Success in Guinea


Gueckedou BV Activity Operations Report for December 2018

Dear brethren, here is the activity operations Report for the month of December 2018. During this month all of our usual activities plus 1 week of evangelism were conducted. There were 4 souls converted plus 3 during the campaign week which were not part of our year end numbers reported before the 15th. Below are the details of these activities under subheadings.

Classroom: The month of December was the close of our classroom activities with all 17 students attending all the subject materials for the month. We had 2 weeks of class work and the other 2 weeks were scheduled for campaign and part of the year end break.

Evangelism: By the grace of God all efforts, the house to house and the air time radio gospel broadcast put together during the month under review resulted to 4 conversions. We went out in smaller groups of 2 by 2 in some of the quarters of the town and in a few nearby villages. Sometimes we met with encouraging reception especially in the villages, but the people would say “be patient and continue coming. What you are saying is right, but you people met us already tied up in other churches and that is why it’s not just that easy”. So we are going steadily and wisely.

Campaign: Just before we closed for the year 2018, the 17 students and staff were divided in smaller groups of 3’s and 4’s so that we can touch as many people as possible. Some went in a few quarters of town and some in villages making follow up of previous evangelism.

The 3 men who went to the village of Botema in the Prefecture of Macenta baptized 3 persons. This is where there exists a congregation that is irregular in meeting and for that reason we will make every effort to ensure a proper footing by the end of March this year.

As for the other groups, we had no conversions, but we have some prospects to make follow ups.

Conclusion: We are thankful to God and we also appreciate all of the men and women, supporters of Bear Valley making our program of training and conversion a success. We had reported 71 baptisms before December 15 for our year end numbers, but we later converted 7 more in December therefore these will be counted as part of our 2019 year end numbers.

Thanks to you all for the support for the year 2018


Posted on January 29, 2019 .