Classes resume in Tamale, Ghana

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We again appreciate and acknowledge your consistent support for Bear Valley Bible Institute in Tamale for its survival and growth.

It is our prayer and hope that the good Lord continues to make a better way of living for you all and sundry, may He also cause your daily activities to flourish to enable you to accomplish the good works you have initiated in West Africa some years back until now.


As we last reported, the school has reopened on 16th September 2018, and fifteen students gladly and safely reported leaving three students, with the exception of one student who is yet to report the remaining two students had treated the courses that are in session this term according to them and our records.


Lectures are ongoing successfully with three courses been treated by brother Albert Malir, Alhassan Musah, and Kojo Acquah Beenyi and the next course which is prison epistles is in progress with brother Adjei Mensah and we wish that by the grace of God the remaining one course for the term would be dealt with.


Collectively, we are managing and ensuring that things work together for good for the progress of the Lord’s work in Tamale school and the Church.

However, over twenty admission forms had been distributed to some willing and prospective brothers who yielded a desire to attend the college. Six Applicants had filled their forms and submitted them, and we hope that with your support and prayer we shall be visiting some of the graduated students alongside with the admission forms to encourage some of these prospects who are willing or have the desire to undergo this training to also have access to the forms.

May the grace and mercies of God be upon you all from now and forever. Amen!!! 

Submitted by the administration of BVBI-Tamale

Posted on October 16, 2018 .

New students in Nigeria

Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ibadan (Extended Program)

Operating Report for the three months ending September 30, 2018

Overview: We are continuing with the third quarter lectures, the school just concluded lectures and conducted from the book of Job(old testament wisdom literature 3a) today.and by next week well be starting another subject ( Acts of the Apostle)that will be anchored by Bro Oladokun Samuel Olawale. 

Special Accomplishment: We are blessed with two new students within the month of September to add to the 13 students present. And we hope to admit more students before the end of this year.

Evangelism:   As part of the curriculum of the school, the students and staff's of the school works with the host congregation (Onikokoro/gbongudu Church of Christ) every first Saturday of the month in her evangelism, and this has been a joint effort to spread the Gospel within the community, Bro Oladokun Samuel has been working for one month past with the Akinmoorin Church of Christ,Oyo, teaching, equipping the saints towards the course of evangelism and has been active in the Church evangelism.

Conclusion:  We sincerely appreciate your unending effort to aid us in spreading the good news and building up a healthy church 


Oladokun Samuel Olawale

Director, BVBI-Ibadan

Posted on October 16, 2018 .

Plans and changes in Takoradi

We are happy to report to you our operations for the month of September, 2018. We thank God for the strength and wisdom He bestowed on us to work hard in His kingdom. We give Him glory and honour.


We wish to report that there has been changes in the school’s administration. Bro. Joshua Aidoo is now theAdministrative Assistant to Director relieving Bro. Matthew Ackah from position. Bro. Douglas Armah and Bro. Nathaniel Brobbey are the newly recruited instructors responsible for taking over the classes for Bro. Matthew Ackah and Bro. Charles Mensah.


By God’s grace, classroom work for the part time students continued successfully in this month of September. The resumption of full-time classes will come on in January, 2019.


Our intended campaign for Christ has been fixed to be held at Abbort, one of the villages around the school in October 22, 2018. We have organized to involve both the new students and the immediate past students in the pending campaign. 


Both instructors and the current past students continued to preach the gospel to the lost souls. At the end of the month of September, both teachers and the past students’ efforts resulted in the baptism of 6 souls.

Again we want to say “thank you” to you all, for your continuous support. May the good Lord richly bless and replenish you with all you are spending for this cause. Thank you.

For our Master,


Posted on October 16, 2018 .

41 baptized in Malawi!

Glory is to God for the souls saved this last preaching campaign for the year 2018! We are always thankful for the zeal our students are having in sacrificing themselves to be part of winning souls to Christ. They are really doing a wonderful job. It takes a loving spirit full of pity to win souls to Christ.

We have travelled in all the 3 regions of Malawi from Southern, Central and Northern. As usual, we divide ourselves into two groups. This time, some went to Pharombe and some in Karonga. Souls are being added to the Lord’s church daily. The soil (hearts) of the people of Malawi is fertile. We are thankful again for the support you give for this work to be effective and successful.  

Preaching Campaign in Karonga and Pharombe

Karonga - This place is to the North of Malawi, and the weather is very hot this time of the year! The Lord gave us strength and He opened the hearts of the people to hear His words. The end result was that 14 souls were baptized and 3 souls restored.

Pharombe – This place is far South of Malawi bordering Mozambique, many people there are welcoming people and they gathered in a large number to hear the word being taught to them. The students went out preaching door to door, while teachers had a lectureship on Marriage Divorce and Remarriage (MDR), Church Leadership and the Worship of the Lord’s Church. About 40 leaders attended from more than 6 congregations around the district. The result was that 22 souls were baptized and 2 souls restored.

This campaign, we have witnessed 41 souls being saved for all the two campaigns. We praise God for the harvested souls! We will sum up the totals of souls saved this year at the end of November.

Classless for the Students!

We are also thankful to God that our school calendar has not been disturbed. We have managed to teach all the classes for this year as they were tabled. The last class will start on 8th to 19th of October whereby Brother Clegynton Harawa will be teaching them first Corinthians. After this class of first Corinthians the next class will be 2019 February.

Words of Thanks

We send our gratitude to all brethren who contribute to this work of training men to be faithful preachers. Your kindness and many prayers are highly appreciated. Without your support, we don’t think these many souls we are reporting to be saved would have been saved. We still continue praying for your families as the work still needs your involvement. Eternity is forever, Think Souls!

On behalf of Bear Valley Bible Institute – Malawi

Ephron Vincent Mbano (Local Director).

Posted on October 16, 2018 .

Door-to-door in Harare

The Harare Extension School continue to give the church more reasons to believe in it. Our focus on practical work in evangelism, inter-congregational approach to evangelism, the students’ work in their local congregations and the added knowledge base of the students, have led the Harare congregations to plan the evangelical programmes with the school in mind. As a school we will continue to give the students the necessary tools in content and practical, that will make them effective and noble tools in the Lord’s field.


The work of the Lord is being done in the congregations and we are happy that the men and women being trained are very active in their respective congregations. Below is some of the work done:

1.      Stephen Mazambani of Borrowdale 
Besides participating in church worship service, he has been doing evangelism in his area. He has an ongoing study with a family of the African Apostolic Church or the Paul Mwazha sect. The discussions held so far are on dispensations, Sabbath, dietary laws and dressing. 
As Steve continues with the studies, we are persuaded to believe that he will do his best in teaching and (as it is surely God’s will) our God will let the seed germinate.

2.       Lavert Zungunde of Nora Valley
As the Nora valley congregation continue to grow, one soul (a male adult) was added to the Lord. Of major interest in the work of Brother Zungunde is the social media evangelical and edification route. Accordingly, he indicated that he is receiving amazing responses from members and non-members and due to this exercise; there are three (3) individuals who are being counselled on their family and general issues. We continue to be grateful that as BVBIZ, we always encourage on the ability to see opportunity and utilise it in our mission to reach out and edify the church. Our goal is to let the truth be told and let the truth lead and let the truth save God’s creation.

3.      Wellington Nyoni of Ruwa 
Congregational relevance in serving and aptness in teaching will remain some of the marks that will give the school and its products the worthiness we deserve. The Ruwa congregation could have noted these in Nyoni and during the month of September, he managed to teach three (3) Bible study lessons and preached twice on Sundays. During mid-week meetings, he taught for the four (4) weeks.
In doing all this, BVBIZ uphold the high standards of teaching and preaching. These are obtained through hard-work, study, doctrinal soundness and employing the correct hermeneutical and homiletical approaches. Delivering such healthy spiritual food will give spiritual satisfaction to the hearers. 


On 22 and 23 September 2018 a team of ten (10) went for outreach in Mazowe. The local preacher, Lovemore Manyanhaire, started the work in this area in April 2018. Lovemore is such a hardworking preacher. According to him, the congregation now has a membership of nineteen (19). 
We divided ourselves into four (4) teams and each team was allocated an area to go. Each group was given a local person to accompany and give directions.
Team 1 – Wellington Nyoni and wife, and Mrs Manyanhaire
Team 2 – S. Nyakadzumbu, L. Zungunde and sister G. Chenche.
Team 3 – A. Fata, P. Toperesu, and L. Manyanhaire.
Team 4 – H. Suwari and wife, and D. Nyoni. 
The working hours were from 10:30 to 15:30hrs on Saturday and making follow-ups on Sunday after the church worship service.
The total number of people taught was thirty-six and the reception was generally warm and many of the prospects were so promising.
On Sunday service the worship was handled by the students, with brother Nyoni W. preaching; Brother Zungunde L. on Bible Study and brother Toperesu on communion and giving. Seven christians responded to the messages and pleaded for prayers from the church.


As indicated and promised in my August update, we opened our doors to a new class on the 15th of September 2018. Out of the eighteen (18) who had enrolled ten (10) managed to attend during the first weekend of the lessons. The following names constitute the new class as at 16 September 2018:
1.      CHITANDA SIMBARASHE     M                       
2.      JULIUS EDSON                    M                                                       
3.      MATUTU BRYAN            M                       
4.      MAZHANDE B.                     M                                                       
5.      MAZHANDE JOSEPHINE      F                                                       
6.      MOYO METHOD                     M                       
7.      MUGADZA CHARLES                 M                                                       
8.      MUTUMA BRIGHTON                 M                                                       
9.      SIMEMEZA KUDAKWASHE     M               
10.     SHUMBA THERESA G.               F 
The first subjects offered to this class are The New Testament and How We Got The Bible.


1.      Donnie Estep will be visiting, for the first time, the Harare Extension School on 13 and 14 October 2018. He will be teaching a combined class and the subject will be the Prison Epistles. We wish Donnie a safe travel as he will be doing the work in Southern Africa.
2.      The Borrowdale church of Christ has extended an invitation to the Harare Extension School in the work of starting a congregation in Munyawiri area in Domboshawa on 20 & 21 October 2018. This is a new area and currently there is no congregation. 


I am appealing for a Public Address (P.A.) system which is very useful in our outreach programmes. The current price is $680.


1.      Our outreach programmes, and inter-congregational evangelical and edification activities continue to drive the students into true patriots of the church. The interest generated in our Mazowe outreach has produced many suggestions and proposals of starting new work, working with new congregations and boosting manpower in struggling congregations. 

2.      As a school our movement into all these, will be hinged on the transportation providence of the students. I am grateful that some of the students own cars and they are using these for the glory of God. The school is surely indebted to these men and women who are giving such resources for the advancement of the work of the Lord. It is not easy to move and travel but they are making it easy for us. We are grateful. 


As congregations continue to invite BVBIZ to partner them in the work of evangelism and edification, the future is truly bearing a bright light for us. The infusion of true and sound knowledge plus practical will truly produce a functional product that will fit in any environment. The local congregations and the church in Zimbabwe have truly been blessed.  
Thank you for your prayers and your unwavering support.

Stay blessed and be a blessing to all,

Howard Suwari                            
4277 First Street
Dzivaresekwa 1
Harare, Zimbabwe. 

Posted on October 16, 2018 .

Students in Zimbabwe are gaining practical experience


Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” BVBIZ is part of the answer to this commission. The school exists to equip and mould labourers for this daunting task.   The agenda is to continue equipping faithful men and women for this cause. In the month of September, BVBIZ continued to advance this agenda in a variety ways. Of course, this could not have been possible without the partnership we share with you. This report is a capsule of some of the things we were able to do in September.


Students had been on break the whole month of August and the first week of September. All students came back for their second term of learning. Classes resumed on the 11th of September. The class is composed of 2 females and 12 males. We also have 6 students on our extended program. This brings our student complement in Gweru to 20.


The following subjects are being taught this term;

Denominational Doctrines                l. Mutichu & M.Muchingami

Homiletics                                        M.Muchingami

Hermeneutics                                   M.Muchingami

Book of Acts                                     D. Estep

Galatians                                           H.Suwari

Gospel of John                                  I.Mutichu

OT History                                        I.Mutichu

Godhead                                           I.Mutichu

Entrepreneurship Skills Dvpt.          P.Toperesu


Students are ready to start their evangelism proper. Since last term, it has been much of theory. A little bit of practice was done here and there.  As students are set to begin their weekend evangelism outreaches, we had Brother Ringisai Gushakusha, a knowledgeable man in this area, fine tuning them for the task ahead. He taught the students from the 19th-22nd of September.


On the 22nd of September, we hosted a World Bible School seminar at Booms Christian College in Mkoba. Students were exposed to this method of evangelism. Thousands of fliers were distributed by the students. They attended different classes which were subdivided according to denominational affiliation. Different teachers taught the classes. Two souls were added to the church that day with another one being baptized the following day. One is meeting with the Nashville congregation, another one at Mkoba 4 whilst the other one went to the Midlands State University (MSU) campus congregation.

The one who was baptised on the 23rd is a student at MSU. Besides this seminar, one soul had been added the previous week. Therefore, 4 souls were baptized in September.


To increase the students’ confidence and experience, Teachers and students went to the Mazowe area for a week long evangelism outreach. The program shall run from the 28th of September and is set to end on the 7th of October. Students on the extended program (Harare class) had been to this area the previous weekend (22-23 September). The outcome of this program shall be reported in the October report.


The school seeks to produce highly competent preachers who would impact the community positively.  A great emphasis is also being put on the acquisition of entrepreneurship skills that will help them as they preach the gospel. Churches will also benefit in the end. In their first term, they were taught poultry production, drip irrigation technology and crop production. More life skills shall be taught in the course of their studies. Brother Panganai Toperesu is currently teaching these students, the theory of Entrepreneurship.


The poultry project proceeded well. We had three batches. The first had 150 birds while the second had 100 and the third had 150. The last batch is ready for sale. Another cycle will start soon.


The tomato project which began in August is proceeding well. The crop is under drip. Due to limited space we were only able to plant about 1200 plants. Most of the work is done by students so that they get the skills needed in crop production. From the 24th-27th they were busy trellising the tomatoes.


BVBIZ continues to welcome donations both in cash and kind. This month our appreciation goes to the Nation Lectureship for their donation of food items to the school. BVBIZ received the following;

20x500g baked beans,2.50g recoffy, 2x250g recoffy, 13x500g mayonnaise, 14x1l milk, 2x500g popcorn, 3 spice packs, 30 knor packs, 7x2l cooking oil, 1x5l cooking oil, 2x3kg tomato paste, 1x750g recoffy, 1x750g frisco and 4 bags of maize.


We praise God for what we were able to do in SeptemberBVBIZ could not have reached this far without the unwavering support we have been receiving. Thank you for your moral, spiritual, financial and material support. We remain grateful. Please keep us in your prayers. To God be the glory!


Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on October 16, 2018 .

Evangelism in Guinea

Dear brethren, Guinea Bear Valley Bible Institute has again successfully accomplished the planned activities for the month of August 2018. Of all the operations undertaken during the month, it was the positive and negative reactions of the public to our gospel radio broadcast by one of our students that attracted our attention. We are encouraged by the number of positive reactions! The result of our personal evangelism was also encouraging. Here below are the summaries under sub-headings of the various activities during the month of August.

Classroom: All 17 students went through the period and attended all the required courses. The 2 short courses previously scheduled for September were drawn and taught in August because the staff of those courses explained their unavailability due to family problems and other engagements in September. The average class performance was about 85 percent.

The students’ devotional preaching program remains to be respected at 6am, 10am and 8pm.

On the other hand, the Dean is taking over the “prison epistles” which were initially assigned to bro Philip Tolno because of his (Philippe’s) absence due to illness. Bro. Tolno’s health condition has not been good since July, but he managed to fulfill his course during the second quarter. He was unable to do so in the third for which reason he was taken to Conakry for a proper medical attention. He has not returned yet, but is now responding positively to treatment

Evangelism: The Lord’s commission to go preach the gospel is a regular assignment for our students and staff. Therefore we have grasped every opportunity that came our way to teach and encourage those we meet in this Islamic dominated country.

A. One on one / direct contact: In the village of Botema (where the church is already) 4 souls were converted by 2 of our students during the closing days of our second quarter break in early August. In another combine effort of students, staff and some congregational members 2 additional souls were snatched from the enemy making a total of 6 conversions in August. One of the converts was a Muslim from a highly Islamic dominated ethnic group, a Fula or Fulani in Guinea and the sub-region of West Africa. This young man who (age 23) changed his name from the Koran Moussa to Moses of the Bible is being persecuted with his younger brother by their family members especially for his action of trying to help him (the younger brother, Sarju) come to Christ. Please remember to pray for them as we try to encourage and help!

B. Air time Radio preaching - indirect to direct: Still further, evangelism by the air is making a greater impact on the community and the environs of Gueckedou. Even though we have a very limited time, (only 30 minutes a week), but our messages are attracting the populace. We receive many calls and SMS messages – some commending the truth and visiting the campus for detail discussions while others ask questions to understand and of course others to refuse or deny. We are impressed that the awareness of the existence of the church in this entire community is increasing on a weekly basis! Two of these radio listeners have started to worship with us at the school premises.

Personal profile: Sister Finda Kongodou is one of our cooks at the Institute. She was converted from Islam years back by the brethren in Gueckedou. Kongodou is the wife of brother Robert Kamano, founder of a small private school where he was also director and teacher. This sister and her husband played a great role along with the congregation towards the establishment of Bear Valley Institute in Gueckedou. She was and continues to be a strong encouragement for her husband to attend the institute for former biblical training. They are both active members and sister Kongodou is so far the best cook (of African dish) whose meals are highly desired by especially the students!

Conclusion: The month of August had only a few activities, but we are grateful to God for the laborers being trained, souls converted especially for the Muslim young man and are impressed that the presence of the church is gaining momentum in our community.

We are also thankful to God and appreciate the Bear Valley Administration / Supporters who are the instruments of God for the above achievements.

God bless you sirs.


Posted on September 24, 2018 .

Student body growth in Trinidad

The school has renewed its determination to return to the path of evangelism. This emphasis has created a stir with the introduction of “TS ops” earlier this year. To date, the school has been involved in at least five gospel meetings and several revivals. Several souls were won and some restoration is happening. The passion of the students and teachers is outstanding as it is quite normal to hear about contacts made and interesting encounters in the field. 

We now have an amazing nine students in first year and six in second year! This makes our population fifteen!! We are so excited about this growth as we aim to have a complete set of twenty regular in the classroom. 

Our future student list is also growing as young boys and girls are expressing their desire to come in the next few years.

Interestingly, we launched our TSOP Online program through links with World Video Bible School. We now have Fifteen registered students. This includes one from Florida and another from Romania! 

Our Saturday school hosted a two part series on church financial accounting. This was taught by brother Shammeen Mohammed. Those who attended truly appreciated the initiative as some congregations lack the skill set that is so necessary.

We launched our new logo. This will be printed on shirts for when we make formal visits. We are hoping that lapel pins will be donated to help promote our school.

Visiting brethren from Canada were invited to participate in chapel. They were visiting to attend the funeral of sister Patsy Babooram who passed away on Monday 3rd September. She was the dormitory supervisor for several years. Her grand daughter’s fiancé spoke in chapel encouraging students to hold on.


Dominic dos Santos

Director, TSOP

Posted on September 24, 2018 .

New students in Ukraine

Ukraine students.JPG

Hello, dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

This time I will share with you the news about our August and beginning of September events.

Undoutedly, the major event for this report is the beginning of the new school year. This year we have 6 new students. Mostly they represent Central and Eastern parts of Ukraine. They have good reference letters, desire to study and have the goal of getting good quality Biblical education.

I will briefly write about each of them.

Ruslan Gaevskiy is a young Christian man. His family are members of a charismatic church. However, he has been in disagreement with their teaching for a while. Some time ago he was baptized for the remission of his sins. Before coming to Bela Tserkva he was a member of Konstantinovka Church of Christ.

First year students

Rosa Valkova is a Christian from Kramatorsk but lately she attended services in Slovyansk. She helped with ladies and children's classes.

Lena Stupa is a long time member of Kramatorsk Church of Christ. She is a very compassionate and timid lady willing to discover her talents and use them for God's glory.

Vitality Melchin is a member of Dnipro Church of Christ. His whole family is very active in their local congregation. He's had a dream to be a minister in the church since he was young. He's always been actively involved in church activities. He wants to become a preacher.

Masha Rodicheva is the daughter of Kramatorsk Church of Christ preacher Vitality Rodichev. Masha loves God and desires to teach children in her home congregation. She's been involved in children ministry before and taught lessons in Sunday school and VBS.

Eldjune Aliev is our brother from Kamenskoe. He is a very active Christian man. He used to be a professional basketball player. He has a unique approach to teenagers and hope to use this skill to establish good relationships with young people. His dream is to preach and spread the Gospel.

As you see this year we've got a group of young people with a lot of potential. We are very excited that they want to study the Word of God and teach it to other people.

We are very thankful to God and you that every year we have our new students who desire to learn the will of God. The economy of Ukraine is improving and if these young people just got a worldly job they would be paid more and they would get work experience but they chose to work for the Lord. God will continue to bless any nation as long as it has faithful Christians.

As for our local congregation we had a wonderful VBS in the end of August. Every day we had about 35 children. It's a very good number because VBS lasted three days and not many parents are willing to let their children attend all the activities.

My family, our church and our students' body send their greetings. We are very appreciative of your efforts and faithfulness in helping our ministry.

Your co-worker in the Lord's vineyard,

Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on September 24, 2018 .

Masters level courses taught in Ghana


We shall always be thankful to Him for He has made a successful endings. Glory be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for all the wonderful activities He paved for its successions.  


We were grateful to the Lord for the safe arrival of our brother Jerry Bate on Sunday morning, 5th August. On his arrival, he first worshipped with the Teshie Mains Church of Christ, Accra, Brothers Emmanuel Odeng Larbi and Kojo Acquah Beenyi. Emmanuel preaches for this congregation.  

Jerry taught for two weeks in Bear Valley master’s program. The total number of 23 students attended and the courses were Advanced Homiletics and Hermeneutics.

Having completed his lessons for the MBS program, he left for USA on Friday night, 17th August.


Normal classes were completed on the following courses: Hermeneutics 2, The Life of Christ 2, The Gospel of John, The Book of Acts, Communication Skills, ICT and finally, two short courses of “Prison Epistles” prepared and taught by Kojo Acquah Beenyi where as the “First Epistles to the Corinthians” was prepared and taught by bro. Emmanuel Amoo Gyimah.

Thirteen students were present with the exception of bro Steven Gedza who was absent owing to health problems. Thank God he was able to report to school before the end of the term.


Great thanks to the Lord for a heartfelt giving by our brother Jerry Bates, who supported the Master’s program with an amount of GHC 2,100.00 to cater for part of their feeding cost.

We are grateful to what the Lord has done through the hands of the MBS students who donated sound system to aid instructors for the teaching and learning in the classroom and other important gathering. The master’s students donated the equipment to the school for the school’s use and also for evangelism.

The board of the school, staff and the students expressed their profound appreciation to these brethren who made the donation to the glory of God and the progress of the school. We say God richly bless you and restore in abundant what you have produced.


The school is making a regularly visit to the schools’ property (land) as a way to protect it.  Tall pillars are made to mark the boundaries. Wall fence will be made when funds are available.


We are thankful to the Lord for bringing us safely to the graduation and seminar programme and back home. These were accomplished successfully followed by a four (4) day Annual Seminar for Preachers and Leaders on the topic: SACRIFICAL GIVING, which was taught by speakers Toby L. Soechting; David Savage; Steven Ashcraft; Charles King Arthur; and Kenneth Gyan Kesse, Snr.

Also, our students had the opportunity to visit one of the pioneer preachers who by his effort established the church of Christ in Accra, the Nsawam Road Church of Christ. He is in the person of bro Daniel Ampadu Asiamah, whose health status is not permitting him to further his preaching work.

We were glad to see a man whose effort and teaching qualities have been periodically announced national in Ghana. This has been the wishes and expectation of most preachers to see such a hardworking man of God and a role module.

Keep praying with us as we do also in our various and daily prayers.

Posted on September 24, 2018 .

The newest Bear Valley school


The month of August saw us engaging the students to different congregations.

1. The 18th and 19th saw the first team of four students going to Mufakose area in Harare for evangelism, and they did great work. Eight hours of service was given to the Lord during the two days (Saturday – 10:00 to 16:00 hours; Sunday 14:00 to 16:00 hours); forty-six (46) people were taught and one soul was added to the Lord.

2. On the 25th and 26th, five learners joined the Manyame area preacher in evangelism. The hours of service were from 10:00 to 16:00 hours on Saturday and 14:00 to 16:00 hours of Sunday. Fifty-eight (58) people were reached with the gospel and we thank God three people accepted Jesus as her personal Saviour.

3. In Dzivaresekwa the evangelism program was done on the 25th and 26th. This was a women outreach program in which the target group was the widows and the disadvantaged ladies and women. My wife was leading this group of five. The aim was to give a hand of fellowship and a listening ear to these ladies. Eight (8) families were visited on the day. Please see the attached report which I received from the group.

4. Macheke area was another place which the weekend (25th and 26th) outreach program was held. The ladies, with the help of the local preacher did a good job and we thank God for the efforts. Two ladies managed to give seven (7) hours of service to the Lord. From their report, the outreach took them into eleven households and thirty-four (34) people were blessed with the Word of God, the Good News.


1. On September 22 and 23 we will be going with all the students to Mazowe (about 40km North East of Harare) for an evangelism outreach.

2. As indicated in my last report we would be starting a new class on the 15th of September 2018. We had initially scheduled to start this weekend but due to a clash with Greater Harare men’s workshop and women fellowship we are forced to push our dates to the 15th of September.  We pray for God’s hand in this noble service.


1. The experience brought about by the weekend evangelism is driving the students to be evangelically responsible. The Dzivaresekwa team said this has to be done more often and the Manyame spoke the same words and added that meeting and teaching people stirs up the sense of purpose.

2. Movement from one place to the next was made easier by the availability of cars owned by some of the students. This made the movement from house to house much easier. When the group that was here in Dzivaresekwa enquired from us how we travel during evangelism and home visits, we told them that we foot from house to house. Yes the distance on foot affects the time factor and we get tired too quickly and this limits the quantity and quality of the work done.


We continually give honour and praise to God for His presence among us. The school’s practical approach is already bearing fruits. Many congregations are already appealing for evangelical help from the students.
Thank you for your prayers and your unwavering support.


BVBIZ – HARARE EXTENSION                  

Posted on September 24, 2018 .

A new campus in Sierra Leone

Hello brethren.      

We are very grateful to you for the support of the work here in Sierra Leone. May God richly bless you for your relentless efforts towards the School. May our Lord continue to keep you from danger and tribulation wherever you may be.

We are pleased to report to you about the events undertaken during the month of August this second year in our third quarter of school.

Number of students remaining in school

There are sixteen students remaining in school at the moment.  Mohamed Gassama has deferred the course due to his long standing ill health. Since his surgical operation he has not been regular in school.  He has now taken two consecutive quarters without reporting for classes. He is still undergoing his medical treatment as he told us when we contacted him.

Transfer of school:

On the 29th of August, 2018 we transferred the school to our new location with the help of students engaging in the packing of school items for the new place. We hired two vehicles to convey the items to the new site. The students were so happy as they left with joy to their new destination. It was a lovely moment to see them all over the place carrying their personal effects into the vehicle.

Agricultural farm:

Immediately after the transfer to the new place we had to go ahead with our garden work. Students participated in the uprooting and plucking of the groundnuts in the farm. We have completed the exercise and ended up having four bags of unpeeled groundnuts. We are now going to dry it under the sun and store it for our next cooking season.

Students Profile:

Jacob Jusu is born of Kailahun District on the 15th day of MAY, 1980 to a Christian family and follows the foot step of his parents. He was converted on the 7th October, 1999 at the Gueckedou church of christ in Guinea.

He is a very dedicated member of his congregation and for that reason the congregation decided to send him to school to study more about the word of God. His class participation is good and he is a very obedience servant of God.


After sorting and packing of our properties in the new place we have today launched a week campaign around the surrounding villages to climax the end of this quarter’s event.

We will update you on the outcome of the campaign as soon as it ends.

Thank you.

Submitted by Ishmael S. Bangura

Local director of extension studies.

Sierra Leone

Posted on September 24, 2018 .

Short courses in Fiji


We finished our third term on Friday, the 13th of July.  The students are in the tougher second year of our program, but are very much up to the challenge.  The second term saw our students completing courses in Bible Geography, Acts, 1 Corinthians, Greek, Expository Preaching, and the Minor Prophets.  We then took a week break before beginning our short courses.  

We had Brother Paul Merideth, from Temple, Texas conducting one of our short courses.  Paul is imminently qualified to teach and is currently writing his dissertation for his PHD. More importantly, he is a faithful gospel preacher with a love for God’s word.   Paul taught the course on the Cost of Discipleship and was well received by our students.  Jason and I co-taught the second short course on New Testament Worship.


We finished up our short courses on Thursday, the 2nd of August.  Part of the class on New Testament Worship was used to get our students prepared for the campaign to Western Samoa.  We had been invited by the Goodwill Church of Christ in Aleisa, Samoa to conduct a workshop on the Old Testament book of Job.  10 of our 11 students committed to the trip.  (The one who was unable to attend had just returned from a 6 week mission effort in the neighboring country of Tuvalu.)  

Students attending the workshop: Asher, Alphonsus, Emosi, Kitione, Lency, Movono, Peter, Samuela, Semi, and Va

There were regular classes and services on Sunday, the 5th of August, with our students doing the teaching and preaching.  Monday through Wednesday we had classes at 9:00, 10:00, 2:00, and 7:00 each day.  The afternoon sessions were broken down with a men’s class and a ladies’ class.  In the evenings we also had classes for the youth and the children and a key note speaker from our students for the adults. 

Each of the students taught at least one class.  Our second year students taught two classes.  It was a real joy to see these students take what they have been learning and use it in the field.  The lessons were well organized and utilized material they had gotten from their text course on Job, Expository Preaching, Biblical Interpretation, and General Homiletics classes.  Many of them also drew from personal experiences in their lives to bring to life the message of Job. 

I was also able to talk with Paulo who is a school principle in Samoa.  He is interested in attending the school.  He is looking at starting the program in 2020.  He is active in preaching and teaching at the Vaimoso Church of Christ and comes highly recommended by the local leadership.


We are now well into our third term.  This is the most challenging yet.  Jason is teaching our third course in Greek.  4 of our students have opted to take a course I am teaching on Introduction to Critical Thinking instead of the Greek class.  The other courses being taught this term are Revelation, Bible Basis for Missions, History of Preaching, World Religions, and Timothy and Titus.

Vinaka vaka levu for your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support.  May the fruit born from our efforts together be credited to your account!

Rocco Pierce, Director

Posted on September 10, 2018 .

Great things happening in Ghana

The months of August and December are very busy months for some of us who have devoted our lives full time for the Lord’s work here in Central Region in Ghana. Whereas I am not invited to speak, they invited us to be present to grace the occasion. In this past August, the feast of the Youth Vacation Evangelism was cerebrated. It is a yearly Follow Up on existing congregation and Edification of the Saints.

This year, it took place at Breman Asikuma in the Central Region. It is a youth program where they are camped from Monday to Sunday. There are cooks, adults members of the church, who cook three times a day for them and these youth’s work is to go out to preach the Gospel, share tracts, make contacts for Bible Studies and to invite people to “come and see” Church of Christ.

43 congregations with about 300 youth attended and there 56 baptisms and one congregation established. On Sunday worship the total attendance was 540. I was able to get enough tracts and booklets from Mission Press and Bobby Dockery-Arkansas for the entire program. We had 5 preachers and some 50 adults that were able to make the program with them.

Bible School 

The third term of the eight terms of our Accra Bible School ended with a trip to Takoradi to be part of a graduation of another Bear Valley Bible School there. They also attended an annual lectureship of the school. The School in Tamale is on holidays after a week long campaign which resulted in restoring a congregation with 16 baptisms and 15 restoration of members. 

Our Children – School

The basic schooling system in Ghana have their long break from July to September. We are doing much work on our building, preparing for the arrival of the new academic year.

Womens Fellowship

The women in the Central Region had their annual Women’s Fellowship in Mankessim at the premises of the Gov’t High School. Ladies from 36 congregations attended with the following attendance records on the last day which was Sunday: Ladies 345. There was quiz on The Book of Hebrews and six (6) congregations contested. 


Our Mission congregations’ activities recorded 5 baptisms whereas the Campus Ministry is on hold as the students are on vacation.

Please pray with us, we really need it. Thanks.

 Kojo Acquah Beenyi,    Minister,   Church of Christ,   Agona Swedru,  C/R,  Ghana,  West Africa

Posted on September 6, 2018 .

Continued progress in Zambia

Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters! We always give God the praise and honor for granting us this rare opportunity to work in His kingdom. We always depend upon His unfailing grace and His eternal Word as we strive to humbly serve Him.

The students are back for their second quarter. They reported back from a two week break on 6th August, 2018. In the first two weeks of the quarter, they took their short course in Personal Evangelism with Brother Kennedy Mukuka. And now they are taking five normal courses of the quarter.

Brother Cephas Mwamba is taking them in the Life of Christ 1 and the Book of Acts. He has also continued teaching them Koine Greek. Brother Fred is taking them in Homiletics 1 and Hermeneutics 2.

Friday afternoons are dedicated to personal evangelism for all the students. This is the time given to the students to do practical work of evangelism because we believe that people learn better by doing than just listening. So we are trying as much as possible to engage our students in practical ministry so that when graduate they will fully prepared for work. In addition to ministry related activities, the Institute has decided to involve her students in other activities that can help them survive as they do God's work. On Saturday mornings students help with projects that the school is currently involved in to help students acquire survival skills. The school is molding some bricks for a chicken-run (poultry building) to be built on the premises of Mikomfwa church of Christ. This is in line with the school program of survival skills development. Additionally, the school is working with Cephas Mwamba at his vegetable garden just near the church building. These ventures will definitely supplement the school budget.

The Institute is privileged to go out on 29th August, 2018 for a five day National Men's Conference to be held in the town of  Mansa in the Luapula Province of Zambia. The conference will give the Institute a great opportunity to meet with men in the Church from all the provinces of Zambia that will be represented at this meeting. We are taking all our students to participate in this meeting which starts on 30th August 2018 and ends on 2nd September 2018. A meeting like this one gives the school an opportunity to be known by the churches of Christ in Zambia. This meeting is intended to strengthen working relationships of the Church and serves to be a good platform for the institute to be known throughout the country. We believe something good is going to come out of this meeting. This is our first major campaign we are involved in since the school reopened. Mansa is 168 km North of Copper Belt Province. We know the trip will be financially costly but it's worth the sacrifice. During the meeting, students will have a chance to preach the word as they have been taught so far.

We thank God every day for our brothers and sisters at Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for their continued support of the work here and for the partnership we enjoy with our sister Institute in Denver. Moreover, all your efforts and prayers for the work here are highly appreciated. 

God bless you all. 

In His service,

Cephas and Fred   


Posted on September 6, 2018 .

Agriculture projects in Zimbabwe


Students at BVBI-Z are currently on break. Classes are set to resume on the 10th of September. Whilst they are on break, they are expected to be active in the churches. However, there are some activities that took place as the students were on break. In this report, we highlight these activities with gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ in whose cause BVBIZ exists to fulfil. 


The following are the subjects that will be taught next term with their possible teachers. Classes shall start on the 10th of September.

Homiletics 1                                            M.Muchingami

Acts of the Apostles                                   I.Mutichu

OT History (Joshua-Esther)                       I.Mutichu

Galatians (SC)                                              H.Suwari

Godhead (SC)                                              I.Mutichu/D.Estep

Entrepreneurship Skills Development         P.Toperesu

Hermeneutics                                                 M.Muchingami

Denominational Doctrines 1                       M.Muchingami

Gospel of John                                   T.karikoga


Following the training that Healing hands rendered to the school in June, the school has installed a full drip irrigation system on the available space we have. A total of 1200 plants of tomatoes were planted. This is very little, compared to the ideal situation of full-fledged projects we would want. However, the system shall provide the necessary practical to the students in line with the schools strategic plan of producing highly competent servants of God who will impact communities positively for the master.  The other intention is to lower food costs through local production, and were possible, increase cash inflows into the school.                                 


In the July report, we reported on a poultry project the school had started. The first batch which had 150 birds is currently being sold. Our appreciation, goes to Healing Hands International for providing funds for this project.


The school greatly needs a set of computers for use by students. Our main thrust is to produce highly qualified, equipped and competent servants of God through a robust training and development program. A lot is being done to achieve this. However, computers are the missing link and is one of the greatest needs for the school. This is in line with modern learning trends. At least 6 will place us on a better platform. Any help to get these will be greatly appreciated.


We are pleased to give a report on the whereabouts of our first graduates who graduated on the 2nd of June 2018. Almost all of them are on ground working for the lord. Our request is that you pray for these young people, the congregations they are working with and the work they are doing. The following are the names and their whereabouts;

  1. Happison Bvukumbwe: Happison is now preaching at Deure Church of Christ, Jerera, Masvingo.
  2. Innocent Stima: Innocent is currently working with his home congregation, that is, Morris Church of Christ in Murewa, Mashonaland East..
  3. Thomson and Victoria Mlawuzi: The couple is now working with Hatcliff Church of Christ in Harare.
  4. Tafadzwa Maseko: Beginning 1 September, Tafadzwa shall be working with Chivero Mission Church of Christ in Mashonaland West. There is an orphanage at the mission.
  5. Daniel Chikware: Daniel is working with Mambo Church of Christ in Gweru, Midlands Province.
  6. Partmore Simbi: Partmore is now preaching at Dandara Church of Christ in Murewa, Mashonaland East.
  7. Tinashe and Linda Mazhambe: The couple is now preaching at Maware church of Christ in Chikomba district of Mashonaland East.
  8. Kudakwashe Madyira: Kudakwashe went to the School of Biblical Studies in Nigeria to read for a Bachelors degree in Christian Religious Studies. He claimed the valedictorian award at their graduation in June.
  9. Divine Jana: Divine was meeting with the Warren Park congregation but has not been well. He is still to find his feet and needs your prayers.


We praise God for what we were able to achieve in August. More activities shall start in September as classes are set to resume. Thank you for your financial and the moral support we are receiving. To God be the glory!


Mathew Muchingam, Director BVBI-Z

Posted on September 6, 2018 .

Successful campaign in northern Ghana

The renewed mercies of God Almighty have seen us through the month of August 2018 successfully. We are grateful to Him for your life. We continue to thank you for your sacrificial efforts in helping us “Bear Valley Tamale” run our activities effectively. We pray the blessings of our Lord Jesus be with you now and forever.


The sixth term has successfully come to an end. Students are currently on break. All things went perfectly as scheduled for the term. All courses have been treated. Students went on break on the 27th of August, 2018. They will be returning on 16th of September, 2018.


Our termly Gospel campaign took place at Kparibontaabo, under Zabzugu-Tatali district after Yendi. We arrived there on the 14th August, 2018, around 2pm. On the first day as we needed to organize ourselves and report to the custodians of the land and the necessary authorities (Tindaana and the Chief).

Kpaibontaabo has a five year old congregation established by the congregation in Tatali. It was necessary for us to divert our campaign there in order to restore that congregation. Preacher Samuel Kolinba, who graduated from Bear Valley Tamale, who is a preacher for Bikpajab congregation, a community nearby, doubles to overseer that of Kaparibontaabo.

Kparibontaabo congregation almost collapsed when a claimed prophet, Emmanuel, popularly called, “Odiifuo Blackey” (Black prophet) opened a prayer camp at the community and is performing magic (claimed to be miracles), and drew away almost all the members including leaders of the Church. Our presence was a timely one, and a successful restoration of the congregation.

All students (18) were part of the campaign team, led by Preacher Ayini, Alex and James. Preachers from Zabzugu, Tatali and neighboring villages and some brethren also joint us. On the 15th, we did a house to house evangelism in the morning till afternoon, followed by the public preaching in the evening. Preacher Ayini of Accra Road congregation preached on sin and its consequences. We had no questions asked. Attendance was great. We however had no baptism in both first and second days.

Door to door evangelism continued on the 3rd day as usual, morning till noon (16th August, 2018). All praises to God, we had eight (8) Baptisms during the door to door studies. We equally ended our activities for the day in the evening with teachings on the plan of salvation, taught by Brother James of Bear Valley Tamale staff.

On the 5th day (17th August, 2018), our popularity had taken over the whole community as we continued the house to house studies, as many were confirming we came with the truth. However, many said we came late to them, and it was hard for them to denounce their denomination to join the true church. Odiifuo Blackey (Black prophet), came to our camp, and told us, we were baptizing his members, and at that point some three people were ready for baptism, which he forcedly stopped us from baptizing them. However, we had seven baptisms.  We rounded up the day with the evening studies, which was led by preacher Ayeni. He taught worship of the church. The place almost turned upside down, as questions were thrown here and there. Women challenging why they can’t lead in church, others were fighting why instruments are not permitted to be used during worship. Countless questions were asked. Commendably, our leader (preacher Ayeni) did very well. Most questioned were asked with anger, but answers were properly given to calm them. At the end, the preacher for E.P Church came for the microphone and attested that, he believe all what we were teaching was the truth, and all should listen to us. Glory to God alone.

On the Sunday early in the morning, a young lady also came and requested for baptism, and was baptized. We ended our campaign that Sunday (18th August, 2018). Worship began at 8:30am with devotion (singing and prayers) till9:00am. At 9am, we divided ourselves into two classes, where we combined the visitors and the new converts in one class for basic teachings and the rest for the adult’s class. Preacher Thomas from the Tatali congregation taught the new converts and visitors class, whiles brother Samson Bisigma, the students leader for Bear valley Tamale taught the adults class. We all came together to continue worship around 10am. Eric Bintim (Student BVBIT) led songs, Vifa Benard read the Bible (BVBIT), Preaher Ayeni gave the sermon, and the Lord Supper was led by Samuel Saakuu, assisted by Shei Labueri David and Neina Alex (all students of BVBIT). Fifteen out of the sixteen baptized came for the Sunday worship. Attendance was 108. 46 of them were males, 32 females and 40 children.

Indeed, we had a very fruitful and successful campaign. The school was not forgotten, campaigning for new students was prioritized every day after the evening teachings. Preachers who desire to come to the school took some forms and their records are kept for follow up. The campaign was very committed and participatory as they were taken through a routine lectures every morning after devotion before field work. It was a nice and fantastic experience. The church had eleven members before our visit who were not worshipping every Sunday due to leadership challenges as well as Odiifuo Blackey’s deception and other denominations. A week after our visit (26th August, 2018), attendance was forty (40) from our follow up calls. There is certainly hope for this congregation.

Meeting with the few leaders of the congregation before we left, their major challenge was iron sheet and some woods to put up a meeting place. The congregation meets under a tree to worship due to some challenges they had with the Roma Catholic Church who was sharing a school block with them. We humbly appeal for your support in this line if possible to assist them get a meeting place, in order for your sacrifice and our efforts to be more fruitful. We as well believe, if possible, time to time visitations by the school to this congregation and many others, to strengthen them could also be a good idea of maintaining them. We as well wish and believe in the near future, our students should be in charge of most of these congregations if not all possibly. We appreciate for helping able to take the students into field to demonstrate what they have learned in class in pragmatic way. We pray God increase your source to increase our campaign support. We had some few challenges financially when we were in the field. We appreciate so much our able coordinator (Brother Kojo Aquah Beenyi) for his wise counsel, before, during and after the campaign. He was very instrumental. Preacher Ayeni, Alex and the team all were very sacrificial when things were turf in the field. All in All, God showed us mercy, and gave us the victory.


We remain committed in doing our best in the interest of the school and its growth. Now that school is on recession, much emphasis will be placed on advertising for new students, continues studies to build the local church, and the documents for the school land and that of the worship site. 


We have submitted the documents that the land commission requested, which you sent to us to them, remaining only the tax clearance certificate. Follow up visits have also been done, and we are still awaiting results from them.

Posted on September 6, 2018 .

Guest teachers in Sierra Leone

Dear Brethren,

We thank each and every one of you for supporting our efforts in this part of the vine yard. May God prolong your lives in order to see the fulfillment of the “Great Commission” being accomplished through the sacrifices you are making for the promotion of the gospel in this part of the Vine yard. 


Moving lecturers from Bo and Freetown to teach our students has made significant impact in the learning process of students with a performance increased in knowledge of the bible.  We are making the mark towards Bear Valley requirements for preachers with the method of learning outlined in the curriculum as spelt out in each class module such as assignments, research work, memory verses, essays writing, quizzes, devotions as well as pulpit preaching and teachings on a daily routine basis.

We have come to the end of this quarter’s teaching exercise which ended with a short course on “Mission in the new testament " I have prepared the first year’s results in which almost all the student passed.

We have one lecturer from Bo city who is Bro Banya for short course, Bro A.J.S. Koroma from Freetown, and Bro Samuel Bangura from Freetown.

We are also sending students on personal work to various congregations to preach at the end of every month. A memorandum of understanding has been established between us and congregations in the communities they belong to give them the chance to do their practical work when they are on vacation break.  The unfortunate part is one student had dropped out of the course half way this second quarter which is due to his persistent ill health. However, he completed the first year successfully and started half way in the second year. His name is Mohamed Gassama. We are now left with fifteen students. we hope and pray that these ones will make the journey to the end.


We are hereby drawing your attention to a small scale groundnuts farm that we planted on the new land bought for the school. The purpose of this farming is to secure the land from intruders or trespassers till the time comes for a building project. Even though we have prepared all the necessary documents but yet we need to secure the land by occupation. We have planted three hundred cups of groundnuts in this plot which will supplement our feeding program for students. We are yet to harvest this groundnut farm but hope to do so before we go for break.

NEW CONGREGATION    We have planted a new congregation outside Kenema town which lies about a mile from the center of the town. We have presently an average of forty worshipers in this congregation. We were meeting inside a house of one family member, because of the increase in the number of members each Sunday, we have the cause to move out of the house and pitch a tent outside the building where the congregation is presently meeting.  The school is using this opportunity to send student preachers every Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays to conduct service as part of their practical work. 


We have the Director for local studies, the Dean of students’ affairs, two long course teachers, two short course teachers, one cook, two security men, one in the day and one at night, and one computer lecturer.  All of these staff belongs to the Lord’s church which makes us unique at work.


Joseph Missailie was born on the 22ND September, 1992.

He attended school in the city of Kenema

He was baptized on the 8th December, 2008 at the Church of Christ Kissy town,  Kenema.

He became interested in the work of the lord and decided to be enrolled in the school last year to pursue his dreams in the lord’s vineyard.

He is married with one child. Before then, he has been working as a teacher and an associate minister in the Lord church, because of his heart burning desire to do God’s work, he decided to come and gain more knowledge. Joseph is presently participating in the grooming up of the Church we have planted in the BURMA community. Since there is no preacher in-charge yet Joseph and his other colleague’s preachers are mending the flock at the moment.


We have done lots of conversion over the one and half years of our program and handed them over to the various churches we visited during our campaigns.  We have planted one church at Burma Community.

We have restored a congregation from Kono District at Gbaneh village to the Lord’s church.

We have been participating in cooperative evangelism with churches of Christ in Kenema on weekends.

We have also been taking part in church programs such as lectureship, seminars, weddings, funeral service. etc,  etc,    

We are also planning on another campaign this week and will give you an update on the outcome. We are moving the office next week to the new building site we rented and will inform you after the transfer

SUBMITTED BY:  Ishmael S. Bangura, Director, BVBI-SL

Posted on September 6, 2018 .

Many activities in Liberia

Dear Brethren,

We bring you greetings from Liberia west Africa to all of you who continue to support the work in this part of the world. Almost approaching the close of the two years prescribed curriculum of the Bear Valley, lots has happen during the month of July 2018.


Since our students are expected to complete their studies and leave Ganta, the administration have gavin them each assignments to go out to all their contacts made through evangelism efforts. During their period of studies here they are to bring back all the addresses of all their prospects and those added to the church through their efforts so that our new group of students can continue to visit and encourage their prospects to continue come to the church. Also, as a group, went out every weekend in July on a house to house Bible studies and got lots of people visiting the campus ministry.


The month of July was a very very busy month for everyone, both the instructors and the students had lots to do towards the end of the two years program. Among what the students had to do included the following:

  1. Group works

  2. Research work

  3. Individual Assignments and presentation

  4. Final examinations ( Practical and theory).

  5. Cleaning the campus etc

The 14 students left have completed all the courses prescribed by Bear Valley and are therefore qualify to be graduated on the 15th of September, 2018.


We made it possible by allowing each of our students to appeared on the radio preaching program to present a lesson or two to the public which in fact, has help to exposed them in public speaking and presentation. The radio program is a live program which give out time to the public listeners to ask questions and make comments to the topic discussed. It has been a great help to our students. If we can have support for our radio preaching program, it will go a long way in helping our out going students and the present ones preach the gospel to many through the airwaves.


Thirty (30) Students are expected to form part of our new class. There where in total forty eight (48) applicants, but after the entrance examination and interviews, we are left with 30 qualified brethren for our next batch of students. Please pray for these men as they start classes on the 17th of September 2018 just two day after the graduation of our old students.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on September 6, 2018 .

Graduation in Nigeria

(1) OVERVIEW: From the report reaching us from our 40 students that served in different congregations of our Lord Jesus Christ from July 13 till August 12, 53 souls were converted and twenty (20) erring brethren returned to the Lord as the result of their effective work with the preachers and teachers of the different congregation where they served.

(2) SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: By His grace coupled with the support from Bro. Doug Wheeler, the Lough family and Bro. Steven Ashcraft and associates we were able to host over 250 brethren from 68 congregations across the country of Nigeria in the just concluded 16th Annual Bible Lectureship & graduation of 33 successful soldiers of Christ Jesus. The program started on Wednesday evening through Friday evening in BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan at Butubutu village, where 15 men of God ministered to the spiritual needs of people and 2 sisters taught the women. 3, 000 VOTI vol. 97, mission printing tracts and books by Bro. Sylvester Imogoh were freely distributed to over 8 0 congregations present.

Different Books, such as Bible dictionaries, Bible concordance, Thompson Reference chain Bible and other books from Bro. Steven Ashcraft were presented to fourteen out of the 33 graduating students as special gifts. Fifteen (15) cartoon of preacher’s book from mission printing was presented to our 15 students that graduated with BVBI certificate.

(3) EVANGELISM: The year 2 students and staff of the school will embark on a journey this weekend to visit Ekiti State so as to preach the good news, while the year1 students under the leadership of Kayode Solomon Eniafe will work with Ikoyi congregation -Osun State in house to house evangelism during the morning time and open air Bible Lectureship in the evening. We hope to return back to Butubutu campus on Sunday evening Lord’s willing.

(4) ABOUT A STUDENT: (pic 5) Bro. Nsini Udo is from Cross River state happily married and blessed with three children. He is presently one of our year 2 students. His mission is to become one of the effective evangelists in Cross – River after his two years training, Lord’s willing on August 2019.

(5) OTHER COMMENTS: We appreciate the partnership with the Bear Valley Bible Institute International, World Bible School, and Truth for Today, Mission Printing International and you our American brethren. May the Lord keep on using us all for the growth of His Kingdom. 

 Conclusion: Big thanks for your labour of love.May the Lord keep us safe in His loving way in Jesus Christ name,amen.

 Sincerely His & yours .......Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi(Director of Studies )

Posted on September 6, 2018 .