The newest Bear Valley school


The month of August saw us engaging the students to different congregations.

1. The 18th and 19th saw the first team of four students going to Mufakose area in Harare for evangelism, and they did great work. Eight hours of service was given to the Lord during the two days (Saturday – 10:00 to 16:00 hours; Sunday 14:00 to 16:00 hours); forty-six (46) people were taught and one soul was added to the Lord.

2. On the 25th and 26th, five learners joined the Manyame area preacher in evangelism. The hours of service were from 10:00 to 16:00 hours on Saturday and 14:00 to 16:00 hours of Sunday. Fifty-eight (58) people were reached with the gospel and we thank God three people accepted Jesus as her personal Saviour.

3. In Dzivaresekwa the evangelism program was done on the 25th and 26th. This was a women outreach program in which the target group was the widows and the disadvantaged ladies and women. My wife was leading this group of five. The aim was to give a hand of fellowship and a listening ear to these ladies. Eight (8) families were visited on the day. Please see the attached report which I received from the group.

4. Macheke area was another place which the weekend (25th and 26th) outreach program was held. The ladies, with the help of the local preacher did a good job and we thank God for the efforts. Two ladies managed to give seven (7) hours of service to the Lord. From their report, the outreach took them into eleven households and thirty-four (34) people were blessed with the Word of God, the Good News.


1. On September 22 and 23 we will be going with all the students to Mazowe (about 40km North East of Harare) for an evangelism outreach.

2. As indicated in my last report we would be starting a new class on the 15th of September 2018. We had initially scheduled to start this weekend but due to a clash with Greater Harare men’s workshop and women fellowship we are forced to push our dates to the 15th of September.  We pray for God’s hand in this noble service.


1. The experience brought about by the weekend evangelism is driving the students to be evangelically responsible. The Dzivaresekwa team said this has to be done more often and the Manyame spoke the same words and added that meeting and teaching people stirs up the sense of purpose.

2. Movement from one place to the next was made easier by the availability of cars owned by some of the students. This made the movement from house to house much easier. When the group that was here in Dzivaresekwa enquired from us how we travel during evangelism and home visits, we told them that we foot from house to house. Yes the distance on foot affects the time factor and we get tired too quickly and this limits the quantity and quality of the work done.


We continually give honour and praise to God for His presence among us. The school’s practical approach is already bearing fruits. Many congregations are already appealing for evangelical help from the students.
Thank you for your prayers and your unwavering support.


BVBIZ – HARARE EXTENSION                  

Posted on September 24, 2018 .