2018 has come to an end. We, therefore, use this report to appreciate everyone who has made it possible for BVBIZ to reach this far. We shall also give summaries of what transpired in 2018 and some expectations for the coming term.
2018 has been a year filled with practical. Both the class that graduated in June and the current one that started in May contributed to this year’s statistics. However, there was not much activity between June and August as the current class dwelt more on theory in preparation for evangelism practicums that were to begin in September. In terms of evangelism, there are three levels;
· Weekend evangelism (every Saturday, besides leading worship in various congregations, when the school is in session, students do evangelism)
· Field program (this took place from the 1 April to -29 May)
· One week campaign programs (27September-7 October) and 18 November-25 November).
Among other results, 2018 saw 141 baptisms, 351 sermons preached, and 2 congregations planted.
BVBIZ’s books were audited. This was for the two year period which ranged from May 2016 to June 2018. Our appreciation to the Board that made this to happen. This is in line with the school’s strategic plan which mandates management to be as transparent as possible with the financial resources placed under our care.
The following are the subjects going to be taught next time and their teachers
Denominational Doctrines Mathew Muchingami
World Religions Donnie Estep
1-2 Corinthians David Walker
1-2 Thessalonians David Walker
Greek I Mathew Muchinagmi
1, 2 Peter, and Jude Howard Suwari
Wisdom Literature Ishmael Mutichu
Prison Epistles Ishamel Mutichu
Introduction to computers Hailey Mlangeni
The theory of entrepreneurship has been taught for a while in the school. Part of this theory has been put into practice through the few projects BVBIZ has been carrying out. However, a new practicum shall start on the 3rd of January. Students shall be going to various areas where projects are being carried out and will be there for three weeks. These will provide labour, whilst at the same time, learning how things are done. At the end of the program, the student should have an appreciation of how things are done. Several enterprises are happening at each centre. These range from crop production, poultry production, piggery, fishery, welding, nurseries, cattle breeding, bee keeping amongst others.
Our appreciation goes to the families who have accepted our students. Besides the knowledge to be acquired by students, these families will provide accommodation and food. The January report shall carry out a report on what would have transpired during this practicum. Students are expected to do another practical in January of 2020. The idea is to equip students with skills that will eventually help them to survive as they preach after graduation.
After having stopped the broiler project for a while due to shortage of chicks, we received a batch of 100 on the 14th of December. The intention is to raise broilers at a large scale once the conditions that are needed are now available at the permanent site.
After, the small tomatoes’ project we had, cabbages have been planted. The tomatoes’ project raised $620. Due to limited space, like the tomatoes project, only 1400 plants of cabbages were planted. These are under drip irrigation.
As the year comes to an end, we wish to thank all those who have donated funds towards the operations of the school. Our appreciation goes to those who donated money towards prizes for graduation and those who made one time donations but chose to remain anonymous. We remain humbled. BVBIZ would also want to categorically thank the Sande family and Dururu family who were very consistent with their donations. This is a big example to many. Their figures ranged from $5 to $25 monthly but it made a lot of difference.
Many have also gave different items that kept BVBIZ going. Appreciation also goes to them. This has been a way of partnering with us in this endeavour.
Finally, we thank God for the journey traveled. We also thank Woodland Oaks and Bear Valley Bible Institute International for their unwavering support. To the teachers, students, board , the church and all potential partners, thank you. We keep wishing all of you a blessed and prosperous 2019. To God be the glory!
In Christ,
Mathew Muchingam