Masters level courses taught in Ghana


We shall always be thankful to Him for He has made a successful endings. Glory be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for all the wonderful activities He paved for its successions.  


We were grateful to the Lord for the safe arrival of our brother Jerry Bate on Sunday morning, 5th August. On his arrival, he first worshipped with the Teshie Mains Church of Christ, Accra, Brothers Emmanuel Odeng Larbi and Kojo Acquah Beenyi. Emmanuel preaches for this congregation.  

Jerry taught for two weeks in Bear Valley master’s program. The total number of 23 students attended and the courses were Advanced Homiletics and Hermeneutics.

Having completed his lessons for the MBS program, he left for USA on Friday night, 17th August.


Normal classes were completed on the following courses: Hermeneutics 2, The Life of Christ 2, The Gospel of John, The Book of Acts, Communication Skills, ICT and finally, two short courses of “Prison Epistles” prepared and taught by Kojo Acquah Beenyi where as the “First Epistles to the Corinthians” was prepared and taught by bro. Emmanuel Amoo Gyimah.

Thirteen students were present with the exception of bro Steven Gedza who was absent owing to health problems. Thank God he was able to report to school before the end of the term.


Great thanks to the Lord for a heartfelt giving by our brother Jerry Bates, who supported the Master’s program with an amount of GHC 2,100.00 to cater for part of their feeding cost.

We are grateful to what the Lord has done through the hands of the MBS students who donated sound system to aid instructors for the teaching and learning in the classroom and other important gathering. The master’s students donated the equipment to the school for the school’s use and also for evangelism.

The board of the school, staff and the students expressed their profound appreciation to these brethren who made the donation to the glory of God and the progress of the school. We say God richly bless you and restore in abundant what you have produced.


The school is making a regularly visit to the schools’ property (land) as a way to protect it.  Tall pillars are made to mark the boundaries. Wall fence will be made when funds are available.


We are thankful to the Lord for bringing us safely to the graduation and seminar programme and back home. These were accomplished successfully followed by a four (4) day Annual Seminar for Preachers and Leaders on the topic: SACRIFICAL GIVING, which was taught by speakers Toby L. Soechting; David Savage; Steven Ashcraft; Charles King Arthur; and Kenneth Gyan Kesse, Snr.

Also, our students had the opportunity to visit one of the pioneer preachers who by his effort established the church of Christ in Accra, the Nsawam Road Church of Christ. He is in the person of bro Daniel Ampadu Asiamah, whose health status is not permitting him to further his preaching work.

We were glad to see a man whose effort and teaching qualities have been periodically announced national in Ghana. This has been the wishes and expectation of most preachers to see such a hardworking man of God and a role module.

Keep praying with us as we do also in our various and daily prayers.

Posted on September 24, 2018 .