More conversions in Guinea

Gueckedou, Guinea BV Activity Operations Report for March 2019

About half way of the month of March was the close of our first quarter activities for 2019 which were commenced in January at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute. During the month the school was involved in both classroom and outdoor activities including a week long gospel campaign all of which were successful even though we had a sudden health emergency case by one student who had fallen off while in class. We have experienced a greater number of conversions so far, 32 souls in all!  Below are the details of the events.

Classroom: To this date of the close of the first quarter of our second year, the Gueckedou School still maintain the 17 students on roll. All of them attended to the courses of the quarter. However, just before the evaluation student Nestor Kamano had fallen off his seat while in class. He was rushed to the central hospital, admitted for treatment and was discharged 5 days later. The rest sat to their evaluation tests and everyone did his best in the category of his study. Another schedule was proposed for brother Kamano to take his exam. So far all is well.

Evangelism: This time round a great effort has been applied by everyone to do his or her part to bring souls to Christ. One of our staff’s effort to convert an elderly woman in a nearby community who was baptized on the 2nd of March along with one young man led us to another older woman who was also baptized within a few days.

After the campaign week some of our students who are helping with the teaching and worship in the new congregation at Dentor also baptized 4 men and 1 woman on 24th and 31st March respectively.

Still further, our evangelical efforts and concerns increased especially by encouraging brother Saa Nestor Millimouno to work with us even though due to illness he had dropped out during the first year classes. We drew him closer because we saw greater potentials and a special gift of motivation in him. In the village of Bilin for example he and one regular student made their first trip to evangelize so that the second trip resulted to 8 conversions on 31st March. Putting all these together means that 15 souls were converted in March as a result of all our efforts in evangelism.

Campaigns: The week of 11th to 17th March was one of interest for our first quarter gospel campaign this year. Among the villages visited last year during our evangelistic trips we had encountered some obstacles in a predominantly Protestant village community called Foidou. We had gone there in the night on schedule, and the village chief, a non-Protestant had allowed us to preach to those who desired to hear us in the community hall. But soon the violent sounds of stone throw on the roof could not allow us to continue. Led in the home of one of the interested men, we did not sill only preach to them, but they in turn encouraged us to take heart, keep strong and to “come back”.

All along on campus from time to time we had discussed the possibility of returning to that village and to do so in the day time. Hence, the areas proposed for this campaign week included the return to Foidou. Therefore after attending to 2 sections of Gueckedou town by 2 different groups on 12th and 13th March, the  14th by 7:15 am 16 of the 17 students plus the staff on board the Directors’ car, the school bike plus 2 other bikes and where in that village by 8 am to broadcast the saving gospel of Christ! Three hours later by 11am that morning 8 responsible men of family heads surrendered to King Jesus and were baptized and that marks the beginning of another congregation. Since then worship services and other week day (Saturday) Bible classes attended by other adults and children are being held regularly.

The 15th to the 17th March were the days scheduled for Botema, a village where we had conversions in the past. There were 3 men on that mission and they too snatched 5 persons from Satan on 16th March.

 In all, 13 souls were converted to Christ during our first quarter campaign week.

Conclusion: We had a successful work in the month of March both in the classroom and out there on the field. Satan tried to obstruct the classes by the abrupt illness of one student, but the Lord came to our rescue and student Kamano has now recovered. On the battle field the struggle for souls led by Captain Jesus was delicate! The fight resulted to the surrender of both men and women in different times and at different fronts to our King, Jesus Christ. So far the month of March has carried the highest score of conversions – 32 persons since the establishment of the institute in 2018. We are thankful to all the leaders and supporters of the Gueckedou Bear Valley School. May God be praised for his grace!


Posted on May 13, 2019 .