Positive transitions in Takoradi

Dear Brethren,

Thank God another opportunity has come for us to report on the school’s activities for the months of October and November, 2018. Sincerely, the recent changes in the school’s administration has been a great challenge to some of us as we would have to quickly learn and adapt to certain situations. This coupled with new recruitment, and continuous classroom work for the part time students, etc. have compelled us to rise to face these challenges in order to succeed and we are grateful and thankful to announce to you that our Lord has given us victory in these situations.


We are happy to inform you that classroom work for the part time students have continued successfully. We also have included in our recent campaigns for Christ to fulfill the practical aspect of the their studies.


The school undertook a campaign for Christ at Abott from 23rd to 26th of October, 2018 to assist in their evangelism. This campaign took the form of evening night street preaching and day time house to house personal evangelism. All our immediate past students and newly recruits were re-called to join in the campaign. Another campaign for Christ was held in Accra to establish a new congregation for one of the immediate past students to preach there.

As stated above the part time students were used in practical evangelism at Mpintsin where brother Joshua preaches. There was another campaign at Essikadu, near Sekondi and Ntranoa, near Elmina and Ensuekyir in Cape Coast. These campaigns and efforts by the instructors resulted in the baptism of twenty six (26) souls.


Three hundred day old chicks (broilers) were ordered and delivered on the 18th of October, 2018. Sales of the birds began early part of this week. We pray we can make good sale out of it to enable us to continue the project. Also the school has eleven (11) local goats which we are rearing.


We continue with the efforts to recruit more of the full time students to begin class when we resume in the first week of January, 2019. We thank you all and continue to ask for your prayers as we also do for you. May God richly bless you al our sponsors to enable us continue with Christ assigned duties.

His servant,


Posted on December 18, 2018 .