  Profits from the sale have been helping the school’s infrastructure development agenda whilst at the same time sponsor the next batches. Form the profit of $491, we succeeded in buying all window frames, 10 bags of cement and 6 outstanding roofing sheets for the 3 roomed cottage. The project now has some faithful customers who expect their chickens monthly. We got a new batch of 150 on the 22nd of January with another one of 150 expected during the first week of February. Our two fowl runs can only house 2 batches (of 150 each). A bigger fowl run is needed so that we start keeping bigger batches.


As the pandemic rages on, our prayers for God’s intervention in these trying times. At the same time, BVBIZ continues to study the situation in view of creating new methods in training and development of Gospel  ministers. Our request is for prayers for one another. We also remain grateful to you for standing with us and for the sacrifices being made. May God continue to bless you all!


Posted on February 9, 2021 .