Continued progress in Zambia

Warm greetings to you all brothers and sisters! We always give God the praise and honor for granting us this rare opportunity to work in His kingdom. We always depend upon His unfailing grace and His eternal Word as we strive to humbly serve Him.

The students are back for their second quarter. They reported back from a two week break on 6th August, 2018. In the first two weeks of the quarter, they took their short course in Personal Evangelism with Brother Kennedy Mukuka. And now they are taking five normal courses of the quarter.

Brother Cephas Mwamba is taking them in the Life of Christ 1 and the Book of Acts. He has also continued teaching them Koine Greek. Brother Fred is taking them in Homiletics 1 and Hermeneutics 2.

Friday afternoons are dedicated to personal evangelism for all the students. This is the time given to the students to do practical work of evangelism because we believe that people learn better by doing than just listening. So we are trying as much as possible to engage our students in practical ministry so that when graduate they will fully prepared for work. In addition to ministry related activities, the Institute has decided to involve her students in other activities that can help them survive as they do God's work. On Saturday mornings students help with projects that the school is currently involved in to help students acquire survival skills. The school is molding some bricks for a chicken-run (poultry building) to be built on the premises of Mikomfwa church of Christ. This is in line with the school program of survival skills development. Additionally, the school is working with Cephas Mwamba at his vegetable garden just near the church building. These ventures will definitely supplement the school budget.

The Institute is privileged to go out on 29th August, 2018 for a five day National Men's Conference to be held in the town of  Mansa in the Luapula Province of Zambia. The conference will give the Institute a great opportunity to meet with men in the Church from all the provinces of Zambia that will be represented at this meeting. We are taking all our students to participate in this meeting which starts on 30th August 2018 and ends on 2nd September 2018. A meeting like this one gives the school an opportunity to be known by the churches of Christ in Zambia. This meeting is intended to strengthen working relationships of the Church and serves to be a good platform for the institute to be known throughout the country. We believe something good is going to come out of this meeting. This is our first major campaign we are involved in since the school reopened. Mansa is 168 km North of Copper Belt Province. We know the trip will be financially costly but it's worth the sacrifice. During the meeting, students will have a chance to preach the word as they have been taught so far.

We thank God every day for our brothers and sisters at Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for their continued support of the work here and for the partnership we enjoy with our sister Institute in Denver. Moreover, all your efforts and prayers for the work here are highly appreciated. 

God bless you all. 

In His service,

Cephas and Fred   


Posted on September 6, 2018 .