New students in Wotutu, Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings and happy new year to you and your family. That is what we say here as we enter into the new year by the special grace of God.

  We trust God allowed you and your family to be partakers of this new year without any major problems. We are sincerely grateful to be safely into a new year regarding the ongoing crisis where many have fled their homes, many are still in the bushes, and many have suffered loss of property and other things. But, with His grace we are strong and still remain focused on the work of preaching, teaching, and saving souls in the midst of dangers and struggles.

Thanks very much for your prayers for and support to the many internally displaced persons in our area. We are accommodating some now even in our old dormitories who moved to Wotutu for safety. We thank God that Wotutu is serving as a refuge area for many. We bought some pots for some sisters whom we don’t know when they can ever leave Wotutu for their homes. Thanks for your support because your kind support has put food in their mouths, clothes on their bodies and medications to keep them healthy. Please continue! This gesture is a mile stone in our work.

20 new students made their way to Wotutu safely. Some took risks to pass through bushes as many roads at times are still being blocked by the separatist fighters. When I saw the new students making their ways to Wotutu and listening to the struggle they had to make it here, it brought out tears but gladdened my heart that we still have men with very strong faith.

Today the Wotutu congregation, as is their normal tradition, welcomed the students officially into the Wotutu congregation which will be their family for the two years they will stay in Wotutu. Please keep them in your prayers as they have already started classes on the 3rd of January 2019.

The Wotutu congregation organized a special fellowship meal as they welcome these students. It is always a thing of joy for us to see new students. We realize that we shall start knowing them personally as the days go by.


Evangelism is our mission and that is our focus. We cannot miss that. This week we shall attend an alumni evangelistic meeting in Mbanga with these new students. We shall join with the old graduates to evangelize the area over the weekend.


God bless you more for all you are doing for the work here. Keep up the good work because without you we doubt how possible this work would have been. Share our report with others.

Elangwe and family

By the grace director of BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 14, 2019 .