Peace, for now, in Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. We are doing better but still in the ongoing socio-political crisis in English Cameroon. God is watching as His children seek His face daily for help.

Wotutu is relatively calm and farmers and others are busy with their activities without fear, Keep Wotutu and our country in your prayers. Sickness is disturbing many now because of the change in climate as we are getting into the rainy season soon. Cough and catarrh are disturbing many. I am also having it which disturbs my smooth flow of teaching on the pulpit, but we shall make it.

Last week at BVBIC-Wotutu was successful even though we have some lock down days. Teachers from the BVBIC-Wotutu and the Christian schools were transported to and from Wotutu with the van which is highly respected by the military and the separatists. Whenever they see any of the cars with the inscription “church of Christ”, they know that these are people for mission either going for preaching or taking a sick person to the hospital. So, our van has helped many souls who are not members of the church of Christ on lock down days when no car is supposed to move but we can still help rush people to the hospital to save their lives.

The “Homiletics” class is going on well and is helping our students with practical and deep illustrations from the instructor. The students are testifying that the decision they took to be trained is a good one because some men are out there preaching without any formal or informal training and because of that a lot of false teachings have plaque congregations for the past 40 years or so. That is why many now prefer to come and gain knowledge so that they will return and teach the word aright.


In the weeks ahead we shall be in Bota Land village for mass evangelism. The aim is to establish a new congregation. Please pray for our dream to be successful. We take our time to venture into some communities because of the insecurity in Cameroon, but we shall venture into Bota land to rob from the strong man’s house. Bota land is a coastal village.


Thank you so very much for your prayers. Two of our students had hernia surgery last week and they are recovering well. God bless you for all your prayers and support. Keep it up, because without it, we shall not move anywhere.

Elangwe and family

By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on May 13, 2019 .