Success in greater Accra

“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ….” Eph. 1:2.

We are always grateful to the Lord for the series of activities He has seen us through for this month. Though school is currently on vacation yet there were other activities organize within this period.


This class though not part of the Bear Valley programmes but this was instituted by Alex Sah, a former student of SIBS who graduated in 2015, had the interest to help nourish the children of the Lord’s church and non-members in the community in the word of God. 

His aiming factor is to begin strengthening and winning the children when they grow up.

They have also appealed to the school of New Testament Bibles and other journals that may help in their studies.

With such initiative, the authority of the school has permitted them to use the school’s facilities to support their learning. We are hoping it will grow effectively in the faith. 


As part of the school’s financial accounting activities, this department has made submission of the 2017 and 2018 account report to be audited and to filing of returns to the Registrar General’s Department.

Kojo and Sammy assisted in this process seeing to it that the right thing is done to avoid penalty that may result for not obeying the law of the state.


The churches of Christ in Central Region of Ghana organized a three-day Bible Camp for its members with the aim of education the church to be one and edify its members. The theme for the programme is “that ye may be one” as request by our Lord Jesus Christ from the Father.

This three (3) day programme was successful with nine (9) baptisms announced during the closing session of which seven (7) were capture by Sammy. The school helped with the van, of which was a great blessing.


The wife of brother Paul Adom, an evangelist at Nkonya Wurapon, Volta Region of Ghana, has passed away. He is currently, teaching in a Bible School as well. Sadly, she has been in sick bed for about 10 years before her call by our Lord. The staff of the school also participated immensely and mourn with our dear brother during the funeral.

With all these activities in this month of December, joy fill our heart that everything was done peaceful without cut on anyone. We are highly thankful to the Lord for His mercy.

Keep praying with us.

Posted on January 14, 2019 .

Classes resume in Zambia

Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters!! We wish you all happy holidays and a very prosperous 2019!!! We give honor and glory to God who has given us the opportunity to work in His Kingdom.

We have received confirmation from all our students that they are ready and cannot wait to report back to school. Two more new students have also affirmed their readiness to be part of the school body. 

The school resumes on 7th January, 2019. And this will be the third quarter in their first year. The courses that will be offered are as follows:

Old Testament 2 is a course that covers the history of the Jews from Joshua to Esther. Brother Cephas Mwamba will teach this course. And he will also be teaching Old Testament 3a.  This is a study of Wisdom literature with special highlights on the book of Job. Brother Cephas is also teaching Greek language (1) for one year, we have noticed good progression in students understanding of common Greek of the New Testament. We believe this helps to our students who would want to further their education in the Bible.

Life of Christ 2 is a course that deals with the life and teachings of Christ. This covers the Sermon on the Mount, Parables of Jesus Christ and Judgment. This course will be taught by Brother Fred Kanangu. And he will also teach the World Religions.

Brother Donnie Estep will also teach 1 Corinthians as a short course during the quarter.

We have added five more class chairs and tables, we have also added two more bed bankers during the school break, in addition, good fruits have come up with the work of Teachers, brother Cephas and Kennedy went on the evangelistic trip to a nearby Township of Mufurila on the copper belt, as a result a 37 years old man George Chileya was baptized. And Cephas has continued teaching and restored three more men back to the sheepfold. Brother Fred and Cephas had time to travel to Chingola on the copper belt were brother Fred had time to speak to the audience at the funeral.

On the other development Joseph Ilunga one of our students from DRC. Has reported that fighting in many places of Congo has continued and it has become extremely dangerous for anyone to travel there. This is due to the fact that the country just had general elections, let’s continue to pray for his safety returns as class resumes.

We have three students who come from villages bordering DRC. These are Gilbert Mulubwa, Daniel Kasonkomona and Fred Mwansa. They all confirmed what Joseph says. And they added that even the Pedicle road which is the short-cut route from their villages passing through DRC coming here is temporally closed. Brethren, we solicit for your prayers that peace and stability returns to this area.

As our third quarter resumes we anticipate more evangelistic efforts in 2019 and truly thankful for your financial support and all the encouragement in this noble work. We will likewise pray that God will bless the works that you all are involved in as well.

In His service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on January 14, 2019 .

15 more baptisms in Liberia

Greetings from us here at the Bear valley Bible Institute- Liberia, hoping that all is very well with you and your families by the special grace of God. We want you know that we sincerely appreciate you so much for the level of partnership in this great work of His.


The month of November was a very very busy month for everyone. Both the students and the instructors had lots of work to be done since we are just beginning with the new batch of students. The new students are introduced to taking their studies very seriously. Right from the beginning, they are made to be part of group works, research works, individual assignments, daily quizzes and memory work among others. Frankly, I am very proud of the new batch of students because they are very active in everything.


It will surprise you to know that the new batch of students have already converted through water baptism 15 persons from their weekend evangelism efforts. The campus ministry is now well attended weekly with around 60 person due to their zealous evangelistic efforts. Its truly a blessing to have these men as students.


We are also very happy to inform you that Mr. Amos Dolo who has been teaching our students computer in the school finally accepted the gospel and was baptized in to Christ. It took over two years talking to him and finally the Lord has converted him. The last person is the Agriculture Instructor ( Mr. Meantor Bembo) yet to be converted.


Winston M. S. Carrick is one of our new student who from the look of things is doing very well as far as the school instructions are concerned. Winston is a young man, born Sept. 11, 1994 in Gbeh, River Gee county, located in the southeastern part of the republic of Liberia. Since he became a christian in February 2017, he has been very active in the church and working with the evangelist that baptized him. That's one of the major reason who he was recommended to the school to have him train for the future of the church in that part of the country. Winston is a high school graduate and has some extra training in community mobilization. He is not married and does not have any children

Meanwhile, When I questioned him on what plans he has after school? He said he want to be a worker of the Lord in helping to spread the gospel, especially in River Gee county


Our library shelves are now with books by the special grace of God and by the help of brother Steven Ashcraft and brethren from the mission printing organization. Many thanks and appreciations to brother Steven Ashcraft for all the contacts that made this possible for the school to have a library..


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on January 14, 2019 .

Exciting news from Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,

In this report I'd like to share with you the latest news from some local congregations of the Church of Christ and our Bible Institute.

In November our first year students had Genesis (taught by Viktor Semikoz), Godhead, Satan and Angels (Vitality Rodichev) and Deuteronomy (Dennis Sopelnik). And the second year students studied 1 and 2 Thessalonians (Dennis Sopelnik), Book of Acts (Vladimir Paziy) and Denominational Doctrines (Andrew Zhuravlev). This year Exodus-Deuteronomy was to be taught by our Instructor and Chernivtsy Church of Christ Minister Dmitry Galuik.

 Our second year students are doing great helping with the church activities. One of them, Taras Danilenko goes to Skvira Church of Christ every Saturday to help the congregation. He teaches children Bible class. Our student Masha Rodicheva help them with crafts part of the lesson. It's a huge encouragement for the brethren of Skvira. The other student Eldjune Aliev started youth group meetings in the local congregation. He attracts young people through his professional basketball career. They study the Bible, have fellowship and encourage each other.

I'm actively searching for the new recruits for the next school year. From time to time I contact different preachers and church members to check on the congregation, sometimes I visit them and meet potential recruits. Occasionally I will get recommendations, the other times I have to keep my eyes open for new contacts. It's a lot like fishing. You have the best bait but still don't know for sure if you get the catch. I ask you to pray that our Institute will find people who like to save souls.

The other good news to share is that next month we will publish next book (commentary on the book of Daniel) with the help of brother Jim Mettenbrink. This is the second book to be published in Bela Tserkva. This project is interesting in the sense that we ship the books to the individuals who requested it as well as to the congregations that require them as assistance in their Bible study. We still have about 60% of the first book left but the churches occasionally request additional copies. We also pray for finding ways to ship the books to the congregations in Russia. The problem is their customs ban on spiritual literature.

Our Bible Institute was first registered in Ukraine in 2007, more than 10 years ago. Every year I have to report our activities to the government. Most of the time, it's a brief report to prove that we are not a commercial establishment and we do profit financially from our activities. So I was genuinely surprised to find out that our Diploma gives our graduates credits that will allow them to continue their studies in other Institutes that support their major. Thus, four of our graduates study Christian Education in the University of Kiev. They have a unique opportunity to influence secular education. God is abundant in His blessings and merciful!

Thank you for your prayers and your support of our students. Generosity of so many of you is a great example for us.

In Christian love and with the deep appreciation,

Your brother Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Bear Valley serving the young church in Myanmar

Dear brethren,

I am so glad and honor to inform you about the work in Myanmar. We had another good classes from October 1 to November 9 for six weeks and covered six subjects. We are going to have another classes from December 31 2018 to January 18 2019 for three weeks, to cover three subjects and another classes in March 18 to April 20 2019 for five weeks to cover five more subjects. 

We have thirteen students in Myanmar but only eight could come this time. For those students who could not attend regularly, they will take the subjects that they missed later when we teach again. 

After the school, students went out to do practical work and learn to grow. Five of us went to the delta area called laputta on November 10-12 and did some evangelical and edification work.  The students in Kalay and Chin state are visiting some congregations and do night Bible study. Some of them are still traveling to villages distributing correspondence courses and correcting them as there is no good post office. This help the students have personal discussions and contacts. 

In last January and February, some of us had traveled to four different villages In Magway and Rakhine regions ( there will be no test on the name of the places that we visited) and did Bible Camps and in April and May we could visited some other villages in Chin state. On that trip in khawdar village, a young girl was baptized. Then upon invitation we went to another village in Tedim township and had four days and five nights Bible study with so called Christians but never heard of the pure plan of salvation of the Bible. We should focus to this place for future work plan as well. 

Some of us visited the eastern part of our country Shan state on November 22 to December 3 and had some Bible discussions and visited a new city called keng Tong and planned to have one week camp there in the first week of February 2019. From December 17 to 23, next week, we (with two other brothers) will be going to a Buddhist village  in Magway region where we had gone before and hold night camps. Cover your prayers.

There are many many cities in Myanmar where there is no church which means we have a big and great responsibility and so few people are willing and capable of doing it. Therefore, this is my hope and prayer that the BV in Myanmar will meet some of the needs and fulfilled the great commission. 

May God bless our effort and partnership. My heartfelt appreciation to all of you who made the Bear Valley school possible in Myanmar.

Yours in His kingdom work

Philip Van Biak Lian.

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

13 earn their Masters degree


Recently, at the Chimala Bible Institute in southern Tanzania, we were blessed to have a class of students from three different countries! There were students from Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia. Thirteen masters level students gathered for a month-long of classes during the month of November 2018. There were four classes taught. Chad Wagner taught the first two classes and Gary Fallis taught last two classes.  

At the end of the courses, the students graduated from the Bear Valley masters program with their degrees. The students have been going through a serious level of classes for the last several years in this study which culminated in the graduation ceremony. Gary Fallis was in attendance for the ceremony where the degrees were given. 

Those students came from a great variety of backgrounds: some were preachers and church planters, one ran a radio program, two operate and teach at a bible school, and many other very worthy roles for the Kingdom of God. 

It was a pleasure teaching those students and getting to know them and their works even better. We now commit them to God and will continue to pray for them in the Lord's work. 

Until all have heard,

Chad Wagner

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Outstanding news from Harare, Zimbabwe


Towards the end of His earthly physical ministry, Jesus Christ is quoted by John the apostle in his gospel record, praying, “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” (17:4 - KJV). As we keep going doing the Lord’s work, how often do we ask ourselves soul searching questions in relation to this verse in doing the work and finishing our part of the work? Bear Valley Bible Institute Harare Extension continue to look into the future asking ourselves, where is our next evangelical mission? Where are we spreading our wings to next month? With this in mind, we always keep ourselves on our toes ready to take-on our next mission.


We are always encouraged to learn from the learners that they are truly being equipped and the Word which they are receiving is sound and true. During the second weekend (13th and 14th) of October 2018, Brother Donnie Estep visited, for the first time, Harare Extension School. The two classes were merged into one and they were taught part of The Prison Epistles by brother Estep. It was good to have him for the whole weekend (see photo A1). Besides being in class teaching, Donnie also took to the pulpit on Sunday the 14th and he blessed the church in Dzivaresekwa with the message, “Is Your Name Written in the Book of Life” (see photo A2). The message was received with all gladness.
Matthew Muchingami and Evans Nyamadzavo managed to complete the Prison Epistles. 


Our planned outreach in partnership with Borrowdale church of Christ to Munyawiri in Domboshawa, on 20 and 21 October 2018 was cancelled at the last minute due to protocol observance challenges. The area is in rural setup so going into the area need formal arrangements through the office of the local chief and village heads. So this process was not done properly and on realization Borrowdale church of Christ cancelled the outreach.
In November 2018, we partnered the Church of Christ in Westgate for a week’s gospel outreach (19 to 25 November 2018). We are also so grateful for the Gweru team who did a great job in this area. As Harare school we managed to come for evangelism and also participated in preaching and teaching. We had three slots of preaching during the week’s daily devotions and on Sunday, Stephen Mazambani taught during the Bible study and Shine Murambiwa was on the Lord’s Table (see photo A3). Gweru was represented by the Director, Mathew Muchingami who gave the sermon of the day. It was a gospel week well planned and God’s knocked on the hearts of those taught the Word. The public address system was so helpful and it really added relevance to the gospel week outreach as some people were reached with the messages preached whilst in the comfort of their own homes. Comments from the homes of the people who were close to the assembly point, testified to this, they heard the Word also.
This work in Westgate produced four baptisms and three expected baptisms (see photo A5). Forty-two (42) people were taught the word and the average attendance for the daily devotions was sixty (60). 
We are so grateful to the Gweru team and all the efforts made in reaching out to the lost, the backsliders and those who needed encouragement.


In their local congregations, our students are doing their best in improving congregational responsibilities. Our students, Tawanda Tinofa, Shine Murambiwa and Charles Mugadza are members of the church at Chitungwiza church of Christ and through their efforts they managed to lead the church into a week (29th of November to the 04th of December) of daily worship and outreach. The results of the work done produced seven (7) baptisms and six (6) more promising baptisms. It has been such an experience for them and accordingly Tawanda had this to say, “This was a pilot program to prove that its possible, everyone is happy in the church and we want to build on the momentum and win souls.”


The Harare annual gospel lectureship was held from the 07th to the 09th of December 2018 at Seke church of Christ. Harare Extension School was represented by Sajeni Nyakadzumbu and Shine Murambiwa who managed to participate during the lectureship. Besides their participation, we also managed to bring our relevance in the life of the church in Harare by providing the Public Address system.


The year 2018 marks the year in which the church of Christ in Zimbabwe history book added a script which enabled the church to be equipped from within. In January BVBI-Z Harare Extension was born with an enrollment of twenty (20). Four (4) out of the twenty dropped along the way and in that class we now have sixteen (16).
In September 2018 we opened our doors to another class which has an enrollment of eleven (11). This brings our total enrollment to twenty (27).

Hours covered (or to be covered) to the end of December 2018 are 396 hours and we have so far done sixteen (16) subjects, which are: 
New Testament Church
Old Testament Law/Pentateuch
Christian Evidences 
How We Got The Bible
Personal Evangelism 1 & 2  
Public Speaking 
Life of Christ 1 
Books of History – Joshua to Esther
Prison Epistles
The weekends 01 and 02, 15 and 16 December are reserved for examinations. I am grateful that the students are managing to meet their assignments deadlines and are doing very well. But there are a few who need a small push and encouragement so that they catch up with others. 

In August we started programmes of going out to evangelise, programmes which I prefer to call Weekend Evangelism and Outreach Programmes. The places that we managed to work in are:    Mufakose, Manyame, Dzivaresekwa, Macheke, Mazowe and Westgate. We are grateful to the preachers in these areas who were mentoring the students on the practical part of personal evangelism. In these areas, members were strengthened/encouraged, the Word was planted into the hearts of the lost and powerful sermons were delivered. Since we started weekend evangelism and outreach programs in August, one hundred and eighty-eight (188) people were directly taught the gospel in the areas mentioned above; and six (6) souls were added to the Lord’s body. 

The Harare Extension School would like to appreciate the help and assistance offered by Bear Valley Bible Institute International in buying materials. 
Our current asset register consist of:
•    25  Desks
•    25 Chairs
•    1 White Board
•    1 Projector
•    1 Wooden Cabinet
•    1 Desktop Computer
•    PA System.
We are also grateful to Brother Donnie Estep who personally helped us to install WIFI. We are now connected and we are so grateful to him for helping us this way.

1.    Solidifying our relationship with congregations and give room for more work to be done. In our quest to fulfil this, we will be requesting congregations to focus on backsliders and the lost. The local church to be fully involved in the work.
2.    Work on establishing two congregations in 2019.


As we close the first year of our existence we are grateful to the Almighty for taking us this far. As BVBIZ Harare Extension we are so indebted to you. Your coming on board in support of the Harare extension work is so much appreciated and what we can guarantee is our continued dedication and conviction for the Lord’s cause. True and sound teaching is all what we stand for.


Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Back in class in Tamale

We are more excited this time to shout to the glory of almighty God for how far He has brought us to the door step of next year, may He remain the source of our health and prosperity. We indeed appreciate you for your consistent attention or financial support and prayer to the need of Bear valley Bible Institute in Tamale for its survival and growth.


As reported last term, fifteen students happily reported remaining still three students who have already done the courses in session this term. So far three courses (11 Corinth. Godhead and Christian evidence) have been treated by brothers Albert Malir and Daniel Adjei remaining two courses (gospel according to John and denominational doctrine) to be handled by brother James Legend in the next two weeks. Students will go for break on 14th December 2018


Administratively we are making progress in the management of school activities as well as the Church, we are also determine to working to attain the specific number in the enrollment  as campaign for students is concerned. Meanwhile, thirteen applicants have submitted their admission forms and we wish to visit some of the places where the admission forms have not reached so that they can also have access to the forms.

However, we are putting things in order as the year gears towards ending so that what we need to do for next year regarding admission and graduation is achieved now and we know that we may not be able to do all this alone without your support and prayer.


We express our profound gratitude to you all for putting smile on our faces. May the goodness and mercies of God grant you long life and new opportunities. We wish you happy and prosperous new year see you next year in your quantity and quality Amen!!

Your brothers,                                     


Tamale, Ghana

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Positive transitions in Takoradi

Dear Brethren,

Thank God another opportunity has come for us to report on the school’s activities for the months of October and November, 2018. Sincerely, the recent changes in the school’s administration has been a great challenge to some of us as we would have to quickly learn and adapt to certain situations. This coupled with new recruitment, and continuous classroom work for the part time students, etc. have compelled us to rise to face these challenges in order to succeed and we are grateful and thankful to announce to you that our Lord has given us victory in these situations.


We are happy to inform you that classroom work for the part time students have continued successfully. We also have included in our recent campaigns for Christ to fulfill the practical aspect of the their studies.


The school undertook a campaign for Christ at Abott from 23rd to 26th of October, 2018 to assist in their evangelism. This campaign took the form of evening night street preaching and day time house to house personal evangelism. All our immediate past students and newly recruits were re-called to join in the campaign. Another campaign for Christ was held in Accra to establish a new congregation for one of the immediate past students to preach there.

As stated above the part time students were used in practical evangelism at Mpintsin where brother Joshua preaches. There was another campaign at Essikadu, near Sekondi and Ntranoa, near Elmina and Ensuekyir in Cape Coast. These campaigns and efforts by the instructors resulted in the baptism of twenty six (26) souls.


Three hundred day old chicks (broilers) were ordered and delivered on the 18th of October, 2018. Sales of the birds began early part of this week. We pray we can make good sale out of it to enable us to continue the project. Also the school has eleven (11) local goats which we are rearing.


We continue with the efforts to recruit more of the full time students to begin class when we resume in the first week of January, 2019. We thank you all and continue to ask for your prayers as we also do for you. May God richly bless you al our sponsors to enable us continue with Christ assigned duties.

His servant,


Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Special guest instructor in Accra

Praise be to the Lord for His guidance through all challenges for the end of this quarters and the year 2018. Glory be to God in the Highest and our dear brethren.


Some weeks now the class work has been ongoing and instructor carrying out their tuition responsibilities.

All six (6) courses for this quarter been successful taught by all the instructors and the additional two short course per the school’s curriculum: Personal Evangelism 2, Homiletics 2, The New Testament Church 2, Old Testament 3, Bible Geography, 2 Corinthians, Communication Skills and Computer Studies.


Students punctuality to class has been average. Staff meeting is being held to resolve this situation.


Two instructors and the Director of the Accra school and three students including Emmanuel Mensah (the student who is wishing a church be planted in his area) making up six men, visited Dasum in Agona East to survey the place which will be convenient for the work. The result was that there were population and a place of convenient to start the church there.


There will be campaign programme which is coming forth in Nsawam being led by one Moses Edison (a part time student and a preacher) on 21st to 27th January and 25th to 31st March, 2019 by Emmanuel Amoo-Gyimah  at Nungua Accra.

These activities have been fix by the board to carry out when the Lord wills. We are hoping that the Lord see us through successfully.


It was a sad event for one of our students, Yaw Sam, whose father passed away and on 24th November, 2018, the school (regular and weekend students) joined in to the funeral ceremony. We are thankful to the Lord for His caring throughout the day for our departure and arrival.


When the school vacates for Christmas holidays, it will resumes on the 13th January, 2019.

We are much grateful to all brethren who support us in kind or cash and in prayer.

God richly bless you and a happy new year.

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Growth in Sierra Leone

Hello Brethren,

We thank God for bringing us thus far since the starting of this year. We must agree that many had slept on the way during this journey but for the sake of the Gospel preaching we are spared by His grace. As God begins with us, may He ends with us for the rest of the year 2018. May we live to see the New Year in Jesus’ name? Amen.


In a meeting held with  Steven Ashcraft, we have come together for a possible extension of our program for another quarter which will take us to March ending next year. This is to allow students to cover more of their practical Hermeneutical and Homiletical skills. This period will cover public speaking, door to door, indoor teachings, mostly to be done by students. We have already started with student teaching students in class. Our lecturers assesses their skills and presentation of Lectureship.


a)     This will lead to some experiential sharing from students about lessons learnt either at school or from their various congregations.

b)    Extra learning and practical work done will serve as room for improvement to the students.

c)     Students will be well equipped with the word after going through this extension period.  

d)    The potential student can be spotted for future classroom teaching in the school. That is to say the best student can be seen and utilize in our next program.

STUDENTS OUTREACH: Villages around Tilorma and Kamara Town has been targeted by our students in spreading the Gospel message from house to house on every weekend. Personal work by students wins soul for Christ in these vicinity. However, because of the distant between villages from where we planted the congregation, makes it difficult to maintain those souls won for Christ. In some of these villages, however we are trying to find strategies to encourage them to come over at the newly planted congregation to worship on Sundays. Every village is calling for a congregation to be planted.

COPING STRATEGIES IN THESE VILLAGES.  Teaching new converts in their homes, Learning them songs, mobile preaching, by sharing the word through tracks, Bible lessons, and Mega phone.

Feeding children on campaign undertaken in these villages along side with our gospel preaching.


Increase of members on Sunday worship service with more children than before. Vulnerable children are seen coming in their numbers on Sunday church worship.


At the last meeting of inter-congregations, the Director met with church leaders on the issue of student requirements for the school including qualification for teachers to teach at the school.


 Members in the meeting suggested that Bear Valley Bible Institute should in-cooperate agriculture farming in the curriculum to help preachers to be independent. 


This concerned was noted on behalf of the Regional coordinator and will discuss that when necessary.

This has been a concerned also raised by the on going students during their training program.


The churches promised to put hands on deck and assist the school in the area of sending preachers to be trained and also help with Lecturers to teach at the school. The meeting was adjourned to next year, January 2019.


Our student profile for this month is Bob Williams the oldest preacher among the students. Bob was born at Taiama Town in a village called Bambuibu. He is married with 4 children and 3 grand children. Bob is a preacher in his church and decided to come for more training in the things of God.

He was baptized in Taiama during the 80s. He is one of the oldest members in his congregation. He is admired and respected for his zealousness by colleagues.


The work at Kenema is growing gradually as we have added two young congregations in the churches at Kenema. There is a possibility of planting more congregations in Kenema but there is need for more students coming from Kenema to be trained so that these congregations will not die with time after planting them due to lack of  Sheppard. Please help us in your prayers to get more laborers for the harvest in his vineyard.

Thank you.

Submitted by Ishmael

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Zambia Directors earn Masters degree

We (Fred and Cephas) have just returned from Chimala Bible Institute in Tanzania, East Africa. We had enrolled in the Masters program that Bear Valley Bible Institute offers here in Africa. We finally completed all the prescribed requirements and graduated on 24th November, 2018. The graduation was supposed to be on 30th November, 2018. It was indeed a momentous occasion for all the thirteen students that graduated. This class composed of eight men from Malawi, one woman from Tanzania, and two men from Zambia (i.e. Cephas and Fred). As the saying goes “Success in church or in any other business demands both knowledge and zeal. Take away one and you ruin the other. Zeal without knowledge is runaway energy, and knowledge without zeal is useless.” We want to keep the flame of enthusiasm burning here as we do the work of the Lord. And with His help and your prayers we are confident to succeed in this noble task here at BVBI- Zambia. Brother Cephas and Fred were involved in evangelism during their study and as a result seven souls were restored back to the church in Kimani Village.

While we were studying at Chimala, Brother Kennedy Mukuka was also in Mbeya, Tanzania conducting some workshops for ten days. He also had an opportunity to preach on one of the radio stations called Big Star FM. The station covers seven regions of Tanzania and has a population of over 16,000,000 listeners.

All our students are busy with teaching and preaching in their respective areas. In addition to preaching and teaching, some of our students are also involved in farming while others are advancing in other professions. Joseph Musonda is our alumnus who has been offered a place to study brick laying at Mansa Trades Training Institute in Luapula Province; this is the Institute at which we had our meeting in August this year for three days. This opportunity has given him also time to preach there and he has so far restored three of his friends back to the sheepfold. We believe more work will be done through him before he completes his course next year. We have also received reports from our two Alumni in Central province who are also studying to add to their preaching career Clive and Andrew. Clive has been involved in preaching besides their busy schedule at School and has since restored two older men from the nearby compound. Clive is studying auto mechanics and Andrew is doing bricklaying. They are determined that upon their completion they want to do more in serving our Lord.

We have received from Solomon Moyo report that since his return to Malawi for this break, he has been studying with a number of people. And he gladly reports that he has so far baptized four (4) people of which three are men and one lady. Solomon’s desire to just wanting to do more for the Lord should be promoted and as a school we shall do all we can to adequately prepare him for his calling. The church has appreciated much of his efforts and we have also received more interested prospective students from his place. He hopes and prays that more will be added to the Lord through such efforts before the school resumes next month.

Joseph Ilunga and Hornbye Mupengu joined forces as they went back to teach and preach in the Ndola area. They have started some Bible studies in different homes. They report that the potential is very high to have many people be converted.

Austin Musonda also reports that his congregation has stepped-up the program for home Bible studies. And through this effort three (3) people have since been baptized.

Brother Mulambia Komani lives in Nakonde, a town bordering Zambia and Tanzania. Mulambia started studying Bible at Chimala Bible Institute but the language barrier there caused him to stop his studies. We have given him an opportunity to join our intake raising the number of our students to 17. This is more than our budget covers but we are willing to take the sacrifice for him. We are very impressed with this brother’s spiritual progression and the potential of him preaching to his home town. Nakonde is a busy and vibrant business town but with a very small church. His training will help the church grow in Nakonde.  

We are sincerely grateful to Woodland Oaks for the financial support given to the school. We also thank you, brethren, for all the prayers and every encouraging word given for the work here in Zambia. May God richly bless all of you!

Cephas and Fred.

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Students evangelism in Zimbabwe

The year is coming to an end. Students have completed their second term of learning. This term was dedicated to the increase evangelistic experience from the field and cement students into the subjects that were under consideration. These and more are covered here.


We ended the term successfully. Examinations were written and grading is in progress. Our appreciation goes to the students for the hard work. We also thank the teachers who worked tirelessly to make this a success. These teachers include I. Mutichu, M. Muchingami, P. Toperesu, H. Suwari and D. Estep. The following subjects were completed successfully;



Gospel of John                       

OT History                           


Entrepreneurship Skills Development


Book of Acts


On the 7th and 9th of November we had brothers Stewart Nyarugwe and Tendai Jana to share their experiences. These men have been in the field for many years. Their experiences provided practical lessons to the young men and women.



The tomatoes we planted on a small space available went on sale on the 2nd November. We had a ready market for the crop. This project provided worthy experience to students. The crop was under drip irrigation. We appreciate Healing Hands International that provided skills to the students in the use of drip technology. We had a ready market for the crop. Besides meeting our kitchen requirements, a total of $510 was realised from the sale. This is one project we hope to undertake on a bigger scale at our permanent site. Drip equipment will be needed.


We were unable to start other batches of the project. It has been difficult to get the chicks. We have been on the waiting list for over a month. Once we get the chicks, the project will continue.


Weekend evangelism continued  within Gweru in the first two weeks. This component has been providing more experience to the students. Students are distributed to different areas. Between 1-5 November, 5 students went to Ndabazinduna for evangelism whilst others were in Gweru. We closed the term with another week of evangelism. Older and experienced preachers in Harare were also available to provide the much needed experience. Our appreciation goes to the hosting congregations for providing accommodation and food to the students. Sermons and lessons were taught to the church whilst evangelism was the order of the day. 7 souls were added to the lord.


We thank God for what He enabled us to do in November. Lessons were taught both in class, in churches and in the field. Souls were added to the church and projects continued, though in a small way. To God be the glory!

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Busy for good in Nigeria

Dear brethren,

Greetings from staff and students of BVBIN AND SWSE-IBADAN and fellow WBSFUW in Western State of Nigeria.Below is the report of activities for the month of November 2019.

i- Evangelism in Ibadan, Oyo State and Asejire, Osun State through out the Saturdays in November.
ii- Vocational Studies concluded successfully on November 23.
iii- Second semester classes begins as scheduled.

The staff and year -1-students who are in Ibadan and Asejire-Osun State for a month vocational training were busy every Saturdays in the month of November evangelizing with the brethren in the nearest congregations to evangelized Onikokoro,Gbongudu,Aronfolu and Kute-Ibadan while those in Osun State evangelized Asejire-Oyo, Asejire-OsunState, Ikoyi and environment .Our joint efforts was blessed with seven conversion and two restoration.
Also,our year-2 students returned from their respective congregations where they are serving as an evangelist with the report of five conversions and restoration of fourteen erring brethren. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Bro.Oba Justice Ugochuckwu is one of our year -1 students that got admission in to the school in August 2017.Born to a Christian family in 1996. His mission is to be one of the competent ministers in the Eastern part of Nigeria .

The BVBIN AND SWSE-Ibadan were well represented in a three days gospel meeting held in Omu-Aran, Kwara State between November 15-18,2018 where I spoke twice on Back to the Bible and Restoring the New Testament Church on November 16.Morning session were designed for House-to-house Evangelism and evening session for Indoor Lectureship.Bro. Kayode S.Eniafe spoke on Sunday morning on Worship of the New Testament Church and a soul was converted and three restored.
On November 11 and 25, I taught the Sunday morning class on THE WALK OF FAITH and SPIRITUAL DISCIPLES at Onikokoro-Ibadan congregation.

Second semester classes begins as scheduled on November 26 ,2018 through February 8,2019 (*check the attached program for details)

CONCLUSION: We are very grateful to you all for your moral and financial supports. May the Lord of blessings continue to bless our work together in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

I remain your fellow soldier of Christ,
MAKINDE Ebenezer Olufemi (Director of Studies and WBSFUW)

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

Students doing well in Kenya

My beloved, 

Greeting to you, we at Kenya School of Preaching in Kisumu are grateful to be fellow workers with you. We thank God for the love and zeal that you have showed us in training of preachers and growing the local congregations here.

This is the fourth class since 2012, we selected 20 students from from a total of 62 applicants. Out of the 20, one student has requested to leave and not come back because the requirements for the training are high. So from next quarter we will have 19 students God willing and we will not lower our training standards.  Out of the 19 that we have, two are really struggling to cope and we will give them next quarter to settle down. The rest are good, capable and zealous to learn. 

During this first quarter, the students were taught seven courses, Homiletics 1, Acts, English 1, New Testament Church, Synoptic gospel, Genesis and Personal Evangelism 1.

Besides working hard in class, some have been very useful in personal evangelism around the new campus and in the congregations that they have visited.

Ten of them under the leadership of Elias went and helped in gospel campaign organized by Ebutera church and the seed planted led to several restorations.

The students are expected back to school by latest Jan 18, 2019. We can't wait to hear of the reports of the work they will do.

The former graduates have been in communication with us and they are contending for the faith. We are humbled by the work they are doing through the reports of souls saved and congregations established that they share. 

Do not miss Elias' final yearly report on what the former students, current ones and the faculty has been doing throughout the year.

The container from Mission Printing that has been in Arusha Tanzania for over one year now is 120KM away from Kisumu. The truck developed some mechanical problems and has been rectified. We expect the container and the contents to be delivered anytime and the materials distributed to the congregations for evangelism and KSOP. It's unfortunate that something do not go fast as they ought to be but God's time is the best.

Thanks to all for your support and prayers in this great soul saving mission. We welcome you to Kenya School of Preaching. 

God bless you and Happy Holidays all.

His servant and yours, 

Charles Ogutu - Director KSOP. 

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

A record enrollment in Liberia


We bring you greetings from the Bear Valley Bible Institute-LIBERIA , hoping all is well you all by the special grace of God our loving and faithful Father in heaven.


We are very grateful to God for His special grace that took us through the past two of studies that saw fourteen (14) strong) men prepared and graduated. Most of these men are doing great work out there. We give glory and praise to God.

We are also very please to inform you that another two years journey has just begun with 27 new students at the Bear Valley Bible Institute-LIBERIA, West Africa. It is very challenging to have 27 students go through this program when we have a budget for only 20 students. We are trusting God to go through with these students with your support and the help of some local brethren. Classes are going on and are progressing very well.

Our instructors are all doing their very best to carry out their instructing responsibilities as appointed. Thanks be to God for everything.


  • How We Got The Bible- -------Fester G. Lee

  • Christian Evidence-------------- Robert P. Dahn, jr

  • Cost Of Discipleship- ----------O.D.K.Zakamah

  • Old Testament- 1- --------------Robert P. Dahn, Jr

  • Personal Evangelism------------ Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

  • (SC) Scheme Of Redemption- --Jonathan Cooper- Guest Teacher

  • General Agriculture---------------- Meantor Bembo

  • Computer Studies------------------- Amos S. Dolo


The new class since they started have taken upon themselves to visit the homes around the school after their daily classes and also get themselves involved into weekend house to house evangelism. Their efforts have already resulted into one baptism. They said they are ready and have decided not to rest on evangelizing the area.


Many thanks to all of you for your continued support and love for the work we are doing here in Liberia. May our good Lord continue to bless and keep you in Jesus name- AMEN!!

Your Brother For Christ Sake,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr

Director- BVBI-Liberia

Posted on December 18, 2018 .

The Director visits Philippines and Cambodia

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It was my pleasure to again teach in the Bear Valley school in Cebu, Philippines. This time I taught “Comprehensive Leadership” which encompasses leadership principles, self leadership, family leadership, and church leadership.

While lecturing on the role of the evangelist in appointing elders, one student excitedly interrupted and exclaimed, "we have never heard these things before!” Indeed, we are trying to strengthen the church in this country through the training and grounding of quality preachers. Director Neil Emperado is doing a great job. Please pray for him and the students.

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From there I went to Siem Reap, Cambodia to make a surprise visit to the school there. What do you find when no one knows you’re coming? I found was exactly what I was hoping to find!

Co-Director Darat Run was passionately teaching “Christian Evidences” and the new 11 students were engaged and actively taking notes. Darat and fellow Co-Director Piseth Rin are adapting to their new roles and doing a good job. I am thankful for these godly men.

For the Master,

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on November 26, 2018 .

Graduation in Chimala


We are very thankful to God that we've been able to graduate eight into the Lord's service! On Friday, November 2, 2018, we held our most recent graduation ceremony honoring those who have competed all two years in the Swahili program at Chimala.  In the graduating class, we had students from many parts of Tanzania and who will now depart the school and return to work with those churches.

We will also have 10 returning English students in January. Some of the students are from the Congo refugee camp on the western side of Tanzania. It is a great opportunity to train these men from the refugee camp as they, after graduation, will go back and preach in the refugee camp and eventually back in their home country of the Congo. What an opportunity that God has presented to us!

We are also thankful for Richard Rogers, who is currently in the US until school restarts in January, along with all of the CBI teachers for the good work that they do. To God be the glory in all things!

In Christ,

Chad Wagner

Chimala Coordinator

Posted on November 26, 2018 .

Conversions in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea BV Activity Operations Report for October 2018

Dear brethren, this is a report summary of the activities that took place at the Gueckedou, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute during the month of October 2018. By the good grace of God, for the most part it was well. Classroom activities, evangelism and the campaign conducted during the month were all successful with the conversion of 4 souls in one of the four groups dispatched on the field. 2 other persons who had been visiting the church on campus were baptized making a total of 6. Below are further discussions of such activities under sub-headings.

Classroom: All 17 students had gone through the last quarter which was concluded in September. Therefore in early October the following academic results were posted:

1.      10 students of “Excellent to Average performance or grades “A – C / 94.5 – 72.5%”.

2.      6 students of “Poor” performance or grades “D /66.7 – 61.1%”  and

3.      1 student of “Fail” performance or grade “F”/ 48.4%

  All other activities such as the regular students’ devotions are ongoing as usual.

Evangelism: Two souls who had been visiting the church for a while obeyed the Lord in baptism during the month of OctoberThere are other efforts yet to yield fruit in around the town of Gueckedou.  

Air time Radio preaching: Evangelism by the air is for the most part in the hands of our students especially the one who has always top the class in academic performance. When he prepares a lesson it is edited by one staff member before preaching. My telephone contacts are given for any questions and comments. We are in a regular business of receiving calls and sms texts from our listeners.

Campaigns: The beginning of October, the first week was our gospel campaign for the third quarter this year. We had 4 groups to attend to 3 nearby villages and the quarter of the town where the worship hall of the host congregation stands here in Gueckedou. I was in the group that evangelized the worship hall area, but we and 2 village groups had no conversions except promises to visit the church. However, the 4th group was successful and was able to convert 4 souls.

Conclusion: We are grateful to God and truly appreciate the Bear Valley supporters for helping us train laborers for the Lord. The task is tedious, but our hope is in the Lord, who is Master of the vineyard.

In Christ.


Posted on November 24, 2018 .

Tremendous progress in Sierra Leone!

Dear Brethren in Christ,

Bear Valley Bible Institute Sierra Leone resumed classes on the 7th of October for the fourth quarter in their final year of studies. We have sixteen students present for the quarter we hope and pray that these students will make it to the graduation next year.   Below are activities undertaken for the month of October followed with photos.

Congregations in the western area  part of Freetown held their monthly meeting on churches cooperation to help promote the work in sierra Leone. We are invited to participate since we have an important role to play in building up the body of Christ. As stakeholder in propagating the mission of the church in this part of the country, We have to take part in that meeting and table the following points
(a) Admission of new intake students for 2019/2020 (b) Asking for trained and qualified lecturers from the church of Christ. (c) Graduation of completing students next year. All these points were discussed in good faith with churches present for the meeting.
Brother Samuel Bangura who has planted churches around the peninsula of Freetown consented to send seven potential students for the next intake from congregations he had planted to be trained as preachers to do the work.
We also received names of trained and qualified teachers to teach at the school next year. SAM BANGURA has been the only lecturer coming from Freetown to teach at the school.
The churches also promised to witness our first graduation celebration next year and to send students for the training program come next year. Looking forward to their commitment also as churches.
The churches also complained about the distant from Freetown to Kenema  which is about 304KM which makes it difficult for lecturers to come and teach. However, we have resolved the matter with them as we promise to encourage them when they are here to teach our students. We are now expecting more lecturers to come by next year.  From  Kailahun,  Kono,  BO, and Freetown. As we crave their indulgence to make some sacrifices in order to see the sustainability of the school.
(a) Decent lodging for lecturers to stay during their teaching exercise. (b) Giving them transport to and fro, giving breakfast , lunch and dinner for the day.(d) Giving them five hundred thousands leones for a week teaching. 
We completed two short courses for October, one course was conducted by Samuel Bangura while the other course was conducted by the regional coordinator Bro. Steven  Ashcraft  respectively. Bro. Samuel Bangura taught on the book of Revelation while Bro Steven taught on Geography of the Bible.
After the course students can now analyse biblical  locations between countries in the bible , event of happenings, cultural settings, background information , Traditional beliefs,  Social and economic activities. Etc.etc. They also passed the final examination with flying colors for both lecturers.
Our students have engaged themselves within the out sketch of Kenema at Burma and Tilorma environs where they have planted one congregation each. During  Bro.Steven's visit to Kenema, he visited both congregations and had to teach and preach in both  on Saturday and Sunday. 
Sustainability of the congregations during students vacation is difficult especially where there is no train preacher to take up teaching and preaching on holidays. Distant to travel to these congregations to preach on Sunday has to be covered at our expense.
Assigned two students to take up preaching and teaching when on holidays on cost for their travel expenses.
There is an ongoing evangelism undertaken by students on Saturdays from house to house teaching converts and inviting new membership.  At Tilorma Village, the township has offered us a big building to meet on Sundays and other subsequent days of our school activities for the preaching of the gospel.
Conversion of souls by students from a denominational congregation through our teachings and tracks sharing.
House to house visits and sharing the word of God with people in the village through tracks, one on one teachings and mid-week bible classes on Wednesdays.
Bro Sheku Pessima was born on the 14th July, 1991 in a village around Taiama near N'jala University of Sierra Leone.
He was baptized on the 5th February,2017 at the campus ministry by a colleague preacher. Sheku Pessima is the youngest preacher among his colleagues but dedicated and hard working towards the furtherance of the gospel. Before this time , he has been working as an associate minister of the gospel in a small congregation at N'jala Church of Christ outside Taiama Town a place I visited last December.
Our prayer and aspiration for the gospel work in our country is to see sierra Leone dominated by Christianity. We hope and pray that these students will dominate in their locality after been trained for the preaching of the gospel.

Thank you.
Compiled and submitted by:
Ishmael S. Bangura

Posted on November 24, 2018 .