Expecting a "guest" teacher in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni, Malawi. 

Quick – update!

We hope this finds you enjoying God’s blessings in this first month of the year 2019! We are glad to announce that the holiday is over and we are about to step on the battle line again. The past year of 2018, was a successful year to us. We witnessed many souls being saved, restored and churches established. We hope this year will bring us more good news. If Paul and other Christians in the early church did it, we can also do it.

We are starting receiving students on 2nd and 3rd of February, 2019 and the classes’ resumes on 4th of February. All students are eager to come and finish their 2nd year of their classes and look for graduation to the end of this year.

We are gladly waiting to see Brother Donnie Estep coming and teach the short-course on Hebrews. We are always thankful for his love of training men become faithful and strong vessels for taking the gospel where it has never been preached before! Brother Donnie will arrive on 9th of February, and start teaching from 11th through 15th of February.

We are grateful for those faithful brothers who always stretch their hand to support and pray for this work. Without your support nothing could have been done in the past years. We still need your involvement in this work. We also continue pray for your families, that God should keep on blessing you all. We appreciate, that you always think of winning souls to Christ, (2 Timothy 2:2). The Bible says “He who wins soul is wise”, (Proverb 11:30).

Christian regards!

Ephron V Mbano. (On-half of the staff)

Email: mbanoephron@gmail.co

Posted on January 29, 2019 .