A new church plant in Abuja


On the 23rd April 2019, the Director BVBI-A, Alabi Samson and two instructors of BVBI-A, Abiodun Adegoroye and David Akpata, accompanied by Fidelis Daniel (Student Preacher from WNCC, Abeokuta), embarked on an evangelism follow-up trip to Gaku village, directly behind the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, Abuja, to contact a listener of the Radio program 'Let the Bible Speak', Mr Daniel.

On arrival (after a long drive and search for the place), the team met with the man (who is blind) and seven (7) other members of his family (wife and six children). During the interaction, questions were asked about the church of the Bible, baptism and scriptural mode of worship, etc., and answers were given scripturally to the satisfaction and understanding of the prospects. This led to the request to meet (worship) with the family and others on the following Sunday, which was gladly accepted by the team.

On Sunday 28th April 2019, a team comprising of ten (10) members of the church, which includes three (3) students of BVBI-A, worshipped with the family in Gaku village. Abiodun Adegoroye taught a lesson and a student of BVBI-A, Phillip Terhumba preached a sermon in Tiv language, the language of the prospects. The church began quietly with the baptism of five (5) souls after worship in a stream close to the village. The baptized family are part of displaced and dispossessed people in Nasarawa State by cattle herdsmen. According to them, they narrowly escaped with their lives without taking any of their properties out. The gathering had a collection of N13,000.oo (thirteen thousand Naira only. There were eighteen people in worship in Gaku on this memorable day. The reality of the establishment of a congregation in this village later informed the decision to organize an evangelism campaign in the community for the building up of the church and edification of the newly baptized by the BVBI-A and WBS Abuja team, using the BVBI-A students for the outreach program.

Follow-up evangelism and worship continues every Sunday in the month of May and June by students of BVBI-A and instructors of the school in conjunction with members of the nearest local congregation to Gaku.

Details of the evangelism campaign proposal will be communicated in due time, after due consultation with the team members.

Thanks and God bless you.

Alabi Samson

Director, BVBI-A

Posted on May 14, 2019 .

A new class of students in Mbanga, Cameroon

For the greatness of God is upon His chosen ones, a peculiar people. We are happy to be part of this great work going on in Cameroon and in Mbanga in particular. 

 Greetings to the family of God over the seas and oceans, thousands of miles away from my community. I know it has been for so long that our communication process has been suspended due to much commitment accompanied with some family challenges. Never-the-less, our God is great for taking us through these moments of crisis in my family. So long as God is still sitting on the throne, so long as my Lord liveth, my hope is in him for he is the lion in the tribe of Judah.

To begin with this day, it shall be the Church of Christ in Mbanga that sends salutation. The church in Mbanga is rapidly growing in number and in strength. The church is not totally depending on the students any longer to serve during worship as we are growing and nurturing into maturity. As many continue to flee from the crisis in the English speaking part of our country, or look for a place to send their kids to school, our number also keeps on increasing and by so doing, our students study room that we use for worship becomes smaller and smaller and can at times no longer contain all of our worshippers and so there is an overflow outside. The church is really in need of her own building and is pondering about it at church business meetings. Let us stay in prayer.

 My wife and I regret the loss of her mother, sister Ajoke Magrete. She came for the graduation ceremony in Mbanga in March but only the remains were taken back to the Southwest region for burial. God sees and knows everything. I am happy that she died in our hands even though we fought with her illness for close to a month before God finally called her to rest. This is sister Magrete on the photographs. The next is her children, in-laws and grandchildren after the burial.

 My wish is that you commit this family into God’s hands and especially my wife who is still in the village to round up with family discussions. She is in need of plenty of comfort but I had to rush back home to take care of the family, the church, and the school of preaching. Jesus Christ is Lord.

  A DIEU mama. We really love you but God is happy to receive you now.

 The BVBIC-MBANGA also sends greetings 

The old have gone and new have come.

 The men in blue you see are the graduates from the second batch of students and the men in white are the third batch. The students are doing well as they are still on observation, but some of them are already going out for evangelism on weekends to some areas for intervention. I believe this is going to be a great batch. I believe 3 is always great! We are already planning for our first mission work this June. Our mission work will be to Garoua and but mostly to Ngong were brother Mamoudou Estephane, a graduate from the first batch, is the minister.

It was also good to meet up with some graduates in the field and to see their work. I began with Mamoudou and Victor in the North to know how they are faring and to receiver some testimonies of the work from members of their congregation. It was good to have such a great trip. I think that is needed each year even though it was very painful and stressful. 

Thank you so much my beloved in the Lord. We also had about 4 souls added to the church in Mbanga since the coming of the new batch of students.

Thanks for your sincere work in the vine yard

The staff and administration of BVBI-M

Posted on May 14, 2019 .

Good and bad news from Arusha

Arusha 1.jpg

Grace and Peace to you friends. 

This week I have good news and bad news to share with you.  Let's start with the bad news.  We've been praying for rain to help the farm, but we got more than we bargained for!  A cyclone on the southern coast pushed enormous amounts of rain to Arusha.  The school had some flooding and more than 500 of our chickens drowned.  While this is a significant setback for the farm, the team is already hard at work making the best of the situation and figuring out how to recover.

Speaking of recovering, that brings us to the good news.  Our brother, Yusuph Mdaki brings cause for celebration from the Imalamagigo church.  This congregation had previously fallen away.  He writes: 

"Remember, this congregation was the first congregation to be planted at Ushirombo and had more than 120 believers. Many of them backslid because of the two things, first there was no preachers and second, no place for gathering"

Now an ACSOP graduate is ready to work with them, and a Christian has volunteered his home to host the congregation.  They went to the homes of 50 families with the result that 40 families (consisting of 77 people) have been restored!  Let us praise God for this wonderful news, and pray for the future of this congregation.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on May 14, 2019 .

Continued development in Zimbabwe



Preachers are not trained in a day. Several building blocks are needed and are laid carefully till we get a quality and competent product. At the end of every month, we look back and see how far God would have taken us in this endeavor. It is our joy to report on the building blocks that we laid in the month of April.  God’s favour has been upon BVBIZ and to this we remain grateful. He has used several of you to get us this far. Besides the value added to the students, more value has also been added to the institution, Bear Valley Bible Institute Zimbabwe.


Everyone deserves to hear the word of God. BVBIZ takes this seriously. From the 9th to the 17th of April we had the second session of “sign language” training. The first was held last year. BVBIZ students are now conversant with sign language and can now comfortably share the word with the deaf. Great appreciation goes to an anonymous sister who has sponsored this program twice.


BVBIZ was blessed to receive Dorean Flynn  and his team of Partners for Africa. His work is bare for all to see especially within the churches in Bulawayo and Matabeleland provinces. His organization has also drilled boreholes for communities. It is this organization that blessed BVBIZ with her first borehole in February this year. The team visited the institution with 3 seasoned preachers from the U.S.A on the 11th of April and they had quality time with the students who are direct beneficiaries of the borehole they drilled.                  


Evangelism continued in the month of April. This took place at two levels. Students continued to go out for weekend evangelism every Saturday and Sunday. Areas that were covered included Mambo, Mkoba 12, Nashville, Julena, Midlands State University and Kwekwe.

Besides weekend evangelism, there was a one-week campaign that also took place at Mkoba 4, Mhoba 12 and Chikuku in Masvingo. The congregation at Chikuku was started by BVBIZ in 2017 during the school’s first field program. At this year’s campaign, students were joined by Brother Mashaba of the Gospel Chariot. Students were distributed as follows;

Mkoba 4     :           K.Dube, B. Tengulachepa, T.Kamungeremu, M.Phiri

Mkoba 12   :           T.Dube, T.Chikuni, T.Mangwanda, G.Ndoro

Chikuku       :           S. Tsikada, C.Muzambi, V.Gandiwa, B.Tiyani, I.Mupanduki

The following were the results of the work that was done in April

Total Hours of work                        138

Total sermons                                  11

Total song leading opportunities  25

Devotions (homes)                          18

Devotions (clinics & schools)         5

Counselling sessions                        4

Total prospects                                 260

Lessons taught                                  120

WBS Lessons distributed                66

Tracts distributed                            165

Total restorations                            1

Total baptisms                                 10


From the 22nd of June to the 8th of September, BVBIZ students shall be going for their field practicum in different areas. This is over and above weekend evangelism and one week campaigns that are done every term. In the May report, we shall publish the list of areas that shall benefit. The list will also include names of students who will be going to such areas. This is the time when students will have a longer period of putting theory into practice.


The Midlands Gospel meeting took place from the 26th-28th of April at Kwekwe. Midlands is one of the provinces with very few congregations in Zimbabwe. BVBIZ rallied the province and the preachers to rise to the challenge of growing the church. Implementation of some of the resolutions will be reported in the subsequent reports. BVBIZ had several opportunities to lead in various capacities during the services that were being conducted there.


Several developments have taken place this far. Where technical expertise is not needed, students have provided labour. Some of the developments that have been done include;

·         Drilling of 2 boreholes

·         Installation of a solar system and a tank on one of the boreholes

·         Production of a topographical map indicating the site’s bounderies

·         Construction of a room that is used for security purposes and as a store room.

·         Digging of a 9m long and a 3m dip pit for use as a pit latrine (toilet)

In the month of April, a 6m x 4m room was fully constructed. Great appreciation goes to Bear Valley Bible Institute International for providing the funds to construct this room. Another one is under construction using funds raised locally and from savings made. The second room is expected to be complete by the 5th of May. 5 more rooms are needed for BVBIZ to move to this site. Bricks will be molded on site. A solar system will also be needed since there is no electricity in the area.

Besides the construction of buildings above, the following will needs to be done

·         Planting of an orchard (for the provision of food and income to the school).

·         Purchase of beehives for a bee keeping project. The site has a lot of trees which can be used to have this done

·         Construction of fowl runs for poultry projects

·         Preparation for about 2 hectares of land for farming in two stages. Our wish will be to have the first hectare under drip irrigation.  US$2000 is needed to get this done.


Students continued to enhance their skills. After obtaining skills in cabbage production, currently they are working on the raising of tomatoes. The goal is for them to have a source of income as they preach after graduation and furthermore, teach their congregants life survival skills.


BVBIZ is following a 3-year map. This strategic document continues to give strategic direction to the institution. This is a product of the Board, management and other stakeholders. Several efforts being made are in line with this. This month we remind and upraise you, our most esteemed stakeholders, about the existence of the school’s strategic plan. Our desire is for more people and congregations to partner with us in achieving this endeavor. You can always play a part. We include in this report, a small section defining who we are. This is included hereunder.

This plan is intended to ensure that the institution’s core business of training and developing manpower progresses unhindered. The main focus is to direct the institution to become a leading and preferred institution. By 2020, the following should be happening;

·         BVBIZ should produce highly qualified, equipped and competent servants through a robust training and development program.

·         To have an institution with a highly structured program for human capital development that will drive the core business of training and developing servants of God.

·         To have a well-structured resource base that steer the training and development of servants of God.

·         To have an institution with state of the art structures and equipment that will aid the institution to achieve her vision.


To be a leading and preferred spiritual and academic centre in Zimbabwe and beyond


To empower men and women through training and development


Biblical Restoration: We believe in teaching what the Bible teaches and be silent where it is silent

Spirituality: We nurture souls to be Christ centred

Integrity: We believe in integrity and strive always to meet the standard of Christ

Stewardship: We believe in honesty while managing resources under our care

Accountability: We are committed to transparency in the employment of resources

Excellence: We strive for higher academic standards .


Many things are taking place at BVBIZ as we desire to fulfill our core business of training and developing servants of God. This can be seen by some of those activities highlighted above. This could not have been possible without sacrifices being made by the Woodland Oaks congregation and other various partners both local and international. To God be the glory.

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on May 14, 2019 .

Local church helping in Liberia

Dear Brethren,

Sincere greetings to you and appreciation for all you are doing for the Lord in this part of the World. It is my pleasure to be able to share with you these good news from our work here in Liberia, West Africa. I hope you enjoy reading them and be encourage by them.


At the beginning of our first year second quarter activities in March, the staffs and students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Liberia took on two towns that have been calling for the establishment of the church through the Radio program. We went in and stated a house to house evangelism and public preaching for a week. These two campaigns was very successful, being blessed with 43 person obeying the gospel through water baptism. Two new congregations were also started in these two towns with 9 old Christians restored to the church. Our new students are very zealous and I appreciate them so much for their hard work and love for the Lord's work.

Brethren, More campaigns could be done to many communities that have never hear the truth message of God if we can have the financial support to go. If you are interested in saving lost souls for God's kingdom, please partner with us.


After the campaigns week, we are back in school and continuing our usual classroom activities with all 23 students present in school. All our instructors are also in readiness in Preparing our future ministers or preachers. Our focus for this quarter is on the following topics:


Hermeneutic -I( Biblical Interpretations)

The Book of Acts

The Life of Christ- I

The New Testament Church

The Godhead


Since the school supported by you is a way of helping our own people in Africa, especially in Liberia to train men for our congregations here and compliment your wonderful efforts, we are taking the message to our people (local Congregations) to see the need to help the school with whatever they can to help your efforts. One congregation that have understood the message and have started helping the school every first Sunday of a month is the Ganta Church of Christ. They among themselves have decided to bring individually whatever they can on the first Sunday of every month to help the school. We ask that you pray for them and other congregations to follow suit.


We are so very appreciative for each of you as you make it possible for the work here to go on. May God richly bless you for the sacrifices.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on May 14, 2019 .

Nationwide gathering in Zambia

We greet you once again from Luanshya, Zambia! Our prayers are that you and the rest of God’s family there are doing well both in your health and work.

We are also doing well and the work of the Lord is going on very well. We are very glad to report to you that we had a very successful gospel campaign which was held in Lusaka from 19th April, 2019 to 22nd April, 2019. We had a good number of both young and old from different Provinces of Zambia participate in program. The theme for the meeting was “Living the Calling” and each lesson taught emphasized the importance of living out the calling each one has received from the Lord. We also asked three of our former students Clive Kabika, Andrew Mwila and Albert Phiri to accompany as during this evangelistic tour. We were particularly impressed with Albert Phiri who has so far this year baptized two (2) people in his efforts of preaching Christ. We included the trio in our team because we believed that they could be a great encouragement to our current student body as they evangelized. We had a good experience for the work was well done and the students worked together in partnership with brethren from across the country. The meeting served as a reminder to all the youths who were present to be enthusiastic in their Christian living.

Brother Fred Kanangu was among the four keynote speakers who spoke during the meeting. And the lesson that was assigned to him was “Self-Examination”. Brother Cephas Mwamba in his capacity as Dean was asked to make a presentation about the school. In his presentation, Cephas explained the process of application and general entry requirements at BVBI-Zambia. His talk excited both youths and men who asked a lot of questions which he ably handled. At the end of the meeting the following statistics were recorded: Ten (10) souls were added to the Lord's body through water baptism, these were Prosper Kapinga, David Mulenga, Ruth Phiri, Mary Kaniki, Kama Zyu, Sela Nalomba, Stephany Chanda, Agatha Simukonda, Linda Kalebwe and Felix Mpundu. In addition twenty-two (22) peoplewere restored back to the Lord. Most of those who were restored had strayed Pentecostalism and Seventh Day Adventism. On Sunday during the worship assembly attendance we had 1,230 in attendance.

Our students participated immensely in most of the activities of the meeting including leading in singing and small group discussions. They represented the school very well. We will soon make arrangements for our next gospel campaign meeting; such meetings are helping very much on our practical work. We have already received a Macedonian call from Northern Province and we intend to do more on the Copper-belt Province where we are.

We continue to sincerely thank Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for the financial support and indeed their constant prayers for the success of the work here in Zambia. Without these the work of the school here will be very difficult to do and accomplish.  

We love you dearly and may God richly bless you all!

In His Service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on May 13, 2019 .

Exciting lineup of classes in Nigeria

Beloved in Christ Jesus..

Greetings from your fellow brethren in Nigeria, most especially most especially the BVBIN and SWSE Ibadan main campus located in Butubutu Village via Badeku/Jago, Ona-Ara L.G.A Oyo State.

Here are some of the report of our activities in the lord for the month of March 2019.


i.  3RD semester classes continue

ii. Evangelism in Oyo, Osun, Ogun and Ekiti State

iii. Bachelor’s degree program commenced

iv. WBS Seminar in Uyo, Akwa Ibom.


This semester classes begins on March 18 and will be concluded on March 10,2019. A 3 days Mass Evangelism will hold in Odo-Sida area in Ondo town, Ondo State from May 3 through 5, 2019. The instructor for this Semester are: Bro Kayode S Eniafe who is handling OTP(minor) & OT Wisdom-2, Bro. Abiola J. Olusoji handling 1&2 Peter & Jude and Christian Home, Bro Isaac Olaniyan handling LOC 2 and Hebrews,Bro Ojo Olugbenga handling Biblical Eschatological and 2 Corinthian, Bro.Silas Guda handling Bible Geography and Romans, Bro Abraham Idu Yeje handling 1&2 Thessalonian while I, Bro.Makinde is handling NT Church-2(Worship),Preacher's Work & Life and Teach with Success

3.EVANGELISM: Our Students continued in  the evangelisation of cities and villages in Oyo, Osun, Ogun and Ekiti States throughout the weekends in the month of April 2019. We evangelized Gbongudu and Kute-Ibadan, Ikoyi-Osun State, Ajibawo-Ogun State, Adeyemi area-Ondo State and lastly, Igbara-Odo-Ekiti State and the Lord crowned our efforts with five restoration and a convert.

4. BVBIN BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAM. As the Lord would have it, the first two classes in the Bachelor’s degree program came up at Anuoluwapo’s library in BVBIN and SWSE, Ibadan compound between April 1 through 12,2019. Bro Isaac Olaniyan taught the first class on Research Method-1 while I, Bro Makinde took the second class on the Fundamentals of Faith. Sixteen Students registered for the degree program presently, more serving gospel Preachers are expected to join the August 19-30 classes which will feature Bro Isaac Olaniyan and Bro Steven Ashcraft.

5. WBS SEMINAR: The World Bible School Seminar held in Afaha Obio Eno, between April 12-14,2019 resulted into conversion of six souls and hundreds of WBS lessons were shared and One hundred and Fifty copies of VOTI Volume 99 were freely distributed.

6. ABOUT A STUDENT: Ohaebuka Chinonso Philemon is one of our year 2 students. Presently serving as an evangelist of a congregation in Adeyemi Aea of Ondo town in Ondo State. Born to the family of Bro Cletus Ohaebuka in April 1995 at Imo state. His mission is to be one of the competent gospel ministers in Nigeria in the nearest future.

7. OTHER COMMENT: I taught on Life Ordered by God’s will on April 14 and Patient in Suffering on April 28,2019 at Onikokoro/Gbongudu Congregation during the Sunday morning Bible Class . I’m now teaching on Prayer-Our great privilege in our Wednesday Bible Class. I started the class on April  17 and hope to conclude this class on June 2019.

CONCLUSION: We thank you all for your love and partnership, may the Lord continue to bless all our efforts in his vineyard in Jesus Christ name,Amen.

I remain your fellow servant of God, MAKINDE Ebenezer  Olufemi (Director of Studies, BVBIN & SWSE-IBADAN and WBSFUW)

Posted on May 13, 2019 .

More conversions in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea BV Activity Operations Report for March 2019

About half way of the month of March was the close of our first quarter activities for 2019 which were commenced in January at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. During the month the school was involved in both classroom and outdoor activities including a week long gospel campaign all of which were successful even though we had a sudden health emergency case by one student who had fallen off while in class. We have experienced a greater number of conversions so far, 32 souls in all!  Below are the details of the events.

Classroom: To this date of the close of the first quarter of our second year, the Gueckedou School still maintain the 17 students on roll. All of them attended to the courses of the quarter. However, just before the evaluation student Nestor Kamano had fallen off his seat while in class. He was rushed to the central hospital, admitted for treatment and was discharged 5 days later. The rest sat to their evaluation tests and everyone did his best in the category of his study. Another schedule was proposed for brother Kamano to take his exam. So far all is well.

Evangelism: This time round a great effort has been applied by everyone to do his or her part to bring souls to Christ. One of our staff’s effort to convert an elderly woman in a nearby community who was baptized on the 2nd of March along with one young man led us to another older woman who was also baptized within a few days.

After the campaign week some of our students who are helping with the teaching and worship in the new congregation at Dentor also baptized 4 men and 1 woman on 24th and 31st March respectively.

Still further, our evangelical efforts and concerns increased especially by encouraging brother Saa Nestor Millimouno to work with us even though due to illness he had dropped out during the first year classes. We drew him closer because we saw greater potentials and a special gift of motivation in him. In the village of Bilin for example he and one regular student made their first trip to evangelize so that the second trip resulted to 8 conversions on 31st March. Putting all these together means that 15 souls were converted in March as a result of all our efforts in evangelism.

Campaigns: The week of 11th to 17th March was one of interest for our first quarter gospel campaign this year. Among the villages visited last year during our evangelistic trips we had encountered some obstacles in a predominantly Protestant village community called Foidou. We had gone there in the night on schedule, and the village chief, a non-Protestant had allowed us to preach to those who desired to hear us in the community hall. But soon the violent sounds of stone throw on the roof could not allow us to continue. Led in the home of one of the interested men, we did not sill only preach to them, but they in turn encouraged us to take heart, keep strong and to “come back”.

All along on campus from time to time we had discussed the possibility of returning to that village and to do so in the day time. Hence, the areas proposed for this campaign week included the return to Foidou. Therefore after attending to 2 sections of Gueckedou town by 2 different groups on 12th and 13th March, the  14th by 7:15 am 16 of the 17 students plus the staff on board the Directors’ car, the school bike plus 2 other bikes and where in that village by 8 am to broadcast the saving gospel of Christ! Three hours later by 11am that morning 8 responsible men of family heads surrendered to King Jesus and were baptized and that marks the beginning of another congregation. Since then worship services and other week day (Saturday) Bible classes attended by other adults and children are being held regularly.

The 15th to the 17th March were the days scheduled for Botema, a village where we had conversions in the past. There were 3 men on that mission and they too snatched 5 persons from Satan on 16th March.

 In all, 13 souls were converted to Christ during our first quarter campaign week.

Conclusion: We had a successful work in the month of March both in the classroom and out there on the field. Satan tried to obstruct the classes by the abrupt illness of one student, but the Lord came to our rescue and student Kamano has now recovered. On the battle field the struggle for souls led by Captain Jesus was delicate! The fight resulted to the surrender of both men and women in different times and at different fronts to our King, Jesus Christ. So far the month of March has carried the highest score of conversions – 32 persons since the establishment of the institute in 2018. We are thankful to all the leaders and supporters of the Gueckedou Bear Valley School. May God be praised for his grace!


Posted on May 13, 2019 .

A productive break in Malawi

Bear Valley Bible Institute – Ekwendeni

April Report

It has been a good and successful semester.  We started the school here at Ekwendeni the first week of February 2019. So far about 12 courses have been taught, we are thankful to all short-course teachers who sacrificed themselves to come and help us teach the students. In this semester, we have witnessed more than 10 souls being converted to Christ, and many other restored. We are happy to be part of them who love winning souls to Christ. Many thanks to the students; they have proved themselves to be here for a good purpose. Students have been preaching door to door every weekend and this has helped their experience in winning souls grow. Also, some of the students were invited to teach, preach and lead in songs one Sunday at “Katoto Church of Christ” which is one of a big congregation in Mzuzu city. We received a good report from the brethren that the students did a good job and that they will be asking them time to time to go help preach and teach the congregation. As school we are happy to hear this as it is part of our student’s practical work. We also have good reports from the congregations around Ekwendeni that the students are helping in serving on Sundays. We thank God that the school is a blessing to many.

School Plans for one month holiday

As the students are on holiday, we have planned to call some of our former student, to take them for a preaching campaign where the church will be established. This is one way to encourage them and see how they are progressing in their home congregations. The place we are going to start this congregation is called “Emandhloveni” which is to the north west of Ekwendeni about 40km away. This place there’s no Church of Christ, and we hope God will open the hearts of His people to heed to the saving message – the Gospel (Romans 1:16). Pray for us to be successful in this gospel campaign! 

Lastly, we want to thank all who support this work. Because without your support, we would not achieve all of this we are doing. You are the ones doing it, and we are part of you as vessels. God bless your families as this work still needs you to be involved. Your many prayers for this work are recognized, and your love for the lost souls has a greater reward hereafter – Eternal Life. Think Souls!

Yours fellow ambassadors for Christ,

Ephron and Clergynton

Posted on May 13, 2019 .

Peace, for now, in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. We are doing better but still in the ongoing socio-political crisis in English Cameroon. God is watching as His children seek His face daily for help.

Wotutu is relatively calm and farmers and others are busy with their activities without fear, Keep Wotutu and our country in your prayers. Sickness is disturbing many now because of the change in climate as we are getting into the rainy season soon. Cough and catarrh are disturbing many. I am also having it which disturbs my smooth flow of teaching on the pulpit, but we shall make it.

Last week at BVBIC-Wotutu was successful even though we have some lock down days. Teachers from the BVBIC-Wotutu and the Christian schools were transported to and from Wotutu with the van which is highly respected by the military and the separatists. Whenever they see any of the cars with the inscription “church of Christ”, they know that these are people for mission either going for preaching or taking a sick person to the hospital. So, our van has helped many souls who are not members of the church of Christ on lock down days when no car is supposed to move but we can still help rush people to the hospital to save their lives.

The “Homiletics” class is going on well and is helping our students with practical and deep illustrations from the instructor. The students are testifying that the decision they took to be trained is a good one because some men are out there preaching without any formal or informal training and because of that a lot of false teachings have plaque congregations for the past 40 years or so. That is why many now prefer to come and gain knowledge so that they will return and teach the word aright.


In the weeks ahead we shall be in Bota Land village for mass evangelism. The aim is to establish a new congregation. Please pray for our dream to be successful. We take our time to venture into some communities because of the insecurity in Cameroon, but we shall venture into Bota land to rob from the strong man’s house. Bota land is a coastal village.


Thank you so very much for your prayers. Two of our students had hernia surgery last week and they are recovering well. God bless you for all your prayers and support. Keep it up, because without it, we shall not move anywhere.

Elangwe and family

By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 13, 2019 .

Classes in Myanmar

Dear brethren, 

I am so pleased to inform you about our school in Myanmar. We had five weeks classes from March 18 to April 19, and covered five subjects: I Corinthian with Dr. Steve, I&II Peter and Jude with Justin Guin, Christian Evidences with Jerry Bates, the Book of James with Jerry Bates and Personal Evangelism with Jon Lucius. Eight students could come this time. 

Now the students are going out to do practical work, as a team and also individual. Our next class will begin on October 7 and go until November 8 for another five weeks. The subjects and teachers are already scheduled by brother Wayne. 

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for your insight in opening the school here in Myanmar and for financing the work. 

Yours in His service

Philip Van Biak Lian

Posted on April 23, 2019 .

Much good is being accomplished in Kenya

Dear brethren,

This is to share with you what transpires at the Kenya School of Preaching, a branch of BVII. The students went for March holidays and are now back to school. The classes began officially on 15th April, 2019 for 3rd quarter/semester. Charles Ogutu is teaching Old Testament 3, that is Joshua _ Ruth, The Gospel According to Mark and English skills 2. Elias is teaching 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Prison Epistles and 1st and 2nd Thessalonians in short course, with Mike Rowand teaching Leadership in short course.

As to what the Bible students had accomplished during the March holidays is impressing, they being twenty in number, had conducted sixty three (63) Bible classes with prospects and their church members. During their stay at home, they had preached fifty seven (57) sermons both in the local congregations and in Gospel meetings and in Mid-week prayer meetings. They had as well made forty nine (49) evangelistic trips and had attended nine (9) Gospel meetings during their March holidays.

The much good done by the students service at the local congregations had resulted in;  forty two (42) baptisms, twenty six (26) individuals restored back to fellowship and one (1)  local congregation planted.

Local congregations  and preachers still come KSOP to pick boxes of tracts ( Mission Printing Materials) for their own use/reading and for evangelizing their areas. We at the school have got a unique blessing _ pure water by C.R.F. in connection with Hope Water International. Locals now come to fetch pure water and in that way, the  preaching school benefits the community both spiritually and physically.

We are very much thankful for what the Lord has done with the KSOP students, and it is our request that brethren throughout the globe may continue to keep KSOP in their prayers us to remain faithful and that many may be reached with the saving gospel and be edified.

Thanks to all who participate in one way or another in supporting the preaching school.  May you be all blessed,

In His service, Elias.

Posted on April 23, 2019 .

Door to door in New Zealand

Some students and staff from BVBINZ participated in a campaign this past month in Palmerston North. The majority of the work revolved around door-knocking and offering the community personal Bible studies. It’s normal in these campaigns for about a dozen people to say yes to a Bible study, and then most of them tapering off, until the local worker is left with two or three Bible studies.

This campaign was different. Even now, weeks after the campaign ended, Kent O’Donnell is studying with thirteen people originally contacted through the campaign! Because of that, our full-time student, Joziah, has stayed in Palmerston North to help with the studies, where he has been taking his courses with us online.

Lance Mosher

Posted on April 23, 2019 .

Inspiring dedication in Ukraine

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Dear brethren, churches and everyone who is interested in the news from Ukrainian,

Currently our country is electing the President who will be in the office next five years. It's very important for our people. A lot will depend on the person in power. Only two candidates are left for the second round. They are our current President and a professional comedian. Please pray for us, for the future of the Lord's church.

Last month our students had a week of practical evangelism. Most of our students went back to their home congregations and helped their local ministry. I was very impressed by the work of two of our students Lena and Rosa in Slovaynsk. They had Bible lessons for kids in the local boarding school and taught ladies class in the church. Our young men were productive as well. Eljune, our first year student, is very active with teenagers. By the way, he visits his local congregation in the city of Kamenskoe every weekend not wanting to miss the services there. The distance to cover from Bella Tserkva to Kamenskoe is 380 miles one way.  He doesn't own a vehicle so he catches night trains to be back in time for classes. I appreciate his desire to help the congregation where he grew up and was converted.

Vitaly and Ruslan helped their local congregations as well. Vitaly taught classes and helped with the Sunday services in the city of Dnipro.  Taras is still working with children in Skvira. He tries to get our students involved in children's ministry. He has good leadership qualities and I hope he will become a great servant of God.

There are some encouraging news from our student Sergey Omelchenko. The treatment course for his TB is over and now he is allowed to take his meds at home. His kind of TB is not contagious so he is back to the classroom since April, 1.

I'm actively searching for potential students for the next school year. As of now, we have 2 candidates. Last month and in the beginning of this month I visited the congregation in Lviv and two congregations in Kamenskoe. And I have a list of other congregations I am to visit by the end of summer.

This school year we encountered a few situations when our Ukrainian Instructors couldn't come and teach their courses due to their health issues and the notice was very short. Of course, I had to make adjustments in the schedule and a lot of times teach the additional courses myself. It made me think that we need a permanent member of the teaching faculty in Bela Tserkva. As of now, it's only my hope and dream. However, we are working on it. Our local Minister Konstantin Kisilenko joined the Masters' Program so I hope he will be able to teach soon.  He's been helping us a lot over the years interpreting courses of all of our American Instructors. Please join me in prayer for this need.

We are grateful to everyone who actively helps the Ministry of our Bible Institute. Your help is deeply appreciated. It's great to know people who have our back and ready to step in at any moment.

Your brother and co-worker in the Lord's vineyard,

Dennis Sopelnik

Posted on April 23, 2019 .

Souls won in Accra


All courses were successfully taught throughout the first quarter of the year 2019. This is to apprehend that all students were successful in the participation of the courses except Joseph Appiah who missed some of the classes which by the administration, he will not be able to graduate at the end of the year, 2019.

Also, per the administration of the school, both regular and all extended schools have been well informed of their academic performance to buck up and fulfill all the academic requirements of the school pertaining to the award of certificate.


The director of Dobro school (regular class), has made the administration aware that due to the litigation of the first land, the land owners have secured the school with another on at the same area of Papase. The owners have agreed to prepare new indenture and site plan for the school. Currently, the administration has decided to start the project on plan this year.


This is a follow up campaign which was organized by the Nungua Church of Christ, bro Amoo-Gyimah Emmanuel being the preacher, requested the school to join the church to evangelize, a house to house and open air evangelism.

Under assessment, the people were receptive in the word but there were many promises of visiting the church on Sunday and three (3) souls got baptized. The church extends her appreciation to the school authorities for accepting their request for the student’s participation in the activities. Their expression of appreciation is that may the Lord bless you in your effort for an effectiveness and succession of the program.

Hopefully, some of the weekend students in Adoagyiri Church of Christ won two (2) souls whereas Panpanso No.1 Church of Christ won one (1) soul. Two souls were able to be capture but per the report I had from brethren other three got baptized during the campaign and one in the weekly activities.


The staff and all the schools are thankful to the Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ for successful activities this quarter and ask the Lord’s blessings for you.

Keep praying with us.

Posted on April 23, 2019 .

Good news from Arusha!

Grace and Peace to you friends.  The theme of this week's report is finding silver linings!

We start this week with an update from the farm.  Though we've been praying for rain, the unseasonably dry weather has resulted in losing this year's corn crop.  The positive side of that is we have enough corn stored up from previous crops to last us for two years.  The dry weather is driving up the price of corn which puts us in an advantageous position since we have plenty of reserves.  Nevertheless, we continue to pray for the rains!

We continue by expressing our sympathy for Amos Kinasa, the evangelist at the Lulembela church, on the sudden passing of his wife of more than 30 years, Magreth.  Despite the great grief, I appreciate Amos's attitude.  As family and friends gathered to mourn Magreth, the gospel was shared.  In Amos's own words, "I give God thanks because during the time of the event of my wife passed away one believer has come again into the church... and two souls obeyed."  We pray for God's comfort for Amos and his children.

Including these two souls, in recent weeks 6 of the congregations have told me of 14 baptisms and 7 restorations between them.  We praise God for giving the increase!  May He continue to do so.

Till all have heard,

Daniel Gaines
Tanzania Missions

Posted on April 23, 2019 .

A new class of students in Tamale



Glory be to God for the successful operation of yet another two year studies for our beloved brothers who have dedicated themselves to the course of His work in the northern Ghana. We enthusiastically rejoiced with them for the perfect love and grace of God He bestowed on us through His son Jesus to witness yet another completion.

We are at this time want to express our appreciation for your perpetual prayer and support, we cannot reckon or enumerate the indisputable works you have done in Africa, either can we recompense your kind or cash but what we do have is that May God who has dominion over all things remunerate you for your faithfulness.


Our 6th butch of students were able to finish the remaining four courses for their two year studies in school. Brothers Albert Malir treated the book of Revelation in the first week with students, James Legend treated English four with students, Francis Ayine treated 1st & 2nd Thessalonians with students and Adjei Mensah treated marriage and home and all tests and exams conducted respectively. Hence, they have finished their two- year school.


Cleaning up exercise took place on Saturday the 30th March, 2019 and farewell service held on 31st March, 2019. It was a ceremony done to usher them into the world of preaching what they been taught and done during the two years of being in school. The students have since departed and have all reached home safely to carry on with their farming activities alongside the preaching work until the graduation day


Next butch of students being sixth {6th} will have reported to school on 7th of April, 2019 and classes in progress. Over twenty students supposed to have reported for next academic year 2019, but thirteen have reported so far. There are more assurances from most of the students, until one week after reporting we may not be able to give a precise number.


We visited THE lands commission with the coordinator Kojo Beenyi Acquah to check on school / church land documentation process. The document was given to us to send to court for court registration and their seal as part of documentation. We did, sent it back to lands commission, and they assured us that the document would be completed shortly. They however, told us to get the Tax clearance certificate ready.

May the unconditional love of Christ richly dwell among us all now and forever.


We embarked on our first visitation and campaign for students for the incoming academic year in the Upper East, Upper West and some part of the Northern Region on the 4th of March to the 10th  of March, 2019. Our journey was through Bolga, to Navrongo, Sandema, Tumu, to Heing, Wa, Ponyentang, Nyoli, Through to Bole, Damongo, Back to Tamale.

The journey was embarked by James Bisong Legend and Jacob Awintoya, a past student of the school who now preaches for the Sunbrungu congregation in the Upper East Region. It was a very inspiring journey that gave us the opportunity to meet several preachers in these locations above.

I left Tamale around two pm on the 4th (Monday) of March, 2019 to meet Preacher Jacob in Bolga. I arrived at Bolga at exactly 4:12pm. We rested and drew our plan for action.

We had a very busy day on the 5th, Our first call was to Preacher Rodger Ayila, of the Bolga Central, who happens to be a board member for the school. We had a brief meeting with him and he promised to advertise the school to his congregation. We went to Sunbrungu congregation which happens to be Jacob’s local congregation where we interacted with some youth and also booked an appointment to meet them on the following day which is one of their weekly meeting days.

From Sunbrungu, we passed through Navrongo to Sandema where we visited Elijah, one of the passed students of the first butch. We met him with some leaders of the Sandema congregation and had fruitful discussions with them. They took four forms and promised to also persuade some youth who are in the church leadership and have the desire of working for the Lord to take up that responsibility.  They also advised us to make it a point to visit them time to time as other Bible schools have been coming to them; they also urged us to participate in their Bible Camps. Brother Elijah also led us to other congregations around Sandema locality. There are four congregation; Sandema town, Wiaga Central, Farinsa, and Sinisi congregations, with only one trained preacher in the person of Elijah.

From Sandema, we came back to Navrongo where we met the Navrongo preacher, Brother Peter, a health worker. Brother Peter was very zealous to come to the Bible College but, was constrained by his work as a married man with a child. Brother Peter wished for a weekend course even if it’s going to be in Tamale, he could come. It was there some contacts were made to other congregations like, Paga and other places and we had seventeen people who came to meet us and were ready for a weekend course. Since when we left Navrongo, Brother Peter kept calling on us on the possibilities of the weekend course for Navrongo or the Upper East Region. Some six forms were also given to them as we ended our activities for the day. We came back to lodge at Bolga.

On the 6th morning, we visited Tongo congregation as we have informed their preacher, Rockson to prepare to meet us. Brother Rockson also happens to be a product of the school. We met him with some of his leaders and youth and told them our mission and they also welcomed the idea and promised to pass the information to other congregations nearby. They have six congregations around Tongo locality with only Brother Rockson as the only trained preacher. They also took two forms. From Tongo on the same 6th, we contacted Isaac Ayamga from Shirigu and also went back to Sunbrungu in the evening and met with their congregation, where Jacob spoke extensively with them and also encouraged them to take up the opportunity. We had three people who were willing to come but said; the time was very limited for them to prepare themselves in terms of caring for their family whiles in school. However, we gave some four forms to them. We therefore brought our meeting to end and we lodged to Bolgatanga again.

On the 7th of March 2019, the Navrongo brethren called on us to meet them before moving on to Upper West Region as we scheduled to move to Upper West. We met them briefly to have another successful discussion on the possibility of a weekend classes for them. This time, there were brethren from Paga, who also put in their voice. From there, we moved to Tumu straight, which is about 124kilometers, about 77miles, on a very bad road. We stopped at some villages anyway, enquiring of the possibilities of the Church around, to no avail. We got to Tumu late in the evening, where we met Preacher Anthony Antunwini, preacher for Tumu congregation, who is also a Board member of. We passed the night there, where he gave us information about a seminar coming on where the Upper West preachers and leaders were to attend on the 9th of March, 2019. We added that to our program.

We left Tumu on the 8th of March, 2019 for Wa. We got to Wa around 11am. We decided to go to neighboring communities where there are Churches, whiles putting Wa town congregation on a hold because of the leadership seminar coming up on the 9th. We went to the University of Development Studies congregation around Bamaaho, where we met some brothers and had a discussion with them, they had no train preacher. From there, we moved to Ponyentang and had successful discussion with them and they needed four trained preachers, one for them and the rest for other communities around them that they have established congregations. Preacher Albert Akoa Adjei, who happens to be an old preacher around that area, who was part of the meeting. He is the only preacher helping all these churches around that area, They took six forms from us.

 From there, we went to Nyoli and had another successful meeting with them, proceeded to Gyidabor and Kolmasah as well. All these congregations don’t have preachers and promised to encourage young men who have the interest to take up the opportunity. From there, we lodged at Tuna. We had fuel shortage at this stage and called on our able Coordinator (Kojo), who was quick to come in to help us through our administrator (Albert).

On the 9th, our major program went towards the preachers Seminar at Wa. We left Tuna around 5am to go and participate on that program to make good use of it. It was well attended, the Auditorium full to capacity. Two of our board members were present (Preacher Anthony Atunmini and Thomas Donzie). The program started around 8:48am. We were given the opportunity to meet with the preachers at noon around 1pm to discuss our agenda with them. They were happy after our presentation and asked some few questions, which we did answered. 22 forms were taken by some of the preachers who pledged to announce to their congregants. That ended our program for the day.

On the 10th of March, being the first day of the week, we went to worship with the Bole congregation, where preacher Ali is the preacher. We left there around 11:18am, and drove straight to Tamale around 3pm.

Posted on April 23, 2019 .

Exciting News From Cambodia

 From the Directors

Exciting news from Cambodia. Shortly after Wes Autrey and Wayne Burger departed we had two baptisms. Just a few days ago we baptized four more souls into Christ. They are all from Banteay Meanchey Province. This is the hometown of one of our students. The new Christians all studied with our student and Chann (our local preacher in Siem Reap). All four decided to get baptized and drove 100km to be immersed into Christ in Siem Reap! Their names are Pheng (boy), Seoung, Seaiv, Monica (girls). This is a beautiful thing. Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. Please keep them in your prayers.

We are doing good here and are close to the Khmere New Year, so the students are heading to their home towns for the holiday. Our second trimester will officially end on May 3. We have four courses in one trimester. Currently we have been studying about Christian Evidence 2, and Fundamentals of the church 1.

We did have two students recently drop out and we ask for prayers on their behalf so that they will return to a life of following God. We pray that God will open their hearts in order to let them back to study His word.

During this month the students attended a seminar in Phnom Pehn at the Best Center. The main topic was about the Present Decision for the Future Result (How to choose the Right Partner) and it was taught by our very own director Darat Run.

We also had another seminar in the city of Battambang on Leadership where our brother Phanat is working with more bible students and starting a new congregation. It was very uplifting to everyone and we learned some good ideas and concepts.

We are expecting Wes and another group to come visit us in June to teach and begin a girls camp for spiritual maturity in girls. We look forward to that very much. (See Wes’ Report Notes below).

We thank everyone involved with the work in Cambodia as we strive to do God’s will.

IBISR Staff - Darat Run, Piseth Rin, Pros Rok, Vannak Yeng


Excerpts from From Wes Autrey Report - Coordinator

I returned home from a recent stay in Cambodia of about 3 weeks.  I traveled with Wayne Burger, who is a preacher, teacher, evangelist, and everything good in between kind of servant for God, Wayne taught for a week on Hermeneutics.  The new students, staff, members of the church, and a group from Battambang City learned a great deal from Waynes wisdom and teaching skills.

 I stayed a week longer after Wayne returned home and taught a morning class on How We Got The Bible and afternoon class on English.  It is a joy to teach eager minds that want to learn.

Both of our new directors are working hard to make this a better than ever school.  Taking on new responsibilities and learning management skills that they have never performed before.  Both Darat and Piseth are up to the task as we had multiple meetings involving student management, curriculum, money management and staff responsibilities.  Please keep these young men and their families in your prayers as they face many obstacles in leading the school and influencing the lost souls in and around the Siem Reap area

 My next trip will be in June, and I am happy to be traveling with my wife, daughter and mom along with Tyler King. Tyler is a recent Bear Valley Bible Institute graduate and current BV staff member.  He will be teaching class to the men and also be training them how to weld in the evenings.  Tyler is a multi-talented young man who will inspire the students in Cambodia.

Attached are a few photos that speak more than my words. I hope they inspire you to live faithfully until He comes again - so that we may all be His family in Heaven.

God bless all of you and your love for the kingdom of God.

Wes Autrey  - Coordinator Cambodia Bible School

Posted on April 11, 2019 .

Christian Evidences taught in the Philippines

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It was again my joy and honor to teach the outstanding students in Cebu, Philippines. Under the leadership of Director Neil Emperado, this school, and its students, has continued to improve every month. It has been enjoyable to witness the improvement every time I am back.

This month the course was Christian Evidences, and we studied evidences for the existence of God, the reliability of the bible’s Divine inspiration, and proofs to believe the biblical account of the resurrection. Most of the students did very well, with three of them doing better than almost any student ever has. One student went home and immediately began teaching a class study on Christian Evidences for the church where he preaches. That’s what it’s all about!

Keith Kasarjian

Posted on April 10, 2019 .

Tremendous progress in Zimbabwe


March has not been a pleasant month for Zimbabwe due to the devastating effects of Cyclone Idai. This cyclone left a trail of destruction. Over 200 lost their lives. Homes, infrastructure and sources of livelihood were also destroyed. Despite this sad event, the training of students continued at BVBIZ as follows;


BVBZ was blessed to have David Walker from the 12th -28th of March. David comes from Coalmont Church of Christ in Tennessee, U.S.A.  Besides staying with the students, sleeping where they sleep, eating what they eat, walking on foot to and from town, David taught the books of 1 & 2 Corinthians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  Students also benefited from clothes that he made available for themDavid lectured some time back at the School of Biblical Studies in Jos, Nigeria and was happy to interact with some of his former students who are now teachers at BVBIZ.


Evangelism continued in the month of March. Students have continued to visit various areas within Gweru. The places include places around Nashville, Mkoba 12, Mkoba 4, Ascot and MSU. There are congregations within these areas. This is done every Saturday and then on Sunday, the students will meet with the congregation. Some of the students had an opportunity of moving around with David Walker as they spread the Word around Mambo and Ascot.


Due to a number of factors, BVBIZ has been forced to forego its April break.  Students will start their second year first term on the second of April. This has largely been necessitated by the developments taking place at the permanent site and the field practicum that shall commence from mid-June to late August. More visits need to be made at the site and this will be uninterrupted by classes as students will be away during field program serve for the follow-ups that will be done. The following subjects are going to be taught.

Church History

Wisdom Literature 2

Marriage and Family Development

Greek 1

Church Leadership

Advanced Homiletics

Gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John

Christian Spiritual Formation


Cabbages that were planted in December were sold along the month. Though planted on a small area, students were able to benefit from the knowledge they acquired in raising cabbages..  A few cabbages have been left out for the students’ subsistence. Tomatoes have now been planted on the land to replace the sold cabbages.


Many things are happening at BVBIZ especially at the site. The following developments took place in March;

·         A topographical map showing the school’s boundaries has been made.

·         Drilling of a 60metre borehole by Healing Hands International on the 4th of March with a capacity of producing over 10000 litres of water per hour.

·         Installation of a solar pump and its related solar system to pump water into a 5000 litre tank through the efforts of Healing Hands International.

·         A 9 (nine) meter long hole for a pit latrine (commonly referred to as blair toilet in Zimbabwe has been dug). It has a depth of 3 metres. Construction of its walls to be done later if funds are available.

·         A security cabin measuring 3m x 4.5 m made of precast panels has been put up.

·         Materials for the construction of the first structures were in the process of being put together when the month ended. The first structures would allow BVBIZ to relocate to this site.

At the end of this report, are pictures showing some of the above


At BVIBZ, we are very grateful to God who has enabled us to go this far. In March we were amazed by the pace that things were going especially at the school’s site. This could not be possible without the sponsors who have stood in the gap for BVBIZ (Ezekiel 22.30). Thank you for the funds and encouragements we continually receive.

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on April 10, 2019 .