Graduation in Nigeria

(1) OVERVIEW: From the report reaching us from our 40 students that served in different congregations of our Lord Jesus Christ from July 13 till August 12, 53 souls were converted and twenty (20) erring brethren returned to the Lord as the result of their effective work with the preachers and teachers of the different congregation where they served.

(2) SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: By His grace coupled with the support from Bro. Doug Wheeler, the Lough family and Bro. Steven Ashcraft and associates we were able to host over 250 brethren from 68 congregations across the country of Nigeria in the just concluded 16th Annual Bible Lectureship & graduation of 33 successful soldiers of Christ Jesus. The program started on Wednesday evening through Friday evening in BVBIN & SWSE, Ibadan at Butubutu village, where 15 men of God ministered to the spiritual needs of people and 2 sisters taught the women. 3, 000 VOTI vol. 97, mission printing tracts and books by Bro. Sylvester Imogoh were freely distributed to over 8 0 congregations present.

Different Books, such as Bible dictionaries, Bible concordance, Thompson Reference chain Bible and other books from Bro. Steven Ashcraft were presented to fourteen out of the 33 graduating students as special gifts. Fifteen (15) cartoon of preacher’s book from mission printing was presented to our 15 students that graduated with BVBI certificate.

(3) EVANGELISM: The year 2 students and staff of the school will embark on a journey this weekend to visit Ekiti State so as to preach the good news, while the year1 students under the leadership of Kayode Solomon Eniafe will work with Ikoyi congregation -Osun State in house to house evangelism during the morning time and open air Bible Lectureship in the evening. We hope to return back to Butubutu campus on Sunday evening Lord’s willing.

(4) ABOUT A STUDENT: (pic 5) Bro. Nsini Udo is from Cross River state happily married and blessed with three children. He is presently one of our year 2 students. His mission is to become one of the effective evangelists in Cross – River after his two years training, Lord’s willing on August 2019.

(5) OTHER COMMENTS: We appreciate the partnership with the Bear Valley Bible Institute International, World Bible School, and Truth for Today, Mission Printing International and you our American brethren. May the Lord keep on using us all for the growth of His Kingdom. 

 Conclusion: Big thanks for your labour of love.May the Lord keep us safe in His loving way in Jesus Christ name,amen.

 Sincerely His & yours .......Makinde Ebenezer Olufemi(Director of Studies )

Posted on September 6, 2018 .