Nationwide gathering in Zambia

We greet you once again from Luanshya, Zambia! Our prayers are that you and the rest of God’s family there are doing well both in your health and work.

We are also doing well and the work of the Lord is going on very well. We are very glad to report to you that we had a very successful gospel campaign which was held in Lusaka from 19th April, 2019 to 22nd April, 2019. We had a good number of both young and old from different Provinces of Zambia participate in program. The theme for the meeting was “Living the Calling” and each lesson taught emphasized the importance of living out the calling each one has received from the Lord. We also asked three of our former students Clive Kabika, Andrew Mwila and Albert Phiri to accompany as during this evangelistic tour. We were particularly impressed with Albert Phiri who has so far this year baptized two (2) people in his efforts of preaching Christ. We included the trio in our team because we believed that they could be a great encouragement to our current student body as they evangelized. We had a good experience for the work was well done and the students worked together in partnership with brethren from across the country. The meeting served as a reminder to all the youths who were present to be enthusiastic in their Christian living.

Brother Fred Kanangu was among the four keynote speakers who spoke during the meeting. And the lesson that was assigned to him was “Self-Examination”. Brother Cephas Mwamba in his capacity as Dean was asked to make a presentation about the school. In his presentation, Cephas explained the process of application and general entry requirements at BVBI-Zambia. His talk excited both youths and men who asked a lot of questions which he ably handled. At the end of the meeting the following statistics were recorded: Ten (10) souls were added to the Lord's body through water baptism, these were Prosper Kapinga, David Mulenga, Ruth Phiri, Mary Kaniki, Kama Zyu, Sela Nalomba, Stephany Chanda, Agatha Simukonda, Linda Kalebwe and Felix Mpundu. In addition twenty-two (22) peoplewere restored back to the Lord. Most of those who were restored had strayed Pentecostalism and Seventh Day Adventism. On Sunday during the worship assembly attendance we had 1,230 in attendance.

Our students participated immensely in most of the activities of the meeting including leading in singing and small group discussions. They represented the school very well. We will soon make arrangements for our next gospel campaign meeting; such meetings are helping very much on our practical work. We have already received a Macedonian call from Northern Province and we intend to do more on the Copper-belt Province where we are.

We continue to sincerely thank Woodland Oaks Church of Christ for the financial support and indeed their constant prayers for the success of the work here in Zambia. Without these the work of the school here will be very difficult to do and accomplish.  

We love you dearly and may God richly bless you all!

In His Service,

Cephas and Fred

Posted on May 13, 2019 .