Incredible opportunity in Sierra Leone

Hello Brethren.

We are sending you our sincere greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Who has been with us since the inception of our studies unto the end of our program.


As we draw closer to the end of our classes students are engaged more on personal evangelism work in the field such as public preaching, seminars, house to house visitation, one to one teachings, group teachings in   Christian homes to bring our classes to an end.


We have been able to win the heart of our brethren in the region due to the performance of our students             in their congregations. By preaching the undiluted word of God to people in their villages, they are able to captivate the mind set of those who are reluctant to the gospel.


The CHURCH OF CHRIST congregation at Lungi International Airport has been handed over to Bear Valley for restoration purpose to preach the undiluted word to the people. The decision came about at a meeting held in Freetown at the Church of Christ edifice in Tengbeh Town.

Elder Alusine Kamara was the pioneer of that congregation at Lungi during the rebel incursion when he was transferred for official duty at that time. Since his withdrawal from Lungi, the congregation has been faced with the problem of having a church of Christ trained preacher to preach for the congregation. For some time now women are allowed to run the affairs of the church because there was no train and qualify men to preach sound doctrine to the people. With few untrained men supposedly with denominational training keeps the congregation moving but with polluted doctrines. In view of the above, we are asked by the congregation to step in and salvage the situation by sending preacher weekly to teach and preach sound doctrine to the people. 

We have eye marked few students who have been doing very well in school to take up the lecturing position in our next lessons however, we want to put them on probationary period and look at their performance for some period in the teaching field. We have also given them more work load to carry out and they seem to be at the top of their colleagues.


Bro Emmanuel F. Focko has been very instrumental in the things of God in preaching, seminars, evangelism, door to door teaching at home and in school. He can be seen most of the time engaging himself in personal evangelism work.

Quiet recently he hosted a seminar at Koindu with the youth of his congregation and made an impact all over that region. He is also obedient to the gospel preaching as he pursue his main and objective of becoming an evangelist' for Christ.


A journey of a thousand mile starts with the first step. We are almost coming to the end of the journey. We thank all those who in diverse ways contributed to the success of this course. We also pray for our sponsors to give us their relentless support on the program.

We pray for our graduating students to focus on the course they have chosen not to deviate from it as the devil is roaming about seeking for the weaker ones to devour



Posted on February 18, 2019 .

Continued political unrest in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the country of Cameroon. We are doing better but we are still faced with the challenges we must face.  Most students are better in health but some are down.  We are doing our best to make sure they in good health. Many of them are struggling with malaria and eye problems. Keep them in your prayers. Our nurse sister Senge is making sure that all is well from her level.

Keep praying for Cameroon. The crisis is down a little in many areas but we keep hearing rumors of killings and shut downs in some areas. Christians are praying day and night. Even our children, when called up to pray, will always mention the situation of our country. My son Stevemarx who is less than two years will pray and talk of the many people in bushes. Many are still suffering greatly. Some in the bushes don’t have anywhere to go so they are bound to remain in bushes. How can life be in those places?

Students in the Bear Valley Bible Institute are struggling to learn more from the assignments given to them by the instructors. It is making them to know clearly that they need to study now and to suspend lots of their ideas on some issues.


Weekend evangelism continues with two and three persons per group and we are also planning for a mass evangelism in ISOKOLO Mokindi village to evangelize and plant a new congregation.


Thank you for all that you are doing for the work here. If not of you, I doubt how possible this work would have been. God bless you for the good heart you have. He will reward you in due season.


Please pray for the situation of our country. It is a big challenge to us and our homes are filled with displaced persons who are Christians. It is not easy to cope with life these days.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu



Posted on February 18, 2019 .

Vocational training in Zimbabwe


We always give glory and honour to God who gives us the ability and zeal to advance the cause of His kingdom. We are always grateful when we look back in the month and see the hand of God in a number of areas. To Him, we remain grateful. This report gives a glimpse to some of the issues that transpired in the month. The greater part of this reports shall be the entrepreneurship skills program that recently took place.  


Our new term started on the 3rd of January with a practical geared towards the development of entrepreneurship skills. This component will be covered at length hereunder. Normal classes resumed on the 22rd of January. All students returned and classes started well..


BVBIZ had her first ever entrepreneurship skills practical from the 2nd to the 21st of January. Whilst a lot of effort is put in increasing the knowledge of the Bible and ministry, BVBIZ is on a drive to also equip the students with life survival skills. These skills will help them as they preach the word. This year’s program was done at 3 centres.


Students were involved in a variety of activities. These include welding and the production of cattle, fish, crops, poultry and pigs.


Our appreciation goes to the following brothers and their families for providing us with the opportunity. There are P.Kufa, W.Nyakudya, L. Zungunde, J. Mugweni and L. Sedze. They provided accommodation, food and the knowledge and skills that left BVBIZ’s students at a higher level.


Several lessons were learnt by the students as they did their practicum. To many, this was an eye opener. BVBIZ also learnt several aspects that will help us to enhance our curriculum as we seek to develop students who will be relevant to the church, their families and society. Next year, there shall be another program. This program shall probably take place for not less than 6 weeks.


A preacher remains a preacher at any place and in every situation. Besides the practical that students were doing to enhance their survival skills, evangelism was not neglected. Devotions were carried out each day and where there were no devotions, students initiated them. They did these with all the workers. Students in Rusape worshipped at Rest Haven, while those at Bro. Nyakudya’s plot worshipped with Nora Valley Congregation (this congregation was started by BVBIZ students in April 2018). Those who were at Makumbiri Estates subdivided themselves into two. Two went to meet with the congregation at Mvurwi while 2 went to Mazowe. In all these instances, students were given the opportunity to serve in various capacities during church services. Those stationed at Brother Sedze’s place went to Rusape General  Hospital  for visitation every day at 5am. At Rusape and Nora Valley, there were time allocations for evangelism during certain days. 2 souls were added to the church at Nora Valley while 5 were baptized at the Rest Haven congregation in Rusape.


The following are the subjects being taught this term

Denominational Doctrines                 Mathew Muchingami         

World Religions                                Donnie Estep

1-2 Corinthians                                  David Walker

1-2 Thessalonians                              David Walker

Greek I                                               Mathew Muchinagmi

1, 2 Peter, and Jude                            Howard Suwari

Wisdom Literature                             Ishmael Mutichu

Prison Epistles                                   Ishamel Mutichu

Introduction to computers                  Hailey Mlangeni


This class we currently have shall have its first field practicum next term. The students will attached at different congregations. Several congregations have already applied. Each congregation shall meet the cost of accommodation and food and must be willing to join the preachers in working for the Lord. These students shall not be working for the congregations but with them. This year’s program shall run for 10 weeks. If there are individuals or congregations who have plans to start new work, BVBIZ is readily available to assist. In fact, preference shall be given to those intending to establish new work.


As we start this new year, we would like to thank everyone who contributed this far, one way or another, to BVBIZ, that is, materially, financially or morally. Your support this year will also go a long way in training workers for Christ as has been noted in the report above. We also appreciate all visiting teachers whose knowledge, dedication and sacrifices have taken BVBIZ to another level. The school could not be where it is now without your support. The Board has also provided an excellent oversight and direction.  Our gratefulness will not be enough without Woodland Oaks and Bear Valley Bible Institute International. May the God of heaven remember you all as you do your part in the furtherance of this noble work.

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on February 18, 2019 .

A New School in Nigeria


We give thanks to God for the launch of a new part-time school in Abuja, Nigeria. On February 2, 2019, the first classes met at the Church of Christ Kado in Abuja. Chad Wagner, Coordinator for the new school, was on hand to give the inaugural address and to encourage the students and staff to set a good pattern for the new school. This school will be meeting every Saturday for the next four years straight. This format will allow the new students to continue working at the jobs and their businesses through the week and study the Bible on the weekends. It is essential that the students attend every class period (every Saturday) so that they do not fall behind in class. It will be challenging but the students are excited to start the process.

There are around 50 students who have chosen to join in this part-time school format. However, due to the size of the new student body, we have had to split the students into two classes. One class will meet at the Church of Christ Kado building and the other group will meet at the Church of Christ Nyanya building. We are grateful that the elders at the church at Kado purchased tables and chairs for the 25 students meeting at their building. The church at Nyanya does not currently have tables and chairs for their students but we are hopeful that it will be remedied soon. 

We are also grateful for Samson Alabi, the new director of the part-time program. He has proven himself to be a capable and willing servant in this endeavor. We are grateful for God sending him our way. Even though the school is using two different locations, he will serve as the director for both locations. 

There is such a need for trained preachers to go into the mostly-Muslim northern Nigeria. We are grateful that the Lord has enabled this school to be here to meet the challenges of evangelism in a predominantly Muslim population of northern Nigeria. Eventually, we would like to consider a school of preaching to train Christians of the Hausa tribe to go to their own people and preach the Gospel. The challenges are great -- but our God is greater!

Until all have heard,

Chad Wagner

Posted on February 18, 2019 .

Evangelism in Zambia


It is again that time of highlighting some activities that the school was involved in during the month of January, 2019.

The class resumed in the first week of January, 2019. Four long courses and a short course will be offered during this quarter. And these courses are Old Testament 3 and Old Testament 3a being taught by Brother Cephas Mwamba. In addition to these Brother Fred Kanangu is teaching “World Religions and The life and Teaching of Christ. Brother Donnie Estep will be teaching the book of 1st Corinthians this quarter. We are always grateful to Donnie for coming over and teach a class. The students are upbeat and are very committed to their studies.  

 The school took a field trip to the Town of Chingola in the Copper Belt Province of Zambia. This trip was an invitation from the brethren in Chingola. Chingola have three congregations and all three were represented. They organized a workshop and asked Brother Cephas and Fred to teach on Conflict management and conflict resolution. Evidently, all three congregations in this town had issues against each other. That is the reason why they invited the school to go and help to resolve some of these issues. We are truly thankful for the confidence that the congregations in the Copper Belt have in the school. At this meeting we had a restoration of 18 members.

BVBI-Zambia exists to train faithful men who will in turn be able to introduce other people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And in doing so, we always need to be challenging ourselves together with these men to reach people in our communities. To achieve this, we have through brother Cephas started teaching our students how to raise chickens (boschveld) to able them acquire some survival skills in self-support. Also we have maintained an outreach evangelism program each weekend for all the students.   

The school has continued receiving the updates from the alumni of BVBI-Zambia. Albert Phiri reports from Mpongwe district that the congregation there continues to fare well. He also reports that the Bible studies he helped to start in the area have started bearing results. He says that a week ago, 3 souls were added (baptized) to the Lord’s Church as the result of these Bible studies. The line of his work in this congregation is specifically working closely with the youths. He has organized quite a number of activities to cater for the youths in the area. And as the Institute plans are under way to camp there and help him with such great effort in evangelism. Another vibrant Evangelist, Joseph Musonda is very active in Baluba area where he continues to teach and preach. He briefly left Baluba and went to Mansa to pursue a short course in Bricklaying. While in Mansa he worked closely with Central Church there. The Preacher of Central Church reports to us that because of hard work and effort that Brother Joseph put in the church activities, they managed to baptize two people and four souls were restored back to the sheepfold. Joseph was in Mansa for two months and he is since gotten back to Baluba where is still active. In Baluba the Institute has already camped there and done evangelism to motivate him.

Please continue to pray for the overall work that we are involved in here in Zambia. Pray for wisdom, support and perseverance and for the Word of God to continuously have an impact on our lives and also the lives of those we are teaching and training.

Our hearts are truly thankful to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for financial support and all the encouragement in this good work. We will likewise pray that God will bless the works that you all are involved in as well.

In His Service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on February 18, 2019 .

4 nations represented in Arusha

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” (Isa.6:8) ESV. Isaiah is one of the encouraging preachers, when it comes to the readiness. We have seen the same desire expressed through our students who are coming to learn from God’s words for years. I would like to take this opportunity to thank both them, their families and the congregations which are willing to send them our way. Thank you so much.

The year 2019, is another blessing to the school and the Church also, this year we will be taking the English speakers. This intake has a mixed - nationalities such as Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and Ethiopia. We are expecting to have more than 24 students in this class, some are still finishing up with their applications. Our second year, class has a total number of 18 students (that is a Swahili stream).

Much is expected to be accomplished this year since we will have a big number of students. Students will grow in their faith and knowledge, surrounding congregations will be helped through our students’ weekend evangelism, and many souls will hear the Good News of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory and Honor belongs to Him.

Our brother Gary Fallis is teaching the Graduate Class for two weeks now, He will be done this coming Friday (tomorrow). And our regular classes will begin starting February the 11th. Please pray for our students as they will be travelling toward Arusha.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank first, Our Almighty Loving God, for granting us this chance to serve and minister in His Kingdom. Secondly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to both brothers and sisters who have been supporting this work tirelessly. We thank you so much for your love toward God and your fellow men. May the Lord of mercy bless you beyond measure.

 Again, THANK YOU ALL WHO ARE MAKING THESE POSSIBLE, to God be the Glory both now and forever.

Your servant in His Kingdom

Till all have heard

Charles H. Mwanga


Posted on February 18, 2019 .

Upcoming graduation in Mbanga

Calvary greetings from this part of the globe. Blessed be the name of our Lord. By his grace, all in Mbanga, both the students and the church in Mbanga, are doing better but the crisis in English Cameroon is still a nightmare to most Christians and to a lot of people living in our country. Cameroon in general needs the concern of God. Therefore, I urge all Christians to put the nation into the hands God.

The work in the school has been going on smoothly so far since we came back in January. The school has been so busy with both the students and some staff members. Almost every week in this month has been very busy with mission work. The needs for evangelism are becoming so strong that in almost every single work in Cameroon, as the students are called upon to help. For this last two weeks, this is how things have been going.

 A lot of people are moving away from the two regions of chaos in the English side to look for a place that they can have peace. For about two months now we have received the Macedonian call in Douala in a quarter called Les Rails. This is the region just behind the hotel where brother David always eats when he has just arrived in Cameroon from the airport. This is the number we have been able to gather so far. The school sends students like Evaristus and Nicanor every week. I myself have also worshiped there.

As we approach our second graduation ceremony, the students are being motivated intrinsically. We are making plans with the congregation for graduation in March. We sat this week to make preparations for a massive turn out. We pray for another successful graduation ts 2019.

May God almighty keep on blessings us in Jesus name.

Ititi Benedict – minister Mbanga church of Christ and director BVBIC-Mbanga


Posted on February 18, 2019 .

Campaigns in Takoradi, Ghana

Dear Brethren,

We greet you all, fellow workers in the Lord’s vineyard. By God’s grace another month has ended and we are very thankful to the Lord for His guidance and direction and grateful to you all our brethren for your continuous prayer and support to us at West Coast School of Preaching here in Takoradi, Ghana. This month under review also is the last in the year, 2018. Very thanked again to our Maker.

We give below, the report of activities by the school during the month of December, 2018.


The part time classes continued till the third Saturday of the month. Twenty two continually reported for classes all through the period. It continued to be the tur of Joshua Aidoo who took them through the classes.


As part of the School’s evangelism campaign, we collaborated with both Mpintsin and Kojokrom congregations to assist them in a major campaign for Christ. All the immediate past students and the current students who had been offered admission were invited to join in. In all about thirty men participated in the campaign. The church at Mpintsin paid for the cost of a live broadcast on a particular radio station here in Takoradi which made it possible for most residents in both the Western and Central Regions to be able to listen into the program. At the end of each day's presentation, time was allotted to the listeners to ask questions and also give directions as to their locations for a possible follow-up. This lasted for five (5) days.

This was continued with another five (5) day campaign at Kojokrom. For lack of funds this last one could not be aired live on the radio. It also streamed live on both Facebook and YouTube. All these were followed with house to house evangelism during the day.


Two lectureships were held at Aiyinase and Kojokrom during the period. In all these brother Joshua Aidoo was part of the speakers.


Recruitment for the regular classes also continued and all prospective students were contacted and interviewed.

His servant,


Posted on January 29, 2019 .

Success in Guinea


Gueckedou BV Activity Operations Report for December 2018

Dear brethren, here is the activity operations Report for the month of December 2018. During this month all of our usual activities plus 1 week of evangelism were conducted. There were 4 souls converted plus 3 during the campaign week which were not part of our year end numbers reported before the 15th. Below are the details of these activities under subheadings.

Classroom: The month of December was the close of our classroom activities with all 17 students attending all the subject materials for the month. We had 2 weeks of class work and the other 2 weeks were scheduled for campaign and part of the year end break.

Evangelism: By the grace of God all efforts, the house to house and the air time radio gospel broadcast put together during the month under review resulted to 4 conversions. We went out in smaller groups of 2 by 2 in some of the quarters of the town and in a few nearby villages. Sometimes we met with encouraging reception especially in the villages, but the people would say “be patient and continue coming. What you are saying is right, but you people met us already tied up in other churches and that is why it’s not just that easy”. So we are going steadily and wisely.

Campaign: Just before we closed for the year 2018, the 17 students and staff were divided in smaller groups of 3’s and 4’s so that we can touch as many people as possible. Some went in a few quarters of town and some in villages making follow up of previous evangelism.

The 3 men who went to the village of Botema in the Prefecture of Macenta baptized 3 persons. This is where there exists a congregation that is irregular in meeting and for that reason we will make every effort to ensure a proper footing by the end of March this year.

As for the other groups, we had no conversions, but we have some prospects to make follow ups.

Conclusion: We are thankful to God and we also appreciate all of the men and women, supporters of Bear Valley making our program of training and conversion a success. We had reported 71 baptisms before December 15 for our year end numbers, but we later converted 7 more in December therefore these will be counted as part of our 2019 year end numbers.

Thanks to you all for the support for the year 2018


Posted on January 29, 2019 .

Expecting a "guest" teacher in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni, Malawi. 

Quick – update!

We hope this finds you enjoying God’s blessings in this first month of the year 2019! We are glad to announce that the holiday is over and we are about to step on the battle line again. The past year of 2018, was a successful year to us. We witnessed many souls being saved, restored and churches established. We hope this year will bring us more good news. If Paul and other Christians in the early church did it, we can also do it.

We are starting receiving students on 2nd and 3rd of February, 2019 and the classes’ resumes on 4th of February. All students are eager to come and finish their 2nd year of their classes and look for graduation to the end of this year.

We are gladly waiting to see Brother Donnie Estep coming and teach the short-course on Hebrews. We are always thankful for his love of training men become faithful and strong vessels for taking the gospel where it has never been preached before! Brother Donnie will arrive on 9th of February, and start teaching from 11th through 15th of February.

We are grateful for those faithful brothers who always stretch their hand to support and pray for this work. Without your support nothing could have been done in the past years. We still need your involvement in this work. We also continue pray for your families, that God should keep on blessing you all. We appreciate, that you always think of winning souls to Christ, (2 Timothy 2:2). The Bible says “He who wins soul is wise”, (Proverb 11:30).

Christian regards!

Ephron V Mbano. (On-half of the staff)


Posted on January 29, 2019 .

Progress in Philippines

The school in Cebu, Philippines is now on its ninth month since it started in May 2018. We started with just seven students and since then our number has multiplied. Our gracious God has truly blessed us last year.

New Year is here and what a better way to start the year than to study the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. This week, we have examined the “Life of Christ” through the lens of the four gospel writers. Although we only study the first part, which is His birth and the commencement of His ministry but the lessons we gained are innumerable. Our students capped off the week by applying what they have learned in their final exam.

We have purchased 14 arm chairs in exchange for the tables that we have been using for the past months to make more room for future students. This is one of the few improvements that we have planned this year.

God has blessed the work in this part of the world and we are excited for His plans for us this New Year. Thank you for all your prayers and support.

God bless us all! 

Neil Emperado, Director BVBI-P

Posted on January 29, 2019 .

Back in class on Mbanga

Greetings from Cameroon and from Mbanga in particular,

We hope all is well for you since we got into 2019. We are faring better and work continue both in the school and in the church. Our theme for this year 2019 is, My Year of Uncommon Transformation.”  (2 Corinthians 3:18) Our goal and objective is to transform our communities and the church, including the leadership of the congregation. Keep us in your prayers.

We glorify the almighty God for bringing us back safely to begin this academic year. All the 9 students who traveled out on December 13 arrived to their destination safely and engage themselves in serious work. We too, in the other part, were busy for our mission trip to Nigeria. Our students went into 8 different assemblies within 2 weeks on mission while assisting on lectureships and forums and visiting other congregations in their localities. À total of 22 souls were converted and 6 restored into the church while many people who had the privilege to hear the them speak the gospel became interested. Some even heard them over the radio and other medias. I think this was a great way to end the year.

We are back to school and studies continue with our last quarter and preparation for graduation. Recruitment for the new batch of students is also on going. We already have about 15 brothers who are interested in coming to begin studies by March 2019. 

God is great and we appreciate all His works in our lives. We pray that this year should be a successful one.  

Remain blessed,

Ititi Benedict Director BVBIC-Mbanga

Posted on January 28, 2019 .

New students are being challenged

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings to you all from your brothers and sisters in Wotutu and Cameroon at large. We do hope this report finds you well as well as all those around you. We are on here and life is going ahead amidst the struggle and ongoing crisis.

God is giving us the mind to be okay with the ongoing socio-political crisis because even though some part of the work of His vineyard in other parts are slow, we can still preach and teach in other areas where our lives are not in total danger. Please keep us in your prayers. We are praying that God will send peace makers to intervene and help brings things back to normalcy.

Last week in BVBIC-Wotutu went on well although it was characterized with some sad atmosphere as we lost some dear Christians who were sick and died. Apart from that, all is well. Students are getting settled into the new environment and studies are sounding good to many although some are feeling it is above what they expected. We are encouraging them to keep looking in front as they hold the plow because if they start looking behind it will provoke discouragement for them. Keep these students in your prayers.

The atmosphere in Wotutu is calm and the Bible Institute is going on without any problem as the military guys will always appreciate our early morning preaching and our fervent prayers for the nation for peace to return. Please pray for our daily efforts with the current situation.


Evangelism in other locations has been requested as congregations have started making demands for our students to come, but we cannot start sending them alone to places for now. We need to train them and nurture them a little longer but pretty soon  we shall start sending them out alone.


God bless you for all that you are doing for the work here. We are blessed to have you all in our work. Keep standing with us.

Do your best to share our report with others.

 Elangwe and family

 By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 28, 2019 .

Very busy in Nigeria!

Beloved in Christ Jesus;
Grace, peace and mercy unto you all from God our Father and from Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, who saw us through year 2018 all Glory and Honor to his name.
A big appreciation to those who were there for us and all who played vital roles in helping us to achieve our aims of training more soldiers of Christ at BVBIN and SWSE, Ibadan , may God in his abundant blessings continue to bless our works together in Jesus Christ name.
May this new season bring you dew from heavens, give you peace and joy to take you and all yours through the year 2019. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Below is the summary of our activities for the month of December 28, 2018:
I  Evangelized in Butubutu and environment, Asejire-Oyo & Osun, Igbara-Odo in Ekiti State
ii End of the year program resulted into conversion of Five and restoration of a family of Four.
iii BVBIN-IKORODU, 3rd annual Bible Lectureship held at Lagos 
iv SW 2nd Building near  completion.
v 17th Annual Leadership seminar themed “Go yea unto the world and preach”
As usual, the staff and students of the BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan were busy every weekend in evangelism and campaigning for Christ. We were graced to evangelized villages around Butubutu Jago and Badeku. Also, we extended our work to Asejire town in Oyo and that of Osun state,the lord crowned our joint effort with total conversion of Five brothers and a family of four was restored unto the lord in Badeku.
I, Bro.Kayode S Eniafe, Bro Gbenga Ilori and Bro Emmanuel Godwin spoke at a Three days mass evangelism and Open-Air Bible lectureship organized by Igbara-Odo congregation, Ekiti state between December 6-9, 2018 and a soul gave his life to Christ after the program and also I, Bro.Dele shotola and Bro. Kayode spoke at the end of the year gospel campaign at Jago-Ibadan.
Bro,Augustine Odo served as the moderator, Bro. Mfon Etim- the director of BVBIN – Ikorodu spoke on ”The New Testament Conversion” while I(Bro. Makinde ebens) spoke on “Working together with God” during the 3rd Annual Bible Lectureship centered on “WHAT THINK YE OF THE CHURCH?”. The program was attended by over 150 brethren from congregations of our Lord around Lagos state. Among the dignitaries were Bro.Akinyemi, Bro.Abiola, Bro.Ufot, e.t.c
Bro.Okoro Chinyere, one of the organizers of the program reported that six preachers enrolled as students of the BVBIN-IkORODU after the seminar. The new students will join the next class of January 5,2019. Lord’s willing.
5 SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: To God be the Glory we will soon complete the second structure for the Southwest Nursery& Primary school. All that is left for the completion of the second structure are; Desks for Student, White board and other amenities.
6 SPECIAL CHALLENGE: We are still in need of a bigger generator plant to supply electricity to the school community.
7 ABOUT A STUDENT: Bro.Smauel Sunday Moses is a year one student. He is from Ikwe Omua L.G.A, Akwa-Ibom State. He is happily married and blessed with children. He is here to be train to become a competent ministers. His mission is to acquire more knowledge in the work of Christ, most especially in evangelism.
8 OTHER COMMENTS: I taught on “The Origin of Evil” at Onikokoro,Gbongudu Congregation on December 23 and 30, 2018. The book of Job was used as our lesson background with the aim of aiding God’s children to remain faithful during tough time.
CONCLUSION  We are very much grateful to you all for your moral and financial supports toward Evangelism in both rural and urban area of the country. May the Lord continue to bless our works in Jesus Christ name, amen.
I also thank those that sent words of comfort to me and my wife (through sms, calls and email) over the untimely departure of our first son, Emmanuel Anuoluwapo to the land of glory on October 2018. May the Lord keep us fit and sound in the loving way till the end is our fervent prayer. Amen.
I remain yours in the grace as a servant
Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi
(Director of Studies)

Posted on January 15, 2019 .

Big campaign in Tamale


Help us shout hallelujah to the glory of our heavenly father for how far He has brought us to yet another new year. Not all who have had this opportunity to see this year but we are the living testimony to attest to the fact that God is our refuge and salvation Amen!

We shall never forget to say thanks for your consistent support and prayer for the survival of Bear Valley Bible Institute in Tamale, for we have nothing to offer you than to say; may God replenish you all for your generosity for His work in West Africa. 


The term has come to an end successful and the students have gone home for four weeks to visit their families and the church and also to the spend New Year with them. They also use this period to harvest their farms produces and other activities like building and farm land preparation. God’s willing the school will be reopened on 13th January 2019 and we wish all these students happy and prosperous New Year and safe journey back to school.


We are keeping no stone unturned on campaign for students, still thirteen students submitted their application forms and are waiting for interview, and three more forms assured to be submitted when students report to school in January. 


The school embarked on a seven days (one week) campaign for students for the 2018, 2019 academic year on December. Preacher Francis Ayine, Preacher Alex Jabado and Brother James Legend embarked on the journey. This campaign took place on the 17th to 23 December, 2018.

Preacher Ayine who preaches for the Accra Road Church of Christ arrived at the Bear Valley Bible Institute, Tamale campus around 5 am on the 17th of December. We set off the same day  and visited one brother shortly at Nyankpani congregation and took off to Saboba.


We salute you all and wish you happy and prosperous New Year. It is our prayer and hope that God keeps you healthy and strong in 2019 so that you can achieve your goals, happy New Year to you all in Jesus name Amen!!

Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies

Posted on January 15, 2019 .

Prayers requested from Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,

I'd like to share with you some latest news from Ukraine. It's winter time here and the temperature outside drops below zero. Nobody minds it really and in a couple of days the schools and Universities will resume classes after the winter break. Our Bible Institute classes started on January 8th. So students had got two weeks for winter break. Most of them left Bela Tserkva to go back to their home towns.

I request some special prayers for our second year student Sergiy Omelchenko. He had high fever for more than three weeks and the doctors could not determine what was causing it. Eventually he was hospitalized in Kiyv and they ran more detailed tests. As the result they found some specific virus in his lungs. I'm not a doctor and I can't explain it better but as far as I understood it the virus resembles a form of hidden tuberculosis. It's very sad indeed because his family can't afford any extensive treatment. Of course, we try to help them out but it's very expensive and will take a few months.

In December we had Ukrainian members of our staff teaching the courses. So, the first year students had the book of Genesis (by Viktor Semikoz), Exodus - Deuteronomy (Dennis Sopelnik), Godhead, Angels and Satan (Vitaly Rodichev), Gospels by Matthew and Mark (Albert Bagdasaryan) and the second year students had 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus (Dennis Sopelnik), Book of Acts (Vladimir Paziy) and Denominational Doctrines (Andrew Zhuravlev).

We are planning on having a one-day seminar in February where we want to discuss the subject of appointing elders in Ukrainian congregations of the Church of Christ. As of now, there are a few congregations with potential candidates. Our brother Mike Underwood agreed to share his experience and insight on this matter. I hope when everything falls in place we will have sound and mature men to lead the congregations and encourage us to follow the Lord.

Before the beginning of the winter break we traditionally had a lot of fellowship with our students and spend our time in encouragement, prayers and discussions. In my opinion the strong ties between our students and Instructors are very important. Friendship that started in the Institute will last for years to come. We have graduates who stayed so close that they went together to establish new congregations of the Church of Christ.

The Commentary on the Book of Daniel was sent to the publishing house and we are very excited to get the books soon. Undoubtedly it helps many preachers thoroughly ponder the Word of God. We are thankful to everyone who participated in the project.

In this report I'd like to thank all brethren who generously sacrifice their funds to support the ministry of the Bible Institute in our country. Ukraine is pretty much the only country in Europe where the true meaning of Christianity became wide spread. And we owe it to a lot of you.

My family sends their greetings. Your brother,  Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on January 15, 2019 .

An outstanding year in Zimbabwe!



2018 has come to an end. We, therefore, use this report to appreciate everyone who has made it possible for BVBIZ to reach this far. We shall also give summaries of what transpired in 2018 and some expectations for the coming term.


2018 has been a year filled with practical. Both the class that graduated in June and the current one that started in May contributed to this year’s statistics. However, there was not much activity between June and August as the current class dwelt more on theory in preparation for evangelism practicums that were to begin in September. In terms of evangelism, there are three levels;

·         Weekend evangelism (every Saturday, besides leading worship in various congregations, when the school is in session, students do evangelism)

·         Field program (this took place from the 1 April to -29 May)

·         One week campaign programs (27September-7 October) and 18 November-25 November).

Among other results, 2018 saw 141 baptisms, 351 sermons preached, and 2 congregations planted.


BVBIZ’s books were audited. This was for the two year period which ranged from May 2016 to June 2018. Our appreciation to the Board that made this to happen. This is in line with the school’s strategic plan which mandates management to be as transparent as possible with the financial resources placed under our care.


The following are the subjects going to be taught next time and their teachers

Denominational Doctrines                 Mathew Muchingami         

World Religions                                Donnie Estep

1-2 Corinthians                                  David Walker

1-2 Thessalonians                              David Walker

Greek I                                               Mathew Muchinagmi

1, 2 Peter, and Jude                            Howard Suwari

Wisdom Literature                             Ishmael Mutichu

Prison Epistles                                   Ishamel Mutichu

Introduction to computers                  Hailey Mlangeni


The theory of entrepreneurship has been taught for a while in the school. Part of this theory has been put into practice through the few projects BVBIZ has been carrying out. However, a new practicum shall start on the 3rd of January. Students shall be going to various areas where projects are being carried out and will be there for three weeks. These will provide labour, whilst at the same time, learning how things are done. At the end of the program, the student should have an appreciation of how things are done.  Several enterprises are happening at each centre. These range from crop production, poultry production, piggery, fishery, welding, nurseries, cattle breeding, bee keeping amongst others.

Our appreciation goes to the families who have accepted our students. Besides the knowledge to be acquired by students, these families will provide accommodation and food. The January report shall carry out a report on what would have transpired during this practicum. Students are expected to do another practical in January of 2020. The idea is to equip students with skills that will eventually help them to survive as they preach after graduation.


After having stopped the broiler project for a while due to shortage of chicks, we received a batch of 100 on the 14th of December.  The intention is to raise broilers at a large scale once the conditions that are needed are now available at the permanent site.


After, the small tomatoes’ project we had, cabbages have been planted. The tomatoes’ project raised $620. Due to limited space, like the tomatoes project,  only 1400 plants of cabbages were planted. These are under drip irrigation.


As the year comes to an end, we wish to thank all those who have donated funds towards the operations of the school. Our appreciation goes to those who donated money towards prizes for graduation and those who made one time donations but chose to remain anonymous. We remain humbled. BVBIZ would also want to categorically thank the Sande family and Dururu family who were very consistent with their donations. This is a big example to many. Their figures ranged from $5 to $25 monthly but it made a lot of difference.

Many have also gave different items that kept BVBIZ going. Appreciation also goes to them. This has been  a way of partnering with us in this endeavour.


Finally, we thank God for the journey traveled. We also thank Woodland Oaks and Bear Valley Bible Institute International  for their unwavering support. To the teachers, students, board , the church and all potential partners, thank you. We keep wishing all of you a blessed and prosperous 2019. To God be the glory!

In Christ,

Mathew Muchingam

Posted on January 14, 2019 .

New students in Wotutu, Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings and happy new year to you and your family. That is what we say here as we enter into the new year by the special grace of God.

  We trust God allowed you and your family to be partakers of this new year without any major problems. We are sincerely grateful to be safely into a new year regarding the ongoing crisis where many have fled their homes, many are still in the bushes, and many have suffered loss of property and other things. But, with His grace we are strong and still remain focused on the work of preaching, teaching, and saving souls in the midst of dangers and struggles.

Thanks very much for your prayers for and support to the many internally displaced persons in our area. We are accommodating some now even in our old dormitories who moved to Wotutu for safety. We thank God that Wotutu is serving as a refuge area for many. We bought some pots for some sisters whom we don’t know when they can ever leave Wotutu for their homes. Thanks for your support because your kind support has put food in their mouths, clothes on their bodies and medications to keep them healthy. Please continue! This gesture is a mile stone in our work.

20 new students made their way to Wotutu safely. Some took risks to pass through bushes as many roads at times are still being blocked by the separatist fighters. When I saw the new students making their ways to Wotutu and listening to the struggle they had to make it here, it brought out tears but gladdened my heart that we still have men with very strong faith.

Today the Wotutu congregation, as is their normal tradition, welcomed the students officially into the Wotutu congregation which will be their family for the two years they will stay in Wotutu. Please keep them in your prayers as they have already started classes on the 3rd of January 2019.

The Wotutu congregation organized a special fellowship meal as they welcome these students. It is always a thing of joy for us to see new students. We realize that we shall start knowing them personally as the days go by.


Evangelism is our mission and that is our focus. We cannot miss that. This week we shall attend an alumni evangelistic meeting in Mbanga with these new students. We shall join with the old graduates to evangelize the area over the weekend.


God bless you more for all you are doing for the work here. Keep up the good work because without you we doubt how possible this work would have been. Share our report with others.

Elangwe and family

By the grace director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 14, 2019 .

Future Preachers Camp in Arusha


ACSOP January 2019 Report.

I would like to salute you and thank our God for the blessing of new year. Happy new year 2019 to every one. God have blessed us with new year again so we have all reason t o thank Him. Without doubt God is blessing every one who loves and serving Him. I hope this year will be bright toward those who will be serving Him. And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.

I would like to share with you what happened on the end of December. December was busy month when every one was working had to serve the Lord in Tanzania Christian Camp. Tanzania Christian Camp is one of the program that is run by Andrew Connally School Of Preaching for the purpose of creating good relationship with congregations and help young  men to desire to join ACSOP one day. We thank brother John Rice and Burt Fuller for join us in this camp. It is not easy for someone to leave  his home at the end of year to travel away from the family, but these two men did that for the Lord. This camp was able to accommodate one hundred and eighty campers and twenty three teachers and chancellors which total of the attendance was two hundred and three. Most of these campers their of twelve year above, who most of them were able to understand  what was taught. One of surprising thing, I and brother Koimere from Monduli we picked long and tough memory verses which we thought are tough for them,  but over one hundred campers finished memorizing their verses.

Another thing that have touch every ones heart is the way this young men receive the word and applied it. After teachers and chancellors saw there numbers of campers are not Christian we set a special class for them. We had one class of thirty five people who were learning the Gospel. After serious Bible class in two days with a lot of questions twenty four of them  obeyed the Gospel. One of those who were baptized is a boy of twenty years old from Mombasa Kenya who is coming from a Muslim family. Personally I thank God for this new Christian generation. Theme of this year was “spiritual glasses”, this can help us to have more knowledge.

     For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God (Col 1:9-10. NKJV)

Please let us continue to pray for the Lord’s work in Tanzania, especially the Andrew Connally School Of Preaching. We have all reason to thank God and you for the big role that you are serving in ACSOP and in His kingdom. Its my prayers that all goes well with you and all may be for the glory of our Lord.            

In His service,

Ahimidiwe Kimaro

 Director, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on January 14, 2019 .

Evangelism in Sierra Leone

Happy new year to everyone in the lord as we ended this year's program without misfortunes in the brotherhood. We hope and pray for a successful 2019 as we start the journey to meet our lord in this challenging world.  We are not better than those who have died during the course of the ministry  work but we are spared by the lord to continue in his work to fulfill the Great Commission of our lord in Matt.28:18-20. It is because God wants to begin with us that’s the reason he spared us to see the new year. As God has  began with us, may He ends with us for the rest of the year 2019. May we live to see another   New Year in Jesus’ name? Amen.


-On the 3rd Dec, 2018 the school started its last campaign for the year with  students participating in three areas of evangelising the vicinity of Kenema by making disciples. On a joint cooperative evangelism with the churches of Christ in Kenema, they are able to launch an operation house to house campaign lectures on one on one basis. This has proven successful for the newly established congregations in the areas whereby their numbers keep on increasing as a result of the moves and strategies undertaken by the school.

-Our campaign lasted for one week in three areas KAMARA TOWN, DAUDA TOWN, AND GBEYTAYMA


-During our campaign to the above area ,students were divided into three groups : one group went to Kamara Town another went to Dauda Town and the last group went to Gbeytayma. At the end of the day they meet and share experiences among the groups and forged ahead the following day. They explained  success stories to one another. They confined on each other for strategies and methods to be used for a successful campaign. The groups ended up converting souls for Christ in these area.


-More  practical field work done as a result of an effective team work in the campaign launched.

-It Helps the school to be known by members of the Churches of Christ in various congregations

-It  also gives the students an advantage to master their practical work.

Students are now conducting home lectureship and worship service in their own local villages.


-Sustainability of regular worship service in newly established congregations during break while students have gone home for break.

 -Congregations that are newly planted with the effort of the school  in villages  are seen as Bear Valley own congregations and are therefore looked upon to support them with preachers and other materials such as Bibles, Hymn Books, Tracks, Benches, Fruit of the Vine and so on.


-Our Future campaign programs should  be held in villages or places where  churches of Christ have already been in existence. This is simply because we cannot plant without watering, however, we cannot be selective in our work but this will save us from church support as the case may be with us.

-We should  first trained  new converts who are willing to pass the message over to their people before  planting a new congregation elsewhere.


-During our campaign periods we have been able to convert souls for Christ through efforts made by our students and restored members to churches.

-We have organized an evangelism team of youth fellowship from house to house on every weekends.

-We have  sustained both Tilorma and Burma congregations through efforts of our students.

-With the help of Bear Valley Bible Institute and our Regional coordinator, we have acquired an acre of land for our school within this shortest possible time.


-As we move  closer to the end of the second year program of studies, we have been able to ensure the survival of the school regardless of the challenges faced on the way.

- During the period under review, we have been able to sustain a program  of studies for all our students.  We want to thank our sponsors for supporting the school in a very special way in  accomplishing the great commission of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We also want to thank our  Regional coordinator and Director of extension studies for Bear Valley for their continuous support of the program in our country. 


Ishmael S. Bangura

Director BVBI-SL

Posted on January 14, 2019 .