Local church helping in Liberia

Dear Brethren,

Sincere greetings to you and appreciation for all you are doing for the Lord in this part of the World. It is my pleasure to be able to share with you these good news from our work here in Liberia, West Africa. I hope you enjoy reading them and be encourage by them.


At the beginning of our first year second quarter activities in March, the staffs and students of the Bear Valley Bible Institute Liberia took on two towns that have been calling for the establishment of the church through the Radio program. We went in and stated a house to house evangelism and public preaching for a week. These two campaigns was very successful, being blessed with 43 person obeying the gospel through water baptism. Two new congregations were also started in these two towns with 9 old Christians restored to the church. Our new students are very zealous and I appreciate them so much for their hard work and love for the Lord's work.

Brethren, More campaigns could be done to many communities that have never hear the truth message of God if we can have the financial support to go. If you are interested in saving lost souls for God's kingdom, please partner with us.


After the campaigns week, we are back in school and continuing our usual classroom activities with all 23 students present in school. All our instructors are also in readiness in Preparing our future ministers or preachers. Our focus for this quarter is on the following topics:


Hermeneutic -I( Biblical Interpretations)

The Book of Acts

The Life of Christ- I

The New Testament Church

The Godhead


Since the school supported by you is a way of helping our own people in Africa, especially in Liberia to train men for our congregations here and compliment your wonderful efforts, we are taking the message to our people (local Congregations) to see the need to help the school with whatever they can to help your efforts. One congregation that have understood the message and have started helping the school every first Sunday of a month is the Ganta Church of Christ. They among themselves have decided to bring individually whatever they can on the first Sunday of every month to help the school. We ask that you pray for them and other congregations to follow suit.


We are so very appreciative for each of you as you make it possible for the work here to go on. May God richly bless you for the sacrifices.

In Him,

Robert P. Dahn, Jr.

Director- BVBI-L

Posted on May 14, 2019 .