Many activities in Liberia

Dear Brethren,

We bring you greetings from Liberia west Africa to all of you who continue to support the work in this part of the world. Almost approaching the close of the two years prescribed curriculum of the Bear Valley, lots has happen during the month of July 2018.


Since our students are expected to complete their studies and leave Ganta, the administration have gavin them each assignments to go out to all their contacts made through evangelism efforts. During their period of studies here they are to bring back all the addresses of all their prospects and those added to the church through their efforts so that our new group of students can continue to visit and encourage their prospects to continue come to the church. Also, as a group, went out every weekend in July on a house to house Bible studies and got lots of people visiting the campus ministry.


The month of July was a very very busy month for everyone, both the instructors and the students had lots to do towards the end of the two years program. Among what the students had to do included the following:

  1. Group works

  2. Research work

  3. Individual Assignments and presentation

  4. Final examinations ( Practical and theory).

  5. Cleaning the campus etc

The 14 students left have completed all the courses prescribed by Bear Valley and are therefore qualify to be graduated on the 15th of September, 2018.


We made it possible by allowing each of our students to appeared on the radio preaching program to present a lesson or two to the public which in fact, has help to exposed them in public speaking and presentation. The radio program is a live program which give out time to the public listeners to ask questions and make comments to the topic discussed. It has been a great help to our students. If we can have support for our radio preaching program, it will go a long way in helping our out going students and the present ones preach the gospel to many through the airwaves.


Thirty (30) Students are expected to form part of our new class. There where in total forty eight (48) applicants, but after the entrance examination and interviews, we are left with 30 qualified brethren for our next batch of students. Please pray for these men as they start classes on the 17th of September 2018 just two day after the graduation of our old students.


We want to thank all of you so much for supporting the work in Liberia. Without you, this effort would not be possible. May God richly bless you.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on September 6, 2018 .