Continued political unrest in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the country of Cameroon. We are doing better but we are still faced with the challenges we must face.  Most students are better in health but some are down.  We are doing our best to make sure they in good health. Many of them are struggling with malaria and eye problems. Keep them in your prayers. Our nurse sister Senge is making sure that all is well from her level.

Keep praying for Cameroon. The crisis is down a little in many areas but we keep hearing rumors of killings and shut downs in some areas. Christians are praying day and night. Even our children, when called up to pray, will always mention the situation of our country. My son Stevemarx who is less than two years will pray and talk of the many people in bushes. Many are still suffering greatly. Some in the bushes don’t have anywhere to go so they are bound to remain in bushes. How can life be in those places?

Students in the Bear Valley Bible Institute are struggling to learn more from the assignments given to them by the instructors. It is making them to know clearly that they need to study now and to suspend lots of their ideas on some issues.


Weekend evangelism continues with two and three persons per group and we are also planning for a mass evangelism in ISOKOLO Mokindi village to evangelize and plant a new congregation.


Thank you for all that you are doing for the work here. If not of you, I doubt how possible this work would have been. God bless you for the good heart you have. He will reward you in due season.


Please pray for the situation of our country. It is a big challenge to us and our homes are filled with displaced persons who are Christians. It is not easy to cope with life these days.

God bless you.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu



Posted on February 18, 2019 .