More conversions in Guinea

A number of different activities occurred during the month of July 2018 at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. Here are those events in brief summary under various sub titles:

Classroom: All courses of the second quarter were completed, but by 17 of the 19 students with an acceptable class average performance. There are 2 of the average students whose performance is excellent. Two others were unable to go through as a result of illness on the part of student Nestor and some weakness by student Nfaly who has been warned and later disciplined. Due to these problems, we are now considering that this class is left with 17 students.

Evangelism: In the home village of a student of our school and where we had preached and converted 5 souls during our May campaign, a follow-up work has resulted to another 9 conversions.

Our radio program is making an impact in the minds of several persons in and around Gueckedou. We will be preparing to visit a nearby sub-prefecture where one of our short course staff visited and made some contacts for possible evangelism. Guinea-Conakry is about 90% Islamic dominated and therefore quite difficult to bring people to Christ. There are those who are interested, but for fear of persecution from their Islamic family members and friends, they hesitate to confess Christ.

Campaign: We had 3 days of gospel campaign in the month under review. One of our regular staff members, Philippecould not participate because he has been very ill and taken to Conakry, the capital for proper attention. The rest of the staff and students were divided into 4 groups for 4 different areas in and around Gueckedou. In my group we converted one soul who was very bold coming out of the crowd to confess his faith publicly. The other 3 groups had no conversions, but some of the people in one of the groups in a nearby village have started coming to visit at our Sunday worship in the congregation at the school premises. It is our prayer and hope that conversions will follow sooner or later.

Temporal construction projects: Through the help of brother Steven who made appeals to Bear Valley and certain ones, we were able to put up a temporal kitchen, dining and generator shelters enough to accommodate other things such as motor bikes as well.

Transportation assistance: Also bro Steven sent and instructed us as per our appeal to get a motor bike needed to facilitate some minor transportation cost and to run other school errands and services. A standard TVS motor bike has been purchased. It has begun and certainly, will be of great service to the institute.

Computer class equipment : Still further, with the funds sent for the purpose, we were able to purchase 8 next-to new desk top computers for our students to be trained in that area. Necessary accessories such as voltage regulator and extension cords for the computers are being bought so that installation is done to begin the training soon.

 Our copier has been repaired and is now working. However, our library shelves are empty and we will appreciate any literature and Bibles.

Our copier has been repaired and is now working.

Conclusion: I am thankful for the spiritual, moral and academic improvement of our students and the few souls being snatched from Satan. We are very grateful to Steven and to all Bear Valley supporters for these projects and for all other support gear toward training Guineans to save their countrymen.


Posted on September 6, 2018 .

Graduation upcoming in Mbanga

The students are preparing for their upcoming exams and short courses. You can imagine how that the conversation of the students now in school is all about graduation. Oh! How time flies and things keep on changing day by day. They have now been on a special mission for two good years and week evangelism even to very far places of the country. They are still welcomed and they are even solicited by other preachers to come and help their congregations for some time. The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. But, the Lord is in control. We attended to a lot of mission work these last few days ranging from lectureships to youth programs. Souls were added in the kingdom in various areas of the country. 

There is joy in the presence of God over one sinner that repents and sister Therence decided to shun the devil on a blissful Sunday morning. She is à French speaking sister and the French are attached to a lot of traditional background things that do not really correspond with Christianity. She needs some encouragement so as not quench the Spirit.

My family and I have been doing well even though with a lot of responsibility in my home. Lately most of the children who are living in my home have fallen sick but God is restoring their health situation. On one of the trips visiting at the hospital, we encountered bro Eugen who was hospitalized with the daughter. It is with this brother that we established this young congregation at Kompenia. The situation of the child was horrible and I ended up by donating my own blood to the child in order for her to survive. God help that baby! We praise God that she is still alive today.

Upcoming events:  

The students and the church shall attend our next lectureship, which is in our zone this week-end. We shall be planning to host the Fako and Littoral lectureship in the month of October 2018. Field work is at- hand and we pray for safety.

We urgently as for you to for our country. Pray for the people who are suffering in the bushes. Pray for the country during the up-coming elections in Cameroon. Our God is a good God. We thank you for all your efforts. 

Evangelist Ititi Bénédict

Posted on August 28, 2018 .

Appreciation expressed


To God be the glory for granting us a successful trip to and fro Ghana republic. We also thank all that have made the two weeks spiritual exercise a big success.

Thanks to our able instructor Bro. Jerry Bates who subsidized our cost of feeding during this period. Thanks to bro Steven Ashcraft for paying part of our transport fare for the period of four years program in Ghana. Thanks goes to Bro. Chad Wagner and Bro Doug M. Wheeler for connecting us with the Bear Valley Bible Institute International in USA. Thanks to Bro Seth Larbi family and Sarpenman congregation for their brotherly love and cares throughout our four years program. Thanks to the new local director of BVBI-GHANA, Bro Kojo for his determination for Excellency.

Lastly we thank you all for your partnership since the inception of SWSE-IBADAN in august 2003. The SWSE-IBADAN will be celebrating her 15years anniversary with a special theme on “restoring the church of the bible”.

May the Lord keep on blessing our joint effort in Jesus Christ name amen.

I remain yours in His Grace as Servant......Makinde Ebens 

Posted on August 28, 2018 .

Courses completed in Togo

Dear brethren in Christ,

Let us return thanks to God for all of His kindness. It is not only about having blessings as God’s friends as tests are also parts of the life of a Christian.

Gradually we approach the results of the first period of two institutions (CBS Center of Biblical Studies) and BVBI (Bear Valley Bible Institute). Teachers made a big effort to give their best for this first quarter. I thank all teachers for this work, especially the professor AKOVI Mensah Esparance the evangelist of NUKAFU to Lome.

Here are topics that are taught during the two quarters:

First quarter courses:

1. Alliances

2. Church of the Bible

3. The How and the Reason of the Biblical Baptism

4. French

5. Seen of the Bible

6. God's Plane for Redemption

Second quarter courses:

1. The Christian home

2. Christianity without denomination

3. Spiritual maturity

4. A study on sin

5. New Testament Worship

6. Christian influences

The exam: the final exam has ended well. Every student wrote his exam.

From the staff of Center for Biblical Studies

Posted on August 28, 2018 .

Campaign success in Malawi!

What a POWERFUL God we are serving! His love is manifested in our lives and in many ways. Just recently, we went back to our preaching campaign. Preaching campaign is part of the BVBI-Malawi practical work. We are very excited to report that God opened the hearts of His people and keep serving those who obeyed the Gospel.

For sure, the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few! We went to a village where many houses did not be visited, we still continues asking for your many prayers and support that can help to train more laborers to go in the fields and harvest. This time, the Lord has saved 65 souls! We thank God for giving our students a spirit to work hard in class as well as a spirit of feeling pity and merciful to for the lost souls.  

Classes and Teaching

The teaching work is going on well and very great enthusiasm from the students for studies. The time table is well followed and many lessons have been covered. More than ten courses have been covered. We are glad that working as a team makes the work easier.

God brought Joy when we worried about our lives

Every time we have campaign, we divide our students into two groups. This time some went to Kafukule the Northern region of Malawi and some went to Kasungu the Central region of Malawi. I went with the Kasungu group, and guess what? We found no good houses to be accommodated in; no doors and roofs, and we started worrying with our safety during the first day. It was cold and good accommodation was need for our nice sleep. The Lord reminded us that same first night, the reason why we went to Kasungu. As we were just chatting with few people who came to greet us that night, we didn’t withhold the saving message into our hearts and started preaching, in that first night, the Lord added to His church 4 souls and we went to baptize them around 9:30 Pm. With this, everyone was happy and recognized the reason we went there – preaching and winning souls to Christ not looking for nice accommodation☺! However, we wish we could have two tents for our students

Preaching in Kasungu ended with 27 souls baptized and 18 souls restored, while at Kafukule 10 souls were baptized and 10 souls were restored.  Once again, without your support and prayers nothing would have been achieved. “……..He who wins souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30), Think Souls!

Prayer Request

One of our Bear Valley student lost his dad when we were at the preaching campaign. Please remember his family in your prayers!

On-behalf of Bear Valley Staff,

Ephron Vincent Mbano (Director BVBI-M)

Posted on August 28, 2018 .

Graduation in Cambodia

We are glad to serve the One Living God and work with you in service to Him.

We just completed a short course on Revelation taught by Donnie Bates from the Bear Valley congregation in Denver Colorado. We want to thank him for taking the time to visit and share his knowledge to the students and staff here. We also received warmth fro brother Wes Autrey, whom we discuss much fore the Lord’s work.

We have been preparing for the day when the students graduated. That day arrived on July 28th where 9 students completed three years of full time Bible study at the International Bible Institute. Many friends and relatives came from many miles around to be present at the ceremony and participate in the celebration meal to follow.

We are happy that all of the students are ready to go preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ as savior.Most will go into the villages to do this work where it is most receptive. Almost all of our students will be finding work in the area of missions, some combined with regular jobs to support them in saving souls.

We are now n the process of recruiting new students for the next class.We already have 5 students committed to the school for the beginning of classes on September 10th. We are utilizing the past grads, the church, the staff and nearby university to recruit.Visits to the villages and leaders of those villages to evangelize and persuade to a Christian life is also taking place.

We still ask everyone to remember us in your prayer that we are the servants of God in Cambodia.As the leaders of the school and church we ask for your prayers for wisdom to serve God in the best way possible.

Directors Piseth Rin and Darat Run.

Posted on August 14, 2018 .

28 baptisms in Chimala!

The work at Kapunga finished well as you can see the pictures with 12 souls in total saved this makes 22 peoples in gospel chariot campaigns and today we had  two people at Tukuyu and those 4 at Usalimwani = 28.

At Ngonga we distributed 2500 tracts and had several Bible studies with invitation at Gospel Chariot meeting campaign on August 21, Many people enjoyed our messages and they welcoming us very much. 

Keep praying for the campaign. 


Joseph Haonga, Director CBI

Posted on August 14, 2018 .

A new quarter in Arusha

I hope that you are doing well in the kingdom of our Lord. Our God is so good to us here in Tanzania and particularly in ACSOP. On August 6, we started our third quarter for all students. There are 20 students in the first year class who all already reported in school, 13 in the second year reported since last Saturday and 3 from Ethiopia and 1 from Kenya are still on their way coming. They are late because of their work permit issues. And all of 13 in the master program attended. 

Since then, the first year class is learning the Old Testament 2 ( Exodus - Deuteronomy) as short course taught by Josephat Massawe. So far they will start their long courses next week (August 13 – September 14)  by learning a course on Life of Christ 2 (Sermon on the Mount, Parables, and Judgment) which will be taught by John Benedicto Haule, the Old Testament 3a (A Study of Wisdom literature: Job) will be taught by Desdery Massawe, Old Testament 3 (Joshua – Ruth) will be taught by John Benedicto Haule and 1 and 2 Thessalonians will be taught by Charles Heberth. 

On other hand the second year class are learning Public Speaking 3 (Advanced Homiletics) as a short course being taught by Bernard Kulanga. They also will start their long courses next week (August 13 – September 14)  by learning a course on Greek III which will be taught by Mason Norman, Life of Christ 4 (The final days: Passover through the resurrection) will be taught by Michael Mitalami, OT 5a - Minor Prophets I (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah) will be taught by Ahimidiwe Kimaro, and Preacher’s Work will be taught by Michael Mitalami..  The master’s class learned Hermeneutics  in their first week and Homiletics in their second week which were all taught by Denton Landon.  

As usual our rotational monthly evangelism program is still going on well here. As a part of it, next Saturday I and other preachers from nearby congregations will be in the Kisongo area helping the church evangelize their community and do a follow up for new converts. As it may be known to many that last July there were great evangelism campaigns done in that area leading more than 70 souls into Christ. So more efforts are still required to mature those souls in Christ.  

Most of the time, whenever I read 2 Cor. 8:1-5 it reminds me of you brothers and sisters in Christ, our supporters.  If you don't know it by heart, look it up and read about saints who sacrificed for the cause of Christ.  Please accept our deep gratitude for all you have done to help us in this great effort in the kingdom of our Lord.  When committed people work together toward a common goal, great things happen and success is inevitable.  We continue to be thankful for the privilege of working in His kingdom; teaching people who really desire to know and obey the Truth.

Your fellow worker in the Kingdom,

Losotwa Michael,
Dean of Academics, Andrew Connally School of Preaching 

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, TZ.  

Posted on August 14, 2018 .

Summer success in Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters,

I'd like to share with you the news about summer months’ work of Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ukraine.

This school year we have 5 new students who want to join our program. Currently we are actively looking for any opportunities to make it happen. Undoubtedly, we need our joined efforts, prayers and faithful brethren who believe in success of our work for God. It's hard to find financial support for this ministry locally. Majority of congregations in Ukraine do not have enough funds to help someone outside of their own congregation. Currently, of all Ukrainian congregations only Kramatorsk Church of Christ financially supports our ministry. I trust God's provision and your help in this matter. If you want to help our Institute and be useful for the Lord's work in Ukraine please contact Terry Harmon, Bear Valley Bible Institute - Ukraine coordinator.

In August our graduates, preachers and teachers had VBS in many locations, in Dnipro, Brovary, Chernovtsy, Kiyv and the Carpathian Mountains. They had baptisms, they had personal studies. A lot of fruitful work was done thanks to their joined efforts. Our Institute has helped so many future preachers to gain knowledge, confidence and some experience during their two years of studies.

At present we are getting ready for our VBS in Bela Tserkva in the end of August. And the new school year will start after it. As usual we start our school year in the beginning of September. This is the traditional time for all educational establishments in Ukraine. The end of the school year is in May. I sent the courses schedule to our Instructions and they are ready to start teaching.

Our second year class will have 6 students. I had to expel two students because of their unchristian actions and attitudes. It seems that they are not sorry about their actions but on the contrary feel angry towards God and the church. I strongly believe that we have to administer disciplinary actions in some cases when sin is evident.

We have reached the final stages in the project of publishing Jim Mettenbrink's book "Commentaries to the book of Isaiah". We are thankful to God that brother Mettenbrink has willingness and funds to help the spiritual growth of Ukrainian Christians.

My family as well as our students send you their greetings. We deeply appreciate our faithful brethren's help with the growth of Churches of Christ in Ukraine.

Your brother and co-worker,

Dennis Sopelnik.

Posted on August 14, 2018 .

Classes resume in Accra

Grace be to the Lord for a successful end of July. We are gratefully kicking and we appreciate all the brethren for their prayers. We also pray that the Lord may grant you abundant strength.


The school resumed on 1st July, 2018 with full class in session. All instructors have been regular to commence their respective courses.


· Effective lessons are in progress for this Third Quarter. On the curriculum includes: The Gospel of John, Life of Christ 2, The Book of Acts, Hermeneutics 2, 1 Corinthians, and Prison Epistles.

· The staff has met to assess the progress of the school and new plans ahead. After the meeting, the director and his instructors met the students to motivate them on their studies and instructed them on their weaknesses.

· The director and the administration have devised a plan to visit all the students’ working places to encourage the churches to effectively support the welfare of their preachers (students) as in pocket money, transportation, etc.

· Also, the administration has deployed one George Osafo, an English Instructor for the regular students which took effect on 13th July, 2018.


Reports from our students, both the regular and mostly the Week End show that much work are done by them, as they teach and preach in various Bible Classes in their congregations and that they visit. Baptism records of Six (6) are reported for July, 2018.

Keep praying with us as we do also in our various prayers.

From the staff at Southern Institute of Biblical Studies (SIBS)

Posted on August 14, 2018 .

The influence of Mission Printing in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Calvary greetings to you all over there in your respective families and in the church family. It is with joy that I convey my report to you hoping that this report meets you in good health. We are here doing what has been entrusted in our hands. We do it with joy and without any fear even though we live in a time of crisis in Cameroon, for we know our God is watching as we cry unto Him daily. Last week we spent all of our mid-week activities going down on our knees praying because our Father is still on the throne.

The Bear Valley Bible Institute of Cameroon Wotutu is on. We still preach every 5 am and our students are still studying hard. God’s work under our care is moving on smoothly. Keep this work in your prayers as we are finalizing the preparing of these men. Soon they will be dispatched into the over ripened field of the Lord to harvest as much as the Lord will draw to Himself. Your prayers are needed.

Our Mission Printing tracts keep going from one town to another and from one village to another. Thierry is our graduate who is doing a lot with the tracts mission. Many desire to read and to ask questions concerning what they read. The responses are positive and we give glory to God.

One good thing with our Mission Printing tracts is that not only do our students, graduates, and other preachers make great use of the tracts in their evangelistic efforts, but our Christians are also using them to preach to their friends and relatives. Even my mother will select some of the tracts to share with her friends and say, “If you have any questions then ask my son who is a preacher.” My mother has never been to school. She could not read and write till now that she has attend our adult literacy classes, but it is still not easy with her. She is telling people what she was taught before she was baptized. I love my mom’s zeal for Christ’s work.

God bless you for trusting us and standing with us to do this work. May God bless your resources and bless you the more.

Share our report with others.

Elangwe and family

By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu 

Posted on August 14, 2018 .

A vast learning experience in Zimbabwe


In the month of July, we continued to add value to the students.  They have now completed their first term. All students appreciated the new knowledge that was imparted to therm. In this report, we give a brief of what transpired in the month.


In July, BVBIZ had her first training in the use of sign language in communication. It follows that every person, no matter his or her status, has a right to be taught the saving Gospel of Jesus. The fact is that the church has lost the deaf to denominations because the has not been any facility for them. BVBIZ seeks to end this. Graduates are going to be the vehicle through which those who are deaf will hear the word of God. By the end of their classes, students were now able to translate into sign language whilst another person was speaking. We hope that they shall have another session later in their studies to perfect the art.


The new class has not yet started going out for evangelism. However, several efforts were done during the term to equip them towards this task. Several practicals were done and shall continue to be done. It is hoped that when they resume next term, evangelism proper shall commence. In terms of leading worship services, students showed great improvement. As of July, most had began to preach, lead in songs and preside on communion according to the terms’s standards. The teachers are satisfied with their progress so far. 


Subjects for the first term of learning were completed successfully. We appreciate the sacrifices made by both teachers and students in ensuring that everything flows smoothly. 

Besides those subjects, students were trained in the following; crop production, drip irrigation technology, poultry production, music and sign language. This is in line with the school’s strategic plan which is geared towards producing highly competent,equipped and competent servants through a robust training and development program.


From the funds received from Healing Hands International, we have started a broiler project.  The first batch of chicks came on the 3rd of July. It had 150. The second batch came on the 20th of July. It had 100 chicks. We also booked for another batch of 150 which we expect on the 3rd of August.  We expect the first batch to be ready for the market around the 13th of August. We remain grateful to Healing hands for the funds and the training the school received through Brother John Dube.  Besides providing the school with extra income, the project will help students with hands on experience in the raising of broilers and as part and parcel of their entrepreneurship skills development.   


Most of our graduates who graduated in June have now started their work in various congregations. Next month, we shall be giving an update on their whereabouts.  To God be the glory!


BVBIZ remains grateful to the hearts that continue to be moved by the work the school is doing. Local brothers and sisters have been trying to support the work both financially and in kind. To this, the school remains grateful and continues to pray for God’s blessings upon all those who part with their resources in order to partner with the school in equipping workers for the ministry.


It was a term with new experiences, both to the students and teachers. Students are now on a well deserved but fruitful break.Their second term shall beging on the 10th of September. We praise God for taking the school this far. In addition, this would not have been possible without your support. Thank you all. To God be the glory!


Mathew Muchingam

Posted on August 14, 2018 .

334 baptisms so far this year in Chimala

Hello broters I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

First of all we thank God the Creator for His mercy, love, and grace. On behalf of CBI team I would like to give the short semester reports as follows :

According to the follow up from the graduates I have made from January until now real they have done great job 253 people have been baptized and 34 restorations . This has come very good and great encouragement to the work you are Supporting here at Chimala mission thanks a lot. 

As a result of weekend evangelism we have 32 baptisms, and 57 restorations; from students reports on their June vocation, we have 30 baptisms and 9 restoration; and from June seminars we have 11 baptisms. At the Gospel Chariot campaigns which we started on Tuesday this week we are at the fourth day today we have 8 baptisms.

This makes the TOTAL RESULTS to be 334 baptisms and 100 restorations.

As a continuation of Gospel Chariot campaigns  next week will be at Kapunga, Mapangala, Kimani,  Ngonga and finally at Border kyela on September 2 the last day ready to go back Malawi. 

We invite your prayers and supports.


Joseph Haonga, Director CBI

Posted on August 1, 2018 .

Continued progress in Zambia


Once again we bring to you greetings from the heart of African Zambia! Our first quarter ended gloriously with two souls (Joseph and Blessings) submitting to the will of God in baptism. Blessings Mudolo has already expressed interest in enrolling and studying at BVBI-Zambia in his quest to know more about the Lord and be faithful in the Lord's Church.

Students have so far easily worked well in teams an indication that they can be team workers with the opportunity given to them here at BVBI-Zambia. They have shown a great spirit of cooperation in all that they have been involved in at the Institute, be it physical or spiritual. Physically, they have been actively working in the small garden at the Institute premises as shown in the pictures below. Spiritually, they have been participating in local church Bible studies and teaching in chapel. We have not unleashed them to evangelize the"world" yet as we want to first prepare them adequately before they start going out in communities. Currently, school is on a two week recess and classes will resume on the 6th August 2018. As we begin the second quarter we believe it is going to be more exciting.

During this short break, regardless most of our students being peasant farmers busy with farm work, we have received good reports of their involvement in the spiritual well-being of their respective congregations. Their good works started even before they went on break. We were so delighted by the teaching of Austin Musonda at Mikomfwa Church of Christ in his sermon “Christian Commitment - let us teach by example how to live in Christ and how to relate to our fellow man.” His teaching resulted in the restoration of three souls. 

BVBI-Z got a real thrill  when she received two leaders from her nearby town (Kitwe) who just came to say, "Thank you for the work you are doing and the impact you are making on the lives of our children." We would like also to thank Brother Donnie Estep who introduced us to World Evangelism in Winona, MS. The tracts which were sent to us from World Evangelism were given to our students which they have been distributing as they teach the Gospel. 

We have our three students from Luapula Province of Zambia which borders with the eastern part of D.R.Congo, report that within this short break, they have set up numerous Bible studies centers from the door knocking campaigns that they have done between July 16-30, 2018. Their activities and reports have been  very interesting and as an Institute  we are planning to go and camp there to evangelize for two days in the month of August; actually we would want to be there for at least four to five days, but due to limited funds for such work we can only manage two days. The church is not quite strong in this part of Zambia, but we believe that with vigorous activities such as these, the church will definitely gain momentum and convert many to Christ there. As an Institute we plan to have one Gospel campaign in this province to help the Church grow.

We are eternally grateful for the partnerships that we have in the Lord and the financial support that we have continued to receive from Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. May God be glorified

In His service,

Cephas and Fred


Posted on July 31, 2018 .

Evangelism in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus, 

Greetings to you all from the students and instructors of BVBIN and SWSE, Ibadan and fellow WBSFUW in South West States of Nigeria and from the Makinde   

OVERVIEW : Reports reaching me from the students who are presently working with the Lord 's church in states across our country, Nigeria. In a month students teaching practice shows that the Lord has been using the students and their host by adding 43 souls and restoration of 26 erring brethren recorded so far. Bro. Joseph Olaleye and Bro. Anana Abasiama Effiong reports three conversions and one restoration each. TO GOD BE THE GLORY AND HONOR! 

SPECIAL ACCOMPLISHMENT: Works continue in putting things in order in the school compound in preparation for our 16th Annual Bible Lectureship and graduation ceremony of August 22-24,2018 at BVBIN AND SWSE, IBADAN, Butubutu village via Badeku /Jago, Ona Ara L. G. A. Oyo State. We were able to replace the broken louvers and mosquito net of Doug Wheeler Event Hall  and our male students dormitory. 

Twenty four (24) students are already enrolled for the diploma courses and sixteen (16) for Advanced BVBI certificate. 

STUDENTS TEACHING PRACTICE :We were able to sent forth our forty two students (42)for a month teaching practice across the country, Nigeria with the support of $250 from our able brother, Bro. Steven Ashcraft and associates by subsidized for the students transportation fare to the venue of their field work. 

CONCLUSION :We are so much appreciative of your partnership and love toward the growth of the Lord's church in Africa and the whole world in general. May the Lord of blessings and mercies continue to bless all you do for His name is our fervent prayers. 

 Our best regards to your family and associates. 

Sincerely His and yours  ......Bro. Makinde Ebens (Director of Studies and Chairman of Administrative Council, BVBIN and SWSE, Ibadan and fellow WBSFUW) 

Posted on July 31, 2018 .

Trying times in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the beautiful Cameroon. I do hope my report finds you well and busy in the things of God. We are here and still under the protection of our God as innocent citizens when it comes to politics. We are still busy even though with some tension and fear while serving our God in different capacities.

The socio-political situation in some parts of our country is killing down God’s work as congregations are scattered and unable to assemble. Economic situations are on a down a lot as well as businesses and farms have been abandoned and homes in safe villages are filling up with extra people. The burden on everyone is great. 

As a preacher, I have encouraged the Wotutu congregation to take this whole week to seek the face of God in prayers. We have suspended some mid-week classes so that we can fast and pray for the situation of our country. I am still having to go to Douala to get good internet to send my report. The internet on the English side is way down. Keep our country in your prayers.

The Bible school students are doing fine in their studies even though some are sick because of the change in climate as we are getting more rains now. God has been so great as to grant us a long delay in the heavy rain falling while many have been homeless in the Northwest and Southwest regions and have been living in the bushes because of this crisis. 


Evangelism is at the top of our agenda and we are working tireless to make sure we reach out to many, nurture congregations, and show the reason for our living to many. We will reach as far and as long as we have the means. Keep our efforts in your prayers.


God who watches all of our actions will be able to reward you and your family for all the priceless sacrifice you make both prayerfully and financially to keep this work going. God bless you. Thank you very much for all you do.

 Elangwe and family 

 By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on July 31, 2018 .

The first graduation in New Zealand

NZ 1.jpg

We made it! Our first school term has closed, and we have honoured three students for their hard work. They have taken 48 courses together. We have seen tremendous growth in them in the past two years. On the 29th of July, we were blessed to have Mark Reynolds from Bear Valley in the USA bring a fantastic sermon on “The Faith of Our Fathers.” We then held graduation at the Porirua church building for our students.

Jay was a banker by trade in 2016. He left his job to study in BVBINZ for two years. Having graduated, he will now work as a full-time evangelist with the church in Porirua.

Daniel was a builder by trade in 2016, and he put his career on hold to study in BVBINZ for two years. Now that he has completed the program, he plans to move to another city in New Zealand where the church could use some help. He will continue his work as a builder while applying his knowledge and skills gained at BVBINZ to the local work.

Dora was a school teacher in 2016. She left her job to study at BVBINZ. Now that she has completed the program, she is going to work full-time as a private Bible teacher, evangelising within the community of Porirua.

You can watch the graduation at this link.

This past month, we welcomed Mark Reynolds as one of our instructors. He did a great job teaching Leadership, and he clearly made a great connection with our students.

On the 4th of July, the Robert Swain family and I visited with the Morningside congregation in Auckland to promote BVBINZ. Robert preached on the value of knowing God’s word in a deep and meaningful way, and I gave some information about the school. Through that effort, we gained a new full-time student. We also provided information of the school to some faithful brethren who will pray for the work.

The new term begins the first of August. We look forward to keeping Joziah as a full-time student. We also will be welcoming at least three new full-time students: Giselis, Anita, and Monique.

Thank you to everyone who makes this work possible. Keep praying.

Lance Mosher, BVBINZ Director

Posted on July 30, 2018 .

Fiji students being challenged academically

Bula from Fiji!

It’s hard to believe that the year is passing so quickly. We have just passed the halfway mark for 2018! At the Bible Institute of Raiwaqa, we have just completed our second term of classes. Our students are now beginning two weeks of short courses next week, which are being taught by Paul Merideth and Rocco Pierce. As soon as short courses are finished, our ten current students will be joining Dad on a campaign to Samoa, where they will be taking part in a workshop centered around the book of Job. Before you know it, we will be starting our final term of the year. Which means that our first graduation is just around the corner (November 3, 2018)! In this report, I will be sharing some news about the last couple of months with the work here in Fiji. As always, your prayers and support for our work are greatly appreciated!

School News

The last eight weeks have been a rush for us at the Bible Institute at Raiwaqa. Our students have participated in what I believe was their hardest term yet. Over the last eight weeks I have taught courses in Old Testament Prophets II (Hosea-Malachi), Expository Preaching, and Greek Grammar I (which focuses on nouns and adjectives). Dad taught courses in Bible GeographyActs, and 1 Corinthians. While the courses were very demanding, I was amazed at how hard all of our students worked. It seems like the more challenging the course, the more the students enjoyed it. Throughout the term, I asked different students which classes they were enjoying the most. The leading answer was Greek, followed by Bible Geography and Expository Preaching. Even though these were the three classes that required the largest amount of homework, they were also the classes that they enjoyed the most – primarily because they covered things that our students had never studied.

I was especially pleased to see how well the Greek course turned out. Learning Greek is never easy. But, in this case, it was made more difficult by the fact that they are learning to translate Greek into English – which is not the first language of any of our students! But, they have all worked so hard at doing it. Some students have really struggled with it (especially all of the memory work it requires), but other students have shown a real talent for it. While we are only able to give our students an introductory level understanding of the language, it is our hope to be able to identify some students who have a talent for learning the language and provide them with additional resources to advance their knowledge of the language in the future. Several of our students will be taking Greek Grammar II (which focuses on verbs) next term, while the other students will be taking a different course that will be taught by Dad. Currently, the plan is for him to teach a course on Rhetoric and Argumentation.

Student Evangelism

The goal of this program has always been to train our students in church leadership, public teaching (preaching and teaching Bible classes), and especially evangelism. We want to not only help them build their own faith, but we also want to teach them how to share that faith with others. One of the most rewarding experiences in teaching is when you see your students applying their knowledge in sharing it with others. Currently, Devan and I worship with the Raiwaqa church of Christ where several of our students attend. Because the Raiwaqa congregation uses a preaching rotation among the men of the congregation, we regularly have the opportunity to hear our students preach. I can truly say it amazes me each time I hear our students speak – to see how much they are learning and growing. While I do not get to hear our students at other congregations preach as often, we have often received reports from members of their congregation speaking about how much their preaching and involvement in the church has improved. We truly have a great group of students in the program.

What is even more exciting than seeing our students preaching  and teaching is seeing them involved in personal evangelism. I mentioned in our last newsletter that the Raiwaqa congregation had recently seen several baptisms as a result of studies with some of our students. In this letter, I would like to highlight the additional works of a couple of our students. Brother Peter Lee has recently begun traveling with his wife, Moira, to the other side of the island to work with the congregation at Ba. They travel up to Ba every two or three weeks to the congregation to help with the work over the weekend before returning home for Peter’s classes. Another student who is heavily involved in personal evangelism is Brother Emosi Sailo. Brother Emosi and his wife, Nancy, have always been evangelistic. Brother Emosi is regularly involved in visiting the homes of people he knows or meets to study the gospel with them. He is also one who travels to other villages and towns from time to time to preach or teach the gospel. These are just two of our students in the program. The truth is, all of our students are heavily involved in teaching and serving their home congregations. In spite of their heavy school load, many of them continue to not only be involved in the work of their local congregations – they are actually taking on more responsibilities within those congregations!


Jason Pierce

Posted on July 30, 2018 .

Students plant & nurture new congregation in Sierra Leone

 Dear Brethren in the vineyard

We hereby send you greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

We are hereby sending you pictures of the new born congregation at Borma community. This is the first chapel planted since the inception of our school in Kenema. Our first service was 40 members after our campaign in this area.

We have assigned students to maintain this congregation since they have no one to pasture them. They are presently meeting under a small hut covered on top of it with grasses as the former house of one of the member is not spacious to contain all of them.

New converts for the congregation were baptized by students during the campaign and added to the congregation.

Bro. Ishmael S. Bangura

Posted on July 30, 2018 .

Campaign success near Accra


We are more grateful to the Lord for the peaceful ending of the month. Also, we ask the Lord and our Saviour to strengthen our supporters for their heartfelt giving and their remembrance in prayer for the progress of the School. God bless you all.

Campaign Activities

As part of the school’s curriculum, two of the students and an instructor went on a survey at an area under consideration, Rock City Church of Christ, Kasoa – Accra. The campaign will be carried out on 4th and ends in 10th June, 2018.   Having completed the campaign, after Sunday worship we had Three (3) men who were immersed to the glory of God.


The Rock City Church of Christ gave a donation of 300.00 for the school for such wonderful work done.

Request for Students regular visit

Having noted the effectiveness and the effort of the students in the scripture, some clarifications were made on some questions boggling the leadership. However, they had requested that the students should visit them so that some lessons could be taught for more clarity and understanding of the scriptures for their spiritual growth. 


In conclusion, the administration and all teaching and non-teaching staff together with the students, say God bless you. Keep praying with us.

God bless you and remember us in your prayer.

Southern Institute of Biblical Studies

Posted on July 30, 2018 .