Souls won in Accra


All courses were successfully taught throughout the first quarter of the year 2019. This is to apprehend that all students were successful in the participation of the courses except Joseph Appiah who missed some of the classes which by the administration, he will not be able to graduate at the end of the year, 2019.

Also, per the administration of the school, both regular and all extended schools have been well informed of their academic performance to buck up and fulfill all the academic requirements of the school pertaining to the award of certificate.


The director of Dobro school (regular class), has made the administration aware that due to the litigation of the first land, the land owners have secured the school with another on at the same area of Papase. The owners have agreed to prepare new indenture and site plan for the school. Currently, the administration has decided to start the project on plan this year.


This is a follow up campaign which was organized by the Nungua Church of Christ, bro Amoo-Gyimah Emmanuel being the preacher, requested the school to join the church to evangelize, a house to house and open air evangelism.

Under assessment, the people were receptive in the word but there were many promises of visiting the church on Sunday and three (3) souls got baptized. The church extends her appreciation to the school authorities for accepting their request for the student’s participation in the activities. Their expression of appreciation is that may the Lord bless you in your effort for an effectiveness and succession of the program.

Hopefully, some of the weekend students in Adoagyiri Church of Christ won two (2) souls whereas Panpanso No.1 Church of Christ won one (1) soul. Two souls were able to be capture but per the report I had from brethren other three got baptized during the campaign and one in the weekly activities.


The staff and all the schools are thankful to the Lord and our Saviour Jesus Christ for successful activities this quarter and ask the Lord’s blessings for you.

Keep praying with us.

Posted on April 23, 2019 .